Number of People

Chapter 964: The Zizi scroll touches the hearts of thousands of people

  Chapter 964 The self-written scroll affects the hearts of thousands of people

  Seeing that Zhang Shenyan was a little nervous, Qiao Yingjia waved his hand, "Jin Ming, don't think this is a fat vacancy. There is a reason why Changlu Xunyan Yushi has been vacant for many years, and you probably know a thing or two."

Zhang Shenyan took a deep breath, restrained his excitement, and nodded: "Mr. Ru Jun, I also know one or two things. There is a lot of private salt in the north, but the local salt supply is insufficient, especially for the Huimin people in Yongping Prefecture. The saltworks were repeatedly destroyed by the Japanese, which caused a great impact,..."

"Well, the Huimin Salt Field is related to the salt supply situation in the entire Beizhi area, but it has been destroyed repeatedly. What's the reason here? How much interest does the Japanese have in it that is worth their lives? I have always been very skeptical." Qiao Yingjia snorted coldly. He said, "After Liu Yixiu went to Shandong and came back, he kept silent. He didn't go to Yongping, but he repeatedly criticized Yongping's public security. The problem of Huimin Salt Field is his reason. If you go to Changlu, the problem of Huimin Salt Field will bear the brunt. Ziying has already sent me a letter, saying that there are many interests involved behind this, and most of them involve officials and local gentry of Yongping Mansion,..."

  Zhang Shenyan had also heard about the problems at the Huimin Saltworks for a long time, and knew that this matter would probably be his top priority after taking office.

Salt affairs have always been the focus of contention between the Metropolitan Procuratorate and the Ministry of Household Affairs. Theoretically, the Salt Envoy is the head of the Metropolitan Salt Envoy. The real No. 1 person in the Siyamen, Duyunyanshi, can only be reduced to the specific executor, not the decision maker.

  The transfer of salt envoys in the capital is nominated by the Ministry of Households, and approved by the Ministry of Officials for appointment by the cabinet, but the Yushi patrolling salt is nominated by the Metropolitan Procuratorate, reviewed by the Ministry of Officials, and appointed by the Ministry of Officials, which is obviously superior.

   The grade of Xunyan Yushi is uncertain, it can be the sixth grade, or the third grade, depending on the seniority of Xunyan Yushi.

For example, Zhang Shenyan is just a censor of the sixth rank. This time, he can be promoted to the first rank as the patrol censor, but it is only from the fifth rank, and Changludu's transfer of the salt envoy is from the fourth rank official. Compared with Zhang Shenyan after being promoted Still two grades higher.

  But this is just an anecdote of the position. In terms of authority, the Yu character in the Xunyan Yushi is quite different. It represents the emperor, and its power is naturally higher than that of the capital transfer salt envoy.

"Master Zheng from the household department has always been quite dissatisfied with the situation of Huimin Saltworks, but his dissatisfaction is different from that of Liu Yixiu. He thinks that the inspector of the Salt Censor should be confirmed as soon as possible, and the production of Huimin Saltworks should be resumed as soon as possible, so as to avoid the national finance and taxation being taken by the local government. It was engulfed by the rich and powerful gentry, Jin Ming, this matter did not happen overnight, after you go, you must act cautiously, find out the situation first, and then cooperate with Yongping Mansion to strive for some achievements in this matter , so that Zheng Jizhi can be convinced, and Liu Yixiu's mouth can be blocked."

  Zhang Shenyan hurriedly got up and bowed his hands, "Student understands, and must live up to Ru Jungong's great trust, and strive to achieve results."

"Well, Yongping Mansion has been under the rule of Zhu Zhiren for a few years. The evil gentry are rebellious, and there are more and more unruly people. It has long been necessary to rectify. Ziying will inevitably encounter resistance there, but although he is young, he is not bad. , I am optimistic that he can succeed in Yongping, and you go to Changlu, and you can use his power to handle the matter of Huimin Saltworks well, and it can be regarded as the two of you working together to give the court an explanation."

  Qiao Yingjia valued Zhang Shenyan very much. Unlike Feng Ziying, although Zhang Shenyan was not as talented as Feng Ziying, he did things steadily, carefully and thoughtfully.

  The issue of Huimin Saltworks has been dragging on for a long time, and there are complaints from the Ministry of Household Affairs, the Cabinet, and even the Metropolitan Procuratorate. However, it concerns the important position of Chief Lu Xunyan Yushi, and no one is willing to back down lightly.

  It took him a lot of thought to talk through Zhang Huaichang and Qi Yongtai, and he still needed to get through Ye Xianggao's joints.

  If Zhang Shenyan fails to solve the problem of the Huimin saltworks quickly after he leaves, he will definitely be criticized by Fang Congzhe, the second assistant in charge of the household department.

   After Zhang Shenyan left, Qiao Yingjia considered how to write a letter to Feng Ziying.

  Qiao Yingjia also knew that Feng Ziying would have to free up his hands to solve the matter of Huimin Saltworks, and he might have to wait until the end of the year when the Mongol invasion incident came to an end, but it would be better to send a letter to remind the other party earlier so that the other party can prepare early.

   I didn't expect Feng Ziying to make such a big move in Yongping. The people are five thousand strong, that's all, but they are all equipped with firecrackers, which is a bit eye-catching.

  The firecrackers accounted for less than 10% of the entire frontier army, and most of them were the old-fashioned three-eyed firecrackers, Lumi blunderbuss, etc., which were of poor quality, so they were not welcomed by soldiers.

However, after Feng Tang served as the governor of Jiliao, with the help of the imperial government's appropriation, he began to establish a large-scale new firearms army in Liaodong Town. On the premise of gradually eliminating the old-fashioned firearms army, three battalions of firearms new troops have been established. By the end of this year, the new firecracker army will be expanded to five battalions, and in the next three years, the proportion of the entire firecracker army will be expanded to account for more than 40% of the entire Liaodong army.

This means that among the 120,000 Liaodong Army, the firecracker army will reach nearly 50,000. This replacement ratio is quite scary, and the required silver taels is also an astronomical figure. It is initially estimated that it will cost millions of taels of silver just to change the firecrackers. This also caused great dissatisfaction from the cabinet and the Ministry of Household Affairs.

   Fortunately, Feng Tang only proposed this idea, and the Ministry of War is still considering it, so it is still unknown whether it can be realized.

  However, Feng Ziying is now carrying out her father's intention, and actually started to try first in Yongping Mansion to equip the firecrackers in the Minzhuang way, obviously intending to use the Minzhuang firecrackers to test their combat effectiveness.

If this new army of firecrackers with a scale of 5,000 people can really perform well in the process of dealing with the Mongol invasion, it will undoubtedly enhance the confidence of the Ministry of War, and it will also allow the Ministry of War to be more confident in the game with the Ministry of Finance and even the cabinet. persuasive.

  As for the silver taels needed to form the 5,000-strong firecracker army, there is no doubt that it came from Feng Ziying's drastic cleanup of military households and hidden farms.

  The future direction of this militia is also worth exploring. The Ministry of War may not have the intention of borrowing the resources of Yongping Mansion for its own benefit. If Liaodong Town needs to increase its troops, this militia may be sent directly to the front line.

Qiao Yingjia still doesn't know about the deal between Feng Ziying and Lu Long gentleman, and she doesn't know why Zhu Zhiren was moved by Feng Ziying's words and would agree to Feng Ziying's risky move, but I have to say that Feng Ziying has been in Yongping Mansion for the past few months He did a better job than Qiao Yingjia imagined.

   A little bit of criticism, abuse and slander, Qiao Yingjia felt, was reasonable. If there was no reaction, it meant that Feng Ziying didn't take any action at all. How can there be an official who can handle things smoothly without touching people's interests?

  As Feng Ziying's half-teacher and half-initiator, Qiao Yingjia certainly would not allow some people's malicious slander and criticism. As for criticism and accusations under normal circumstances, Qiao Yingjia didn't care too much.

  Of course, he would not condone Hao Tujiao's behavior, which was obviously ordered by some people to lose his position, especially when the other party was also a scholar from the north, he obviously lost his position.

Many people stared at Feng Ziying, and Qiao Yingjia also knew that some of these people were kind, some were malicious, and some were just watching with cold eyes. Feng Ziying became a banner and a benchmark among the young scholars in the Northland. Some people are happy to see it succeed, but Qiao Yingjia will not allow it, and there are many people like Qiao Yingjia who will not allow it.


  Yuanchun happened to meet his uncle Wang Ziteng who came to bid farewell to the emperor when he left the East Study Room.

  Yuanchun sent bird's nest and lotus seed soup to the emperor. Although Emperor Yonglong had never been to her Fengzao Palace, as a concubine, this kind of behavior of giving soup was indispensable, otherwise it would be regarded as resentful.

  All the concubines are the same, every three to five days, at least ten days and a half months, they will send soup or other cakes to the emperor, even if the emperor will never eat these food sent from outside, but the gift cannot be discarded.

  Wang Ziteng did not expect to meet his niece here. He watched Yuan Chun, who was still a bit restrained, bowed to him in a complicated manner and then left without saying a word. It could be seen that his niece didn't have much status with the emperor.

   It's all about me.

But Wang Ziteng also understands that even if he votes for the emperor, there will not be much change. Suspicion has always been a characteristic of the Zhang family. Well, to be precise, it is the characteristic of most emperors. Being able to win the favor of Emperor Yonglong is valued.

   Only when you hold the power of the military, will you let the other party treat you with some courtesy. Of course, this must be on the premise that the other party has not dared to tear your face completely.

  Thinking of this, Wang Ziteng's somewhat gloomy eyes suddenly became firmer, and his steps became more steady.

  Yuan Chun stiffened his body and walked out of the courtyard where the East Study Room was located, only to feel a little lighter in his body.

Every time she comes to the East Study Room, Yuan Chun will feel an inexplicable feeling of depression and restraint. Facing that old man who is careless and careless, Yuan Chun has an indescribable disgust, but on the surface she still needs to show her utmost humility and enthusiasm. I have never received any sincere response, well, this is a bit naive and ideal.

   This time she carefully raised to the emperor her father's idea of ​​letting her go to the outside world. The emperor didn't express his opinion, as if he didn't hear it, but Yuan Chun was sure that the other party heard it. As for the result, he didn't know.

She didn't know what Feng Ziying's suggestion meant to her, but she could know from the few words of the concubines in the palace and some news Baoqin got from home that Feng Ziying continued to flourish in Yongping Mansion, but it seemed that she was about to Facing the great threat of Mongol invasion.

  How can the little Yongping Mansion withstand the invasion of the Mongols? He is just an acquaintance, Yuan Chun is subconsciously worried.

  (end of this chapter)

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