Number of People

Chapter 938: Uncle Zijuan

  Chapter 938 My brother-in-law

   Xue Biao came very quickly, before Feng Ziying even had time to say a few more words with Xue's twin sisters, Xue Biao hurried over.

Seeing that her cousin and younger sister were all there, Xue Biao realized that she had been a little reckless in coming, and it was better to leave some time for the three of them to talk, but Feng Ziying is very tight now, and she doesn't know when she will leave when she returns to Beijing, and This time he came back, there must be many people who wanted to talk to him, and he didn't have many opportunities if he didn't hurry up.

  So Xue Biao didn't care too much.

"Brother Feng, my younger brother has already gone to Denglai, and I feel that the situation there is not very good. My uncle doesn't have much time in Denglai. I went to visit twice but didn't see anyone. One of his staff received me. , feels a bit perfunctory."

   In front of Xue Baochai, Xue Biao was not polite, because the facts were so, he needed to explain the real situation to Feng Ziying, so as not to mislead Feng Ziying about what he thought of him.

   "As I expected, Mr. Wang's mind is on the Denglai Army, and he doesn't bother to ask about the naval fleet, let alone the docks and shipyards that provide auxiliary support for the naval fleet."

  Feng Ziying was a little disappointed with Wang Ziteng's performance, but everyone has their own ambitions. Wang Ziteng may think that having a strong Denglai army will help him maintain his right to speak in the court, but Feng Ziying is not optimistic about this method.

  As long as the right to deploy troops is in the hands of the Ministry of War, there are a hundred ways for the Ministry of War to make you exhausted.

Tens of thousands of Denglai troops are of little significance to the imperial court, and Denglai is far away from the capital. Feng Ziying also wants to get the imperial court. Emperor Yonglong will not let the force in Wang Ziteng's hands approach the capital. Half a month will not work, and if there are real changes in the capital city, where can we wait for ten days? We will see the outcome in three to five days.

  So Feng Ziying didn't quite understand what Wang Ziteng was thinking.

"The progress of the shipyard and wharf construction is not fast. Fortunately, ships do not necessarily have to be built in Denglai. Ships can be purchased from Ningbo, Zhangzhou, and Quanzhou, and they can be sent directly to Denglai. The key is that there is a lack of knowledge about this sea area. As for the crew of the situation, Mr. Shen transferred a lot of former veterans from Fujian to enrich the Denglai Navy fleet, but the younger brother is sitting on the wax."

  Xue Biao also knew that he would encounter many difficulties when he was first involved in maritime trade, but he did not expect that the first difficulty was that he could not find anyone.

Feng Ziying thought for a while, "Brother Tad, I think so, you don't have to rush for success, I understand your thoughts, but for now, what you need is to get used to it first, I will write you a letter, You can go to Ningbo to find the owner of the Dalong Shipyard. He can help you recruit a group of crew members. You can also order ships at the Dalong Shipyard. Don’t be greedy for everything. Build one or two ships first. Choose Ningbo to Dongfan, or Ningbo to Denglai. In addition, Yuguan will be completed and put into use in the second half of the year. By then, goods from Jiangnan can be directly shipped to Yuguan, and iron materials, steel materials, and ironware from Yongping It can also be shipped directly to Jiangnan, Dongfan, or Japan.”

   They are all my brother-in-laws. Of course, Feng Ziying will not favor one person over another. Xue Pan can rely on Daguanlou to live comfortably, but Xue Biao is much more reliable than Xue Pan, and he is also self-motivated. Feng Ziying naturally wants to support him.

  Xue Biao was overjoyed, "Brother Feng, you said you chose Dongfan..."

"Dongfan is currently in charge of reclamation by Anfu merchants. This reclamation will be a long-term process. They will organize a large number of landless refugees from all over the country to go to Dongfan to reclaim wasteland. These refugees will inevitably need a lot of supplies in the early stage of reclaiming wasteland. You can sign a contract with him and be responsible Purchasing and delivering all kinds of materials for it, including transporting personnel for it, I also received a letter from the Anfu Chamber of Commerce in Yongping Prefecture, introducing their progress in Dongfan. In just half a year, they have established a firm foothold in Dongfan. And began to cultivate,..."

The Anfu merchants chose Kaohsiung at the junction of the Chianan Plain and the Pingtung Plain suggested by Feng Ziying as their entry point. This is the area closest to the mainland and also has the best geographical environment. There is Pingtung Plain in the east and Jianan in the north. Plain, and salt merchants also choose to develop salt farms in this area, so that the two sides can cooperate.

Anfu merchants recruited more than 3,000 people to reclaim wasteland in just half a year. Currently, there are about 1,800 people in the Jianan Plain, and about 1,000 people in the Pingtung Plain. It is expected that the population will exceed 8,000 by the end of the year. people.

   Such a speed of relocation made Feng Ziying amazed, so much so that Feng Ziying felt that the Anfu Chamber of Commerce and the group were really good at reclamation organization and were worthy of cooperation.

The progress of the salt field is not slow, and with the vigorous development of the Jianan Plain and Pingtung Plain, the number of immigrants is increasing, and a consumer market will also be formed here. This is also the salt merchant who bought the management right of Dongfan Salt Industry We are happy to see it come true.

"..., Dongfan will develop rapidly in the future. The plains to the west and south are very suitable for rice planting, and there are salt fields, and there are large trees in the mountains that can be felled. Currently, Anfu merchants are choosing a site at the junction of the two plains to open a port. Although it is only a prototype, the future is promising. If you are interested, I can also send a letter to the Anfu Chamber of Commerce. In the future, Yuguan, Ningbo, um, Wannian, Anfu merchants will write to ask me to name their port terminals. I think Yongding my country will never change for thousands of years, so it is simply called Wannian, so Yuguan-Dengzhou-Ningbo-Wannian, this route should be a very valuable route,..."

   Xue Biao listened very carefully.

  He knew that Feng Ziying was paving the way for him.

  Without Feng Ziying's help, would the owner of the shipyard recruit crew and sailors for you?

   Without Feng Ziying's greeting, how could Anfu businessman talk to him?

  Jiangyou merchants have always been in groups, especially Anfu merchants. If it weren't for the friendship that their cousin and brother-in-law had formed with Anfu merchants, how could they pay attention to themselves?

   "Brother Feng, where do you think I should start first?"

Feng Ziying thought for a while, "Denglai or Ningbo buy ships and recruit people. First, contact Anfu merchants to familiarize themselves with this kind of short-distance shipping. When the conditions are ripe, Yuguan and Dengzhou should also have certain conditions. It can be connected."

  Xue Biao nodded, and Feng Ziying said again: "But you can also arrange people in Dengzhou and Yuguan to familiarize themselves with the situation first. Once the conditions are right, you can quickly connect..."

The shipping conditions in Beidi are far from those in Jiangnan, but this is also an opportunity. Whoever can enter this market first and take the lead will be able to occupy an advantageous position in the future competition, especially the position of Yuguan Port. Feng Ziying's status in Yongping Mansion and his relationship with Shanxi merchants can even facilitate Xue Biao to seize the opportunity on this side.

   "Brother Feng, I want to go to Ningbo next month..."

   Xue Biao's words surprised Feng Ziying, "Then your marriage...?"

"I think it's better to come back after Brother Feng, your sister and Baoqin's marriage. The second half of next year is more appropriate." Xue Biao's attitude is firm, "I want to spend a year working hard to see if I can make a way out. Come."

Xue Biao's attitude made Baochai and Baoqin a little worried. There are many uncertainties in the sea voyage, and they have to go to Dongfan, and Dongfan is in the development period. Diseases and public security are issues that need to be considered. And Xue Biao is the only male in the second room of the Xue family, if there is a good or bad,...

Feng Ziying also found it tricky, but she couldn't dampen Xue Biao's enthusiasm. After thinking about it, she said in a serious tone: "Brother Biao, everyone is happy when you do things, but Brother Yu still wants to remind you, you Now you are not just alone, you will get married, you will have a family, you have your mother and sister looking forward to your safe return, you can’t just think about making meritorious deeds, sailing at sea is extremely risky, if you have that kind of thinking, Brother Yu can’t Helping you, this is not only responsible for you, but also responsible for your Xue family,..."

Xue Biao was slightly shocked, and nodded solemnly: "Brother Feng, don't worry, I must be careful, and I will not take risks lightly. I should familiarize myself with the situation first and ensure my own safety. I would rather make less or no money in the early stage. Please ask more knowledgeable people." , the boat would rather cost more and make it stronger and more reliable,..."

  Feng Ziying nodded: "It's good that you understand this,..."

After Xue Biao left, Baoqin got up and gave a little blessing, "Brother Feng, thank you for your advice. My brother was always a little fanatic before, and even wanted to try it himself. My mother and I couldn't persuade him. I always feel that others can do it, so can he, and it is your words that he can listen to,..."

  Feng Ziying knew what Xue Biao was thinking.

The Mei family's resignation gave him a lot of excitement. The decline of the Xue family was the main reason for the Mei family's resignation of Baoqin. Dear, or if you can really gain something in matters such as exploring routes, and then be awarded by the court, then it is the best counterattack to the Mei family.

However, Feng Ziying does not think that it is absolutely unnecessary for the Xue family to take risks to prove the mistakes of the Mei family. It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years. As long as the Xue family is under his support and guidance, it is not difficult for the Xue family to make a fortune with the talents of Xue Biao , which is a matter of time, why bother to take unnecessary risks with your own life?

   If something really happened, wouldn't Bao Qin want to blame herself for the rest of her life?

"Why does my sister need to be so polite? You and I are already a family, and Brother Tiao is equivalent to my younger brother. To be honest, I really don't have a younger brother. It's good to have such a younger brother. I also hope that he will be able to flourish in the future." Jia Menmei." Feng Ziying said in relief: "I will keep in touch with him by letter at any time, and remind him not to take risks."

  Feng Ziying went to Yongping for the first time and was so busy. Baoqin naturally knew that it would be difficult for ordinary people to see each other. Now she promised to write to remind Xue Biao frequently, and Baoqin also felt warm in her heart.

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  (end of this chapter)

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