Number of People

Chapter 937: I know that the flowers are more colorful when the scroll is light

  Chapter 937 I know that the flowers are more colorful when the self-written volume is very pale

"Okay, don't care what the name of this book is. I've read this book. Isn't it about a hundred and eight generals in Song Dynasty? Bandits, big rebels." Feng Ziying smiled gently, "So in the end, it will be necessary to correct the evil and return to the righteous, and recruit peace and surrender, otherwise this kind of book will be banned by the imperial court."

"Brother Feng, but this book also writes about officials coercing people to rebel. If it weren't for those corrupt and mediocre officials wantonly oppressing and humiliating the people, how could these people embark on the road of rebellion? Could it be said that the common people can only sit and wait for their death, and let them do whatever they want?" Human slaughter?"

  Lin Daiyu saw that Feng Ziying didn't mind that she had read this book, and she was sure that what she was most afraid of was that Brother Feng would have an opinion about her because of this, but now it seems that Brother Feng still seems to be very interested in this book, and even very familiar with it.

   Daiyu's bright eyes were kind, and she looked at Feng Ziying very seriously, as if she wanted to wait until Feng Ziying came to explain her doubts.

"Well, how should I put it? History is difficult to judge by good or bad, right or wrong. It can only be said that if you move against the current, then there will be no good results. Everyone is in a different environment, so they will have different opinions on a thing. Opinion." Feng Ziying thought to herself, this girl must not be too stubborn, "For example, if at that time Uncle Lin was an official on the East and West Roads of the former Songjing, and there were corrupt officials in the counties and counties below, but Uncle Lin was the inspector. The Yan Yushi can’t control these things, and the locals kill officials and rebel, will they let them go because Uncle Lin is the Yan Yushi? No, then if the younger sister who lost her father because of this, what will they think of these people?”

Feng Ziying looked at Daiyu's dazed look, and said further: "Besides, they killed officials and rebelled, so there are one hundred and eight generals, and there are so many underlings. They have to eat every day. The food, salt, Where did the cloth and all the expenses come from? You can only go out and rob houses. If the merchants resist and the people are unwilling to hand them over, and kill these people, what will their children and family members think?"

   Daiyu's complexion was changing, but Feng Ziying stopped there.

   If we want to extend it further, we need to talk about the decay and decline of feudal society, how to make the proletariat stand up and seize power, that is too far away.

   "Everyone's position determines their position, so what my sister said is not that simple." Feng Ziying concluded.

   "Brother Feng, do you think there is a solution here? Could it be that they can only be forced to go to Liangshan?" Lin Daiyu committed a bit of Wenqing's stubbornness.

   "Well, you mean Lin Chong and Lu Zhishen in the book, right?" Feng Ziying and Lin Daiyu should have finished reading the book a long time ago and are thinking about it again.

This kind of passionate story full of Jianghu atmosphere is indeed very fascinating, especially Lin Daiyu is not ignorant of Jianghu, and even has contact with it. Are you dealing with the forces of the Jianghu?

   Daiyu nodded.

"Well, I think that Lin Chong was forced to such a point because the court system was destroyed at that time. The status of Gao Taiwei is somewhat similar to that of the current Minister of the Ministry of War in our court, but can you imagine that the son of the Minister of the Ministry of War in our court would dare Such an open robbery of civilian women, um, is not considered a civilian woman. Lin Chong is an official at any rate, similar to an official who was born as a Wu Jinshi. The father who is the minister must have been impeached and dismissed by the censors of the Metropolitan Procuratorate long ago."

Seeing what Daiyu wanted to say, Feng Ziying waved her hands, "I know what my sister wants to say, yes, indeed, even in our Great Zhou Dynasty, there were some nasty and ugly sides, such as officials being greedy for money, bending the law for personal gain, But at least the institutional system of the imperial court is sound. If something went wrong, what crime was committed, there are local governments, and the imperial court also has the Metropolitan Procuratorate and Dali Temple. It’s a human problem, and the executor is also under the supervision of the Metropolitan Procuratorate and even Long Banwei,…”

"What I want to tell my sister is that every dynasty and every place can't be perfect, there are hundreds of people, all kinds of people, there are enough warehouses and know etiquette, riches and honors think about lust, hunger and cold give birth to robbery, it is as difficult as a sage. To avoid it, we can only say that we strive to continuously improve it, and that is to be honest, well, if you are poor, you will be good for yourself, and if you are rich, you will benefit the world."

   As soon as Feng Ziying finished speaking, Daiyu looked at Feng Ziying obsessively, "Is what Yasheng wishes, Brother Feng's ambition?"

  The question was too scary to ask, but fortunately there was no one else around, Feng Ziying nodded slightly, "I'm determined to do what I want, I dare not ask for it."

  The admiration in Daiyu's eyes grew stronger.

   After stroking the hair on Daiyu's head, Zijuan hid outside knowingly, and Daiyu slowly snuggled into Feng Ziying's arms, not speaking for a long time.

Feng Ziying also enjoyed this kind of tenderness. The girl's thin body was like a thin willow, ah, she was still a little thinner. While thinking about it, Daiyu suddenly seemed to feel something, and raised her head shyly, "Brother Feng, Is the little girl too skinny?"

"Well, I lost a little weight. My sister still needs to exercise more appropriately and eat more, so as to make her body look healthier." Tou, no need to say more.

  Body bones are not good, and there will be difficulties in pregnancy and childbirth in the future. It is not that Daiyu does not understand this truth. If it is other, Daiyu may not care about it, but on this point, I believe Daiyu will never want future generations.

Especially the pressure brought by Baochai becoming the second wife made Daiyu feel a little nervous, and even Baoqin had to be a concubine like Miaoyu, which made Daiyu feel that this was a bit more than her own .

Then the topic slowly returned to the reason why Feng Ziying came back. Feng Ziying also chose some interesting stories about the various things she experienced in Yongping Mansion. Daiyu was also fascinated by hearing Feng Ziying's attack on Lulong evil gentry. Yu couldn't help holding Feng Ziying's arm again, worried about his lover,...

"No matter what, Brother Feng must be careful about his own safety. It's best to let Third Sister You stay with Brother Feng all the time. Anyway, doesn't she like to dress up as a man?" Daiyu didn't care about Eryou at all, "Especially Brother Feng Third Sister You is also the most convenient for going out. No, I heard Mr. Wu said that there are many disciples of the Yangzhou Qiushui Sword Sect who are suitable for this line of work. We can ask Mr. Wu to recruit more, like the Qiu Qinxin last time. "

  Feng Ziying glanced at Daiyu, "Is my sister going to test Brother Feng?"

   Daiyu smiled sweetly, "Brother Feng is so honorable, even an ordinary woman should not be in the eyes of Brother Feng, my younger sister is not a jealous woman, everything must be done with the safety of Brother Feng in mind."

   "My sister is worrying too much. Actually, it's not that exaggerated. You just need to straighten out these joints, and you will gradually get better." Feng Ziying also felt that Daiyu had changed a lot, and was a little surprised.

In the past, although she was not jealous of women including You Er and You San, it was absolutely impossible to say how much she liked to be close, but now it seems that Daiyu's mood has changed a bit, and she even took the initiative to mention Qiu Shuijian's Qiushui sword sect. piano heart.

   This woman is very beautiful. When she was ordered to protect her in Yangzhou, Daiyu rarely took a good look at her.

   Didn't expect that now Daiyu would take the initiative to mention that Qiu Qinxin would protect her, and even vaguely put Qiu Qinxin in the same position as Third Sister You.

  Is this going to directly ask Qiu Qinxin to be her concubine? Feng Ziying was a little funny, but he didn't have so much energy to think about it.

Knowing that Feng Ziying was going to Baochai's place, Daiyu's expression turned a little pale, until Feng Ziying promised to visit her again before leaving Beijing, Daiyu's mood improved, and she stood on the door and looked at her reluctantly. Feng Ziying disappeared on the Fengyao Bridge.

   "Miss, in fact, Uncle Feng came to us first, which is enough to show the position of the girl in Uncle Feng's heart. He told the girl that he would go to Miss Bao, which also shows that Uncle Feng is kind and sincere,..."

  Zijuan’s consolation made Daiyu pouted, “Zijuan, I know too, but I’m just not happy, just like your favorite thing has been divided in half,…”

Zijuan smiled lightly, "Girl, Uncle Feng is nothing. He can be said to spoil the girl. If the old lady or the old ancestors saw the girl watching this "Legend of the Rich Man in the Jianghu", they would definitely be angry. The second master Bao would not Dare to read this kind of book, but Uncle Feng didn't blame the girl at all, and even explained it to you."


  Feng Ziying's arrival also made Baochai overjoyed, but Baochai was much more able to control her emotions than Daiyu, and even called Baoqin who lived in Qiangwei Courtyard.

This is the first time Feng Ziying saw Baoqin after the relationship was established. When she mentioned that Baoqin was going to marry Baochai together, Feng Ziying was also quite surprised, and even thought it was too abrupt, but later I heard that Baoqin herself was also Willing, to the point where he is both proud and satisfied, so he naturally agreed with the flow.

  Looking at Yingying's second daughter in front of her, Feng Ziying took a deep breath, "Two sisters, please sit down, where's Brother Tad?"

   "I've already been invited." Baochai sat calmly, but Baoqin was a little less lively than before. Perhaps she realized the change of status, which made this girl Feng Ziying admired a little different.

After thinking for a while, Feng Ziying said: "The two younger sisters Baochai and Baoqin are here, so I just want to say something, Brother Yu is very satisfied to marry the two younger sisters, he is sincerely happy, um, the two younger sisters don't need If you have any worries and worries, you will naturally understand if you can marry into the Feng family in the future,..."

  Both Baochai and Baoqin were a little surprised, not knowing what Feng Ziying meant by these words.

"Brother Yu means that I hope that we will meet in the future, um, including the two younger sisters and other younger sisters, as before, and don't be a little more restrained because of being engaged to Brother Yu. Brother Yu doesn't like that. "Feng Ziying looked at the second daughter.

  (end of this chapter)

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