Number of People

Chapter 947: Zizijuan eats food from Yongping Mansion and works on the affairs of the Ministry of W

  Chapter 947 Self-written scrolls eat food from Yongping Mansion and do business with the Ministry of War

  Feng Ziying didn't bother to explain more to Zheng Chongjian and Wang Yingxiong, and got up straight away, "Let's go to the office of the Ministry of War together, and listen to Master Zhang and Master Chai's thoughts by the way."

Feng Ziying said it so casually, as if he completely forgot that he is neither observing politics in the Ministry of War, nor compiling in the Imperial Academy, but a co-prefect of the Yongping Mansion. Nian predicted that there would be a rebellion in the southwest, and it was named Bozhou, which was enough to make Feng Ziying eligible to participate in this military meeting of the Ministry of War.

   "Brother Chucai is there?" Feng Ziying asked Baoxiang to lead the horse while walking outside.

   "Yes." Zheng Chongjian hesitated for a moment, "But it seems that Master Zhang and Master Chai intend to let Brother Chucai go out."

The brother Chucai mentioned by the two is Geng Ruqi, who was in charge of the Military Affairs Department at that time. He is also a native of Feng Ziying, and has a close relationship with Feng Ziying. In Ningxia's anti-insurgency campaign, he followed Chai Ke all the time and performed well, so he gained the trust of Zhang Jingqiu and Chai Ke.

   "Outside?" Feng Ziying was taken aback. How could a talent like Geng Ruqi be released outside? But after thinking about it, I'm afraid there is only one way to go outside.

  Geng Ruqi is now Yuanwailang from the fifth rank, and he will rise up in the Ministry of War, and he will be the fourth division doctor of the Ministry of War and the left and right servants.

At present, the fourth division of the Ministry of War is full of doctors. For example, the doctor of Zhifang is the famous Yuan Keli, and the doctor of Wuxuan Qingli is Sun Chengzong, who is also very popular. The two were promoted, otherwise it would be impossible for a rookie like Geng Ruqi to succeed them.

  As for the servants, they are all of the third rank, which is too far from the fifth rank, and there is no chance at all.

  Only external release can make Geng Ruqi, who has been almost three years old, quickly enter the fifth rank from the fifth rank. For example, like Feng Ziying, as a magistrate of a certain government, he can enter the fourth rank in three years.

  If there is a special meritorious performance, it is not impossible to break the rules and be promoted to two levels and three levels, so the chances are much greater.

This means that there are people in the court who are good at being an official. As long as you are appreciated by a certain boss, the boss will naturally arrange a suitable place for you. Of course, you have to make convincing achievements in the position arranged for you by the boss. .

"It seems that Master Zhang and Master Chai are well prepared." Feng Ziying nodded thoughtfully. If there is no accident, Zhang Jingqiu and Chai Ke must be planning to arrange Geng Ruqi to a state capital near Beizhili. .

   "What preparation?" Wang Yingxiong and Zheng Chongjian haven't figured it out yet.

  Feng Ziying shook her head, didn't say much, and flew on the horse, "Let's go."

Zhang Jingqiu and Chai Ke can also be regarded as practical people. Talents like Geng Ruqi who have performed well in the Ministry of War consciously cultivated them in advance to prepare for future successors in the Ministry of War. I don’t know how Yang Sichang performed in the Ministry of War. Zhang Jingqiu and Chai What's your impression of it.

A group of three rode horses and galloped back to the Bingbu office in Xiaoyongfang. Before they got close, they could see a lot of horses, carriages and sedan chairs outside the Bingbu office. It was already dark at this time, but the lanterns outside the office were early. It's already lit up, and it looks extraordinarily lively.

   As soon as Zheng Chongjian and Wang Yingxiong entered the door, they heard Geng Ruqi's voice: "Where did you two go? The doctor is already asking."

   "Brother Chucai!" Feng Ziying was very happy to see Geng Ruqi, and hurried forward.

   "Hey, Ziying, you're here too? Just now, Mr. Chai just came back, and he was saying that you had returned to Beijing, and he was looking for someone to call you to ask about the situation." Geng Ruqi was overjoyed.

   "Hehe, I came here uninvited. Master Zhang and Master Chai won't have any objections, right?" Feng Ziying stepped forward to greet Geng Ruqi.

"It's too late to welcome, how could there be any objection?" Geng Ruqi was quite moved, "I heard that you predicted that Yang Yinglong would cause chaos more than a year ago, but I didn't expect Yang Kedong to escape. Long Jinwei and the gang of trash are so vain. Everyone stared at one person, and after they disappeared, dozens of people were dispatched to search for them, but nothing was found, and they didn't even understand how Yang Kedong disappeared from under their noses."

"Brother Chu Cai, Yang Kedong is actually not important, but his escape is indeed a sign that Yang Yinglong is about to attack, but brother Chu Cai, have you ever thought about what Yang Yinglong is relying on? Why did you choose this time, neither last year nor next year?" ?”

  Geng Ruqi focused his eyes, "You also suspect that it has something to do with the Chahar people?"

"I don't think the Chahar people should have such deep considerations. Lindan Batur is only eighteen years old. He has only been in power for a few years, and his thoughts are not so thorough. Last year, he was still helping Liaodong to threaten the Eastern captives. How could he think of making a deal with him?" Yang Yinglong teamed up?" Feng Ziying shook her head, but her worried eyes were even more serious, "My little brother is worried that Donglu might be the one who got involved. If it is, then it will be really troublesome."

  Geng Ruqi also had a serious expression on his face.

If Feng Ziying's prediction is true, then this means that the Jianzhou Jurchen, the Mongolian right wing headed by the Chahar people, and the Banzhou Xuanweisi have established a united front, at least they have some kind of tacit understanding, and they may cooperate Launched an attack on Da Zhou.

Thinking of this, Geng Ruqi wanted to pull Feng Ziying over, "Come on, Ziying, go to see Mrs. Chai, there will be a military discussion later, mainly to discuss some situations that may arise in the current and even the second half of the year, and what should be done. How to deal with it, what preparations should be made in advance,…”

   At this time, Feng Ziying did not refuse, nodded, and followed Geng Ruqi in.

  Zheng Chongjian and Wang Yingxiong had already gone in, and the doctor ordered him to go to Yingmao immediately.

  As expected, Chai Ke was also very happy to see Feng Ziying coming, so he dragged him to meet Zhang Jingqiu.

  Zhang Jingqiu’s complexion was not very good, but when he saw Feng Ziying, he still said a few words in a pleasant manner, telling the Ministry of War for a while, Feng Ziying made an exception to participate in the military meeting, and asked Feng Ziying to raise some of his own opinions.

It was the first time for Feng Ziying to participate in such a large-scale military meeting. In addition to Zhang Jingqiu and Chai Ke, Lang Zhong of the Fourth Division of the Ministry of War, some members of the Wuxuan Qingli Division and the Zhifang Qingli Division, the chief and deputy chiefs all participated. .

   "Ziying, let's get acquainted. This is Mr. Sun Zhongsun, the official minister of Wuxuan Qing Dynasty. He and his commander Qi Ge are old people from the countryside." Chai Ke dragged Feng Ziying into the meeting hall.

There are already many people in the    hall, including Zheng Chongjian, Wang Yingxiong and Yang Sichang.

  Feng Ziying's eyes fell on this man with red face and thick beard. This is Sun Chengzong, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty in the previous life, a generation of war god? "Feng Keng met Master Sun."

   "Your Majesty Feng, you are welcome. I have also heard about Xiao Feng's famous name for a long time. I have never met him. Today is my wish." Sun Chengzong is bold and tenacious, and many people admire him, but there are also many people who are dissatisfied with him.

   "Okay, Zhisheng, there will be opportunities in the future." Chai Ke waved his hand, "Ziying, this is Mr. Yuan Zhong, the secretary of the staff."

  Yuan Keli was another well-known general in the Ming Dynasty in his previous life. Feng Ziying did not dare to neglect, so he was also a salute.

"Hehe, Yuan has heard about Xiao Feng's name for as long as Zhisheng, and brother Zishu often admires Ziying's talent, so I told brother Zishu that we should keep Ziying in our military department. How can we do that?" Put it down to waste time?" Yuan Keli has a straight and upright temper, and his voice is also very metallic, sonorous and powerful.

"How can Ziying be worthy of Master Chai's love? But Ziying doesn't think it is a waste in the local area. When Li Qinggong was an official in Suzhou, he was famous for his virtuousness. Ziying was not talented, so he wanted to emulate him... "

  Feng Ziying's words made Yuan Keli laugh out loud, stroking his beard and shaking his head.

   Meanwhile, Sun Chengzong couldn't help raising his eyebrows. No wonder this little Feng Xiuzhuan can stand out. It's not just his political skills.

  He expressed his attitude calmly, and even praised Yuan Keli a lot. People like Yuan Keli who are not easy to deal with can't help but smile.

  Chai Ke also smiled, why didn't he want to keep Feng Ziying? But Feng Ziying was too popular at that time, which had already aroused the dissatisfaction of the scholars in the north. It was a wise move to go out of Beijing to avoid the limelight.

And now it seems that this guy has turned upside down in Yongping Mansion, which also shows his ambition. Chai Ke can even vaguely feel that Feng Ziying seems to be cooperating with Ji Liao's actions, but as the left servant of the Ministry of War, he is happy to see It's done.

"Okay, Zhisheng, Li Qing, Mr. Zhang will be here soon. At noon, Mr. Zhang and the cabinet ministers had a discussion on the situation of the Mongolian left wing and the southwest military. They agreed that the current situation is serious and needs to be dealt with seriously. The Ministry of War must immediately Come up with an overall study and analysis of the entire Great Week, including but not limited to the situation outside the customs and in the southwest. In addition to the overall situation, there must also be a detailed explanation for each piece, and then the overall and branch response strategies. This strategy It will be taken out the day after tomorrow at the latest, maybe everyone will have to work harder these few days,..."

Chai Ke looked around, "Ziying was invited by me. You may be a little surprised, but Li Qing, Chu Cai, and the people in the military department may know a thing or two. Four years ago, that is, the Ningxia rebellion Six months ago, Ziying talked to me and Chucai about the situation in Ningxia, thinking that if the town of Ningxia did not make fundamental adjustments and supplements in terms of personnel and food and salaries, there would definitely be troubles. He also specifically pointed out the relationship between foreign generals and Han generals I thought it would be the focus of the outbreak, the conflict between the generals and the sergeants below, and half a year later, everyone knew,..."

"This time Yang Kedong defected in Southwest China, and the situation in Bozhou has deteriorated sharply. Ziying mentioned it to Feixiong and Dazhang who were still in the Ministry of Military Affairs more than a year ago. The two also reported to Chucai and Liqing. After I found out, I also discussed it with Mr. Zhang, and I am ashamed to say that we think there may be some risks, but it is not enough to..., but now..."

  (end of this chapter)

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