Number of People

Chapter 963: Zizi operation

  Chapter 963 Operation of Zizi Scroll

   "The imperial court issued regulations to regulate and protect?" Wang Shaoquan's awareness had obviously not reached this point, and he was a little puzzled: "How to regulate and protect this?"

  Feng Ziying sighed, this is the limitation of the feudal businessman's consciousness.

They haven't realized the huge benefits that this new technology and process may bring, and they haven't realized the huge transformative effect that these new things will bring to the development of the whole society. They only see the benefits and benefits that keeping secrets can bring to themselves. Good thing, but for now, it's not bad that they realize it.

"The imperial court does not have this kind of new law yet, but it does not mean that it cannot introduce new laws. It followed the thousand-year-old system of three provinces and six ministries until the Great Zhou Dynasty became only the cabinet and six ministries. But now the imperial court wants to set up a new business If you want to change the Zhongshu Department to seven, isn’t this also a change and innovation? Since even the imperial system can be reformed, why not create a new law?”

  Feng Ziying’s words convinced Wang Shaoquan, “My lord, what do you mean, you still want to talk to Jiangnan…”

"We still have some new technologies in iron smelting and cement, and we may learn Xiyi skills in casting guns and making guns in the future to make innovations. Tea making, pharmaceuticals, spinning and weaving industries also have many secrets that are not passed on. How can the interests of the creators of these secrets be protected, but these secrets can also be promoted. Fuze people, how to solve this contradiction ?”

Feng Ziying pondered and said: "It's like someone explored the route to Eizo and Kuwu, and even contacted the local specialty resources, but you got the chart from a crew member and went to business by yourself, how can this work? ? Who is willing to explore new commercial routes in the future?"

  Wang Shaoquan nodded repeatedly.

"Then how to solve this problem? I think the court should make it clear in the form of laws. New technologies and techniques can be promoted, but you should reward the pioneers with benefits. For example, to make cement, you have to use my new techniques. Technology, no problem, then if you build a factory, according to the production scale, you should pay a certain amount of money every year to make up for the cost of my previous attempts and explorations. This price can be negotiated, which can speed up the promotion of this new technology and make cement It is more commonly used, and we can also use this new technology and new technology as a price to buy shares, and jointly build a new cement factory with Jiangnan gentry,..."

Wang Shaoquan couldn't help standing up, his eyes sparkled, "Your Excellency's words are very good. If it is possible, our Shanshan Chamber of Commerce is not that narrow-minded generation, and we are willing to work together with Jiangnan merchants to set up such workshops and seek to make a fortune. ..."

"Well, on the one hand, we have to push the imperial court to issue such laws as soon as possible; on the other hand, we also have to consider how to spread our iron smelting and cement production technologies to the south. We might as well cooperate with Zhuang Ji and go first in Guangdong and Guangxi. As for Jiangnan, we can consider the next step."

Wang Shaoquan agreed with Feng Ziying's opinion. Although Guangdong, Guangxi and Jiangnan belong to the south, the core area of ​​Jiangnan has always been respected by the four provinces of Nanzhi, Zhejiang, Fujian, and Jiangxi. It can only be regarded as the periphery.

That is to say, among the current group of gentry, there is a tendency to form alliances between northern scholars and Huguang scholars, while Jiangnan scholars are closely related to Guangdong and Guangxi scholars. Difficult to play much role.

"My lord, this method is very good. The land of Guangfo has always been prosperous with merchants. It is a great advantage. Zhuangji also has a good location there. The gentry from the south of the Yangtze River can't reach Guangdong and Guangxi, so they can indeed take a step ahead. "

"Shaoquan, we have to wait until we have passed the barrier in Yongping Mansion. Our most precious thing is not blast furnaces, iron ore and coal mines, but these gradually skilled craftsmen and technicians. With this Under the leadership of a group of people, we can continue to train batch after batch of skilled craftsmen. This is our most precious wealth. With them, we can prospect for mines and build furnaces in any place with the fastest speed and the highest efficiency. , kiln, and iron smelting until the material is discharged, and if a group of people are changed, even if they know our technological process, it is impossible for him to reach our current level within two or three years. The steel and iron materials fired And cement, can it achieve the quality we have been groping for for so long? Impossible."

  Feng Ziying valued this group of craftsmen and technicians far more than others, which also moved Wang Shaoquan quite a bit.

Compared with his companions, Mr. Feng obviously sees more far-reaching, and has a deeper understanding of the role of these craftsmen, and even deliberately played down his own guidance on new crafts from iron smelting to cement making. As a result, it strengthened his determination to hold on to this thick leg firmly.

  Feng Ziying has been brewing a sentence in her heart, but she just can't say it, "What is the most important thing in the seventeenth century is talent! It is scientific talent!"

  I am afraid that Wang Shaoquan and the others can hardly understand what the seventeenth century means, so they can only think about it.


  Feng Ziying's vigorous actions in Yongping Mansion naturally cannot be hidden from many people who pay attention to him. No matter in Yongping Mansion, in the capital city, or even in Liaodong, Jizhen and Denglai, they can attract many people's attention.

  Qiao Yingjia looked at the news handed over by her confidant Zhang Shenyan with a gloomy face, stroked her beard and fell silent.

The establishment of Minzhuang is not a problem, the local government has this power, but the scale of Yongping Mansion's establishment of Minzhuang is too large, 5,000 people, of which 3,000 are from military households. This seems to be justified.

The other 2,000 people from the prefectures and counties below Yongping Prefecture had the strongest reaction, including officials from various prefectures and counties and big gentry households. They all opposed it unanimously. It can only stay on paper and is difficult to shake.

  When the magistrate of a place and the same magistrate have the same working attitude in this regard, there is almost no one who can overthrow or contend. Whether it is county officials or local gentry, if they dare to resist, they will only be ruthlessly suppressed.

   Of course, there is no way, but it can only come from a higher level. If it is placed in the Beizhi area, it can only be the imperial court. The affairs in this regard are either the Ministry of War or the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

   "What's the attitude of the Ministry of War?" Qiao Yingjia put down the paper sign and asked calmly.

   "Mr. Ru Jun, don't worry. The Ministry of War's attitude is very clear. Yongping Mansion is located at a critical point. The Mongol invasion is imminent. Ji Town is short of troops. It should be vigorously strengthened to ensure the safety of the place."

Zhang Shenyan was Qiao Yingjia's third-class Jinshi when he was an examiner in the 27th year of Yuanxi. In addition, Zhang Shenyan was from Yangcheng, Zezhou, Shaanxi. My confidant is now the censor of the Henan Province of the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

   "Then what is the intention of this group of people?" Qiao Yingjia was still not at ease.

"It's nothing more than someone who has gone through the door, so I helped to wave the flag and shout." Zhang Shenyan smiled, "Ru Jungong, we censors are not all as cautious as you, self-clear For introspection, some people know that some things will not work, but shouting for help, yelling, reminding and reminding, it can be regarded as doing their best."

"No, Jin Ming, Chen Mu is not such a person. He and you are both from Shaanxi, so you should know what he is." Qiao Yingjia was very dissatisfied with this, "Chen Mu is also a member of our northern scholars. , Ziying's actions in Yongping Mansion are certainly harsh, but can't he see the meaning behind it?"

  The Chenmu mentioned by Qiao Yingjia is also a scholar from Shaanxi, and he is also Hao Tugao, the censor of Shandong Dao of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, whose name is Chenmu.

  If it is said that the Jiangnan scholars occupy a dominant position in the six parts, then in the Metropolitan Procuratorate, the northern scholars are even more powerful.

Among the chief officials of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, apart from Liu Yixiu, the censor of the right capital, who was a scholar from the south of the Yangtze River, Zhang Huaichang, the censor of the left capital, who was from Liaodong, Qiao Yingjia, the censor of the left capital, who was from Shanxi, and the other three deputy censors, Apart from Yang He, who is a Huguang scholar, the imperial censor of Qiandu has two scholars from the north, one from the southwest, and no scholars from the south of the Yangtze River.

  Seeing that Qiao Yingjia was a little angry, Zhang Shenyan could only keep smiling, "Chenmu's in-laws are in Yongping, that may be the reason..."

"Then Chenmu should be more aware of the pros and cons of this!" Qiao Yingjia said angrily, "Jin Ming, go and have a good talk with Chenmu, this matter will stop here, and Chenmu will go and warn his in-laws about it." Fan, tell him that everything is governed by the court's laws, so don't make mistakes!"

  Zhang Shenyan also complained secretly in his heart, but he had to accept it.

He knew that this matter would definitely arouse Ru Jungong's dissatisfaction. The proud student was exiled to the local government, and now he is working hard in Yongping. Isn't this intentional to offend Mr. Ru?

If it falls into the ears of Zhang Gong, the censor of Zuodu, I'm afraid Hao Tujiao will be even more unbearable. This formation of Minzhuang is obviously to fight against the Mongols. Do you really think Mr. Zhang can't see the pressure?

"Jin Ming, I'm short-sighted, don't be like him." Qiao Yingjia still trusts her confidant, "Changlu inspector and salt censor has been vacant for a long time. I have already discussed with Mr. Zhang, and also with Chengfeng Brother, I have talked about it, and I plan to make a proposal to Lord Shoufu with Mr. Zhang in the near future, and you will be the censor of Changlu patrolling salt."

  Zhang Shenyan's heart was beating wildly. This is Changlu Salt Censor.

  This position has been vacant for many years and has not been able to reach a balance. If Ru Jungong can tell himself this time, it is almost absolutely sure that he will make such a statement.

  (end of this chapter)

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