Number of People

Chapter 966: Zizijuan brought disaster to Xiao Qiang

  Chapter 966 The self-written scroll brings disaster to Xiao Qiang

The fair-skinned man interrupted the other party angrily: "There are so many? Nurhachi has a set of tricks. If you can see through them, he won't let you watch them at will. It's nothing more than that set of tricks. The trick that came in again, who are you fooling?"

The burly man also grinned and said: "If the Donglu armored cavalry can exceed 15,000, our Lord Governor may have been restless long ago. Shuerhaqi was wiped out by Nurhachi not long ago, that is. The Urabbe can't even think about surviving."

The young man was a little anxious, "But I heard that they recruited many savages from the Donghai Jurchen. Although those people are not very good at riding horses, they are all wild and fierce, and they are good at archery. It is said that at least they came one after another. Five or six thousand,..."

  The fair-skinned man's complexion changed slightly, "The Wula tribe is still there, how can the Jianzhou Jurchen recruit the savages like the Donghai Jurchen?"

"I heard that Buzhantai is scared out of his wits now, and has been unable to shrink back. The Yehe tribe urged him repeatedly, but he didn't move. Do you still remember Zermut Hei from the Warka tribe?" the young man proudly said. asked.

"You mean that Zermuthei brought all the people from their Varka tribe here?" The fair-skinned man was taken aback. The leader of the Varka tribe, he can't control the scattered tribes under him, how can he attract so many fighters?"

Tsermuthei is the leader of the Warka tribe among the three Jurchen tribes in the East China Sea, but the Warka tribe, Woji tribe, and Huerha tribe of the three Jurchen tribes in the East China Sea are basically scattered and widely distributed in Kuwu from the east. West to the northern part of the Songhua River Basin.

  They do not have a unified organizational system and leader, but the most powerful tribe can be called a certain leader, but in fact they do not have much control over other small tribes.

At the beginning, Zermut Hei had taken refuge in Buzhantai of the Ula tribe, but as a result, Bu Zhantai was beaten to the ground by Nurhachi, and Zermut Hei had a different heart and wanted to seek refuge with the Jianzhou Jurchen, but at that time the Ula tribe got it. The support of the Yehe tribe and even the Great Zhou forced the Jianzhou Jurchen to retreat, but Zermut Hei no longer looked down on the Wula tribe.

"It is said that Nurhachi paid a very high price to buy these savages with armor, arrows, and iron materials, and Zermut Hei not only collected for him, but also a lot of Huerha tribe and others. The warriors from the Woji Department were also attracted.”

  It took a lot of effort for the young man to find out the news, or the other party deliberately disclosed the news to him.

   But in any case, such a news changed the situation even more.

   Although the Jurchen armored cavalry in Jianzhou are elite, their number has always been the biggest bottleneck restricting them.

  According to Li Yongfang's estimation, at most 12,000 armored cavalry is the limit, and there should be more than 20,000 other armored infantry.

  If fully mobilized, it is estimated that 50,000 strong soldiers who can go to battle can be assembled.

  If Nurhachi can bypass the Ula tribe and get a steady stream of military assistance from the Donghai Jurchen, then the situation in Liaodong Town will be worrying.

Li Yongfang is very familiar with the situation of her own Da Zhou army. Although Feng Tang has been trying to change the original situation since he came to Liaodong, Liaodong Town has been rotten in the past 20 years. Is it because you are short of you? Years can change?

In the later period of Li Chengliang's era, Wen Tian and Wu Xi, everyone didn't want to fight for a long time, and they had a tacit understanding with the Donglu over there. The smuggling of silk, tea, salt, porcelain, and even iron from Dazhou, including many generals in Liaodong Town, had a lot of ties to Donglu, including Li Yongfang herself.

   "Yongfang, Nurhachi has spent so much money, it seems that he really wants to have a plan. Our Liaodong Town is a little bit overwhelmed now."

  Although the burly man usually speaks unreliably, this sentence touched Li Yongfang's heart.

  Liaodong Town is far superior to Jianzhou Jurchen in terms of the number of troops, but among the 120,000 troops, how many can really be used.

Taking himself as a guerrilla general, among the 7,000 people under his command, no more than 2,000 can really fight, and the remaining 4,000 to 5,000 of them have 1,000 or 2,000 empty pay, and the remaining 3,000 people are basically either old, weak or sick. Disabled, or soldiers who have been lazy for a long time, can't go to the battlefield at all.

  Li Yongfang still has some understanding of the situation of the entire Liaodong Army.

After Feng Tang came, he made a lot of moves and brought some of his confidantes from Datong and Yulin, so what, it was only 8,000, plus the new army he formed, no more than 20,000 at full count, And it's hard to say what the combat effectiveness of the three battalions of the new army is, they are all raw, and Li Yongfang himself is not optimistic.

  The remaining juniper department and Zhao led the education department, although these two personal soldiers in the headquarters have some combat effectiveness, most of them are still worrying.

Li Yongfang estimates that the two main forces can fight no more than 15,000 people. In addition, Li Chengliang's remaining troops also have one or two who can fight. The Liaodong Army can fight now, which is about 40,000 people. In the face of Jianzhou Jurchen, she no longer has the advantage.

Moreover, in terms of combat effectiveness, the Jianzhou Jurchen, whether in terms of morale or actual combat, can stabilize the Liaodong Army with the same strength. In the Liaodong Army, it is estimated that the elites of Cao Wenzhao and You Shiwei can compete with the Jianzhou Jurchen. For example, Juniper and Zhao led the main force of the Ministry of Education to fight against Jianzhou's armored cavalry or infantry with the same strength, and the results would not be good.

   "Then what should we do now, my lord?" The young man was Li Yongfang's son-in-law Wu Changchun, and Wu Changchun took his most capable subordinate, the concubine daughter of the burly man Zhao Yihe, as his concubine.

   "Yihe, what do you think?" Li Yongfang had already made up his mind, but he still had to look at the attitude of his subordinates.

Zhao Yihe hesitated for a moment, "Yongfang, the Governor-General has made great efforts since he came to Liaodong, and he has vigorously formed a new army. In just one year, he has formed a new army of nearly ten thousand firearms. Weak, sick, and disabled are comparable, and although Nurhachi's strength has expanded, if it continues like this, I'm afraid it's hard to say."

Li Yongfang nodded. It is not easy for anyone to take this step, including himself, but he feels that wealth is in danger. He is not Feng Tang's direct descendant. It's hard to say how long I can sit still.

And Li Yongfang is also very clear that if someone takes over as the guerrilla general of Fushun, the various private affairs between herself and the Jianzhou Jurchen over the years will be exposed sooner or later, and someone will definitely betray herself to the new general or even the governor. , In the end, I will never end up with a good end.

   Now that Nurhachi has offered such good terms, the risk is worth taking.

"Yihe, if the Governor-General came to Liaodong in the morning for three to five years, maybe Liaodong still has a chance, but Yihe, I'm afraid there is no chance for Liaodong now." Li Yongfang sneered: "He is now vigorously forming a new army, all with firecrackers. To equip it, do you know how much money was spent on the 10,000 firearms? Let me tell you, it cost no less than 400,000 taels of silver! This is not counting the medicines that will be spent on training in the future. One hundred and eighty thousand taels of silver a year is not much!"

What Li Yongfang said is not a lie. If an army of 10,000 firecrackers is to be trained as normal, there will be no shortage of training. If hundreds of rounds of such firecrackers are fired, the barrel will be enough to choke. , The food and salaries of the soldiers cost too much.

"Last year, the Governor-General was new, and the imperial court will definitely support it. If you don't believe me, the progress of the money allocated by the imperial court in the second half of the year has slowed down significantly. It is said that the Denglai Army is going to march to Huguang, and they also need money. I'm also making a fuss about wages, but I want to see how Governor Feng will pass this test by the end of the year."

   Li Yongfang's words surprised Zhao Yihe, "Didn't the Denglai Army be the reserve team of our Liaodong Army? Why are you going to Huguang?"

"Hmph, the southwestern chieftain is about to rebel. There is no other army available in Dazhou, so the only way to use it is to use the Denglai Army?" Li Yongfang was also thinking in her heart. Without the Denglai Army, the Liaodong Army could only rely on itself. , "And Yihe, you should know that the Chahar people have now united the internal and external Khalkha tribes and assembled more than 100,000 troops to prepare for the southward invasion. It is said that the number of troops is still growing,..."

  Zhao Yihe glanced at Li Yongfang suspiciously, "Yongfang, did that tell you?"

"Yes, Nurhachi's letter told me that Nurhachi must have an agreement with the southwestern chieftains, and Lindan Batur must have been instigated by Nurhachi. This is not counted as Horqin people. Nurhachi is going to marry the daughter of the Horqin family. "Li Yongfang didn't evade, and replied calmly: "The Chahar people and the inner and outer Khalkhas going south, it is estimated that the entire Shuntian Mansion and Yongping Mansion will be messed up. The capital city was taken down, but Shuntian Mansion and Yongping Mansion and even Hejian Mansion further south were smashed, the water transport was cut off, and even if the Liaoxi Corridor was not done well, it would have to be implicated a little bit. How will the Great Week pass next year? How long can it last?"

  The young man's eyes lit up, "If, as my father-in-law said, the chieftain of the Southwest also has connections with the Jianzhou Jurchen, then Dazhou may be stretched in the southwest, and the Liaodong side may not be able to take care of it?"

Li Yongfang nodded, "I think so too. Over the years, since Li Chengliang served as Liaodong for the second time, Jianzhou has become more and more prosperous, but what about our side? I think that Liaodong will belong to Nurhachi sooner or later. Let us The roots are all in Liaodong, and the Great Zhou Dynasty was like this, so of course we must find a way to get rich."

  (end of this chapter)

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