Number of People

Chapter 970: Zizi volume pointing maze, assembly line

  Chapter 970 Self-written volume guidance maze, assembly line

  After hearing Qingwen's mandarin duck tell the whole story, Shen Yixiu also realized that the problem might not be that simple.

   Asking Qingwen to meet the girl sent by the Empress Xiande from the palace, saying that she wanted to know about Xianggong's situation in Yongping Mansion, or maybe she wanted to send a message to Xianggong, which still aroused Shen Yixiu's vigilance.

It's not about worrying about the affair between a man and a woman, but this kind of thing that has something to do with the palace often contains huge risks. Even if this virtuous concubine is from the Jia family, even if this virtuous concubine has no heirs, such contacts are still It makes people feel a bit of hidden chill.

  Shen Yixiu didn't know what role his husband played in this kind of thing, and he did meet the concubine when he visited her relatives, but he didn't mention what was behind it, which made Shen Yixiu very confused.

   It's just that when faced with this kind of thing, she has to bite the bullet and deal with it.

   "Yuanyang, I've heard about your Huixian name from my husband for a long time,..."

  Shen Yixiu's words made Yuanyang quickly owe him a blessing, "Grandma, how can a servant deserve such praise from a grandma?"

   "Yuanyang, this is not my compliment, but my husband's." Shen Yixiu smiled and waved his hands, "Does Yuanyang still question my husband's judgment?"

   Yuanyang blushed and didn't know how to answer.

"Well, Qingwen has also repeatedly said good things about you in front of me, at least I am the first person who can convince this girl." Shen Yixiu said lightly: "However, today you come to our mansion to talk about it , I'm still a little strange, Baoqin girl is the personal servant girl of Concubine Xiande, she wants to know about my husband's situation in Yongping. Do you also know about my family's situation in Yongping?"

Yuanyang also knew that this matter was outrageous no matter how you looked at it, but she couldn't answer such a question, she pondered for a while and said: "Grandma, it is reasonable to say that it is not up to the slave to intervene in such matters, and the slave is just following the rules of the ancestors." Come to the mansion to report the words, but since grandma asked so, the servant girl will have the courage to say a few words according to the servant girl's own thoughts, and I hope grandma can't be blamed."

  Shen Yixiu nodded, "Say it."

"The uncle met the empress when the imperial concubine was visiting relatives. The eldest grandmother probably knew that the empress might also entrust the uncle with some matters about the Jia family. After all, Miss Bao and Miss Lin are both close relatives of the Jia family, and they are marrying into the Feng family. Before, I had to live in Jia's house, so it makes sense for the empress to care about the uncle,..."

  Mandarin duck's words made Shen Yixiu nod slightly.

   "In addition, maybe the empress may also send a message to the uncle and grandma through Qingwen,..."

   This is the key, Shen Yixiu weighed it in his heart.

   To be honest, she doesn't want her husband to get involved in such matters. No matter what kind of matter it is, it is always an uncertain trouble to involve the palace.

  But she also knows that she can't be the master of her own husband. Since the husband can have a relationship with this virtuous concubine, it must be after careful consideration.

"In that case, Qingwen, why don't you take a walk with Yuanyang." Shen Yixiu thought for a while, and finally nodded: "If the girl holding the piano asks about the uncle on behalf of the empress, you can just tell what you know, uncle It’s all official business, and there’s nothing you can’t see.”

   "Grandma...?" Qingwen didn't really want to go, and frowned.

   "Qingwen, since your empress specially asked Baoqin to go out of the palace, it is reasonable and reasonable, so go." Shen Yixiu waved his hand.


  Feng Ziying stood beside the two blacksmiths, picked up a gun and carefully checked it.

   This is a typical Swedish-style matchlock gun. It should be said that even if it is placed in Europe, it is still relatively advanced. It has only been more than ten years since it began to be equipped in European armies on a large scale.

It was developed relatively early, but due to the complexity and high price of its gun mechanism, it was not popularized after it was developed in the middle and late sixteenth century, and it was not until the end of the sixteenth century that it began to be slowly equipped in European countries. .

This kind of matchlock gun will soon show its talents in the Thirty Years War in Europe. Even the spring wheel flintlock has appeared in large numbers, but the spring wheel flintlock, coupled with its expensive price and complicated manufacturing process, has limited the use of spring wheel flintlock guns. The popularization of the wheel flintlock can only be realized when the flintlock is popularized and the spring wheel is replaced by a sear with a spring.

  Current spring wheel flintlock guns still have many defects and deficiencies, and the production complexity and price are much higher than ordinary matchlock guns.

  There is an opening for the matchlock at the top of the snake rod of the bolt. The medicine pot and the medicine pot cover are connected as one, and the barrel is added. This is the matchlock gun, which is the core part of the fire gun.

  The production of the gun mechanism is particularly complicated, and the quality of the barrel determines the firing range of the gun.

  Feng Ziying nodded and put down the bolt, "How long does it take for a craftsman to make one of this kind of bolt?"

   "It's very slow. Even our skilled craftsmen from Foshan can make one in half a month if we have all the steel materials and tools, and an assistant." Zhuang Limin introduced from the side.

   "Then what about the craftsmen I handed over to you?" Feng Ziying couldn't help frowning.

Zhuang Limin brought over 30 craftsmen from Foshan to act as masters, plus only 80 apprentices, which means that they can only make 80 bolts in one month. As for the barrel, it is estimated that when the Mongols go south, if they rely solely on people from Foshan, they may not be able to make even 200 guns.

  "They were even slower, mainly because the things they made were too rough, many of which were useless at all, not to mention repeated rework, and a lot of waste." Seeing that Feng Ziying's face was very ugly, Zhuang Limin didn't dare to lie.

   This thing lied, and in the end it will be handed over. Feng Ziying's intention is very clear, that is, to build Yongping into the largest base in the North to provide all kinds of firecrackers for the Nine Sides in the future, completely replacing the imperial court's military battle situation.

   "Be more specific." Feng Ziying was patient.

"My lord, after all, it is still a matter of time. Although they are all from craftsmen, they are still different from us old craftsmen. Many of them have never touched this kind of craftsmanship and have to start from scratch. It is considered that they have some foundation and they can learn faster, but if you want them to reach the level of my craftsmen, it would be too demanding. I am an old craftsman for decades, and they followed suit two or three times. It’s not bad to be able to make a qualified gun in a month every year, but now they basically need 40 to 50 days to make a thing that is not satisfactory in one fell swoop..."

   Zhuang Limin explained.

"Well, can these parts be handed over to different people to make them?" Feng Ziying put forward her own opinion, "I saw that the gun mechanism should also be divided into several small parts, and then installed on the gun body. As for the barrel, I know that the barrel is specially made by someone, and the body of the gun is made by a carpenter, but this part of the bolt is in charge of the whole bolt, and then we can figure out the assembly by ourselves, so if each of us, or a group One person is only responsible for a certain small part, and then the last group is dedicated to assembly, and finally another group is dedicated to inspection and approval,..."

In fact, this is the simplest assembly line model. In fact, this kind of division of labor has already existed in many industries, but it needs to be applied in modern factories to adopt this kind of assembly line division of labor on a large scale, and it is difficult in ordinary small workshops. Useful.

  Zhuang Limin was taken aback, and stood there silently for a while, as if he was thinking hard about something.

   "But my lord, the parts made by each of us may not be the same. You have to match the most suitable ones yourself, otherwise it will be difficult to combine,..."

   A craftsman couldn't help interjecting.

"Then it must be consistent and strictly required. You should choose a few of the most exquisite dental rulers as a measurement standard, and then compare this tooth ruler to make a batch of steel dental rulers to achieve complete consistency. Use this kind of tooth ruler as the basic tool for measurement, so that the bolts and barrels you make are good, and there will be no false error distance,..."

This is also a big problem. The current weights and measures are still relatively rough, such as tooth rulers, banknote rulers (clothing rulers), and copper rulers (Baoyuanju) are relatively common, but they have different measurements. The difference, there is a slight difference in every foot.

  So if you want them to make the determination according to this now, you need to determine a stable weight and measure first, and now Feng Ziying can only ask them to choose a few of the most exquisite dental rulers as the basic measuring tools for production.

Zhuang Limin seemed to have just woken up from his contemplation at this time, and nodded like a chicken pecking at rice: "My lord, you said that this method is really good. Each craftsman leads a group of people to make a small part, or even make a small part. A craft, and then hand it over to the next group of people, as long as the measurement is accurate and refined, and the final inspection and review is stricter, the best results can be achieved. The key is that if this is the case, practice makes perfect, and the efficiency will definitely be greatly improved,..."

   "However, if this is the case, wouldn't it be impossible to make a complete firecracker in the end because everyone is missing someone?" The craftsman was still a little hesitant.

"That's true, but you can master the entire production process, but you don't necessarily need to be the most familiar with every link, but you only need to be the best at one link. Of course, if he doesn't like this link, You can also go to other links to do it, which is a process that makes perfect, isn’t it?” Feng Ziying was in a particularly good mood at this time, and explained patiently.

  (end of this chapter)

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