Number of People

Chapter 954: Huixian's Wife, Daichai's Strong Enemy

  Chapter 954 Jizi Juan Huixian's Wife, Dai Chai's Strong Enemy

This kind of discussion on paper is actually not very meaningful to the real war. Several people have never participated in the war. Except for Feng Ziying who experienced it personally during the Ningxia Battle, the others are more from a strategic point of view. An analytical study.

  However, Feng Ziying still hopes that they can have more discussions of this kind. Talking about military affairs on paper is better than groundless speculation. At least everyone's discussion can check for gaps and make up for gaps. This is what the staff of the Ministry of War has always done.

Feng Ziying helped them ask a lot of questions, especially how to arrange in advance and how to coordinate in terms of logistics support and intelligence support. got involved.

  Today is regarded as the eighth year of Yonglong's scientific examination and the students who have some friendship with Feng Ziying came to see Feng Ziying off, because Feng Ziying will return to Yongping Mansion tomorrow.

   After staying in the capital city for four days, I met everyone I needed to meet, talked about everything I needed to talk about, and did everything I needed to do. It was time to go back and get down to business.

   Several people had dinner at Feng Ziying's home at noon, and Feng Ziying felt that even the closeness of the six people was not the same.

  For example, Sun Chuanting has a good relationship with Chen Qiyu, Chen Qiyu has a close relationship with Fu Zonglong, Ma Shiying has a relatively close relationship with Xu Qixun, and Song Shixiang is relatively familiar with Sun Chuanting, and has a normal relationship with everyone else.

  Ma Shiying was able to come, and Feng Ziying was a little surprised.

He recommended Ma Shiying to be the editor-in-chief of "Internal Reference", mainly out of maintaining the status of "Internal Reference". A new subject who is excellent in all aspects but cannot be included in the editorial board of "Internal Reference" is easy to be criticized and will be criticized. Seen as a tendency towards injustice and cliques.

  Although it is an indisputable fact that small groups hold together wherever they are, Feng Ziying is unwilling to show it too clearly. Feng Ziying hopes to maintain the basic fairness.

  However, Feng Ziying's recommendation is still regarded as an endorsement of Ma Shiying, and Ma Shiying is by no means ignorant of current affairs, so he naturally wants to actively integrate into this group.

Although Feng Ziying is the leader of young scholars in the northern region, he does not reject young scholars from other places, such as Xu Qixun from Jinke, Wu Wei and Fang Youdu from Shangke are all scholars from Jiangnan, and Wang Yingxiong from Shangke today Kefu Zonglong and Shangke He Fengsheng are both Southwest scholars and Huguang scholars respectively.

   This also contributed to Ma Shiying's initiative to join and quickly integrate into it.

  After sending off the students, Feng Ziying stood quietly in front of the window, looking out the window.

I have to say that compared with Rongguo Mansion, Feng Mansion still looks too shabby. The Grand View Garden doesn’t need to be compared. Even the layout and structure of the old Rongguo Mansion can easily crush Feng Mansion, um, crush Hulunhou Mansion. It is the scenery outside the window that makes people miss Rongguo Mansion, and even more miss the Grand View Garden.

This is the background of the old-fashioned nobles. The Rongning Second Mansion was not established in a day. From the beginning, the second mansion was built on the basis of a marquis mansion and a dilapidated courtyard in the former Ming Dynasty, and it has been continuously added for decades. And perfection, continuous repair and transformation, and finally after the completion of the Grand View Garden, the pattern of the Rongning Second Mansion reached its peak.

   "Sister, you don't seem to be very interested? Is there something wrong?" Logically speaking, Feng Ziying should be in a good mood when the students came to see him off, but Shen Yixiu could still feel Feng Ziying's depression.

   "It is reasonable to say that you should be happy. Everyone can remember me and come here to see me off. I can also understand their thoughts, but it is inevitable to talk about the current court situation in the speech. It is not optimistic."

Feng Ziying didn't want to talk about this with her pregnant wife. In the end, it would not solve the problem, but also make her worry about it. But his wife is such a smart person, and she has always kept in touch with her father-in-law. Things you keep hidden make her worry even more.

   "Which aspect is it? The Donglu on the father-in-law's side, or the Mongolian left wing?" Shen Yixiu was hugged by her husband at the waist, and the two stood leaning against the window like this, extraordinarily warm, even Qingwen and Yunshang didn't bother to bother them.

   "There are, but they are not the main ones, but the Southwest." Feng Ziying shook her head.

  Shen Zizheng came to visit his sister two days ago. Of course, because his brother-in-law came back, he had to talk for a while.

Although he never mentioned the wars between the parties, he talked more about Shen Zizheng's previous travels to Xuanda and Jizhen frontier fortresses. Feng Ziying suggested to him to write more about the geography and landforms of the northern border. "Internal Reference" can be based on military Published on geography, encouraging more people to understand and master the emerging discipline of geography.

The introduction, value and significance of the subject of geography were already mentioned by Feng Ziying when she left the Imperial Academy, and for the last time as the editor-in-chief, she personally wrote the introduction of this subject, and made a rough classification of geography based on some of her own ideas , including physical geography, military geography, agricultural geography, and commercial geography.

Feng Ziying knows that her classification is extremely unscientific, but if you want to make this subject reflect the value and significance, attract more people to pay attention to and understand, and even get involved in the future autumn and spring contests, then you must attract the big shots in the court Only by keeping their eyes and making them interested can we achieve our goal subtly.

In Feng Ziying’s introduction, she especially focused on the geographical conditions of the southwest region and the Nine Frontiers, talked about the various deficiencies of the current map, and talked about the fact that the maps used by the merchants of the Great Zhou Dynasty in their daily business can be compared with those of the Ministry of War. The Secretary is more detailed and detailed, talking about the various nautical map fragments collected by the maritime merchants themselves. The imperial court has never found the map files after Zheng He's voyages in the pre-Ming Dynasty were hidden by Liu Daxia, the Minister of War at the time, and no one has been there since. I found it, because Da Zhou also retreated and adopted the tribute system.

He used very objective and sharp words to criticize the current lack of attention to the emerging discipline of geography, and suggested that the imperial court should gradually include geography in the examination content of the autumn and spring middle school. Even the north, south, east, and west, and the territory of the Great Zhou Dynasty are unclear.

   This article also caused a lot of controversy after it was published in "Internal Reference".

The more mainstream view within the imperial court is that geography is indeed becoming more and more important, but it would be a bit far-fetched to join the Qiu Wei and Chun Wei exams in one step. Scholars usually read classics, righteousness and current affairs, and do not have many opportunities to travel abroad. Only rich scholars who failed the imperial examination had the opportunity to spend a lot of time traveling, and it would definitely not be appropriate to rush into the scientific examination.

  Of course Feng Ziying knew that this kind of thing could not be done overnight, and his purpose was to open a hole first, so that the court would have such an impression first, and then he would come to gradually figure it out in the future.

  Since Shen Zizheng has some insights in this area, he might as well ask him to write a few more articles in "Internal Reference", which can be regarded as a way to make an impact.

   "Southwest?" Shen Yixiu was slightly surprised, "Is there a dispute over the land?"

  The news of Yang Kedong’s defection has not spread. Yang Sichang may not have mentioned it to Shen Zizheng, or Shen Zizheng has not had time to understand it, or he has not informed his sister yet.

"There is a certain relationship, but once it breaks out, it will be very serious. The court is currently in a tight situation, so it will be stretched." Feng Ziying stroked his wife's hair and said softly: "Don't worry about Wan Jun. Your first priority now is Pregnancy and health, and the first child of our Feng family's next generation will be healthy, healthy and safe."

   "But seeing my husband is in a bad mood, my concubine also feels uncomfortable." Shen Yixiu made a rare coquettish moment, twisting her pregnant waist.

   "Then what should I do as a husband?" Feng Ziying also joked, "Mr. Wan has a suggestion for my husband."

  Shen Yixiu nestled in her husband's arms, rolled her eyes, "Well, my husband is going back to Yongping Mansion tomorrow, why don't you go to Rongguo Mansion to have a look?"

  Feng Ziying laughed.

  Going to see Daiyu and Baochai, Feng Ziying didn't hide it from Shen Yixiu, and he also knew that his wife was not the kind of jealous and jealous, and knew better what kind of woman he liked, so Shen Yixiu held more weight in Feng Ziying's heart.

  A woman who knows the importance, is smart and wise, will always be respected by men more than a woman who can only serve others in Israel.

   "I've met Sister Bao and Sister Lin, and going there will only increase the annoyance..." Feng Ziying smiled and shook her head.

   "Sister Xue and sister Lin have met, but are there other sisters? For example, sister Xing..." Shen Yixiu amused, but also half-tested.

   "Xiuyan?" Feng Ziying was taken aback, "Sister Xiuyan is a beautiful woman, but my husband didn't have her idea,..."

   "Then who is Xianggong planning?" Shen Yixiu smiled like a flower, "Let me guess, sister Tanchun, or sister Xiangyun?"

   "Don't talk nonsense, it will ruin people's reputation." Feng Ziying didn't care either, Shen Yixiu wouldn't be so ignorant of the boudoir private conversations between the husband and wife.

"Sister, in fact, I can tell that whether it is Sister Tanchun, Sister Xiangyun, Sister Xiuyan, or even Sister Yingchun, I am afraid that they have some affection for her husband. Well, maybe they don't realize this, but if If you observe carefully, you will find that they like and long to be with their husbands very much, even if they are just talking,..."

Shen Yixiu had indeed observed that the girls did not have any special affair with their husbands, and they still had a bit of self-respect and self-love as girls, but she could also see that the girls treated their husbands kindly. Ruowu's intimacy and attachment, and this feeling is often synonymous with affection.

  Feng Ziying was silent. He didn't want to lie in front of his wife. It was meaningless and would only make his wife look down on him.

  The husband's silence added to Shen Yixiu's affirmation. She was actually a little proud, but also a little uncomfortable. Her husband was so good that he could attract the admiration of a group of beautiful girls, but now the husband is already in love, and then...

   Seek all kinds of support!



  (end of this chapter)

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