Number of People

Chapter 957: jizijuan in chaos

  Chapter 957 The self-character volume is in chaos

  Niu Jizong's unceremonious words made Wang Ziteng unable to answer.

  Why doesn't he understand the mystery?

  The formation of the Denglei Army has encountered various obstacles from the cabinet to the Ministry of War, and he has been asked to focus on the formation of the Denglei Navy fleet instead of the Denglei Army.

  What is the meaning of the Kedenlai Navy Fleet to me?

  I don’t know anything about navy, isn’t it for nothing that Shen Yourong?

  Shen Yourong was recommended to him by Feng Ziying, and he is a talented naval engineer, but Wang Ziteng knew it after a few contacts, it was useless.

This person is an axial person, and he only thinks about how to strengthen the coastal defense, and how to bring the sea control rights of Kuwu (Sakhalin Island)-Ezo-Liaonan-Denglai-Ryukyu-Dongfan-Nanyang into the imperial court During the control, he even sketched out a grand plan for himself, to include the connection between the Xuanwei Division of Burma and Nanyang in the former Ming Dynasty, and Wang Ziteng was stunned by his appetite.

  So he understood that this Shen Yourong didn't have the time to think about other things, and he couldn't use it for himself.

The Denglai army is his foundation. Wang Ziteng knew that when he left the position of Jiedu envoy of the Beijing camp, it was actually an extremely fierce move by the emperor, but at that time the emperor and the Supreme Emperor reached an agreement, and the successor It was Niu Jizong, he could only accept his fate.

   As expected, I was kicked from Xuanda to Denglai. It seems that I still have both water and land, and I have allocated enough money. It is called to form a Denglai army with both land and water, but the military power has been greatly weakened.

  Niu Jizong was also subjected to the same old trick. He was kicked out of the Beijing camp to Xuanda, but could only hide in the Xuanfu.

   It can be said that although he and Niu Jizong still have some influence in the Beijing camp, they have been greatly weakened.

   "Then we have to go." Wang Ziteng said calmly.

  Niu Jizong fell silent.

  Can you not go?


   Unless you want to raise the flag to rebel.

   Then you are really looking for a dead end. If a military governor disobeys the imperial court's military order, will your subordinates listen to you?

  There are no two suns in the sky, and there are no two masters in the country. Under the premise that Emperor Yonglong still occupies the absolute righteousness, anyone who dares to challenge will die.

  Wang Ziteng knew very well that he had no choice.

   "When do you want to go on the road?" Niu Jizong asked slowly after a while.

"Let me go back to rectify the Denglai army immediately. I must leave before the end of July and arrive in Huguang before the end of August. It is estimated that the Ministry of War will judge that Yang Yinglong will start an uprising in September and October. They are a little worried that Yang Yinglong, the Chahar people, and the Donglu There is something to do."

  Wang Ziteng’s words made Niu Jizong’s eyes brighten, and then he lowered his eyelids to think, “Leaving at the end of July, the road will happen to encounter the rainy season. It is not impossible for the day to be delayed at this time. In August and September in Huguang, maybe…”

  Wang Ziteng's expression remained unchanged, "Brother Jizong, what do you mean?"

"Ziteng, you and I have reached this point, can't we still talk to each other?" Niu Jizong said leisurely: "The crown prince has been so active in a short time, and Tang Binyin took his favorite student Han Jing to Jiangnan, in Jinling, Suzhou, Yangzhou, Hangzhou, and Nanchang traveled back and forth, and several academies such as Baima Academy, Chongwen Academy, and Shuangqiao Academy gave lectures, and invited many famous Jiangnan scholars to attend the lectures, what do you think they are doing?"

   "The emperor's health is really bad?" Wang Ziteng frowned when he heard Niu Jizong unscrupulously re-addressing Uprising Prince Zhong by his old name more than 20 years ago, "There is no news from the Imperial Hospital."

   "The emperor will not let outsiders know his real situation." Niu Jizong said flatly: "But his situation in the palace is still known."

  Wang Ziteng ignored the other party, "If the emperor can be seen through so easily, I'm afraid he won't be able to sit in this position."

  Niu Jizong Yilin, "You mean the emperor intends to release this news?"

"True or not, I'm afraid only the emperor knows. He released this news, which shows that he has some physical problems, but it's not the kind of situation he intentionally revealed. It's hard to say, maybe it is, maybe it's not,..." the prince Teng shook his head, "But he must have a purpose for posting this news."

   "Led the snake out of the hole?" Niu Jizong sneered, "Isn't he afraid of making the fake come true?"

"At least for now we don't have the ability. My Denglai army has been transferred, how much can your Xuanfu army control? How much can you pull out from Datong Town?" Wang Ziteng sighed, "If the Ministry of War Are you transferring the Beijing camp out of the capital city?"

   "Ah?!" Niu Jizong was taken aback, "Who would dare to do that? What's the reason?"

   "The Mongols invaded the south, and Jizhen was short of troops. It's okay to transfer the Beijing battalion to help defend, right?" Wang Ziteng said indifferently.

   "Then who will guard the capital city? What if the Mongols break through the defense of Ji Town and attack the capital city?" Niu Jizong couldn't believe it.

"Brother Jizong, in fact, we all understand that the Mongols want to destroy the capital city. What else is there to say?" Wang Ziteng felt that Niu Jizong was a little pedantic, but he still didn't understand.

   "You mean that the emperor wants to take this opportunity to take the Beijing camp..." Niu Jizong felt a little cold.

"Who says it can't?" Wang Ziteng sneered, "The soldiers of the Beijing camp can really be regarded as an army in the capital city, but if they go out of the city, are they still counted? You and I have both served as military governors of the Beijing camp. They are very well aware of the situation of these people, the city gates are closed, and there are no other troops in the capital city, they can indeed be arrogant, but if they leave the city, the Mongols and frontier soldiers may not be used to them."

   According to the rules of the Great Zhou Dynasty, except for the troops of the Beijing camp, other frontier troops and guards are not allowed to enter the capital unless there is a special order. Anyone who violates the order is regarded as treason.

  Therefore, there are only the Jingying armies in the capital city. The number of soldiers such as Wucheng Bingmasi and the Warriors Battalion is only 800 people.

   "I'm afraid the Supreme Emperor won't agree?" Niu Jizong calmed down.

  The army of the Beijing camp is the direct line of the Supreme Emperor. Although the Emperor is now in charge, if the Beijing camp is to be transferred out of the capital, it will undoubtedly touch the Supreme Emperor's scales.

   "That's the truth, but if the emperor thinks this way, I'm afraid the emperor won't be able to stop it." Wang Ziteng shook his head.

   Niu Jizong listened intently.

"Firstly, there is no change of generals. Now the emperor and the emperor have not agreed on the candidates for the military governor of the Beijing camp? Isn't Chen Jixian just a general of the Fifth Army Battalion who is temporarily in charge of the Beijing camp? Who is he? I am afraid that the emperor and the emperor are both Don’t worry, but you can only accept it temporarily.”

"Secondly, if you are asked to leave the city to help defend Jizhen, it is not because you are not allowed to come back. It is reasonable; thirdly, if the Mongols really invade the south and the imperial court has a decree, but you refuse to fight, the folk scholars in the capital city, The public opinion is raging, I am afraid no one can bear it, and so is the Supreme Emperor!"

  Niu Jizong understood that the emperor was trying to coerce the opinions of the scholars to suppress people. If anyone dared not obey the edict, then he stood on the moral high ground and was moving. No matter how hard the emperor opposed it.

   "Then you have to go to Huguang." Niu Jizong sighed.

   "Brother Jizong, you should still want to say something." Wang Ziteng glanced at the other party, this old fox is still playing sloppy with himself.

"Let's take it one step at a time, maybe there will be changes." Niu Jizong also didn't believe that Prince Yizhong would say nothing to Wang Ziteng. The last step will be taken, because everyone knows that once this last step is taken, there will be no chance of turning back.

   "By the way, did Shi Nai find you?" Wang Ziteng asked.

  "Shi Nai?" Niu Jizong asked suspiciously: "What does he want me for?"

"He has followed the path of King Shou, and he may be the deputy general of Datong Mansion." Wang Ziteng glanced at Niu Jizong with some doubts. What is this Niu Jizong doing? The deputy general of the town went to make money, but as the governor of Xuanda, he should also ask.

   "Huh?" Niu Jizong was taken aback, his face darkened, "Shi Nai came to Datong to be the deputy commander-in-chief, how about some money?"

"He was just looking for a living. Shi Ding owed 30,000 taels of silver in gambling debts outside, and hid himself from seeing people. There were only a few wives in the Zhongjinghou's mansion, and he went to the Bowlinghou's mansion. , making Shi Nai miserable, but although this person is a bit greedy, he has some tricks to win over people's hearts..." The prince laughed sinisterly.

   "You mean..." Niu Jizong understood.

  Because he wants to firmly control the Xuan Mansion, and Datong is the basic base of the Feng family, and the current Datong General Soldier is also at odds with him, so he has never had the opportunity to intervene in Datong.

Shi Nai is not good at war and is also greedy for money, but he is good at wooing and buying people, otherwise he would not be able to get through the relationship with King Shou. If he can use this person, let him win a couple of dollars in Datong. A team of people is also entitled to be used as waste.

"Well, don't underestimate King Shou, King Shou worked so hard, and only accepted Shi Nai's inkstone worth less than a hundred taels of silver." Wang Ziteng raised his head, "These sons of the emperor are not cheap, King Fu frequently went to Qingtan Academy and Chongzheng Academy to give gifts, pay homage to teachers, attend lectures, and play around. Do you know what you are doing, King Li? He went to Dahuguo Temple twice to pray for the emperor, and then turned around and accepted the gods again. Ying Qiu Shiben's concubine's daughter is a side concubine,..."

  Niu Jizong took a deep breath, Qiu Shiben was second only to Chen Jixian, the general of the Fifth Army Battalion in the Beijing camp and Chen Jixian who is now in charge of Beijing camp affairs.

"There is also King Lu, who has just grown up and proposed to the emperor that he is willing to go to the Fifth Army Battalion to train. Starting from a small flag, it is very courageous..." Wang Ziteng chuckled rather playfully: "Brother Jizong, your majesty How many good sons have been born, do you think they are all brothers and friends, can they make the emperor recover from his illness quickly?"

  (end of this chapter)

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