Number of People

Chapter 972: official business

  Chapter 972 Official Affairs

  Back to the government office, before Feng Ziying had time to rest, Wu Yaoqing asked to see her.

   This is a bit small, but looking at this dilapidated government office, you can know that the previous prefects have no intention of rebuilding this office. This is also a rule handed down from generation to generation, that is, not to repair the office.

  This is very different from the culture of governments in various places in later generations who like to build buildings and halls. Building government offices is nothing more than making wedding clothes for others, and it also attracts the attention of the Metropolitan Procuratorate. Why bother? It's better to find a way to get it in your own pocket.

  Wu Yaoqing has been investigating Changli and Laoting recently, and his target is Huimin Saltworks.

  The salt fields of Huimin Salt Field were divided up, but after careful investigation, it was found that the Huimin Salt Field in Changli was not limited to Changli gentry, including Lulong and Laoting.

  That’s all for Lu Long, the gentry here are more or less related to the officials in the government office, but how the Laoting gentry can get involved is very strange.

"So my subordinates have also checked through some channels, especially the situation of the Japanese pirates going ashore these few times, and I always feel that there is something strange here." Wu Yaoqing looked happy, "We found that the timing of the Japanese pirates is very accurate, and they are often in the salt field. The reconstruction is almost completed, and then several batches of salt are produced. When the storage is almost complete, the Japanese pirates will land on time. Although the salt farm was destroyed, the stored salt was also looted. Such a precise attack must have an internal response in Changli, which is unmistakable, but where are the hundreds of Japanese pirates hiding?"

   "There shouldn't be any suitable hiding places along the coast of Changli, right?" Feng Ziying also knew something about the situation in Changli. The terrain on that line is flat, and if hundreds of Japanese pirates come and go, they must be hidden from the eyes and ears.

"No, in fact, from Yuguan to the mouth of the Daqing River in Shandong, there is no suitable hiding place. If it is farther away, it will be Juehua Island in the west of Liaoning and the Shamen Island, Changshan Island, Dazhu Island, and Xiaozhu Island in Denglai. It’s all over.” Wu Yaoqing shook his head, “It’s impossible on Juehua Island, where materials are stored in Ningyuan, Liaoxi, and it’s also impossible on Shamen Island and Changshan Island. I believe that only Xiangyun Island, Yuetuo, and Shijiutuo in the south of Laoting are the best hiding places for Japanese pirates."

   "Xiangyun Island, Yuetuo, Shijiutuo?" Feng Ziying said hesitantly, "I know over there, isn't it too small? Is it too close to the land?"

   "My lord, Yuetuo and Shijiutuo are a bit smaller, but it is not a problem to hide a hundred people. Xiangyun Island has no problem hiding three to five hundred people, and these islands are very close to the land, so supplies are very convenient,..."

Feng Ziying shook her head, "It's because it's too close, and it's okay to hide for a long time. If it's been a long time, how can no one notice it? In addition, if the Japanese pirates have been hiding here, how can they only target the saltworks, Leting and Beitang Dagu further below?" There are also salt fields in that area, why have these Japanese pirates never invaded them?"

"My lord, I didn't say that these Japanese pirates will always hide here on Xiangyun Island. I only said that they might hide here temporarily before the operation. After receiving the internal information, they will launch an attack from here. As for after they succeed, they must be far away." Dun, it turns out that the mansion also visited Xiangyun Island, Yuetuo and Shijiutuo, but found nothing. This is probably the reason. As for the salt field in Dagu, I guess the Japanese pirates are afraid to go there. Tianjin Wei's garrison also has ships, if there is no reliable internal response, it will be sent to death."

  Wu Yaoqing explained patiently.

   "Where do these Japanese pirates usually stay?" Feng Ziying asked suddenly: "Never heard of harassment in Yongping, Hejian, or even the coast of Jinan Prefecture to the south?"

Wu Yaoqing hesitated for a while, and finally said: "My lord, it's hard to say, but my subordinates think that the people in Changli Leting and the Japanese pirates should have a tacit understanding only for the saltworks business. The gentry is also unwilling, after all, the more you do, the greater the risk, the gentry may not be willing to take this risk, and the matter of the saltworks is relatively simple, even if the salt is looted, the gentry in the second county of Leting, Changli can also have a channel Sell ​​it, this thing is sold and the common people eat it and use it, so there is no evidence, no more than other stolen goods,..."

   "You mean these Japanese pirates are not on Yongping's side, so where are they?" Feng Ziying asked.

"It's hard to say, but the subordinates know that there are many islands in the south of Liaoning, and there are also many islands in the north of North Korea. They are all places for hiding. Maybe they will make a living in North Korea. After all, North Korea's coastal defense is even worse. weak,…"

  Wu Yaoqing's explanation is a bit forced, and Feng Ziying doesn't agree with it, but now he can't find a suitable basis to refute it.

  However, the handling of this matter must wait until the Mongol invasion is resolved. Fortunately, there are clues, but it is easy to handle.

   It has been less than half a year since I came to Yongping Mansion. Feng Ziying deeply felt the difference between being an official in Fuzhou and being an official in the Imperial Academy or even the Sixth Ministry.

Whether it is the Imperial Academy or the Six Departments, the daily affairs are those. As long as you don’t go out for business, you basically follow the steps and deal with the affairs at hand. When the time comes, you will be on time and get off work on time. It is similar to the modern nine-to-five. Of course, you should work overtime I have to work overtime, but those are special circumstances. Except for the Ministry of War and the Metropolitan Procuratorate, there are not many overtime situations in other ministries.

  Of course, as an important person or a role valued by the boss, there will be more opportunities to stay and work overtime, such as Feng Ziying, who is often pulled by the big boss to discuss and talk, but even so, it doesn’t count much.

  But when she arrived in Yongping Mansion, Feng Ziying immediately felt a completely different life.

Going out early and returning late, traveling to various counties, and returning to the government office is to read various documents and documents from below, listen to reports from various houses below, and some reports and suggestions from my own staff. Coordinate some matters with the general judge and the pusher, report the progress of the work to the Fuzun,...

   All in all, cumbersome and complicated, full and busy, with little free time.

  Second Sister You wanted to ask Feng Ziying to accompany her to the temple to pray for a son several times, but Feng Ziying didn't have time, which also made Feng Ziying feel very guilty about this little concubine who had been with her in obscurity.

  On the contrary, Third Sister You often disguised herself as a man to go out with her. The people in the yamen were a little surprised before, but after Third Sister You showed her sword skills, she was immediately astonished, and no one said anything more.

  Even Zhu Zhiren envied Feng Ziying for having a concubine orchid who was proficient in martial arts, but Feng Ziying reckoned that what this guy was more envious of was the enchanting demeanor of such orchids on the bed, rather than Third Sister You's martial arts.

   "What did you say?" As soon as I got back to the house, I saw Second Sister You greeted me happily, wearing a rattan straw coir raincoat, and it wasn't raining, so what are you doing wearing such things?

He took Second Sister You's plump body into his arms and sat down on his lap. Before he could ask why he was wearing a coir raincoat, Feng Ziying was taken aback when Second Sister You said, "Brother Rong! Come to Yongping?"

Influenced by the story about Jia Zhen and Jia Rong's father and son getting together in the book "Dream of Red Mansions" in the previous life, Feng Ziying has always had a bad impression of Jia Zhen and Jia Rong, so although Jia Zhen and Jia Rong also approached Jia Zhen and Jia Rong in every possible way, Qin Keqing The identity in Ningguo Mansion is completely inconsistent with what was said in the book "A Dream of Red Mansions" in her previous life, but once the impression is formed, it is still difficult for Feng Ziying to change her mind.

So after Eryou followed her, Feng Ziying also strictly ordered Eryou not to enter the gate of Rongguo Mansion. On the contrary, You Shi came to Feng Mansion to meet Eryou's two nominal sisters a few times, but Mrs. You went to Ningguo from time to time. The government wants to bring some news back.

Although he doesn't like Jia Zhenjia Rong, Feng Ziying also knows that the performance of Jia Zhenjia Rong and his son is actually the truest portrayal of the children of these martial arts masters who are not very successful in this era, extravagant, lustful and greedy, relying on the power of the house , it is inevitable to do some things to bully men and women, but if you want to say how excessive the behavior is, you can't say it.

   If you want to say that Jia She gave Qiutong to Jia Lian during this gathering, it seems that there is some suspicion.

   It's just that Qiutong is a maid, and her identity is different from Qin Keqing's Jia Rong's wife. Now Qin Keqing's situation in Ningguo Mansion is more like a hot potato that everyone respects and keeps away from, so there is no such thing as a gathering.

   I don’t like Gui very much, but Jia and Feng’s family are already relatives. The Ningguo Mansion is a little farther away, but they are still considered in-laws, and Eryou’s relationship seems to be closer.

   Moreover, Jia Zhen and Jia Rong have always been very submissive to themselves, so even if Feng Ziying doesn't like them very much, they can't ignore them.

"Well, I just came here. It so happens that Qingwen is also here, and she is talking with Jin Chuan'er and the others now." Second Sister You likes Feng Ziying's intimacy, but it can only be when there are only two of them alone. Under the circumstances, she still pays attention to her image in front of people, and is deeply afraid of being called frivolous and frivolous by others.

   "Qingwen is here too?" Feng Ziying was even more surprised, "What is she doing here? Is there something at home?"

"I don't think so. She said she was speaking for others. Qingwen didn't say anything, so the concubine didn't ask." Second Sister You knew the rules very well. She never asked questions that shouldn't be asked. This is what Feng Ziying liked very much. The opponent's sake.

  After thinking for a while, Feng Ziying said: "Then why is Brother Rong here? At this time, it is a bit surprising that you have come to Yongping Mansion hundreds of miles away."

"Brother Rong sent some pine flower brocade from the south, as well as some local specialties. I like the golden rattan hat and the jade needle coir concubine very much. They have a different mood when they are worn." Second Sister You obviously liked them. This set of golden rattan hat and jade needle hat, stood up and turned around, "Do you like it?"

  (end of this chapter)

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