Number of People

Chapter 948: Self-criticism military discussion, close to the truth

  Chapter 948 Self-criticism military discussion, close to the truth

  Chai Ke showed a look of embarrassment on his face, and shook his head. When he mentioned the possibility of changes in the Southwest, he and Zhang Jingqiu actually didn't care too much.

  Because the southwest direction has always been uneasy, from the first line of Yunyang to the three provinces of Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan, there is no place that can be said to be quiet.

   Among them, the currently relatively stable but actually the biggest hidden danger is not the chieftains in Bozhou or Guizhou, but the governor of Yunyang.

The number of refugees living in Yunyang, Ankang, Hanzhong, Kuizhou, and Anlu prefectures increased day by day, which made the court worry for a while. Fortunately, Sun Yingao served as the governor of Yunyang for ten years from the 20th year of Yuanxi, and he was very good at governing Yunyang. In order to be effective, the situation of the entire Yunyang governor's jurisdiction began to improve.

However, since Sun Ying'ao died in office, the subsequent governors were either greedy or mediocre, which made the situation in the prefectures under the jurisdiction of the governor of Yunyang begin to show signs of unrest. Well, for the time being, I can manage to maintain it.

   But the Yunyang prefectures are just in the east of Huguang, not far from Banzhou. Once there is chaos in Banzhou, what will it bring?

  Before, Chai Ke and Zhang Jingqiu had been paying close attention to the Yunyang prefectures. At that time, Bozhou felt that Yang Kedong was in his hands, and Yang Yinglong was very docile, so they didn't think there would be any problems in the short term.

  Although the dispute over the Liutu is fierce, the battle for the Liutu is not limited to one place in Bozhou.

Unexpectedly, Yang Kedong defected, and information obtained from various sources from the Ministry of Household Affairs and the Staff Party Division showed that Bozhou should be continuously stockpiling food and materials, and both Yuan Keli and Geng Ruqi suspected that Yang Yinglong was not the only one hoarding food and materials. Various materials.

Because these food materials in Chongqing, Xuzhou, Shunqing and other surrounding areas have risen to a certain extent, Yang Yinglong alone cannot do it. Some other people should be involved in the rise in food prices.

   Of course, it is not ruled out that some grain merchants followed suit after seeing the increase in grain, but it is more likely that Yang Yinglong and the allied forces.

The problem is that there are too many Xuanweisi and Xuanfusi in Bozhou, and the chieftains are scattered all over the place. To be precise, the relationship with the imperial court is not very good, and Da Zhou's control over there has always been suspicious. The local officials are talking to themselves, but no one can tell what is going on inside.

   Only when a real war breaks out can we see who is loyal and who is traitor.

"My lord, these are just my conjectures. To be honest, I was just a conjecture at the time. Even now, I can't make a conclusion. Yang Kedong must have always wanted to escape back to Bozhou. Regardless of Yang Yinglong's objection or not, I definitely don't want my son to be detained in the capital, and now I have to judge when Yang Yinglong will rebel and whether there will be other people to support him."

  Feng Ziying doesn't want to dwell on this issue any longer, let him pass the past, and talk about the practical ones is more meaningful.

  The rest of the people also nodded. It is meaningless to talk about Feng Ziying's outstanding vision. Now it is time to discuss how to deal with it. Sun Chengzong and Yuan Keli have a deeper impression of Feng Ziying, and feel that this person is indeed a good person.

Although Feng Ziying was famous before, it was only among the younger generation of scholars. Those who have been famous for a long time like Sun Chengzong and Yuan Keli didn't care too much, but now they also began to admit that Feng Ziying was definitely not in vain. Discussed with them on military affairs.

With the arrival of Zhang Jingqiu, a group of people returned to their positions. At present, apart from Zhang Jingqiu and Chai Ke, the right servant of the Ministry of War is temporarily vacant. Recommended by Secretary Lang Zhong Ding Yuan.

  Yuan Yingtai should also have some impressions. Feng Ziying estimated that he should have been a famous character in his previous life, but Ding Yuanjian has no impression at all. He probably is not a character.

But in fact, anyone who is familiar with "History of Ming Dynasty" knows that in the previous life, Yuan Yingtai certainly served as the governor of Liaodong. The head of the Ministry of Rites.

  Geng Ruqi, Yang Sichang, Zheng Chongjian, Wang Yingxiong and others were also seated.

  In terms of Pin Yi, Feng Ziying is now above Geng Ruqi and Yang Sichang, and he is considered a foreigner, so Feng Ziying was recommended by Ding Yuan.

  The secretary of the staff introduced the situation obtained by the Southwest, and the atmosphere gradually became dignified.

In particular, it is known that the food prices in Chongqing, Xuzhou, Shunqing, and Tongchuan in southern Sichuan are 20% higher than in previous years. This situation is very abnormal after the summer grain harvest. However, it seems that there is no such sign now, and some military materials such as cowhide, iron materials, bamboo and wood have also risen to varying degrees. There is no doubt that this is preparation for war.

   "Liqing, what is your judgment?" Chai Ke cast his eyes on Yuan Keli.

  As a staff doctor, Yuan Keli needs to make a concluding introduction.

"Master Zhang, Lord Chai, everyone, judging from the situation obtained by the staff, especially Feixiong, he has done some understanding through his relatives in his hometown last year, and Yang Yinglong has actually shown signs of instability since last year. But this kind of sign can't explain anything, only when Yang Kedong defected and combined, can it prove that he has ulterior motives."

While thinking, Yuan Keli said: "It is basically certain that Yang Yinglong has objections. Yang Kedong's escape has made him even more unscrupulous, but Yang Yinglong is not the only one here in the Southwest? I think it's not enough, we need to do worse. Some plans, like the Xuanfu Department of Yongning who is next to him, the Xuanfu envoy She Chongming is actually more ambitious than Yang Yinglong, but his strength is far less than Yang Yinglong, once Yang Yinglong rises, She Chongming will most likely follow suit,..."

   "Aside from the Yongning Xuanfu Department, are there others?" Zhang Jingqiu frowned and asked.

"It's hard to say. There are many chieftains in Shuixi and Shizhou in Huguang. The battle for exiled soil has always been fierce. It can't be seen that no one has lit this fire. But once Yang Yinglong and She Chongming break out, we can't guarantee these people They will follow suit." Yuan Keli said very cautiously, "In addition, we also need to consider whether the turmoil in Bozhou will affect the refugees in Yunyang and Xiangyang. In recent years, the governor of Yunyang has changed frequently. There are mediocre people, among whom there are many refugees who are dissatisfied,..."

Yuan Keli was not very polite, but everyone in the room nodded silently. The governor of Yunyang has changed twice in five years. This kind of high-frequency change will indeed have a huge negative impact on governance, especially Jingxiang, who lives in groups of refugees. land.

   "What does Li Qing mean..." Zhang Jingqiu asked directly.

   "I'm afraid we need to make early preparations to prevent problems before they happen, and avoid affecting the refugees in Jingxiang. They have finally settled down in the past twenty years. If this causes restlessness, it will really cause chaos in the world." Yuan Keli said in a heavy tone.

   Several members of the Ministry of War did not pay much attention to the threat of Yang Yinglong and others in Banzhou. They were more worried about whether it would affect the land of Jingxiang.

You must know that Jingxiang refugees rebelled more than a hundred years ago during the Chenghua period of the Ming Dynasty, which spread to several provinces. There were millions of thieves who attacked everywhere, causing great damage to the surrounding land. Later, Da Zhou followed the Ming system and established the governor of Yunyang. , Responsible for jurisdiction including Yunyang, Xiangyang, Hanzhong, Ankang, Kuizhou and other places.

However, the prefectures are divided into Shaanxi, Huguang, and Sichuan. The governors are only responsible for supervision, and one of them was abolished for a while, and the governors used are also uneven, so the situation in Jingxiang is deteriorating again, so this is what the Ministry of War is most worried about. of.

   "Liqing means to tie up the fence first, um, stabilize the situation in Jingxiang, and then deal with Bozhou?" Zhang Jingqiu asked, stroking his beard.

"I'm afraid we need a two-pronged approach. The land of Jingxiang is the foundation, so there must be no chaos. Bozhou is an abscess, and strong medicine must be used, and it cannot be slowed down." Yuan Keli expressed his attitude, "It may be very difficult to rely solely on the troops of Huguang, Sichuan and Shaanxi. It is difficult to kill with one blow, and once the time is delayed, I am afraid that the imperial court will not be able to provide food and pay, because it may involve other directions."

  Yuan Keli is telling the truth. No matter where the rebellion is, as long as the court can keep up with the food, supplies and money, it will not be a problem.

  The key is that once the frontier army needs to be transferred, it will take a long distance, which involves a large amount of food, fodder and salaries. Which town of the Nine Frontier Army does not owe food and salaries? It's just how much, isn't Ningxia town owed too much food and wages, which led to a mutiny?

  At present, the financial resources of the imperial court have improved slightly since last year due to the opening of the sea, and they have begun to gradually fill up the original arrears of food and salaries, but there are still huge holes, and the towns and border troops on the nine sides can only stabilize the situation now.

   But you want them to leave the garrison and enter the interior to suppress the rebellion, and don't pay back the food and salaries they owe. What can these big soldiers do?

   Even the Liaodong Army, which has the strongest control now, may not even be able to do this.

   "Liqing, the other directions you mentioned refer to Jizhen and Xuanfu?" Chai Ke frowned.

"Xuanfu, Jizhen, and Liaodong, I don't think it's such a coincidence between the Chahar people and Bozhou. Don't you think it's strange that the Chahar people suddenly changed their attitude? Mr. Feng still let Chahar People helped Liaodong to suppress the Eastern captives, so why are they going to invade the south this year?" Yuan Keli had a clear attitude, "If there is no such old thief as Nurhachi here, I wouldn't believe it if he was killed!"

   "This means that the Chahar people invaded the south and the chaos in Bozhou may be at the same time, so will the Dongkui stand by and watch?" Sun Chengzong said coldly: "Nurhachi must have a plan for such a big game!"

  (end of this chapter)

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