Number of People

Chapter 978: tongue roll

  Chapter 978 Self-word tongue-rolling battle

  Sun Shitai took a step forward, stopped Yang Yinglong's fury, and said calmly: "My lord, I think what the second son said is not unreasonable."

  Yang Yinglong's face darkened, "Mr. Sun, you don't need to explain for this rebellious son, I think he is..."

"My lord!" Sun Shitai shook his head, "The second son has been in the capital city for many years, and he has seen a lot. Naturally, there is a basis for it. Yes, our Bozhou wants to compete with the Great Zhou. As far as the current situation is concerned, the Mongols and the Jianzhou Jurchen are fighting against each other. It won't do much, at most it will be a restraint, if Dazhou really wants to attack Bozhou at all costs, we can't stand it."

  Yang Kedong noticed the words "at all costs" mentioned by Sun Shitai, and sneered in his heart. He knew that the other party would make a fuss about this issue.

  He didn't give his father and Sun Shitai any face, and said directly: "Mr. Sun is trying to say that it is impossible for Da Zhou to attack us in Banzhou at all costs?"

  Sun Shitai was really surprised at this time.

   This Second Young Master Yang seems to have lived in the capital city for so many years and has not just waited to die. He still has some knowledge, and he can see the meaning hidden in his words at a glance.

  Compared to Yang Chaodong and Yang Weidong, who Sun Shitai was more familiar with, this Second Young Master Yang was indeed a little strange to him. After he fled back, this Second Second Young Master Yang lived in reticence and did nothing except ask relevant people about the situation in Bozhou.

"Then what does the second son think is the purpose of the court to attack our Bozhou at all costs? And what kind of power will it use? The second son doesn't think that the imperial court will send all the troops from the nine sides to attack us in Bozhou?" Sun Shitai said with a smile. .

  Looking at the confident appearance of the other party, Yang Kedong estimated that his father's ambition was probably instigated by this surnamed Sun, and he also hated this guy.

Perhaps my father did have some ideas of being the king of the mountain behind closed doors, but it was only limited to Banzhou. That's all, to win over the three chieftains of Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan, form an alliance, and compete against the Great Zhou, it is absolutely unthinkable.

His father's ambition started a few years ago. He once wrote a letter to dissuade him, but he failed to do so. Later, when Jianzhou Jurchen approached him, he wanted to refuse directly, but he didn't dare. Zhou Jurchen hooked up with her father through other channels, and she was really about to become a rebellious son, and she couldn't even return to Bozhou.

So when he came back this time, he found that his father had really changed a lot. He was so ambitious that he wanted to win over the chieftains around him to form an alliance. , have a lot of contacts with him.

Even the younger sister married Ma Qiansi, the second son of the Ma Qin family. Although Shi Jie was the eldest son of the Ma Qin family, Ma Qiancheng, the Ma Qin family always held the military power and doted on the second son Ma Qiansi, intending to let the second son replace the eldest son Ma. Qiancheng, and Ma Qinshi is also closely related to his father.

"Mr. Sun, is there any king in the world? Is it true that Bozhou does not want to listen to the imperial court? Isn't this reason enough for the imperial court to exterminate us? What forces will be used? Tens of thousands of Denglai troops have entered Huguang. Mr. Shengwu Isn’t the blade of your big knife not sharp enough? Or do you think that your father has a close relationship with Mr. Shogo, so he will disobey his orders, or let us go to the Yang family of Banzhou?”

  Yang Kedong sneered.

The Mr. Shengwu mentioned by Yang Kedong is Yang Yinglong's close relationship with Liu Ting, the Sichuan general who deliberately made friends. In terms of personal friendship, the two have indeed been friends for decades. There are all kinds of gemstones, but so what?

  Liu Ting was an official of the Great Zhou Dynasty, how could he be bribed just because the Yang family gave him such a small favor?

  It's nothing to talk about this little thing, as long as he is willing to beat Yang with his life, everything is nothing.

   "As for the nine frontier armies, I dare not say for sure, but the Mongolian right wing has basically calmed down. If there is an emergency, it is hard to say whether the three frontier armies will be transferred south." Yang Kedong said coldly.

Sun Shitai didn't expect that the Second Young Master Yang could speak so well. If he didn't refute the other party, I'm afraid it would really shake the morale of the army. You know what you don’t know why.”

"Oh? Then I would like to ask Mr. Sun to explain it to me." Now that he has met with the other party, Yang Kedong is no longer polite. If he doesn't tell the other party clearly at this time, he is afraid that his father, uncle and brothers will all To swarm into it.

"First of all, it's not that we in Bozhou want to rebel and cause chaos, but that these officials are too harsh. Our officials and people in Bozhou can't bear it. You can ask your father and uncle Ling about this. If this continues, I'm afraid The hearts of the people in Bozhou will be in chaos, and they will even be bought by those officials one by one." Sun Shitai first stood firm on his heels, "The second son may not know this point in the capital city for so many years, but he will only know it when he comes down, so let's do more. Find out."

  Yang Kedong was stunned. This was his weakness. After leaving Bozhou for many years, his influence in his hometown had been weakened a lot. Sun Shitai's words undoubtedly reminded him that his influence in Bozhou might not even be as good as that of the third child.

"Secondly, the Denglai Army of Dazhou you mentioned arrived in Huguang, but how long did they go? Do you know where these Denglai Army are from? Let me tell you, they are all from Shandong and Nanzhi. What do you think of them? Can it adapt to our southwest climate? Governor of Denglai, Wang Ziteng, is he willing to fight this battle? Just look at their marching speed, you can tell that Wang Ziteng doesn't want to fight at all, he is just looking for various excuses to delay, he is a man of the emperor , and cannot be liked and trusted by the current emperor!"

  Yang Kedong didn't expect that Sun Shitai even knew these secrets, he was taken aback, and looked at him even more unkindly.

  He has been in the capital for many years, and he can only vaguely know about these secrets, but Sun Shitai, who doesn't know where he came from, understands so thoroughly.

  It's too suspicious, can't my father and uncle realize it? impossible!

   Seeing his father and uncle stroking their beards and smiling without saying a word, Yang Kedong was puzzled and could only remain silent.

"As for Mr. Shengwu, I admit that he does have a group of soldiers who are capable of fighting, but how many are there? Sichuan has not encountered any war in these years, and Mr. Shengwu only has three to five thousand soldiers who can fight. He can fight now, but in Bozhou, he is trapped in shallow water. We have the right time, place and people, and his personal relationship with your father, can the court not be afraid? Even if you trust him, there must be some means of restraint? To save me I don’t think it’s a good idea to hit us because of the character of not being able to rub sand in the male’s eyes.”

  Sun Shitai spoke in an orderly manner, and every sentence was well-founded, making it impossible for Yang Kedong to refute.

"Although the Mongols and Jurchens' offensives in the north have little effect on the imperial court's use of troops in the south, logistical support and food and payment expenses are indispensable. The expenditures of Liaodong, Jizhen, and Xuanfu towns will definitely increase this year. The Denglai army will go south How much food security can we still have? What about Sichuan?”

"We are not like Bozhou. The Shui'an family, the Yongningshe family, and the Shijiema family have long been dissatisfied with the way the imperial court behaves here. Even Baojing Prefecture and Pingcha Dongsi in the east are just like the local officials. The situation is the same as water and fire, I dare not say that everyone will respond to it, but as long as the situation is at a stalemate, these people will definitely take advantage of the situation..., and I know that the second son wants to say that Yang He has become the governor of Yunyang, but you think Yunyang will be the governor of Yunyang? Is it quiet? There are millions of Jingxiang refugees living in Yunyang. They have no food to eat and no clothes to cover their bodies. The peaceful scene of Duke Shanfu has long since disappeared. Yang He’s going to Yunyang can stabilize the land of Jingxiang. It's Amitabha,..."

Yang Kedong felt that he was about to be persuaded by the other party. Yang He's appointment as the governor of Yunyang was the same as Geng Ruqi's appointment as the prefect of Chongqing. They obviously came for Bozhou, but the other party explained it lightly in a few words. ) has only been in Yunyang's political legacy for how many years, and it has been completely annihilated? Yang Kedong didn't believe it.

   But there is no point in arguing with the other party about these things. Father and uncle will never believe what they say. This is what Yang Kedong feels the most headache about.

"Besides, there are still a lot of inside information that the Second Young Master doesn't know about here, so I would like to ask the Second Young Master to be calm and take some time to observe slowly. The current situation of Dazhou can be described as besieged by all sides, not like those people in the court. The group of prosperous scenes that are boasting,..."

  Sun Shitai didn't push forward and was aggressive.

He knew that although Yang Kedong was the second son, he held a lot of weight in Yang Yinglong's heart, and Yang Yinglong felt a little guilty for his many years of forbearance in the capital, and this person was indeed in the capital. No time wasted, some knowledge is still there, but it is not clear whether the second young master is really not optimistic about his side, or has other plans.

   This has to be observed slowly.

   "It seems that Mr. Sun has a plan in his mind. Anyway, I will calm down and take a good look at what Mr. Sun said, and what other earth-shattering inside stories are there, and whether it can solve the danger of our Yang family in Banzhou."

  Yang Kedong knew that there would be no good results if he continued to argue now, and would only benefit his two brothers, so he could only take a step back and find a way to go down.

Yang Yinglong nodded in satisfaction, "Kedong, Mr. Sun is a great talent that I invited after all kinds of invitations. Both your uncle and I admire him. You should learn from Mr. Sun. Don't think that you will stay in the capital city." After a few days, I feel that I can underestimate the people of the world, and you are still far behind."

"Yes, father." Yang Kedong could only bow his head and cup his fists, but he made up his mind to find an opportunity to find out the bottom line of this so-called number one think tank strategist of his father. Father serves.

  (end of this chapter)

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