Number of People

Chapter 949: It is difficult to persuade good words in the self-written scroll, and it is difficult

  Chapter 949 Self-written scrolls are difficult to persuade with good words.

  Sun Chengzong's words made everyone present gasp. Although everyone had already had this premonition, seeing that Sun Chengzong, who is known as the double wall of the Ministry of War, was so sure, everyone's hearts still couldn't help sinking.

Yuan Keli pondered and said: "What Zhisheng said is also my point of view. Lin Dan Batur is very young, even if he is a little ambitious, but in terms of strategy, wisdom and heart, the city government may not be able to reach this level, and there is no one in Chahar. He is a very outstanding person, we feel that the person who goes through the needles is probably Nurhachi!"

  Chai Ke nodded slightly, "Donglu, the left wing of Mongolia, the Yang family of Banzhou, and there may be other sneaky things that we can't predict now. Yonglong will have a hard time in eight years."

"My lord, there is news from the Pedestrian Division that the Horqin Department intends to marry Nurhachi. The two parties have been in frequent contact recently, and the Staff Party Division has passed the news to the Governor's Mansion of Jiliao." Geng Ruqi said in a deep voice: "Now the Horqin Department Among them, Ming An, the leader of the Left-Wing Rear Banner, is the one who is most inclined to fall to the Eastern Captives. It is said that Nurhachi has already proposed to Ming An that he wants to accept his daughter Borzigit as a concubine. Ming An is very moved, but he has not yet done so. To make a final decision, our opinion is to let the Jiliao Governor's Office try its best to prevent this matter, and not let the Horqin tribe and the Donglu tribe form a stable alliance, otherwise the Yehe tribe and the Wula tribe will be in danger."

  Haixi Jurchens only have the Yehe tribe and the Ula tribe, of which the Yehe tribe is still strong, and the Ula tribe is already lingering. If it is not for the full support of the Yehe tribe and Liaodong Town, it may have disappeared.

But the position of the Ula Department is too important, it is just at the connection node between the Jianzhou Jurchen and the East China Sea Jurchen. Once the Ula Department is annihilated, the Jianzhou Jurchen can go all out to plot the Donghai Jurchen in the north, and the threat to the Great Zhou will increase sharply in the future Da, this is what Da Zhou cannot tolerate.

   "Do you think Nurhachi is going to plot against Haixi Jurchen?" Zhang Jingqiu asked suddenly, "Or is it Shuerhaqi and his son?"

  The hall was silent, everyone was weighing and thinking.

Haixi Jurchen is in the west, close to the Horqin tribe, while the remnants recruited by the Jianzhou Right Guard Commander carried by Shuerhaqi are distributed in the north of the Hun River, between the Xiaoqing River and the Chai River. Under the protection of the right side of Kaiyuanwei, it is adjacent to Guangshun Pass, Jing'an Fort, Songshan Fort, and Chaihe Fort.

Now the Jurchen forces in Jianzhou have extended from the Six Forts of Kuandian on the Yalu River to the land of Liaohe, and even squeezed the forces of the Chahar and Neikalkha tribes to the west. Will be so afraid of Jianzhou Jurchen.

"It's all possible." Geng Ruqi hesitated for a moment before expressing his own judgment, "Actually, with Donglu's current strength, it is not a problem to wipe out the Wula tribe or Shuerhaqi and his son in one fell swoop. Liaodong Town is facing such a sudden attack. It can’t be too quick to react, it can be said that it can only be watched, there is no time to rescue, the key is whether Nurhachi is willing to risk a complete break with Dazhou, and even become a situation of immortality.”

"That is to say, once Nurhachi thinks the conditions are ripe, he will not hesitate to kill Shuerhaqi and his son and the Ula tribe?" Zhang Jingqiu asked leisurely: "When will Nurhachi think the conditions are ripe? "

"My lord, this question is not easy to answer." Geng Ruqi said with a wry smile: "But this subordinate thinks that this time it will be very dangerous. Once Nurhachi feels that Da Zhou is difficult to deal with the crisis in several aspects, I am afraid it will prompt him to make up his mind and go to war with Da Zhou. .”

  Zhang Jingqiu took a deep breath, and he also made the same judgment. He suspected that Nurhachi might be playing a big game of chess, and if he took this step, it might shake the world.

   But Nurhachi will not take this step easily.

He also needs to weigh the pros and cons, and needs to consider that once his face is completely torn apart, Da Zhou will block, suppress and attack him from all aspects. After all, Da Zhou is still the absolute hegemon in the land of East Asia. Compared with Da Zhou, Jianzhou Jurchen , is still too weak.

"That is to say, if we perform poorly in the joint siege of the Mongolian right wing, the Yang family of Bozhou, and the Donglu, and exceed Nurhachi's cognitive bottom line, then he may change from the original, perhaps just a normal one. The type of looting and annexation has become a call for a full-scale war against the Great Zhou." Chai Ke added: "These are two concepts and two natures. Once a breakthrough is made, there is no possibility of returning to the original state."

   Chai Ke's resolute words shocked everyone present.

  No one expected that the situation would be so severe after the analysis, and it even greatly exceeded everyone's previous predictions. However, these analysis and judgments have sufficient basis and are not alarmist, and even have a high probability of happening.

   "Ziying, you can foresee the changes in the Southwest situation a year in advance, and now you are serving as a co-instructor in Yongping Mansion, which is called the throat hub of Liaodong and the Central Plains. Do you have any opinions or suggestions?" Zhang Jingqiu asked.

"Your lords have already explained it in detail before, so I shouldn't say more about the reasoning, but Mr. Chai also told me earlier that it is not too much to consider the disadvantageous situation too seriously, but once you neglect it, then It may lead to an irreversible catastrophe, so I still have to say something." Feng Ziying said solemnly: "I personally experienced the Linqing civil uprising six years ago. Afterwards, there was not much news about it, but I did know , the White Lotus Sect played a key role in instigating it, and the White Lotus Sect exists in almost every province in our Dazhou territory. Beizhi, Shandong, Nanzhi, Shaanxi, Shanxi, and Henan are the main active areas. How harmful is it? The Ministry of War He and the Ministry of Criminal Justice did not make accurate judgments one by one,..."

"...The governments of various places have different attitudes when dealing with it. Some think that it is an ordinary secret society, which can be banned, and some think that it is not worth mentioning that it is hidden and dead, but I think we may have underestimated Bailian. The dangers of such clubs as Eastern Mahayana, Wenxiang, Hongyang, Wuwei, and Bangchui. These secret societies go from village to village, and have a lot of connections, and some of them are even mixed with ambitious people Among them, if it is not contained as soon as possible, its involvement will definitely be more extensive, and six years ago, I heard and saw with my own eyes that Japanese people were involved. Please note that it is not Japanese pirates, but should be a registered samurai in the Tokugawa Shogunate of Japan. Their purpose is to spy on and assess the strength of the White Lotus Sect, and their purpose is worrying,..."

  Feng Ziying's words made Zhang Jingqiu, Chai Ke, and even Sun Chengzong and Yuan Keli frown. Obviously Feng Ziying specifically raised the White Lotus Sect and emphasized it so solemnly, which made them feel a little incredible.

  In their view, although the White Lotus Sect has some influence in the countryside, it is just a disease of scabies. If these people want to think about it, as long as the local gentry raise their arms, it will naturally disappear.

As for some ambitious people, such people exist everywhere, not only in the White Lotus Sect, but also in the ordinary countryside. Boiling Tang Woxue was instantly annihilated in the grass and fields.

"Ziying, I don't know much about the situation of the White Lotus Sect on the staff side, but there are quite a few on the Ministry of Punishments. According to our understanding, I'm afraid it can't reach the state you mentioned, right?" Yuan Keli's mouth twitched. He didn't care much about his expression, but his tone was gentle, "These White Lotus Sects, Hongyang Sects, and Wuwei Sects are just fools and foolish women in the countryside being deceived by others. Less, but it can't become a climate."

   "Mr. Li Qing, the Taiping Dao of the Later Han Dynasty, the Meng Yuan Ming Sect, all set off a storm, and we must not take it lightly." In fact, Feng Ziying had already felt the contempt of the White Lotus Sect by everyone, and he couldn't stop sighing in his heart.

  I am not a member of the Ministry of War. If I say more, I am afraid it will be annoying, but he has to say it.

After the Linqing civil uprising six years ago, coupled with the news that the dark lines I set up in the past few years have been continuously fed back, the White Lotus Sect and those mutant clubs have spread widely in the countryside of the Northland, but it is true that not all of these clubs have Many of the intentions of rebellion are indeed to embrace the United Society and find a spiritual sustenance, but once this kind of society is used by ambitious people, its power will be no less than that of the Bozhou chieftain's rebellion, but now no one believes it.

Yang Sichang couldn't help laughing, "Ziying, the Great Zhou is not the late Han Mengyuan. How can the White Lotus Sect, which relies on fooling fools and fools in the countryside, compare with Taipingdao and Mingjiao? Taipingdao and Mingjiao are both With a fairly complete inheritance system and religious doctrine, the White Lotus Sect and the group are not worthy of giving shoes to Taiping Dao and Ming Sect."

  Yang Sichang finally found a chance to show his face.

On the contrary, Sun Chengzong frowned. He is from Gaoyang County, Baoding Prefecture, and the activities of the White Lotus Sect in Baoding Prefecture are quite rampant. He also has some understanding of this. , you still need to be careful, if possible, you should still send a message to all places through the Ministry of Punishment, requesting a strict investigation of the White Lotus Sect and its variant societies."

  Chai Ke also nodded, "This matter can be reported to the Ministry of Punishment. After you come down, Chucai, sort out the situation about the White Lotus Sect and hand it over to the Ministry of Punishment..."

   This is a great deal of face to Feng Ziying, and Feng Ziying has nothing to say.

"Ziying, you are in Yongping, and you should have a better understanding of the situation in Jizhen. The Mongols' invasion of the south is not small, and Jizhen will inevitably lose sight of the other. Liaodong is facing pressure from the Eastern captives. What do you have?" good suggestion?"

  Chai Ke asked the key point.

Feng Ziying also remembered what Emperor Yonglong said in the afternoon, and shook her head: "I can't say anything about this matter, but Liaodong may be better, and Jizhen really needs reinforcements, otherwise, once the Mongols break through, Yongping will certainly not be safe, and Mongolia People can also go south to Hejian, or break through from the front line of Fengrun and Liangcheng to cut off the canal, and then the capital will definitely shake."

  (end of this chapter)

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