Number of People

Chapter 967: Jizi roll **** is old and spicy

  Chapter 967 Zizijuan **** is old and spicy

  When Jia Zheng returned home, he happened to see a military general with a sturdy official uniform embroidered on his chest.

  Jia Zheng was taken aback for a moment, looked closely, and felt a little displeased, but he couldn't say anything. Knowing that the other party was looking for his brother, he could only smile lightly, "Da Lang is here?"

"Well, I went to see Uncle She Shi,..." Triangular eyes, short eyebrows hanging down, full face, and a messy beard under the jaw, although he looks energetic, but this person always gives people a somewhat violent look. The momentum, in terms of age, is only in his early thirties, but who else could it be if it wasn't Sun Shaozu?

   "Well, good,..." Jia Zheng didn't expect that this guy would also be a sixth-rank official.

  Although the rank of military general is not as noble as that of civilian officials, being a sixth-rank military officer in his thirties is considered pretty good, but Jia Zheng has never had a good impression of Sun Shaozu.

  He intends to remarry his niece, but his late wife is said to have died after being brutally injured by him for two years.

  Although there is no conclusive evidence for this news, it still makes people shudder. Think about Er Yatou's sheep-like nature going to Sun's house, what good can there be?

  However, this guy and his elder brother are very close. Last year, he seemed to come a little less, and his elder brother was still cursing. This year, Sun Shaozu came more frequently, especially in the past two months.

   Isn't this fellow an official in Datong? How could he sneak back to the capital in a month or two?

  Jia Zheng entered the door, still feeling a little hesitant. He really wanted to warn his brother, but he knew it was useless.

  My elder brother's temperament, except for the money that can impress him, it is useless to say that other things are useless. I don't know where Sun Shaozu got so much money?

  Although the Sun family has some roots, it is really staggering to use 510,000 taels of money abroad, and it is used on his brother.

  Is it so easy to get money after being an official?

  Although Jia Zheng is not familiar with current affairs, he still has some idea of ​​how much the family spends and earns at the moment.

  Especially after the Grand View Garden was built, the mansion ran into a huge deficit, even Wang Xifeng couldn't afford it, and cried several times. If Lai was not brought down, the second Rongning mansion might be in trouble this year.

   But the Sun family relies on Sun Shaozu, and the big house has also risen. It is said that they have bought two shops at Nanxunfang. Such extravagant expenses can't help but make people wonder.

  He also heard that his elder brother got thousands of taels of silver from Sun Shaozu, so besides the second girl, what else can Sun Shaozu think about his elder brother?

   Entered his own study, but heard Li Shi'er come to report that Baoqin had come out of the palace.

   Jia Zheng felt anxious for a while.

  Although Yuan Chun didn't show anything in the letter, Jia Zheng could vaguely feel that his daughter's situation in the palace might not be very good.

  Speaking from the bottom of his heart, both he and Wang regretted that they did not listen to Wang Ziteng's persuasion and sent Yuan Chun to the palace, but at that time Yuan Chun was only able to come out because he had only been a female historian for a few years.

  Who would have thought that once entering the palace, the gate is as deep as the sea, and entering the palace is easy and difficult to leave, but the concubine arranged to go to the Fengzao Palace and transformed into an empress.

   It’s just that this empress sounds glorious and glamorous, but in fact...

  Jia Zheng stood in the study, speechless for a moment.

  He was even a little afraid of going to see Baoqin, anyway, since he didn't come to invite him, he must have told his mother and wife what Baoqin had to do.

   While Jia Zheng was struggling alone in the study, Mother Jia also listened to the words Baoqin brought back with a serious face.

   "The empress said that he has already reported to the emperor. Although the emperor didn't say anything, he probably agreed. Maybe the master will have a result soon."

  Holding the piano and talking in a low voice, Mrs. Wang next to her was wiping tears. If the words from the palace are true, it means that the master is really about to be released.

   It's just that the mansion still doesn't understand why Yuan Chun insists on letting Jia Zheng go out. This master has such a temperament, so he stays in the Ministry of Industry as an idle official of this Yuanwailang. Wouldn't it be good to receive an idle salary every year?

  Why bother going to other places to suffer from the wind and rain?

  Mother Jia pondered for a long while before asking: "Baoqin, Madam, because the house is in difficulty now, I hope the master will be more comfortable going outside?"

  Jiamu's words opened up the current difficult situation in Rongguo Mansion, even Mrs. Wang was taken aback, and the mandarin duck next to her was even beating the hands on Jiamu's back.

Baoqin was also taken aback, hesitated for a moment, then shook his head: "Although the lady didn't say the reason, but in the eyes of the servant, I'm afraid it's not the reason. As for the specific reason, the lady wants the master to go out of Beijing, but the servant does not Got it, but..."

   "But what?" Jia Mu asked in a deep voice.

"But it should have something to do with what Uncle Feng and the empress said." Baoqin lowered her eyelids and said in a soft voice, "but the slaves don't know much about it, and the empress has never told anyone that the slaves just have This feeling."

   "Brother Keng?" Jia Mu was startled.

  In Jia's mansion, if it comes to understanding the situation outside, even Jia Amnesty and Jia Zheng are inferior to Jia's mother.

  Thinking back to the time when Rongning and Ningfu were the most glorious, Mother Jia followed her husband and eldest brother-in-law, and experienced all kinds of ups and downs.

Whether it is the four kings, eight lords, twelve lords, or the civil servants who were powerful at the time, Jia Mu has seen it all before, but the times change and the wind is always blown away by the rain. The current Rongning Second Mansion has not fallen. up.

Mother Jia actually had a deep understanding of the decline of the Rongning Second Mansion. Her two sons were not up to date, but Jia Jing was involved in the prince's affairs and was forced to become a monk. She originally hoped that there would be one or two talents in the next generation. I didn't expect Jia Zhu to die young, but Jia Lian and Baoyu didn't like studying. Jia Zhen and Jia Rong over there were unbearable, but Jia Huan and Jia Lan were too young.

All in all, the Jia family still has no outstanding people who can support the family, like this Wuxun family, or they will go to the frontier to fight for wealth, just like the previous generation of the Feng family, three brothers and two All of them were shrouded in horse leather on the side wall, and Feng Tang was the only one left, or he could only rely on his studies and exams to get ahead.

If you can't do both, you can only guard your family and look forward to the next generation, but it's a pity that it's easy to go from frugality to extravagance, and it's hard to go from extravagance to frugality. Waiting for Qinghan, let alone these juniors who were spoiled and raised in honey water since childhood?

  Even the faces of Rongning and Ning's family are not allowed to be too shabby.

  In Jia's mother's view, the Feng family is just like the Jia family fifty or sixty years ago, except that the Feng family is more stable.

Feng Ziying actually abandoned martial arts and went to literature, and became famous from the scientific examination. This is what Jia's mother is most emotional. He has both civil and martial arts. The status of martial arts can ensure that he will not lose the title, but the scholar-officials can win the reputation of the Feng family. The real family of Zhongming Dingshi, the atmosphere of the clan of poetry and calligraphy, not just the lineage of martial arts.

Therefore, Jia's mother's perception of Feng Ziying is also changing day by day. In her opinion, Feng Ziying has already entered the fifth-rank official at such a young age, and there are strong personal connections and excellent reputation behind him. He will undoubtedly be a general in the future. Excellent candidates for the photoshoot, these children undoubtedly have exceptionally far-reaching insights.

  It is precisely because of this that Jia's mother was so shocked and sensitive to Yuan Chun's acceptance of Feng Ziying's opinion.

  This means that both Feng Ziying and Yuan Chun are probably aware of something in Beijing.

  After thinking for a while, Mother Jia finally said, "Baoqin, you said Brother Keng has something to do with this matter, but it was because of the meeting with Brother Keng during the mother-in-law's visit at the beginning of the year?"

  Holding the piano and nodding.

  Did Feng Ziying give this suggestion at that time?

  Mother Jia was hesitant. After all, she couldn't be as keenly aware of the signs of changes in the court situation like others, and it was impossible for Yuan Chun to tell this grandmother what she knew, like Feng Ziying.

  Mother Jia can only rely on her intuition over the years to judge that letting her second son go out of Beijing should be a measure to avoid disaster.

   The question is who is the boss?

  Why didn't Feng Ziying mention Jia Amnesty?

   Of course, Mother Jia also knew that it was impossible for two sons to leave Beijing at the same time. Like this Wuxun family, they were also watched by Captain Long. What does it mean for two sons to leave Beijing?

  So what does it mean for Jia Zheng to leave Beijing?

   For a moment, Jiamu was a little creepy.

Then think of the prince Teng mentioned by his daughter-in-law inadvertently, who has led the Denglai army out of Huguang, and his nephew Shi Nai out of Datong. Now the original fourth family in Jinling, except for the Xue family, which has long since fallen into the imperial business , why are the other three families leaving?

  The more she thought about it, the more frightened she became, but Jia Mu still couldn't grasp the mystery. This sense of uncertainty added to her inner fear.

  She is not afraid of death, she is already over seventy years old, and her life is rare in seventy years, but if the whole Jia family is reduced to ruins or even destroyed before her eyes, this is unacceptable to her.

  As long as she still has a breath, she will earn a point for her children and grandchildren.

   "Baoqin, besides this matter, what else does the empress have to explain?" Jia Mu asked in a deep voice.

Baoqin hesitated for a while, but the empress did not say that she would tell the old ancestor about the recent situation of Uncle Feng, but it was the first time Baoqin saw Jia's mother look so serious, and finally said vaguely: "The empress is sorry for our Jia. The family, the Wang family, the Shi family, the Xue family, and the Feng family are all very concerned about the situation, so if the slaves come back, they will also inquire about it, and it seems that the mother will report it when they go back."

   "Oh?" Jia Mu asked suspiciously. She also felt that Baoqin's words were a bit inaccurate, but it was not easy to force her to ask, "That's all?"

   "Yes, that's all, the other empresses didn't say much." Baoqin breathed a sigh of relief.

   "How do you inquire about the Feng family?" Jia Mu asked calmly.

   "The servant girl means to ask Yuanyang or Ping'er to call Qingwen over, and ask about Uncle Feng's situation in Yongping Mansion by the way." Baoqin was still in the game.

  Mother Jia immediately understood that Baoqin's talk about the Four Great Masters was just an excuse, and her main purpose was to know Feng Ziying's movements, and even to send information to Feng Ziying through Qingwen, which made her both worried and a little scared.

  (end of this chapter)

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