Number of People

Chapter 950: Zizi Juan is in jeopardy

  Chapter 950 The self-written scroll is in danger

  Feng Ziying's suggestion was quite satisfactory, which disappointed both Zhang Jingqiu and Chai Ke. Perhaps Feng Ziying had impressed them too much before, and they subconsciously hoped that Feng Ziying could bring them a surprise this time.

But Feng Ziying is well aware of the mystery here, and he has brought the hint of Emperor Yonglong quietly. He believes that Zhang Jingqiu and Chai Ke will gradually understand it, but Sun Chengzong and Yuan Keli are experienced, and they will not miss Jizhen and Bozhou. possible difficulties.

   It is even possible that Zhang and Chai already have a plan in their hearts, so why bother to make it clear?

   "Ziying, what do you think of the southwest side?" Chai Ke was still dissatisfied.

"My lord, as I said before, once the southwestern hinterland is in turmoil, it will definitely affect Huguang. There are many people in Jingxiang, and the situation itself is not stable. To the east is the hinterland of Huguang, where the Dazhou granary is located. It is also not possible at all." If there is a mistake, I am afraid that the Ministry of War should also consider making arrangements as soon as possible."

Chai Ke was a little disappointed, but after thinking about it, it was very rare for someone to predict in advance that Southwest Bozhou might be a place of chaos. Such a large group of people in the Ministry of War is not as good as the judgment of the other party alone. If this guy can still Come up with a set of incomparably exquisite countermeasures, then the people in the Ministry of War will really be ashamed to face others.

Afterwards, there was some discussion, and outsiders like Feng Ziying and mid-level and low-level officials like Wang Yingxiong and Zheng Chongjian left. The next step is for the two officials to listen to the opinions of several doctors and Yuanwailang, and prepare to formulate analysis and countermeasures up.

   "Dazhang, Feixiong, you have to work hard. Seeing that he is weak, he is qualified to participate in this kind of military discussion. You two are still doing odd jobs below."

  Bringed by Zheng Chongjian and Wang Yingxiong to the room next to the secretary, Wang Yingxiong served tea to Feng Ziying, and Feng Ziying joked with each other.

The gap between Yuan Wailang and the principal and deputy principal is not small. One is from the fifth rank, while Zheng Chongjian and Wang Yingxiong are only at the seventh rank. nine years away.

This is the difference between the top three Jinshi and the first-class Jinshi. Both Zheng Chongjian and Wang Yingxiong failed to select Shujishi. This is considered to be the two of them who performed well in observing politics and stayed in the Ministry of War. Otherwise, it is very likely that they will be sent to the local government The county magistrate, the promotion rate will be even slower after that day.

"Ziying, don't make sarcastic remarks, can you? Weak people came from Tanhua and went directly to the Imperial Academy. If you didn't get into the Imperial Academy because of Kai Haizhi, you wouldn't do us any better, at most. It’s just a sixth-rank, maybe it’s not necessarily a sixth-rank.” Wang Yingxiong said angrily: “But Yang Wenruo still has some skills, and his family has a long history. I heard that his father may also be promoted.”

   "Oh?" Feng Ziying was quite surprised, "Where did you get the news?"

"A few days ago, I met Brother Jun Yu for a chat. He said that Yang He was in Henan to clean up the corruption in the internal storage of the Henan Chengxuan Political Department. It's Beijing." Wang Yingxiong said casually, "I reckon his father seems to have attacked frequently in the past few years, and he has almost become a top card in the Metropolitan Procuratorate."

  However, Yang He has indeed been very active in recent years. From the censor to the censor of Youqian, it has only been two years, right? Is it necessary to break the rules and promote again? It's not that simple to get to this unbeatable place.

"That's what Mr. Yang deserves. I'm talking about the two of you. If chaos really breaks out in the Southwest, Feixiong can find a way to run around. It will definitely benefit a lot. Dazhang, are you interested in coming to Yongping Mansion? ?”

Feng Ziying's joke made Zheng Chongjian take it seriously, "Ziying, to be honest, I am really tempted. I bet that if the Mongolian leftists invade south this autumn, you Yongping Mansion will bear the brunt of it, and it is absolutely impossible for Qiji Town to take it The main force is to protect your Yongping mansion, so, you will face the surging Mongolian iron cavalry, how do you deal with interruption? If you can come up with a countermeasure, it is not impossible for me to come to Yongping to help you .”

"Come on, if Lindan Batur leads tens of thousands of cavalry south, what can I, a Tongzhi of Yongping Prefecture, do?" Feng Ziying smiled self-mockingly, "Or I am preparing to train three thousand people to deal with it, so you can help me Management training?"

Zheng Chongjian was also amused by Feng Ziying, "Three thousand people will come to deal with the Mongolian cavalry? I'd like to come, but training and fighting are the affairs of generals. You say I can plan and arrange for you. If you really want to go to the battlefield, I will I'm afraid these two blows are enough."

As a scholar of the Great Zhou Dynasty who cultivated himself and ruled the country and the world, he had to have a basic proficiency in the six arts of rites, music, archery, censorship, calligraphy, and mathematics. Archery like Zheng Chongjian, who studied since childhood, was at least able to do it, but when it comes to leading troops to fight, That would be too embarrassing for him, but like his good friend, Sun Chuanting, who was born in Weizhen, has many people who practice martial arts as officials in his family.

"So I don't count on anyone, I have to rely on myself." Feng Ziying knew that it would be hard for people to believe what she said. Zheng Chongjian and Wang Yingxiong both took it as a joke, but for now, he is more and more aware that, I am afraid that in September and October, Yongping Mansion may face a very bad and dangerous situation. When the main forces of Ji Town are all concentrated to defend Shuntian Mansion, there may not be many people paying attention to the life and death of Yongping Mansion and its officials and people. If it is, it will either run away early, or it may be buried in a battle.

  Feng Ziying is of course unwilling to accept this kind of result. Whether it is running away or hitting a stone with a pebble, then pin your hope on the people, okay?

Hard to say.

Of course Feng Ziying is not an iron-headed boy, she knew that she could not do anything and she wanted to die, but she worked so hard to do something in Yongping Mansion, but because the Chahar people were coming to loot and loot, she didn't even dare to see her, so she flinched No, it's not his style.

   At least give it a try and give it a go.

  The Chahar people have not really invaded the south on such a scale for many years. If such a large-scale one is the Jianzhou Jurchen led by Nurhachi, Feng Ziying will leave without saying a word.

   In the battle against the Jianzhou Jurchen who have been conquering many battles in the past twenty years, three thousand people are not enough to fill the gaps between their teeth.

  But if you train properly, can you meet the Chahar people and the internal and external Khalkha tribes? Of course, you have to choose a place that suits you. Feng Ziying thinks you can try it.

In a word, there are countless beautiful wives and beautiful concubines in the family, and the incomparably beautiful life has just begun. Feng Ziying has no interest in taking risks to seek death. He thinks that this battle is very sure, so he will fight it. If the risk is too great, he will not Will go on an adventure.

As for the cost of thousands of people and firecrackers, it is relatively simple for Feng Ziying. When the Mongols invaded the south, rather than being slaughtered and plundered like lambs, it is better to fight to the death. A lot, isn't it just to prepare for making your own reputation?

  Able to be good at literature and martial arts, capable of being a general and a prime minister, this is the personality that Feng Ziying established for herself, and it is to make this deep impression in the minds of Emperor Yonglong and the court princes.

  The military discussion broke up, but Feng Ziying was retained by Chai Ke.

Feng Ziying knew that Chai Ke had always had a very good impression of him. Everyone in the Ningxia rebellion went out to work together, and he left a deep impression on him. Therefore, compared to Zhang Jingqiu, Sun Chengzong and Yuan Keli, the veterans of the military department, Chai Ke was in love. Even if Yang Sichang, Chai Ke's Huguang fellow, has begun to emerge, Chai Ke still trusts Feng Ziying more.

   "Chai Gong."

  Feng Ziying’s addressing of Chai Ke is also a bit messy. In front of other people, he usually calls him Mr. Chai, but when there are only two of them alone, he calls him Chai Gong or Zishu Gong. In fact, Chai Ke has just turned fifty.

"Sit down, Ziying, I feel that you have some reservations about the military discussion. Now it's just you and me, can we talk about it?" Chai Ke waved his hand very casually. He admired Feng Ziying's demeanor of not being surprised, Mixing the boldness and bravery of warriors with the chic and calmness of scholars, this kind of temperament makes people feel very comfortable and at ease.


   "Okay, don't say polite words, you know my temper, if you don't want to say it, I won't force it." Chai Ke's face was a little tired.

As the left servant of the Ministry of War, he needs to undertake the military affairs of the entire Zhou Dynasty. For example, the three towns of Ji, Liao and Xuan are facing the attack of Mongolia and Jurchen. soldiers, and the money in the treasury of the household department is also limited. Once a war breaks out, how to deal with it? This is a strategy that needs to be coordinated.

"Okay, Chai Gong, let me share some of my own opinions, which may not be correct, and are just for your reference." Feng Ziying nodded, "First, you must pay attention to the danger of the White Lotus Sect. I am worried that there will be troubles. Maybe there is nothing normal. , but if something happens at a critical moment in the war between the two sides, it may be an unmanageable situation."

Chai Ke didn't expect that the first sentence Feng Ziying said would be about the White Lotus Sect. This made him ponder. Be vigilant.

   "I've made a note, and I will report to Lord Shoufu and the two Li Ge elders." Chai Ke nodded solemnly.

   "Second, don't underestimate the situation in the Southwest. Plan and implement it as soon as possible. If you feel that the troops are insufficient, you might as well shrink the three sides. Uh, I think it is worthwhile to abandon Hami and Shazhou. Move the three frontier troops south as soon as possible..."

  Feng Ziying's second sentence made Chai Ke both shocked and unacceptable.

  Recovering Hami and Shazhou is his credit, Feng Ziying also has a credit, and it is also the most proud thing of the emperor. The credit of restoring the land, I did not expect the other party to be so determined to give up, which shows how pessimistic he is about the situation in the southwest.

  (end of this chapter)

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