Number of People

Chapter 977: Yang's family of Bozhou

  Chapter 977 The Yang Family of Banzhou

   "Brother, the Jianzhou Jurchens have clearly replied to the letter. In the middle and late September, the Mongols and they will take action." The short and sturdy man in leather armor said in a deep voice: "They hope to get a letter of approval for our uprising."

"They didn't give us an exact time, so why should we give them the exact time?" The young man in white shirt played with a folding fan in his hand, and said dismissively: "Aren't they trying to use us to delay Da Zhou so that they can get As you wish, when the time comes, they will retreat outside the side wall, nothing will happen, but what about us? Where will we retreat? Just stay in this sea dragon bunker? So many people don’t want to eat or drink?”

  Hearing his third son refute his brother, Yang Yinglong, yes, the majestic man with disheveled hair is Yang Yinglong, who claims to be half emperor, Yang Yinglong is a little displeased.

  The stocky man in armor is his younger brother Yang Zhaolong.

  The group of people standing here is the core of the entire Yang family. Two brothers, Yang Yinglong and Yang Zhaolong, three sons of Yang Yinglong, Yang Chaodong, Yang Kedong, and Yang Weidong.

   "Shi Tai, what do you think?"

"My lord, it is reasonable for the Jianzhou Jurchen to be so cautious. Everyone knows that they will go south in autumn, and there will definitely be many spies on the grassland in Dazhou. In fact, it is not difficult to judge the approximate time when the Mongols will go south. After all, the gathering of soldiers and horses, the raising of food and grass, these cannot be hidden from Da Zhou's eyeliner, but it is difficult to judge when it will be specific, or even within a few days, so the Mongols will definitely not tell others clearly when they will do it , and with their current scale, they must be divided into several routes to the south, which route is earlier and which route is later, it is not clear,..."

Sun Shitai's judgment was very pertinent, "Besides, the timing of their going south has little to do with us. It is enough to be sure that they will go south. The Mongols are not important. At most, they will bring a storm to Da Zhou. The key is Jianzhou Jurchen. ..."

"But the strength shown by the Mongols is far better than that of the Jianzhou Jurchen." Yang Chaodong, a young man in his early thirties and the eldest son of Yang Yinglong, couldn't help but said: "The army of 120,000 is more than twice as large as the Jianzhou Jurchen soldiers and horses. Maybe they can reenact the story of the former Mingwala army besieging the capital city,..."

   "My lord, so what if it happens again? First, isn't it because Yu Qian didn't win at all?" Sun Shitai shook his head, "As I said, the Northern Yuan Dynasty is gone, and it is impossible for the Mongols to take over the Central Plains..."

   "Why?" Yang Kedong continued.

   "Because the times have changed." Sun Shitai glanced at the second young master who had escaped from the capital city. He was not familiar with the second young master, and the second young master was also taciturn and rarely expressed his opinion.

"The era when Temujin unified the tribes of Mongolia has long passed. Oirat is the people in the forest, and Tatar is the people on the grasslands. They are still doing their own things. They are fighting endlessly to prove that they are the golden line. If they are all to prove themselves It is the authentic inheritance and fighting, which actually means that their glory has long since ended. Temujin did not become Genghis Khan because he was the most noble blood on the grassland, but because he used his own force and strength to become Genghis Khan. It proves that the name Genghis Khan is well deserved and can only be attributed to Temujin,..."

  The implication is profound, but Yang Yinglong nodded slightly. He didn't know if his sons understood it, but he did.

No one is born with nobility. Temujin proved the nobility of his golden lineage with his unrivaled martial arts. Similarly, Zhu Yuanzhang also used his rise from the crowd to drive away the Northern Yuan Dynasty and establish the Ming Dynasty, which proved the orthodoxy of the Zhu family's lineage. , in the same way, Zhang Shicheng's descendants can also use the counterattack to successfully prove that the legal principles of the existence of the Great Zhou are in line with orthodoxy.

   "Then why do you think that the Jianzhou Jurchens are stronger than the Mongols?" Yang Kedong didn't give up.

"It's very simple. Nurhaci was able to unify the entire Jianzhou Jurchen and annexed half of the Haixi Jurchen. Even the Horqin tribe on the grassland was originally from the Eastern Mongolians willing to serve him. The Donghai Jurchen will fall into his hands sooner or later. Do you think he is a bit like Temujin before the Onon River League?"

  Sun Shitai's words not only changed the color of the three sons of the Yang family, but also moved the hearts of brothers Yang Yinglong and Yang Zhaolong.

"Did the sir push Nurhachi too high? How can Nurhachi compare with Temujin?" Yang Yinglong shook his head, "Even if the entire Jurchen is unified, there will not be more than one million households. After Temujin swept Mongolia, Jin, Jin, Xia would not be able to match it, and when Jin Xiahou was destroyed, the world would no longer be able to compete with it, and neither could Song. But now, even if Nurhachi unified Jianzhou, Haixi and Donghai, how could he be compared with the unified Great Zhou? I thought it was the limit for Nurhachi to win Liaodong."

   "My lord, do you understand what it means for Nurhachi to win Liaodong?" Sun Shitai, a scribe in green shirt, asked in a deep voice.

   "What does it mean?" Yang Yinglong asked himself ponderingly, "It means that Nurhachi has completed the integration of all parties in Liaodong. Not only their Jurchen, but also the Han people in the northeastern part of Liaodong have also belonged to him?"

  The green-shirted scribe gave Yang Yinglong a look of approval, "Yes, does your lord know how many Han people there are in Liaodong?"

   "Hundreds of thousands?" Yang Yinglong hesitated, he was not sure, but the second son Yang Kedong reported the situation in Liaodong to him after he came back.

"More than that, much more than that." Sun Shitai shook his head resolutely, "Hundreds of thousands of households are about the same. I went to Liaodong more than ten years ago, and there are more than 100,000 military households and their dependents in the Liaoxi Corridor alone, 500,000. If you add Liaodong and Liaonan, which is the so-called Greater Liaodong, the number of households will not be less than 500,000, 2 million people. It is estimated that in the past 20 years, there will be no less than 100,000 or even 150,000 Han people affiliated with the Jurchens of Jianzhou. Nurhachi has the capital to dare to compete with Da Zhou in Liaodong..."

  Yang Yinglong understood what Sun Shitai meant, "Sir, you mean that once the Jianzhou Jurchens take over Liaodong, and the Han people in Liaodong become Nurhachi's subordinates, they will have the qualifications to compete for the world?"

"I can't say that, it depends on Nurhachi himself, but even if only half of the two million Han people belong to Nurhachi, the strength of the Jianzhou Jurchens will usher in an unimaginable expansion. But when the Han people join in, their food logistics can be guaranteed, their armor and weapons can be satisfied, and when Nurhachi has an overwhelming advantage in Liaodong, the Eastern Mongolian tribes either surrender, um, the Horqin people have already taken the lead, or If they are destroyed and annexed, they will have to move westward, and at that time, Jianzhou Jurchen, which has integrated Jurchen, Mongols, and Liaodong Han people, may really have the strength to go south first.”

  Sun Shitai's summary made Yang Yinglong and several others fall into deep thought.

"Then what is the meaning of Mr. Sun?" It was Yang Kedong who spoke, this time he was very active and completely different from usual, "Nurhachi wants to win Liaodong, let's not discuss whether he will succeed or not, even if he wants to succeed, I'm afraid there will be no success." It’s impossible for ten or eight years, but can our Yang family’s Banzhou survive the ten-year purge of the Great Zhou?”

Yang Kedong's doubts were also expected by Sun Shitai. With Bozhou's strength, it is obviously impossible to compete against Dazhou. Let alone ten years, three years is enough. In comparison, it is not worth mentioning.

"Jianzhou Jurchen wants to win Liaodong within ten years. I don't think they can do it. In fifteen to twenty years, the chances of success are relatively high." Sun Shitai seeks truth from facts, "If he can quickly conquer Eastern Mongolia, the progress may be faster. , but in any case it will not be less than ten years. As for our Banzhou, if we fight Dazhou, we will definitely hit the stone with a pebble, but second son, you have to see that this is not just our Banzhou, Shuixi in Guizhou, and the Shuixi in Guizhou. Yongning, and many chieftains are actually looking at us, we are not fighting as a family, countless people hope that we can win,..."

"What's the point of this? They just hope that we can help them get out of the fire, but they refuse to join in." Yang Kedong still insisted: "But how long can we last? Half a year, a year? Or two years? The Lai army has already come to Huguang. It turns out that Geng Ruqi, a member of the Ministry of War, was appointed as the Tongzhi of Chongqing. This is obviously aimed at us in Bozhou. We are still sitting here and discussing it, but we can't come up with how to deal with it. Mr. Sun said The words are more like comforting me to wait,..."

  Yang Yinglong frowned.

The second son is not welcome. He knows the reason. Yang Kedong has not been very optimistic about the conflict with Dazhou this time, nor does he think that the Jurchen and Mongols can really bring much threat and restraint to Dazhou. , Bozhou could not withstand the attack of Dazhou at all, and would only become a stepping stone for Jianzhou Jurchen and Mongols.

   "Ke Dong, why did you talk to Mr. Sun?" Yang Yinglong scolded angrily.

   "Father, I may be blunt, but it is for the good of our Bozhou. The Yang family of Bozhou has been passed down for thousands of years, but it cannot be destroyed by our generation's reckless actions..." Yang Kedong said bluntly.

He has stayed in the capital city for so many years, and he has a very clear view of the background of the Great Zhou. Although he has also seen various malpractices and problems in the Great Zhou, he has always insisted that no matter what, the Great Zhou is not a mere Bozhou Yang You can challenge, even if you add Mongols and Jurchens, unless Dazhou itself is in chaos.

"Bold, presumptuous!" Yang Yinglong was furious, "You have stayed in the capital for a few years, I thought I would gain some insight, but I was scared out of my wits, why did the Yang family in Bozhou produce such a cowardly guy like you? !"

  (end of this chapter)

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