Number of People

Chapter 958: Zizi Juan hit the head

  Chapter 958 Self-written scroll takes a blow

  Seeing the young man walking fast and fast, Feng Ziying couldn't believe his eyes. In just a few years, this guy has grown into such a body?

   "Meet Big Brother!"

  After approaching, the Xuanjia youth knelt on one knee, clasped his fists with both hands, and said in a deep voice.

"You and my brother, why do you do this?" Feng Ziying pulled Zuo Liangyu up while feeling emotional. In the letter, he already knew that Zuo Liangyu hired a teacher to write for him. , "Kunshan, get up, I can't stand it anymore."

Zuo Liangyu's face is full of oil, with a slight mustache under his chin, a pair of tiger eyes are shining brightly, a short-handled self-igniting gun is inserted obliquely at his waist, and then look at those palms full of thick calluses, and a pair of hands from the temples. The scars slanting across the gap were slightly distorted and ugly, and it was impossible to tell whether it was the wound of the sword or the arrow.

   Pulling Zuo Liangyu to sit next to him, Feng Ziying was also a little excited. At this time, he no longer had the sense of freshness and mystery that he had when he met a historical celebrity in his previous life six years ago.

In Beijing, I usually see big figures in history such as Ye Xianggao and Fang Congzhe. I have also negotiated with Bu Shitu, a well-known Tumed leader in "History of Ming Dynasty", and I am about to face the attack of the famous Lin Dan Khan. , and may even confront the slave chieftain Nurhachi in the future. The powerful Cao Wenzhao and He Renlong are old acquaintances, and even Sun Chuanting treats him as his younger brother, and Zuo Liangyu is really not a big shot.

   What he is excited about now is that he finally saw the first celebrity he met in this time and space, and he finally grew up along the path he chose without deliberately changing history.

   "Thank you, brother." Zuo Liangyu stood up cheerfully.

"My father asked you to come?" Feng Ziying knew that Zuo Liangyu was now the general manager, and he had five sentinels under him, six hundred people. Although he knew that his father could not give him too many reinforcements, these six hundred people Also too little.

Following the regulations of the former Ming Dynasty, the guards still follow the system of small banners, general banners, one hundred households, and one thousand households. However, in the frontier army and battalion army, this model is no longer followed, but has evolved into troops, teams, sentries, and divisions. , Camp mode, the carry is five.

There are five people in a team, five teams are a team, twenty-five people, a team has a captain, five teams are a sentry, one hundred and thirty two people, a sentry officer and a deputy sentry officer, and five sentries are a battalion. There are six hundred and sixty-two people in total, including the chief and deputy generals.

Zuo Liangyu was originally the captain of Feng Tang's personal army, and later established a new army of firecrackers. Feng Ziying encouraged him to join the new army of firecrackers in a letter to Zuo Liangyu. Among the three battalions of the Gunxin Army, the commander of the second division of the Taishan Battalion.

Feng Ziying also knows that under the full promotion of her father, Liaodong Town has established three battalions: the Bashan Camp, the Destroying Mountain Camp, and the Poshan Camp. It is mainly self-generating firecrackers, but there are only two at present.

  Papa is not generous enough to hand over all the barracks to himself.

   "There is another one." Zuo Liangyu's face was a little worried, but he still said honestly: "The first part of Bashanying is always a bit annoying."

   "Oh?" Feng Ziying was a little curious, and could make Zuo Liangyu unhappy, but she seemed a little helpless. It seemed that the general manager was not simple, "Not here yet?"

"We're here, but he's going to complete the team first, and he may come to see the elder brother in a while. I'll let my deputy go to camp with the team, so I'll come first." Zuo Liangyu nodded, "That guy's mouth is very annoying, But training is also a good hand, not lost to me."

   There are really not many who can make Zuo Liangyu a good player.

The old man also said in his heart that Zuo Liangyu trained hard, had stricter demands on himself, and fought bravely to die. The general of the second part of the battalion, Dad didn't play much role, but just gave Zuo Liangyu a chance to perform.

Fortunately, the confrontation between Liaodong Town and the Donglu and Mongols is a small-scale friction, usually no more than a hundred people. Love is not serious.

  The two were talking, when Baoxiang from outside came to report, "Master, there is a Master Huang outside asking to see you."

  Zuo Liangyu's face darkened slightly, but immediately relaxed again, "This guy is here."

  Feng Ziying signaled Baoxiang to invite the person in, and she got up to greet him.

I saw a thin and strong person who entered the door, and seemed to be only two or three years older than Zuo Liangyu in terms of age, but he was in his early twenties, with a sharp face, Aomori's cheeks looked a bit piercing, sharp eyes in triangular eyes, and a hooked nose The next wide mouth.

No wonder the old man also said that except for the generals of the three battalions who are slightly older, the generals, sentry officers and even the soldiers below are mainly young people under the age of twenty-five, because only young people can react quickly enough , learning is more focused and serious, easy to accept.

   "Huang Degong, a humble worker, has met Mr. Tongzhi."

  Huang Degong? ! Feng Ziying was taken aback, the leader of the four Jiangbei towns?

   Or the same name and surname? It can't be such a coincidence, can it? Here Zuo Liangyu, now there is another Huang Degong?

   But Feng Ziying also had the impression that Huang Degong should be from Liaodong, he seems to be from Kaiyuanwei, and he seems to be about the same age.

   "Master Huang is free, you and I are not affiliated. This time, Master Huang and Brother Zuo Xian came to help our Yongping Mansion. I should thank you two." Feng Ziying laughed loudly.

   Seeing Feng Ziying's natural and generous attitude, Huang Degong felt a little more at ease.

He knew that Zuo Liangyu was not only the governor's confidant, he came from the military camp, but he also found out that Zuo Liangyu and the governor were not only from the same village, but also had good friends with the governor's son since childhood, and had a life-and-death friendship, so he went south this time He is not willing to come to help.

   It's just that the military order is like a mountain, and the second division of Bashanying was selected, so it is natural to choose one or two divisions, because he and Zuo Liangyu can't escape.

   Huang Degong never frightens anyone in battle, even if Zuo Liangyu is brave and fierce, Huang Degong has never lost to the opponent, and the battle between the first and the second has never stopped.

  The Governor-General naturally wouldn't pay attention to such trivial matters, but when he came to Yongping Mansion, who knew what kind of moths would happen to this Yongping Mansion Tongzhi who had been friends with Zuo Liangyu since childhood.

He had also heard in the army that the governor, the son, was not only from Hanlin, but the teacher was also a senior member of the imperial court and the Metropolitan Procuratorate. They are the ones that even the immediate superiors are most worried about.

   "Master Huang, please sit down. Kunshan was talking about Master Huang before. He said that he has been unconvinced, but he must also admit that Master Huang deserves to be the leader of this department, but he will try his best to let the second department overwhelm the first."

  Feng Ziying's words surprised Zuo Liangyu, but she couldn't explain it, but she couldn't refute it. Although she didn't say that in her previous words, her meaning was similar.

And Huang Degong didn't expect Zuo Liangyu to say such fair words in front of Feng Ziying. Of course Zuo Liangyu would not be convinced by himself, but the other party was also seeking truth from facts and would work hard to suppress him when he said it, which meant that So far, the opponent has not been able to gain the upper hand.

   "If the virtuous brother from Kunshan can do this, Huang will naturally be convinced. I'm afraid that the virtuous brother from Kunshan can't do it." Huang Degong was not polite.

   It is meaningless to talk about military exploits on the battlefield. Both Huang Degong and Zuo Liangyu have this attitude.

"Brother Hushan, don't worry, you will see that day. When you come to Yongping Mansion this time, you will have Brother Feng to testify and a Tatar to be a target, so you can have a contest." Zuo Liangyu responded coldly road.

  Huang Degong said calmly: "As long as Brother Zuo can draw the way, Huang will follow his orders."

  Feng Ziying saw that although the two were restrained in front of her, they were already confronting each other.

   "Listen to me, you two." Feng Ziying raised her hand.

  Both Huang Degong and Zuo Liangyu stopped talking, no matter what, they were just guests from afar, and this young man of the same age as him was a regular five-rank acquaintance, and he was a civil servant.

"My father sent two people to help Yongping. I am very grateful. I will take the two to see the Lord Fu Zun later, but before that, I also want to talk to the two of us about our work in Mongolia. What you have to do before the invasion of the South, and by the way, tell us the situation that Yongping Mansion may face,..."

  When Feng Ziying narrated the situation that Yongping Mansion might face, the cause and effect were also clearly explained, even if Huang Zuo and Huang Zuo were both brave men, they couldn't help but suddenly change color.

"Brother, do you mean that the tens of thousands of people in Ji Town will probably not fight for Yongping Mansion, but rely on us?" Zuo Liangyu swallowed, "Then I want to ask, how many people will the governor send?" The follow-up troops come to Yongping?"

  Feng Ziying spread her hands, "It's not clear yet, but I guess there won't be too many, maybe one or two, and the total will not exceed one battalion."

   Both Zuo Liangyu and Huang Degong couldn't help but exchanged glances, and their expressions changed a little.

   You are not afraid of wars, and you are not afraid of hard and fierce battles, but how can such a thousand people fight against possibly tens of thousands of Mongolian cavalry? Needless to say field battles, even defending the city is impossible.

Most of the Mongols are cavalry, but it does not mean that they will not attack the city if they come on horseback. Those who are attached to the Mongolian iron cavalry are more servants and slaves. There are often three or four such servants behind a cavalry Soldiers, although they can also ride horses, they are more capable of serving as the vanguard of siege.

"Brother, how can we fight this battle like this?" Zuo Liangyu couldn't help asking: "We only have more than a thousand people, and the gap between us and the enemy is so big, even if there are another one or two thousand people, the gap is too big , This is hitting a stone with an egg."

  Huang Degong also had an ugly face on the side. He didn't expect to hear such news as soon as he came, and it was like a blow to the head.

  (end of this chapter)

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