Number of People

Chapter 955: Unpredictable

  Chapter 955 Unpredictable

   "My lord, according to your request, all the military households have been cleaned up, and the first batch of personnel has been selected." Song San hooked his waist slightly, shoulders slumped, and his tone was a little more awe-inspiring and flattering.

  Feng Ziying nodded, took the list, and quickly browsed through it.

  After returning to Yongping Mansion, the first thing he did was to report to Zhu Zhiren what he had seen and heard during his trip to Beijing and the attitudes of the cabinet ministers, which made Zhu Zhiren both shocked and even more worried.

What is surprising is that the eighth year of Yonglong seems to be an unfavorable year, and there is a high chance of major accidents. What I am afraid of is that it will be difficult for Jizhen to maintain the safety of Yongping, and it may even give up Yongping when necessary. The worry is that Where should one's own destiny go in the future.

  Feng Ziying did not give Zhu Zhiren too many choices, and proposed to borrow the Liaodong new army of firecrackers to help train Yongmin Zhuang. After three months of intensive training, he has basic combat skills.

  When Feng Ziying vowed that her father would send a team of the most elite troops to fight for her, Zhu Zhiren could only bite the bullet and believe it even if he didn't believe it.

  He has no choice now, or he should resign and leave now, but it is at this time, and he is really unwilling to take a gamble.

   What if what Feng Ziying said is true, and Feng Tang really cares about the future career of his only son, how about sending thousands of elites here?

  What if the scale of the Mongol invasion to the south is not so large, or the main direction of attack is not Yongping Prefecture but Suncheon and Xuanfu?

  Uh, as for Min Zhuang, whom Feng Ziying is very optimistic about, Zhu Zhiren doesn’t quite believe it, just listen to it.

  What can you do in three months, can you shoot a bow and shoot an arrow or wield a knife and stick? I'm afraid you haven't even adapted to the basic military rules and discipline?

  Although these military households should be said to be military children, they should have some background, but how much such background is, God knows.

   "They are all here? The first batch of 1,000 people must report in three days." Feng Ziying said coldly, "Are they screened out according to the criteria I mentioned?"

   "Everything is in accordance with your standards. We have been busy for ten days, checking the standards one by one. If you mention a few items, as long as more than two are not satisfied, we will screen them out."

Song San also doesn't know the basis for the standards determined by this Master Tongzhi. One is honest, there is nothing to say, two heads are even, and both are short, which is a bit confusing. Third, whether to practice martial arts for strength There are no special requirements, only good eyesight,...

   "Has the barracks in the small school field been repaired?" Feng Ziying ignored the strange look on the other side.

   "It's all been moved out, but I'm afraid the situation is not very good. It can only be said that it is barely livable. After all, it has been abandoned for more than ten years." Song San carefully observed the changes in Feng Ziying's expression.

  Since Feng Ziying abolished the Liao family, the entire Lulong side boiled for a while, but then cooled down strangely.

  Cleaning up hidden households and military households is like the wind on the water, and it will be a matter of course, even ten times more cooperative than Song San imagined.

  Of course, the matter of clearing hidden fields and missing fields seems to have temporarily slowed down the pace, only requiring registration and measurement, but did not say how to deal with it. This may be a delicate compromise.

  Song San was sent away, and Feng Ziying called Feng An again.

"Uncle An, you should know the basic strategy of the firecracker training, but now the gang of people can only start from scratch, we don't have much time, three months, day and night training, so much time, so I plan to Take this kind of segmented training, morning, day, and night, and don't give them any other leisure time except for eating and sleeping,..."

  Feng Ziying adopted the full drill rules of modern army soldiers. Of course, it is much more stringent. Eat as much as you want, and even have a little meat, but except for a few hours of sleep, all of them are used for drills.

Before the new army of firecrackers led by Zuo Liangyu arrives, and before the firecrackers are equipped in place, then try to let this group of people basically practice the method of standing at attention, resting, stopping, turning, walking and running in line, Feng Ziying will not give them too much time, and the intensive training will be completed within half a month. Even if a few people are killed, the goal must be achieved.

Feng An is an old soldier, but this soldier also means that he fought his life with one hand and one foot on the battlefield of Datong. I am very satisfied with what I said, and feel that this is simply the best interpretation of the big soldier.

"Brother Keng, the 15th day may be a bit shorter. Although these people are all children of military households, they are actually no different from ordinary farmers. They may just obey the rules and not do nothing. Understand,…"

  Feng An tactfully put forward different opinions. Of course he understood Feng Ziying's thoughts, but it is unrealistic to rush for success.

"Uncle An, but we don't have much time." Feng Ziying shook her head, "Practice first, and when the people from my father's side come, I will take the practice with you. I think the basic movements are familiar in the early stage, and it may be easier in the later stage. ,..." Feng Ziying shook her head, "When it's really the turn of Mongolian cavalry to come in, they won't let you go just because you haven't practiced yet..."

  Feng An choked, "Brother Keng, Cha Han really wants to come in from the south? Didn't the master still..."

"At this time and at that time, maybe last year my father was too kind to Lindan Batur, which made this guy have unreasonable ambitions, and Nurhachi fanned the flames, but now it is meaningless to say these things, we can only face , I have only been in Yongping for a few months, you can’t let me just run away like this?”

  Feng Ziying's eyes were a little more determined, "I have persuaded Mr. Fuzun to do everything according to my requirements. He fully supports it. As long as he can survive this year's test, it will be a smooth road."

  Feng An was silent for a while, and finally raised his head, "Well, don't worry, Brother Keng, Feng Tai and I will train these turtle **** to death, and make them regret coming to this world in this life..."

Feng Ziying laughed, "No, Uncle An, I just want a group of soldiers who can be useful. You just need to bring out a group of raw melon eggs who barely understand the rules and the laws of the battlefield within half a month. For the other two months, people sent by my father should practice."

"Brother Keng, don't worry. When Song Sili went to recruit people, I went to see them. They all came according to the rules you set. The first batch of 1,000 people selected from military households is considered the best. The people in the county are probably good and bad,..."

  Feng An actually didn't like Brother Keng's idea, but he knew the young master's temper, so if he made up his mind, he would definitely try it, even if it hurt his head.

"Uncle An, rewards and punishments are equally important. If the Mongols are really swept away like locusts, then nothing will be left behind. If this is the case, then it is better to spend everything that should be spent on the bright side..." Feng Ziying grinned , "I'm willing to take such a gamble."


  Zhao Erzhu only felt the sweat dripping down his brows, making his eyes uncomfortable, so he glanced at the tile vat under the shade of a tree.

  Salt tea is full of water, but you have to go in batches, and you can't drink too much at a time. This wave shouldn't be their team.

First it was a small flag walk, and then it turned into a general flag walk. This kind of team with 50 people in a row, just went back and forth repeatedly in accordance with the rhythm of the drums. Zhao Erzhu couldn't remember how long he walked, but he estimated There must be thirty or fifty miles a day.

But he knew that the cloth shoes under his feet had been replaced by two pairs within ten days, and those guys who claimed to be as light as swallows and wading through mountains and waters were blowing loudly with cowhide. cocoon.

  Accompanied by a rapid three-beat drumbeat, Zhao Erzhu subconsciously turned over like his companions lying reclining in the shed around him, forming a neat horizontal line in a few breaths.

   Countless times of being beaten and punished, first they beat each other, then others beat you together, and finally the little flag who made a mistake was punished and beaten together, forcing Zhao Erzhu to dream of the piercing drumbeat often when he was sleeping.

   Time to get out of town again.

From the initial repeated stop-and-run and turn in the relatively flat ground, this boring and cumbersome movement almost drove people crazy, but even if a few people passed out on the field, it did not make the two A guy with a crippled face and a missing finger is a little bit moved.

Within ten days, two people had already died, and the result of the clamor was that dozens of people designated as the reserve flag and the reserve general flag collectively flogged each other in the arena. Since then, no one has dared to challenge the two The guy who escaped the Mongols outside the Datong wall.

The burial fee for the dead is said to be twice as high as that of the master who died in Tunwei. This is also the main reason why everyone is silent. Nor is it a death.

The horizontal line stands at a distance of ten feet, standing on the platform set up at the highest point of the school field, Feng Ziying is expressionless, and remembers with the rhythmic drumbeat, the horizontal line is moving forward, a little scattered, the body is stiff and deformed, with the same hands and feet. , there were quite a few people who couldn't step on the drumbeat, but none of them looked around, and all eyes were looking straight ahead, which made Feng Ziying very satisfied.

  After ten days, the amount of training has basically reached the extreme. Feng Ziying knew that she should be satisfied with such an unsatisfactory situation.

  I can’t see anything yet, and I will have to wait until the new army of firecrackers sent by my father arrives to know the result. He also has no idea how effective his preparatory training will be.

  However, practice is better than no practice. Since this kind of queue practice can continue to be preserved in the era of hot weapons, it is naturally reasonable.

   Three days later, the firecracker army sent by the father will arrive, and it is said that they have already arrived at Shanhaiguan.

  Feng Ziying took a deep breath, there are still more than two months, who knows what all this will look like after more than two months?

  He is very contradictory, expecting and fearing, fearing all the unpredictable.

  (end of this chapter)

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