Number of People

Chapter 935: Jia Jing who can't be guessed by his own scroll

  Chapter 935 Jia Jing who can't be guessed by his own scroll

   "Yang Kedong has returned to Bozhou?" Zhang Ti took a deep breath, leaned his body on the back of the chair, and his eyes were a little more profound.

   "Go back to the lord, it's been a few days, and we have arranged two people to stay there with two baskets of carrier pigeons, so we can keep in touch at any time." The middle-aged man standing at the bottom replied respectfully.

"Very well, Gu Fang, your uncle is old and no longer has the ambitions of the past. I hope you can take over all his connections and manpower in the Dragon Guard. You can't let Lu Song take over everything, especially In the south, it is our territory, there is no reason to give it up to Lu Song!" Zhang Ti stared at him.

  Gu Fang hesitated for a moment, "My lord, my uncle, I'm afraid..."

"Gu knows his current state of mind. He is timid, looking forward and backward, and the emperor's mind is also uncertain now, hmph..." Zhang Ti stroked the armrest of the chair, and said quietly: "Wealth is in danger, sitting in the house is it right?" Can you wait for the opportunity? Even Gu has the courage, but he doesn't have it?"

  Gu Fang dared not speak.

"Okay, I know about this matter. What Yang Yinglong asked Gu to do for him, Gu did it. In addition, the same sentence, what Gu promised, will not go back on his word. As long as Gu can wait for the position of Great Treasure, he will return to the land after reform." The matter of exile can be discussed and handled by the imperial court and Xuanweisi, and it will not be too harsh,..."

  Zhang Ti’s majestic eyes flashed a flash of light, "Huguang and Sichuan may as well relax a bit, he can satisfy whatever he needs, food, salt, armor, weapons, arrows, all are satisfied..."

"My lord, did the Yang family ask if they could provide a batch of firecrackers?" Gu Fang hesitated, "He said that since Liaodong can provide free support for firecrackers to the Mongols, at least Bozhou is still under the rule of the Great Zhou. Three to five hundred guns shouldn't be a problem, right?"

  Zhang Ti sneered, turned his head to the side, "Mr. Chu, what do you think?"

"No." Chu Qi shook his head resolutely at the side: "Liaodong sent firecrackers to the Chahar people. Over there, although we have some relations, if hundreds of firecrackers flow into Bozhou, it will definitely lead to a thorough investigation by Captain Long, and Mr. Gu can't hide it, but will expose us."

  Zhang Ti nodded, Yang Yinglong could use it, but if he said that relying on it as an arm, or even thought it was a trump card, he would be a bit naive, and he had to rely on himself for everything, Zhang Ti had a very clear understanding of this.

   What's more, the situation has not yet entered the time when I am most looking forward to it, and I have to be cautious about many things. Zhang Ti is not willing to startle the snake at this time.

"In this way, first report back to Bozhou, and say that there are not many firecrackers in Huguang and Sichuan, and they cannot be easily called out for a while, so let them be calm and calm. When the right time is right, he will naturally not be missing. Hundreds of firecrackers It's just guns, and I'll give him two thousand by then!"

Zhang Ti's strategy of delaying the attack won Chu Qi's nod, "Your Majesty, this is a good statement. It can stop Yang Yinglong from acting rashly for the time being and let him wait for our call. Once the Chahar people invade south in September and October, it may be the right time." .”

   "Lindan Batur really has such great ambitions?" Zhang Ti couldn't help taking a breath, "I always feel that a yellow-haired boy under 20 has such courage. I'm afraid there is something weird here."

"My lord, it's nothing more than a tacit understanding with Nurhachi." Chu Qi and Yao Shan smiled, "I went to Uncle Ning Yuan's residence the day before yesterday, and discussed this matter with Uncle Ning Yuan, and Uncle Ning Yuan said, Cha Han ( Chahar) has always been ambitious, thinking that he is a golden family and will rule Mongolia, but the Donglu is now gaining momentum, so Lindanbatur is a little suspicious. This time there must be Nurhachi's means in order to make Lindanbatur You have the ambition to invade the south."

   Zhang Ti was overjoyed and then became worried, "Li Chengliang made it clear, but doesn't that mean that Nurhachi may also fish in troubled waters?"

   "My lord, Ning Yuanbo and I have analyzed that within ten years, the Eastern Captives will not be able to pose a real threat to the Great Zhou. At most, they will be able to benefit from Liaodong, so there is no need to worry too much."

  Zhang Ti nodded, and he also understood the implication of Chu Qi's words. If he can't sit on the position of Great Treasure in ten years, then everything is illusory. Let alone ten years, he may see the result in five years.

  Seeing that Prince Yizhong nodded, Chu Qi continued: "Besides, Donglu's main energy can only be spent outside the customs. It may not be a bad thing for us. At least the two towns of Liaodong and Jizhen are unable to enter the customs, which is beneficial to us."

  Zhang Ti nodded silently, then sighed again, "Mr. Chu, is it possible that I can only go that way?"

   "My lord, we have no advantage in the Northland, inside and outside the capital city, and the Supreme Emperor refuses to support you clearly. Although the situation is still unclear, we must be fully prepared."

  Chu Qi knew that as his master, he always had some fantasies, but he would eventually understand that the capital city was not his home field.

"It is a good thing for Tang Binyin to prepare for going south in advance. There must be no mistakes in Jiangnan. In my opinion, if possible, let Jia Jing also go south. He will stop in Jinling or Yangzhou and do some things first. He and Zhen Yingjia's relationship is irreversible, and Zhen Yingjia can accept him to go to the south of the Yangtze River, so Tang Binyin and Zhen Yingjia can win the hearts of scholars and people on behalf of the prince in the open, and Jia Jing can also make arrangements in secret."

  Zhang Ti hesitated, "Mr. Chu, Captain Long stared at Jia Jing very closely,..."

   "Didn't the lord arrange a substitute for Jia Jing long ago? You can arrange for Jia Jing to fake his death at an appropriate time. After the dead person puts on makeup, it's hard to see the clues. Let's say that he died after taking cinnabar burns..."

Chu Qi knew that Prince Yizhong valued Jia Jing very much, not only because he had always followed the prince, but also because Jia Jing was indeed capable. He once served as Zuo Yude in Zhan Shifu, and later served as a clean official in Jiangxi and Zhejiang. Si Langzhong, the prince was abolished as Prince Yizhong when he was the son of Zhan Shifu, Zhan Shi, and he was also impeached by the Metropolitan Procuratorate for his ineffective assistance to the prince.

   It can be said that if Jia Jing hadn’t become a monk to practice Taoism in order to protect himself, it would not be Wang Zinian’s turn to take charge of the wealth for the prince, but even so, the prince has never forgotten Jia Jing, Chu Qi knows this very well.

Even Chu Qi vaguely knew that the reason why Jia Jing was dismissed from office was largely because Jia Jing repeatedly persuaded the prince to sever relations with that one in the palace, but the prince kept agreeing on the surface but kept breaking up with each other secretly, which resulted in a catastrophe. Although he was abolished as a prince, Jia Jing, a young man, became incapable of doing things.

  Zhang Ti's eyes lit up, this is a good idea.

Jia Jing has been a doctor in the household department for many years. He has many contacts with officials in Zhejiang and Jiangxi. Then Bian can join hands with Zhen Yingjia to integrate the resources in Jiangnan side by side and lay a solid foundation for himself.

  Nodding slightly, Zhang Ti thought about it again, "This matter is feasible, Mr. Chu, I'll let you arrange this matter, be careful, and make sure nothing goes wrong."


  When Feng Ziying arrived in front of the gate of Jia's mansion, before she got out of the car, someone ran out of the gatehouse, rolling and crawling.

Taking a closer look, it was that Zhang Cai. Feng Ziying also knew that Zhang Cai was an equal character in the mansion, but the one in the house was very close to Zhou Rui's family, so he could be regarded as half of the prominent figure among the servants. .

   "Hey, Zhang Cai, what's wrong with being so impatient?"

"Grandpa, you are here, how dare you still sit on the door, a bunch of blind people, why don't you hurry the carriage to the yard for your master?" , half-bowed like a shrimp, followed Feng Ziying who got out of the car step by step, "Sir, should I see the gentlemen first, or go to the garden first?"

One sentence really stopped Feng Ziying. He didn't plan to see Jia and pardon Jia Zheng, but wanted to see the second daughter of Daiyu Baochai. He didn't know how long he could stay in the court, maybe tomorrow So he let himself go back to Yongping Mansion, and there was no time, so he rushed to see Daiyu Baochai first.

  It’s just that Zhang Cai’s question now made him a little embarrassed, and he hesitated for a while before saying, “Are the two masters here?”

   "The elder master is here, but the second master is not."

Feng Ziying breathed a sigh of relief at Zhang Cai's words, as long as Jia Zheng is not here, he pretended to think about it, "Since Uncle Zheng Shi is not here, then I will come to visit the two masters together at another day, and today I will go to the garden first. "

  Zhang Cai nodded repeatedly, and walked in with Feng Ziying, "Second Master Bao..."

  Feng Ziying wished he could kick this guy aside, he only wanted to see the girls, so how could he care about seeing Baoyu? But with a sincere look on his face, it's hard for you to say anything.

"Oh, Baoyu is here?" Feng Ziying asked casually, still thinking about how to respond, and Zhang Cai added: "Not only the second master Bao is here, but the third master Huan is also back today. If you know that the master is coming, you must Will come right away."

It's over, Feng Ziying knows that with Zhang Cai's virtue, as soon as he enters the garden, this guy will definitely rush to Baoyu and Jia Huan to report the letter. The two of them can come over.

Taking a deep breath, Feng Ziying thought for a while and said, "Well, Zhang Cai, go talk to Baoyu and Brother Huan. After a while, I will go to Yihong Courtyard and let the kitchen spend a little more. I will have lunch in Yihong." Red Courtyard eats with Baoyu and Brother Huan, so that we can have a good talk with them two brothers, now I will go into the garden."

   "Okay." Zhang Cai was overjoyed and nodded repeatedly, "Er Bao must be very happy that you can eat at Er Ye Bao's place."

  (end of this chapter)

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