Number of People

Chapter 979: Zizijuan Xinjun

  Chapter 979 New Army

   "Boom!" The pungent smell of gunpowder permeated the entire queue.

The slightly stiff queue seemed flustered, and the soldiers hurriedly retracted their guns and began to clean the barrels, while another row of soldiers took a step forward, began to hold the guns, put them on the rack, and aimed, and behind them there was another group of soldiers who were Complete the final process of reloading.

  The cavalry that swept in was also a riot after the violent gunshots, but the cavalry leader quickly controlled the situation and continued to charge forward.

  After three consecutive rounds of bombardment, the cavalry had approached less than a hundred steps away, and it seemed that they could even feel the breath of the horses.

A shrill and short whistle sounded, and the soldiers began to use somewhat stiff movements to pull out the three-edged spikes from their waists and put them on the front of the barrel, completing a process of loading bayonets. The sharp prickly soldiers received the whips and curses from the officers at this time.

When the cavalry rushed to only fifty steps left, all the soldiers who had finished reloading shot the last round of shooting, and then the soldiers in the first and second rows made forward leaning forwards with their spears and stabbing movements, preparing to meet the cavalry's charge. The soldiers in the third row still maintain the reloading action and pull back a certain distance so that they can continue to shoot at the high cavalry.

  The cavalry finally stopped in the last ten steps, and some cavalry even rushed in front of the infantry line, and it could be seen that their faces were complicated.

This kind of actual combat exercise is also the first time for them, especially the continuous bang of the firecrackers, that is hundreds of firecrackers bombarding at the same time, the violent explosion is not a little frightening for the horses, although it is only a case of no bullets Shooting, but this kind of drill is still extremely exciting.

  Feng Ziying standing on the high platform stroked her chin, silently groaning, while Huang Degong and Zuo Liangyu on both sides of him were full of excitement.

Although Feng Ziying still has some regrets in her heart, the time is still too tight. These soldiers can be seen as novices at a glance, and their movements are stiff. Facing the actual combat battlefield where the cavalry roared, they were still in a hurry and made ugly appearances.

The Swedish Gustav infantry line tactics provided by Feng Ziying to Huang Degong and Zuo Liangyu are an improvement on the Morris horizontal formation. Six rows stand in line and can maintain a more stable pace during the march. Six even-numbered squares step forward and one, three, five odd-numbered squares form three teams.

   This makes the formation tighter and the design surface more spacious and dense, similar to the pattern of three-stage shooting. Of course, each completes the loading and shooting instead of handing over to others to shoot.

At the same time, a metal ring is installed in front of the barrel, so that the specially made triangular spikes with a sleeve can fit on the metal ring. The front of the metal ring is small and the rear is large, so that it will not fall off easily after being put on. .

  Feng Ziying does not have this kind of screw interface technology at present, so he can only use this crude method to make up for it. As for how to solve it after the war, that is another matter. It is nothing more than more troublesome manual work.

An officer who came up from the high platform said to Feng Ziying with some displeasure: "My lord, your way of treating us is too unfair. You just played us like monkeys, charging forward like this over and over again, and then strangled us again." Ma, this feeling is not good,..."

"Brother Yiguan, there is no way to do this. You also know that this group of people have never been on the battlefield, and it has only been a few months since they picked up the firecrackers. It all depends on Hushan and Kunshan. Today's situation is due to the hard training of the night. They have never seen blood on the battlefield. Did they go straight to the battlefield to die?"

  Feng Ziying hurriedly let the dark and stocky general to her side, and even Huang Degong and Zuo Liangyu hurriedly clasped their fists and saluted.

   This one is the leader of a battalion of cavalry that You Shilu won for Feng Ziying from You Shigong, and the capital is Luo Yiguan.

   Said it was the first battalion, but in the end You Shigong detained two of them, leaving only three with 2,000 riders, but Feng Ziying was still very grateful.

   At this time, even if I can give you a thousand rides, it is considered a great kindness.

  Luo has always been Feng Tang's military general drawn from Ganzhou.

Feng Tang was promoted from the Yulin General Soldier to the Governor of Jiliao. In view of the sluggishness of the soldiers in Jiliao and the constraints of Li Chengliang and Magui's ministries, he also proposed to the Ministry of War and the Cabinet to transfer some of the old ministries of Yulin and Datong to Jiliao. , This is also the condition that Feng Tang and the Ministry of War negotiated at the beginning. If there is no group of soldiers who can stop them, how can they fight against the Jianzhou Jurchen?

The Ministry of War also agreed to Feng Tang's conditions, so the three You brothers, Cao Wenzhao, He Renlong and other ministries followed. The juniper tribes have successfully built Li Chengliang's headquarters into the foundation of the Feng family.

The soldiers Feng Tang mainly deployed were concentrated in Yulin and Datong, but in the battle against Ganning and Ningxia, he was also optimistic about a group of generals who performed well in Ganning and Ningxia. Let him follow You Shigong out of Ji Town and become the capital of the cavalry battalion.

"My lord, you treat this group of people very well." Luo Yiguan watched the second round of rehearsal start again, and couldn't help shaking his head: "All the brand-new gun equipment, with iron leaf cotton armor, are our thistles. The infantry in the town are not treated so well, you will be hated if you do this, if you don’t believe me, just ask Hushan and Kunshan, how do you ask them to lead troops when this matter is passed back?”

"Hehe, Brother Yiguan, don't tempt Hushan and Kunshan here. The people like me are selected from military households and the people from various states and counties. This is fighting to defend their own homeland. You guys The Jizhen army must abide by the military order of the Ministry of War, and give up if we are forced to give up Yongping, but what about us local officials? I am the magistrate of Yongping Prefecture, and the prefect and I are the first to bear the brunt of the responsibility for losing the prefectures and counties. If you lose your head, if you run away without a fight, can the Metropolitan Procuratorate let us go?"

Feng Ziying didn't care, "Since there is no way to go, the only option is to fight to the death. If you lose your life, do you still care about other things outside of you? So I told the Lord Fuzun that the taxes on all kinds of materials that should be shipped this year are suspended. , when our battle is over, if there are still lives left, then we have to make money for them. If the lives are gone, or they are all dismissed by the imperial court, then we can't control it. ..."

  Feng Ziying's words also changed the color of several people slightly, which means that Feng Ziying will fight this battle at all costs.

But even with the addition of the 5,000 strong men, the two firecrackers, and the three cavalry, the number of soldiers who can go to the battlefield is only more than 8,000, and once the Mongolian army goes south, there will be tens of thousands. Moreover, Feng Ziying's intention was not to only defend Qian'an or Lulong City, but to defend these two cities. Once the troops were dispersed, this battle would be even more difficult to fight.

   "My lord, you really..." Luo Yiguan pondered and said, "If there is something wrong, we can keep you to withdraw first..."

  This is also the thoughts of Luo Yiguan, Huang Degong and Zuo Liangyu.

It doesn't matter if you lose this battle, the green hills are left without worrying about no firewood, and it's not like they haven't lost battles before. Luo Yiguan fought a lot with the Mongols over there in Ganzhou. Although it was only a small group of fights, each other won , Huang Degong and Zuo Liangyu also fought against the Mongols and the Jurchens' small group of scouts in Liaodong. They also won and lost.

  They also hoped for Feng Ziying in the same way. As long as the situation is not right, it is enough to let Feng Ziying escape. As for saying that Feng Ziying can be reinstated after being dismissed from office, but if Feng Ziying has something good or bad, how will the three of them explain to the governor?

   Not to mention that the head fell to the ground, but it is certain that you will never turn over for the rest of your life.

  Of course Feng Ziying knew what they were thinking, but he had to dispel the other party's thoughts. Once he wanted to get away and run for his life, the decisive battle would be delayed at a critical moment, which was very dangerous.

  Five Thousand Minzhuang was excavated by Feng Ziying painstakingly. The purpose is also very simple, that is, to create a new army with sufficient influence, instead of relying solely on the old man's position as governor of Jiliao.

  He had to check and inspect the training of the five thousand new troops almost every two days, and Feng An in the early stage, Huang Degong and Zuo Liangyu in the later stage were actually training them on his behalf.

   This force will grow slowly and become a cornerstone in the army.

  Separate rule between civil and military, and use civil to control military. This is the regulation set by the Great Zhou Dynasty. Wen is the commander in chief and military commander. Civil officials are responsible for strategic decision-making and command, while military commanders are responsible for specific implementation.

  But a civil official who cannot control soldiers will be greatly constrained in strategic decision-making and command, which will lead to failure.

  This kind of situation is not uncommon, but many times it cannot be cracked.

  How long can civil servants really get in touch with the soldiers below? Most of the time, they are just before the battle and just rush to integrate the generals from all directions. They can only arrange and arrange according to their own understanding and judgment. The victory or defeat depends more on the strategic command and the personal quality of the generals. Reliable ability.

The Yongping new army is actually more like an experiment. This new army, which is formed entirely by firecrackers, is relatively easy to train in all aspects, and the promotion of officers at all levels depends more on the training. The performance, of course, depends on the performance in the real war in the later stage. There are not too many other involvements, and it is all about surviving and entering the stack, which is relatively fair.

   As for where Huang Degong and Zuo Liangyu will go in the future, it depends on the outcome of this battle, so Feng Ziying must give up their chances.

  (end of this chapter)

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