Number of People

Chapter 973: Jia Rong

  Chapter 973 Jia Rong

She was dressed in a light green silk dress, but she was covered with a bright yellow coir raincoat with jade needles and a golden vine hat on her head. No matter how you looked at it, it looked a bit nondescript, but Feng Ziying couldn't bear to discourage Second Sister You's interest, and whispered in her ear Said: "If the golden rattan hat and the jade needle coir are worn on the second sister, but the second sister is not wearing any clothes, then it must be unusual, or wear a small coat with a bellyband, like the lotus that comes out of the water, and match it with this The golden rattan hat and the jade-needled minnows are delicious just now,..."

  Clearly knew that this was a joke from her lover, but Second Sister You was still a little moved.

   In the past few months, she has almost monopolized Ai Lang, but she still hasn't gotten pregnant, which makes Second Sister You a little flustered.

Thinking that the sisters of the Xue family would marry over in a few months, and that it would be difficult for her to have such an opportunity, Second Sister You felt unwilling, and she was also thinking about how to try her best to please her lover, so that Feng Ziying could spread her love on her. Plant the seeds.

   "If the master likes it, then tonight I will pass it on to the master alone..." Second Sister You covered her mouth and chuckled, "As the master wishes,..."

   "Oh, really?" Feng Ziying twitched her index finger.

   "Really, but I have to take good care of my family, so that my family can get what I want as soon as possible." Second Sister You looked forward to it.

"Hey, Second Sister, I'm afraid this kind of thing depends on luck. In the past few months, the Lord has also spent a lot of time on you. Who would have thought that nothing has happened?" Feng Ziying was also quite puzzled, at Shen Yixiu's place. I haven't worked hard, but there is something there, and the second sister You is also working **** this side, but there is still no movement.

"I don't care about the slave family. In short, the slave family wants to conceive the child of the husband before the sister of the Xue family gets married..." Second Sister You almost gritted her teeth and said: "During this period, even if the slave family has been obsessed with it, the husband should not think that the slave family is profligate. ..."

Feng Ziying couldn't help laughing. He couldn't wish for Second Sister You to let loose on the bed. Neither Jin Chuan'er nor Xiangling could let go of Second Sister You, let alone Third Sister You. My sister can still fight hard.

   "Okay, let's not talk about it. Since Brother Rong took great pains to bring you gifts, maybe there is something wrong?" Feng Ziying said casually: "Then I will see him too."

"Well, Brother Rong just wants to see the master. Although the slave family is dull, I can feel that he is afraid that he has something to ask the master." Second Sister You nodded, "But he is also the son of the elder sister of the slave family. If the master can take care of him Fan, let him save some face."

  Feng Ziying looked sideways, and laughed, "Second Sister has a bit of worldly skills now, well, it's not in vain to run the family here for a long time."

   "The slave family can't afford such praise from the master, but it's just a matter of caring about the relationship between relatives, and it must be better than outsiders." Second Sister You also smiled when she heard her lover's praise.

  Jia Rong was a little apprehensive when she entered.

  Although she knew that this gift seemed to appeal to Second Auntie, Jia Rong was still a little excited to see Feng Ziying so soon.

But he didn't expect anything to happen from this meeting. In the past few years, he had met Feng Ziying several times, and even had a drink once or twice. However, after Feng Ziying passed the Jinshi examination, the affection gradually faded away. Well, after the past three years, human relationships are as pale as paper, almost to the point where you can poke through them with just one finger.

Jia Rong is very self-aware and knows that she is not very useful. She is neither as good as Jia Lian in socializing outside, nor as willing to endure hardships as Jia Yun, nor as shameless as Jia Rui. Jia She is so greedy and ruthless, as for reading and doing things, he doesn't like it.

  For him, it’s such a leisurely way to spend a day in the east having a meal of flowers and wine, while in the west he urges the people below to be more serious. It’s best to live like this.

   It's just that he also knows that this kind of life is impossible, especially now that Jia's family is going downhill, if he doesn't find a way, the Ningguo Mansion may be defeated by his generation.

  From the bottom of his heart, he still envied his father a little bit, no matter what, he spent most of his life in such a chic way, but it was his turn that he couldn't live on.

As for the few words that the grandfather summoned and left behind, Jia Rong was a little scared. Although life in Ningguo Mansion is difficult now, there are still a dozen or so Zhuangzi in the north and south, and there are still some shops. Some people can still live with it, but if they are really involved in those accidents, they may be in jail when they wake up.

  He didn't want to live that kind of life at all, he was precarious, licking blood from the knife edge, and couldn't sleep at night.

   It is said that wealth and honor are sought in danger. If grandparents and parents took risks to seek wealth, it would be fine, but if it is their turn, then it is free. He has not had enough good times in his life, and he does not want to take such risks.

  Because of this, Jia Rong planned to come to Yongping Mansion to find out the scenery, and to see if he could catch Feng Ziying's line by the way, which can be regarded as leaving a way out.

  Feng Ziying used Jia Rui in dealing with the Lai family, which made Jia Rong very envious.

Even something like Jia Rui can be used by Feng Ziying to make a fortune, not to mention making a lot of money, and his status in Jia's mansion is rising day by day, and now Jia Rui is even lending money in Ni Er's casino , Earn a lot of money every month, why didn't such a good thing come to me?

  He felt that even though he was no worse than Jia Lian and Jia Yun, at least he was no worse than Jia Rui. If Feng Ziying cared about his relatives, he should support him.

   With this kind of thinking in mind, when Jia Rong saw Feng Ziying, her mood was also complicated and unspeakable.

   "Brother Rong, you're here right now, and if you bring anything else, I'd like to thank you in advance. Your second aunt likes the golden rattan hat and jade needle hat very much,..."

  The joyful expression on Feng Ziying's face made Jia Rong feel relieved.

  He felt that he had chosen the right direction. Everyone said that Feng Ziying loved the two aunts very much.

Things like pine flower silk brocade must not be able to catch Feng Ziying's eyes, even the two aunts can only get a favor, but the golden rattan hat and jade needle coir are probably the second aunt who has never seen such things in the northwest, so Only then would they find it novel and like it very much, but they don't know that this thing has become a fun object for the love between Second Sister You and Feng Ziying.

"My nephew can't afford to say that, but they are worthless items. The golden rattan hat and jade needle capes may be rare in the north, but it's just more thoughtful to put them in the south. Just weaving,..."

   Jia Rong smiled shyly.

  His appearance is a bit like Jia Baoyu's, with a wide-skinned, big face, pink and moist, and a bit of a masculine and feminine look.

  But Baoyu is a little more youthful and heroic in Zhuyuanyurun, while Jia Rong is a little more feminine.

"It's not easy if you put more thought into it. It means you have a heart." Feng Ziying waved her hand, looking at the young man in front of her, she no longer had the same state of mind of inquiry and curiosity as before, and looked at it more with a normal state of mind. "Brother Rong, how is Brother Zhen?"

   "Father is well, thanks to the cleaning up of the Lai family at the beginning of the year, otherwise our Rongning and Ning families would really never have peace." Jia Rong smiled and sat down with half of her buttocks.

"Well, I don't blame anyone. The family has a long history, and every household will inevitably have these slaves who cling to the master's house and **** blood. They don't want to repay the master's house, but only hope to get more from the master's house. By the way, what is Lai Shangrong doing now?" Feng Ziying seemed to remember something.

"The whole family of the Lai family has been dispatched to Heishanzhuang, but Lai Shangrong is no where to be found, because he has been out of the family since he was a child, and the mansion has no control, so he only knows to hang around in the capital city. , I don’t know exactly where.”

Jia Rong didn't care too much about it. In fact, people in Rongning and Ningfu didn't care too much. Both Lai Dalai and Laisheng's families were sent to Heishanzhuang. , Over time, everyone also ignored it.

  Feng Ziying just asked casually, and he didn't care too much.

Lai Shangrong is just a donating official, and if the matter of filling the vacancy is wrong, it will be difficult to fill the vacancy. If the donating official is not filled for three years, it will basically be considered invalid. If you want to fill the official position, you will basically have to donate again. official.

   "Brother Rong, I'm afraid you're not just talking about gossip today, are you? The two aunts are very grateful for the gift you brought. If you need my help, just say, as long as I can help..."

  Feng Ziying had a lot of things to do, and she didn't want to chat with Jia Rong, so she took the initiative to raise the topic.

"Master, my nephew has nothing else to do. You also know that our Ningguo Mansion has several villages on the edge of Beitang and Dagu. We also inquired in the capital city that the Mongols may go south this autumn. Every time the Mongols When going south, Yongping and Shuntian were the first to bear the brunt. I heard from the old man in the mansion that the Mongols went south 20 years ago, and they hit Sanjiadiandian and Dingzigu, and cut off the canal. Fortunately, the frontier army came quickly. Even if the Mongols were quickly driven away, even so, the capital city is still in panic,..."

  Jia Rong’s gentle smile may be liked by some people, but in Feng Ziying’s eyes, she feels uncomfortable.

Feng Ziying doesn't like this feminine and feminine appearance very much, but he has no special dislike for Jia Rong himself. He can only suppress his inner discomfort. The ones who came here respected their status while fearing them like a tiger. I don't know if this was the reason why Jia Rong's femininity became stronger.

   "So my nephew also wants to ask the uncle, is there any problem in the Beitang and Lutai areas?"

Feng Ziying is still a little hard to answer this question. It depends on how much obstruction the Jizhen army can cause to the Mongols. If it is really released to go south, it will be difficult for the Jizhen army to play a blocking role. Once the Kaiping Zhongtun guard falls, the Mongols will take advantage It is more likely to sweep Liangchengsuo, Baodi, and the canal westward.

  (end of this chapter)

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