Number of People

Chapter 946: My character rolls are in chaos

  Chapter 946 My character rolls are in chaos

  Wang Wenyan was a little surprised and shook his head slowly.

"My lord, if the Denglai army goes north, if it is stationed near Ji Town, as the emperor expects, it will be fine if it loses with the Mongols. If Wang Ziteng can keep this army, it will be in danger. As you said , Mr. You has not yet fully controlled the interior of Ji Town, if Li Chengliang's remaining tribes and Magui's remaining tribes are all unified by Wang Ziteng, then it will really become a firefighting."

  Feng Ziying nodded.

  Wang Wenyan obviously saw this too.

  Even if Emperor Yonglong really wanted to weaken the uncontrollable army near Gyeonggi, then it shouldn't be so.

There are tens of thousands of people in the Denglai Army, even if they are just trained as an army, but Wang Ziteng is a veteran general, coupled with his prestige in the army, the soul of the general, this army should not be underestimated, it is enough to make people fearful up.

If he is allowed to go to Ji Town again, I am afraid that Li Chengliang and Ma Guiyu, who have always been dissatisfied with his father and You Shigong, will join Wang Ziteng's command. In front of Yingjiedushi and Governor Xuanda, his prestige was nothing to worry about. In addition, Wang Ziteng was also from a martial arts background, and there were many connections in the army. Who could hold him back?

  Even his father is not as prestigious as Prince Teng, let alone You Shigong.

   At that time, Wang Ziteng will find all kinds of reasons to stay near Ji Town. Today the army mutinies, tomorrow the soldiers will pay, and the next day the Chahar people invade the border again. What will the court do?

  Once something happened in the middle of the capital, this army suddenly rushed over, and the Xuanfu army in the northwest was in the hands of Niu Jizong. Could it be that the emperor really planned to hand over the throne to Prince Yizhong?

   "I said Brother You doesn't seem to be very anxious about the Mongols' invasion to the south. I wonder if he wants to use the Mongols to clean the inside of Ji Town?" Feng Ziying sighed.

   This is not the best way, but it is the most effective and safest way.

Now Li Chengliang and Magui's party members are very powerful in Jizhen. In order to firmly control Liaodong Town, Dad used his power as Governor of Jiliao to constantly rotate and adjust the troops of Liaodong and Jizhen. Li Chengliang's die-hard direct descendants gradually switched to Jizhen's side.

   Now Liaodong Town has become more powerful and united as one, but Jizhen has its own Magui tribes who are not convinced by You Shigong. Now that Li Chengliang's gangsters are here again, it is even more like a mess.

   This also gave You Shigong quite a headache.

  Feng Ziying estimated that her father should have communicated with You Shigong, and the invasion of the Mongolian left-wing tribes to the south was an excellent opportunity to clean up.

   "If it wasn't the Denglai Army, where else would it be?" Feng Ziying asked lightly.

   "Beijing camp?!" Wang Wenyan and Feng Ziying's gazes met in the air, and the two words came out between teeth.

  Feng Ziying took a deep breath. If it is as expected, it should be that Emperor Yonglong is about to take action against the serious trouble of the Beijing camp.

After suffering for so many years and deliberately indulged the Beijing camp for so many years, the Beijing camp is actually a bit misnamed, but no matter how misnamed, so many people are stationed in the capital city, and it is also the only regular army in the capital city. Whether it is the Warriors' Battalion or not, there is no comparison at all. As long as this army is not in the hands of the Emperor, he will never be able to rest in peace.


  East study room, Emperor Yonglong closed his eyes and meditated until Lu Song came in.

   "Your Majesty, Yang Kedong has indeed fled back to Bozhou, and he has already shown up. The news has been passed to the Ministry of War and the cabinet. It is estimated that Master Zhang and the cabinet members have already known about it."

   "Well, I see." Emperor Yonglong's face was not very good-looking.

  Yang Kedong's disappearance and escape was not what Emperor Yonglong wanted. Once the southwest rebellion would affect the court, he himself could not predict how much it would affect the court.

But he also knows that there will be chaos in the Southwest sooner or later. This will not change because of whether Yang Kedong is in the court. Valuable.

   "Lu Song, when do you think there will be riots in the southwest?" Emperor Yonglong asked after a long time.

"This minister dare not speak nonsense..." Seeing the emperor's displeasure, Lu Song frowned again and said, "But it will not be later than October. July and August are the rainy season in the southwest. There is often heavy rain and the roads are not smooth. Neither the soldiers nor the officers and soldiers can adapt, but the southwestern winter is wet and cold, but the soldiers can adapt, but the officers and soldiers may..."

   "October." Emperor Yonglong let out a long breath, "What a coincidence?"

   "The emperor means...?" Lu Song hesitated.

"Lindan Batur of the Chahar Department also intends to invite the Inner and Outer Khalkhas to invade the south, probably in September and October, what about the Eastern Captives?" Emperor Yonglong dropped the paperweight in his hand, stood up, and held his hands behind his back. Walking around in the study, "Why did the Great Zhou Dynasty have so many disasters? Even if I want to calm down, it seems difficult to do so."

"Your Majesty, don't worry too much. The Mongols are just a gust of wind, which may cause some losses, but they are untenable in the pass. As long as they hold on to the Shuntian Mansion, they can survive for a month or two." Lu Songkuan explained to the other party, "According to my understanding, the situation in Liaodong Town is still stable. Master Feng is trying his best to build a new army of firecrackers, which is gradually taking shape. I think that in the future, Donglu may not be able to take advantage of Liaodong Town. As long as Liaodong If you don’t lose it, there will be no serious problems in the pass.”

   "Is there any problem in the southwest?" Emperor Yonglong smiled and glanced at the other party.

"Even if Yang Yinglong can start a rebellion, it only disturbs the southwestern land. You only need to seal off Huguang and try to figure it out slowly, and you can win it back." Lu Song pondered, "Your Majesty, you can ask the ministers in the cabinet. A clearer judgment."

  Lu Song realized that the emperor's distrust of the cabinet was becoming more and more dangerous, especially when the emperor was not in good health, and if he had to do everything himself too much, it would definitely make the emperor's health worse.

  Emperor Yonglong heard the meaning hidden in his confidant's words, sighed, and did not speak.


  Feng Ziying had just returned home, before she had time to sit down and take a sip of water, Wang Yingxiong hurried over, and Zheng Chongjian was with him.

  Wang Yingxiong and Zheng Chongjian were both appointed as the seventh-rank deputy directors of the Ministry of War, while Yang Sichang, who was in the same department, was the fifth-rank member of the Ministry of War.

From this alone, it can be seen that the difference between a first-class Jinshi and an editor of the Hanlin Academy and an ordinary top three Jinshi, after three years, there is a difference of three levels, and Yang Sichang is the most powerful member of the Ministry of War. Uiro, the disparity is not insignificant.

   "What's the matter?" Seeing that Wang Yingxiong and Zheng Chongjian looked a little serious, Feng Ziying had already guessed the inside story, but she still joked with the two, "You know I'm back, are you going to have a fight?"

"Okay, Ziying, what time is it now, do you still have the heart to say this?" Wang Yingxiong said angrily: "Yang Kedong has fled back to Bozhou, and he has appeared openly. Captain Long got the news. While discussing this matter, Lord Zhang and Lord Chai have gone, and they will probably come back soon to discuss in detail, so Dazhang and I couldn’t sit still so we came here to ask you for an explanation.”

   "Ziying, you started the layout a year or two ago, and you have already expected it in Banzhou, right?"

  Zheng Chongjian couldn't imagine how his classmate had such a keen sense of smell, or insight into the situation.

  He predicted the Ningxia rebellion half a year in advance, and now that the chaos in the Southwest is looming, he actually discussed it with Wang Yingxiong a year or two in advance.

Before, I thought that Wang Yingxiong and Feng Ziying were a little alarmist, but after checking the news from Sichuan from the Ministry of Household Affairs, I learned that the food prices in Chongqing, Shunqing, and Xuzhou, which are the closest to Bozhou, have risen steadily this year. , Zheng Chongjian felt that this rebellion was probably inevitable.

"I can't say that I expected it, but I just think that sooner or later the war of exiles will have a flashpoint. Looking at the southwest, who else can start a rebellion? Yang Yinglong is probably the most likely, otherwise how could the court take Yang Kedong as a hostage? "Feng Ziying sneered, "In my opinion, the imperial court lacked self-confidence, and it's not two countries. My son, isn't this fueling Yang Yinglong's arrogance? She Chongming, the governor of Yongning next to him, is probably also a dormant poisonous snake, not necessarily much better than Yang Yinglong,..."

Hearing Feng Ziying's words, Zheng Chongjian's head grew dizzy, "Ziying, can't you? He also said that if Yang Yinglong really wants to rebel, in addition to sending troops from the Sichuan capital, Yongning Xuanwei Si soldiers can also come in handy. According to what you said, aren't these propaganda and comfort divisions all dangerous?"

"That's not necessarily true. There are definitely risks in places where the disputes between the chieftains are more intense, but some places that are good at handling relationships are not necessarily irreconcilable. What's more, if someone really rebels, it is also for these chieftains. An opportunity to make contributions to the country." Feng Ziying remembers that in her previous life, the white-armed soldiers were from the Southwest chieftains, and Zheng Chongjian and Wang Yingxiong, who were born in Fangsi, should know it well.

"If the turmoil in the southwest is also in autumn, and there are Chahar people in the north, wouldn't Dazhou be in danger?" Wang Yingxiong clapped his fists and couldn't help asking: "Ziying, you are in Yongping, and you are about to face the enemy?" For the people of Chahar, if there is also chaos in the southwest, how will the imperial court deal with it?"

   "When the soldiers come, they will block the water and cover the earth, and they must face it." Feng Ziying stood up, "Both sides must not be negligent, but I think the Southwest side is probably the most important."

   "What?" Both Zheng Chongjian and Wang Yingxiong were puzzled. They were worried that the imperial court would pay too much attention to the Mongolian tribes' invasion of the south and would delay the response to the southwest. Unexpectedly, Feng Ziying felt that the chaos in the southwest should be taken seriously.

  (end of this chapter)

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