Number of People

Chapter 959: The self-written scroll is shocking, and the show is not simple

  Chapter 959 The self-written scroll is shocking, and the airs are not simple

   "This is exactly what we are trying to change now." Feng Ziying watched the two of them calmly, "Brother Hushan, Kunshan, you don't think I will take my own future as a child's play, do you?"

Of course, Huang Degong and Zuo Liangyu don’t think so. Feng Ziying’s second-class Jinshi and Shujishi, and then became a scholar of the Imperial Academy. It's child's play in this kind of thing.

   Seeing the two shake their heads, Feng Ziying said: "I don't know how long Brother Hushan and Kunshan have been training these two firearms?"

  The two hesitated for a moment, but Huang Degong said calmly: "It's been more than a year."

   "What do you two think of the combat effectiveness of the Bashan Battalion?" Feng Ziying continued to ask.

Huang Degong said proudly: "Whether it's the first one in the humble position or the second one in Kunshan, they are all the top choices in the Liaodong town's firecracker army. A certain person who thinks that he can compete with my second division in Jiliao or even Xuanda is seldom have."

   "How about the Mongolian cavalry?" Feng Ziying was not polite.

  This question is not so easy to answer. Huang Degong pondered for a while, "My lord, it depends on the occasion, how many enemies you face, and how the surrounding environment is. You can't generalize it."

   "How about relying on the defense of the walled city?" Feng Ziying asked directly.

"Then you can boast that you are not afraid of triple cavalry!" Huang Degong replied loudly. The three-stage strike has been practiced very skillfully in more than a year, and has also made small-scale peace with the Mongols many times. The Jurchens fought and achieved good results, so Huang Degong had this confidence.

   "How about the same force in the field wave battle?" The field wave war also means a temporary encounter, and the opponent is mainly cavalry.

   "It's hard to say, it still depends on the terrain, but if there is plenty of time and the scouts can find out the enemy's situation in advance, a certain person can also fight." Huang Degong thought for a while, and he could not show weakness under such circumstances.

  According to the regulations of the Great Zhou, each battalion of the frontier army has its own scouts, both cavalry and infantry scouts.

  There must be Bashan Battalion, but now only the second part has come, and I don’t know how many scouts they brought. This is a prerequisite for fighting against the enemy.

"Well, then I can also tell you clearly that we need to guard Qian'an, Lulong, and even Luanzhou, but I think that if the Mongols can be beaten hard in the battle between Qian'an and Lulong, then the Mongols' position is still there. To have the courage to go south to Luanzhou again, so Qian'an and Lulong Guard may be the key to World War II." Feng Ziying said in a deep voice.

"This is impossible!" Huang Degong also said unceremoniously: "Even if the entire Bashan camp comes, there are only more than 3,000 people. If they only guard one city, they still have the strength to fight, but Qian'an is only a few kilometers away from Lulong. A distance of ten miles is the best situation for the cavalry to give full play to their advantages. If they are scattered and defended, they will be defeated one by one. If they only defend one city, the other city will be destroyed."

  Feng Ziying nodded, Huang Degong was quite honest, speaking frankly and telling the truth.

For such a large county town, take Lulong as an example, the circumference of the city is nine miles and thirteen steps, the height is three feet and six feet, the bottom is three feet wide, and the top is two feet wide. The most basic requirement, and it is necessary to concentrate superior forces to inflict damage on the enemy, if the enemy continues to attack regardless of casualties, there is nothing to say.

   "Then if we have two battalions of firecrackers, supplemented by some other city defenders, can we defend the two cities?" Feng Ziying asked again.

  Huang Degong hesitated a bit, "Your Excellency, you mean that the Destroying Mountain Camp or the Poshan Camp will also come?"

"No, the Destroying Mountain Camp and the Breaking Mountain Camp will not come, but I have prepared five thousand people for the two of you. I hope that you and your subordinates can train the five thousand people in these two months. Success, let these 5,000 people become your loyal subordinates, win this battle,..."

  Feng Ziying's words made Huang Degong and Zuo Liangyu look at each other in blank dismay.

  Although they also admit that musketeers are easier to train than crossbowmen and ordinary infantry soldiers who use spears and knives, but how can it be done in more than two months?

  If there is half a year, there may be some hope, but two months is too short, I am afraid that these folks have not even mastered the basic formation and fire drills.

   "My lord, I'm afraid we won't be able to meet your request." Huang Degong knew that Zuo Liangyu would definitely not be able to defy Feng Ziying's opinion face to face, and this villain could only do it by himself.

"Brother Hushan, don't make any assertions yet. Let me show you the situation of the people we have trained for fifteen days. Although they still don't know how to use firecrackers, and they haven't even been equipped with firecrackers, I think The early training may make the two of you feel that this Minzhuang is different,..."

  Feng Ziying's self-confidence made Huang Degong and Zuo Liangyu feel incredible. What effect can half a month of training have? Compared with that time, the gods can't change many tricks, right?

   It's just that Feng Ziying said so, the two of them can't even save this bit of face, they can only nod.

   A group of people came to the competition field. Feng An had already organized the more than one thousand people into eight sentries according to Feng Ziying's request, with one hundred and thirty people per sentry.

  The other batch of eight sentries had only entered training for less than three days. They just figured out the basic formation, and stood aside to observe the training status of these "old men" who had already trained for fifteen days.

  These "veterans" are holding wooden sticks in their hands to replace the firecrackers that will be equipped in the future.

  After completing the basic queue training, it is necessary to march with guns, but this kind of training has only been carried out for five days, which is very rough, and even Feng Ziying feels that it is far from enough.

  Following Feng Ziying to the high platform of the colonel field, Huang Degong and Zuo Liangyu were a little amused.

  The group of folks in front of me who looked like they were giving birth to melon eggs, holding wooden sticks in their hands, looked a little ridiculous no matter how you looked at it.

   This group of people can go against the Mongols. I am afraid that a team of Mongolian cavalry can drive these more than a thousand people into chaos, killing all the soldiers, right?

  Feng Ziying also saw the contempt and disdain in the eyes of Huang Degong and Zuo Liangyu, and he didn't care. The situation in front of them is indeed worthy of contempt, but once they walk, I'm afraid they will be dumbfounded.

"Uncle An, it's time to start. Let them practice according to the steps of training for more than ten days. I don't ask for anything else, just keep the momentum and rhythm for me." Feng Ziying gave another slightly shorter high platform Feng An signaled.

  Accompanied by the rough and thick voices of the specially selected trumpeters, the entire playground fell silent.

   "On your marks!"

   "All stand at attention! Take a break, stand at attention!"

   "Front and back alignment, left and right alignment!"

  Among the sound of a series of fine footsteps, there was a burst of yellow dust in the field, which was the power brought by the whole team of thousands of people.

More than ten days of sweat, sticks, and leather whips, mixed with the physiological reactions formed by countless curses and humiliations from the sentry officers and team officers, have already entered a semi-numb state, and they will subconsciously move mechanically when they hear orders Woke up, completely without thinking.

   "All look left!"

   "All look forward!"

   "Stand at attention! Sit back! Stand at attention!"

   "First whistle, let's go!"

Both Huang Degong and Zuo Liangyu looked at Feng An waving the chess pieces calmly with contemptuous smiles on their faces, and the cheering soldiers around them stared at the red and green flags in Feng An's hands, following the changes in the colors and movements of the flags. , shouting different orders.

  Feng An was the governor's former personal commander. Both Huang Zuo and Huang Zuo knew that they were injured and retired to follow Feng Ziying, so Huang Zuo and Huang Zuo must maintain respect in etiquette.

Accompanied by the uniform movements of these strong soldiers one after another, the expressions on the faces of Huang Degong and Zuo Liangyu began to change slowly. If the orderly standing at attention and resting was not enough to move them, but the burst of small steps The steps of adjusting the standing distance of the queue made the two of them have to face up to this Minzhuang team, which was said to have only been trained for fifteen days.

  When they saw that the first whistle was marching in unison with guns and guns in accordance with the standard, both Huang Degong and Zuo Liangyu couldn't help opening their mouths.

This kind of training mode that subverted their cognition and the marching of the whole team was completely unacceptable to them. Although they could see that the movements of these people holding guns were still quite stiff and unfamiliar, the orderliness of the marching and the coordination of their steps were far from enough. Beyond their own mountain camp.

The three-stage strike that Bashanying attaches great importance to, also attaches great importance to maintaining the rhythm of marching and paralleling the queue. However, without scientific training methods, if you want to achieve the kind of Minzhuang trained by Feng Ziying according to the training manual written by the queue training content. level, is obviously impossible.

Of course, this is just a superficial phenomenon. The group of folks have been training for half a month, but they have never even seen a firecracker. The next thing is the key, but this superficial airs alone has shocked Huang Degong and Zuo Liangyu. It's hard work.

   Watching the 130 people of the first sentinel pass the reviewing platform at a uniform speed under the command of the acting sentry officer, the yellow dust kicked up filled the air, but it did not affect the interest of the people on the high platform at all.

  Feng Ziying watched it for the first time, but she was still inexplicably excited.

He also knows that this is actually a level similar to the military training of freshmen in colleges and universities, but under the sticks, whips and super-intensive training of the sentry officers, these honest folks are more obedient and patient than the freshmen in colleges. A hundred times stronger.

  Training four times a day, apart from eating, sleeping and short breaks, they will only have one basic goal in mind during the 15 days, that is training, and use super training to consolidate their physiological set and form muscle memory.

Accompanied by the eight whistles, they marched in sequence, almost exactly the same. The stable line of hundreds of people walked in a line that Feng Ziying didn't seem to be satisfied with on the high platform, and kept a distance of two feet between each whistle. Walking in unison, and running again, holding a gun instead of carrying a gun, Huang Degong and Zuo Liangyu are both fascinated by it.

  (end of this chapter)

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