Number of People

Chapter 968: Jizijuanhou Road, Ningguo Mansion

  Chapter 968 The road behind the Zizijuan, Ningguo Mansion

  Jia Zhen rubbed her cheeks, feeling helpless for a while, looking at her son Jia Rong.

  Jia Rong's face was also pale. Seeing his father's gaze coming over, he quickly lowered his head, and his body sitting on the curved chair became even more hunched, as if trying to avoid his father's gaze.

"How long has it been?" Jia She leaned on the pillow of the kang couch in a state of distraught, "Fifteen years or sixteen years? Your grandfather never wanted to see us, it was just a symbolic visit every year on the birthday. Why do you want us to see him this time? Even if you married the Qin family, you didn't say anything, but this time..."

  Jia Rong didn't dare to say anything. Although she didn't know what happened, everyone knew that her grandfather had been practicing as a monk in Xuanzhen Temple and had no contact with the outside world, including the family. But this time...?

   "Brother Rong, what do you think should be done?"

   "Father, the child has no idea, but grandfather has always had an idea. I'm afraid he has an arrangement for his letter this time, but this capital city is full of Long Jinwei, just in case..." Jia Rong muttered.

  Jia Zhen glanced at the son who didn't care at all with some annoyance, and snorted resentfully, isn't this nonsense?

   "It seems that we only have to go once." Jia Zhen sighed, not knowing whether it was a disaster or a blessing, but it would definitely be impossible not to go, "Let's go."

The two went out separately, Jia Zhen took a carriage, while Jia Rong rode a horse until the entrance of an alley in Xianyifang. Taking advantage of the fact that there was no one around, Jia Rong handed over the horse to the servant boy to take it away, got on the other one and waited. The carriage here, and Jia Zhen has already escaped her shell and got into this carriage first.

The carriage made a big circle and got into Rizhong Square, which made Jia Zhen and Jia She feel dizzy and didn't know where it was. It wasn't until the carriage was opened that the two realized that they didn't know where they were. In a small courtyard.

   Both Jia Zhen and Jia Rong had ugly faces. They had never tasted the feeling of being sent over like a hostage while being blindfolded. If Jia Zhen hadn't recognized her father's handwriting, Jia Zhen would have thought it was a trap.

The guards in the small courtyard were strictly guarded. An expressionless servant led the two of them into the inner courtyard, bypassed the hallway of the wing room, and then entered a flower hall under the gesture of the other party, but saw the old man who had already changed his robes and stood with his hands behind his back. at the window.

   "Meet my father (grandfather)." Both Jia Zhen and Jia Rong knelt and kowtowed.

   "Get up." Jia Jing looked at his children and grandchildren, and felt a little touched. Touching the gray hair on the sideburns and the old face, he couldn't help sighing.

   After brewing for a long time, Jia Jing didn't know how to tell his son and grandson, whether this going would be a blessing or a disaster, he had no way of knowing whether it was a wise choice to leave his children and grandchildren in the capital city.

   "Zhen'er, Brother Rong, my father has been cultivating Taoism in Xuanzhen for so many years, but after today's farewell, I am afraid that my father will not be able to see you for a while..."

Jia Zhen and Jia Rong looked at each other in blank dismay. For more than ten years, this father, who has never seen the end of the dragon, has been in the Xuanzhen Temple, and he can only see him once or twice a year. See, what does this mean?

Seeing that the two were puzzled, Jia Jing didn't explain much, "I want to travel a long distance for my father, so don't ask too many questions, let alone tell the outside world, just pretend that you never know. If there is something in the future, my father will naturally let people know." Contacting you, here is a kit left for you by the father, which cannot be opened for the time being. If you hear about the movements of the father in the future, it may be bad for you, then you take out the kit again, just like I said in the kit Do as it is written in,…”

   "Father, what happened?" Jia Zhen couldn't bear it anymore.

This has no beginning and no end, my father has been living in seclusion for more than ten years, and now he suddenly becomes so mysterious, saying some incomprehensible words, it seems that there is still some risk, which makes Jia Zhen a little uneasy .

   "As I said, don't ask too many questions. If there is any news about being a father in the past few days, you should treat it as if it is true,..."

  Jia Jing knew that he would not be able to hide the fact that he went south for a long time, at most a year, but in this year he still had to pretend to be like he really passed away.

   Just don’t tell my grandson, besides, the substitute that the prince arranged for him is similar to himself after makeup, but he can’t hide it from his children and grandchildren, especially his son. If he doesn’t wake him up, he will be in trouble if something goes wrong.

Jia Zhen and Jia Rong were even more puzzled by Monk Zhang Er. They didn't know that their father and grandfather were talking incomprehensible things like this, but seeing each other's eyes were deep and clear, they didn't seem to be in a daze, but more like confessing something. Things are normal.

   "Father, your body..." Jia Zhen's heart tightened.

"Father's body..." Jia Jing had a strange smile on the corner of his mouth, "This father is practicing alchemy and Taoism all day long, and anything can happen, so even if something happens, you just follow the rules of the house." , don’t be deliberate.”

Jia Jing also knew that his son and grandson must be at a loss now, but he couldn't make it too clear. Even this meeting was done without telling the prince and using his own hands. When everything "happens" and in the future They will understand their painstaking efforts.

  The time was very short. In less than half an hour, Jia Zhen and Jia Rong were sent out blindfolded again. The carriage continued to wander around the capital city until they got on the carriage and rode again.

  But Jia Rong didn't ride the horse anymore, but got into his father's car.

   "Father, grandpa, is this...?" Jia Rong felt a little guilty when she saw that her father's face was not very good-looking.

"I'm afraid something big is going to happen. I'm afraid your grandfather has to make some preparations in advance, but I can't understand it as a father." Although Jia Zhen is greedy for drinking and lust, as the head of the house, she is still more or less outsider I have some understanding of the matter, "I heard that the Mongols are going to commit crimes in the south this autumn. There are already some rumors in the capital city. They are worried that the Beijing camp will not be able to defend the capital city. But what does it have to do with your grandfather?"

"Father, Prince Teng of the royal family and Shi Nai of the historian have both left Beijing. One went to Huguang and the other to Datong. Grandfather is so mysterious, but has something to do with them?" Jia Rong also heard some news in the past few days. .

   Jia Zhen fell silent.

  He still can't see so far, but subconsciously thinks whether there is going to be a change in the capital city, and he can't understand what happened.

"Father, I don't know if you feel it. In the past two years, my son has always felt a little restless, and I don't know what's going wrong. But look at the Wang family, it seems to be bright, but Wang Ziteng came from the capital. Even if they go out of Beijing step by step, the Xue family will be reduced to orphans and widowed mothers who are emperors and businessmen. Shi Nai, the historian, went to lick Shouwanggouzi for a deputy commander. I heard that Shi Nai also wanted to dedicate Miss Shi to Shouwang as a side concubine. ,..."

Jia Rong is closer to Rongguo Mansion than Jia Zhen, and some news is better. Now Xiang Shi Nai went to Datong to curry favor with King Shou, found a deputy general, and even wanted to dedicate Shi Xiangyun to King Shou as a side concubine. It was known from Jia Amnesty.

   "Let Miss Shi become a side concubine?" Jia Zhen didn't expect this to happen, "Didn't it mean that the Zhen family intends to marry the Shi family?"

"Father, what year is the old calendar? Zhen Baoyu is said to want to marry the daughter of the king of Dongping County. The two families are still talking about it now..." Jia Rong curled her lips, "The emperor is not in good health now, everyone They are optimistic about King Shou, so the historians are in a hurry to cater to King Shou,..."

Jia Zhen sighed, "What you're saying is that our four families actually started to go downhill a few years before the Supreme Emperor took the throne. After the emperor ascended the throne, our Jia family became even more miserable. Besides, you and Baoyu are both worthless. , I also met Lai Da Lai Sheng climbing up our Jia family to **** blood. After all, I have to thank Jia Rui. If he hadn't come forward to pick this matter up, I think the old lady would have to pretend to be deaf and dumb. I have transferred all the money away, what shall I do then?"

"Father, do you think Jia Rui can be so capable? Isn't Master Feng supporting him?" Jia Rong shook her head, "Now even Master She and Master Zheng have to rely on Master Feng. The uncle has become a concubine, so it can be regarded as having this kind of relationship, so we should take care of him in Ningguo Mansion,..."

  Jia Zhen shook her head with some disappointment: "The relationship between the wife and the two aunts is not very good. Didn't these two aunts never wait for our house?"

   "If they don't come to our house, the wife can go to Feng's house, but the two aunts followed Uncle Feng to Yongping, so it's not easy to come to our house now."

  Jia Rong is not without regrets.

It would be a lie to say that Jia Lian and Jia Yun are not envious of the good fortune of Jia Lian and Jia Yun. Master shopkeeper, what an honorable status this is, what can Jia Yun do?

  Now even Jia Qiang who has been following her side is said to have tightened up with Jia Yun, which made Jia Rong very uncomfortable.

  Jia Rong's words made Jia Zhen very sad. Now that the Jia family in Ningguo Mansion has been reduced to the point where they have to rely on their parents for a living?

But thinking about the expenses this year, the situation of Ningguo Mansion is no better than that of Rongguo Mansion. Although the population is a little smaller, the income is not as good as it is. Every time Wu Jinxiao writes back, he complains and asks for relief. The things sent back are also getting less and less. Jia Zhen never felt this sense of crisis before, but now she really feels it.

"It's still the sin of repairing this garden. If you want me to say that this garden shouldn't be kept." Jia Zhen complained, "Look at who lives in the garden. The masters and ladies didn't live in it, but the young lady and the young master." It costs a lot of money to go in and live here, and I don’t know what Master She and Master Zheng are thinking.”

Jia Rong didn't agree with her father's point of view, "But it's all repaired, so it can't be empty, it will decline faster if there is no one, and it will cost more to repair, not to mention what if the empress comes back to visit her relatives again? "

  (end of this chapter)

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