Number of People

Chapter 980: Zizi roll on board

  Chapter 980 Self-character scroll on board

   "Brother Yiguan, Hushan, Kunshan, you must have seen the changes in Qian'an City and Lulong City, how do you feel?"

  Feng Ziying did not directly respond to Luo Yiguan's words, but mentioned the changes in the two cities in the past few months. To put it bluntly, a large number of bastions were re-expanded on the outer city walls.

Whether it is Luo Yiguan or Huang Degong and Zuo Liangyu, they can naturally see the purpose of the sudden growth of several bastions similar to the horse-faced urn from the outer wall, especially Feng Ziying has almost completely given up ordinary infantry. All of them were replaced by firecrackers.

   "The bulging of these bastions and the expanded shooting area greatly expand the angle of the defender's use of firecrackers and bows and arrows, so that the attacker will face multi-angle blockade and attack,..."

  Luo nodded consistently: "It is indeed very effective. For the Mongols, they will pay a higher price if they want to attack the city."

Feng Ziying nodded with satisfaction, "The Mongols are not good at attacking cities, but under the strong walls and clear fields of our Yongping Mansion, if they want to get what they want, they have to attack the city. Of course, their superiority in numbers and maneuverability determine that they can have more selective attack targets, but in any case I believe that Qian'an City and Lulong City will be their targets."

   This point has also been discussed by several people, and there is no objection.

  Lulong is the prefecture, the essence of the entire Yongping Mansion, while Qian'an is the closest to the side wall and beside the Luan River.

  With the implementation of the strategy of strengthening the walls and clearing the wilderness, almost all the tyrants and wealthy businessmen in Yongping Prefecture will hide in the city, even including a large number of civilians, and others will hide in the mountains.

From the perspective of the possible breakthrough path of the Mongols going south, Qian'an bears the brunt first, followed by Lulong and Luanzhou. Changli and Laoting are less likely because the location is too remote, while Funing is under the radiation of Shanhaiguan. It is far less valuable than these three cities and is more cost-effective.

   "I will also put some smoke screens out, so that the Mongols can focus on Qian'an or Lulong." Feng Ziying added.

   Only by fully attracting the attention of the Mongols to Qian'an and Lulong, and letting the Mongols have a **** encounter in Qian'an and Lulong, can they dispel their intentions in Yongping and force them to turn westward.

   What Feng Ziying was most worried about was that they would bypass Qian'an to attack Luanzhou and Changli. After all, Luanzhou was too close to Lulong, and it was also on the bank of the Luan River, while Changli was a bit far away, but it was not too far away.

With limited troops, it's not that Feng Ziying never thought of concentrating heavy troops in Qian'an or Lulong, but no matter which city he is guarding, once the Mongols run into trouble in this city, it is impossible to just leave like this, and he will definitely choose another city. The target, and its maneuverability determines that the troops in Feng Ziying's hands cannot be mobilized.

   Unless it is absolutely necessary, or if there is not enough advantage, Feng Ziying is not willing to let her five thousand firearms go to the field to fight the Mongols head-on.

   "Then from the point of view of Brother Yiguan, Hushan, and Kunshan, how sure are we if thousands of us guard Qian'an or Lulong?"

   "Only guarding one city, more than 80% sure." Huang Deli first stated his position, which is almost a guarantee.

   "What about guarding Qian'an and Lulong two cities?"

   "50%." Zuo Liangyu thought for a while, "If the whole city can be mobilized to help, 50%."

   "How about defending Qian'an, Lulong and Luanzhou at the same time?"

The three shook their heads at the same time, and finally Zuo Liangyu said: "There is no one in Chengdu, two or three thousand soldiers climbed the wall, just by looking at the density of the defenses on the city wall, people can immediately see the truth and falsehood, just surround it on all sides and move it a little bit." , it will make us lose sight of the other,..."

"So we can only guard Qian'an and Lulong." Feng Ziying nodded, "And we must let the Mongols suffer a big loss in Qian'an and Lulong, especially Lulong, so that they will feel heartbroken and will not want to fight again. Take a risk, give up the attack on Luanzhou or Changli, and turn west."

  The three of them understood Feng Ziying's thoughts.

   Now Yongping is unable to defend the three cities at the same time, but according to the practice of Mongolian cavalry going south, there is a high probability that they will invade from northwest to southeast along the Luan River, so Qian'an will bear the brunt of it, and World War I cannot be avoided.

  If Qian'an is hindered or the city is broken, the Mongols will continue to move southeast, and the Fuzhi Lulong will not be able to avoid World War I, which means that these two cities are must-take cities for the Mongols.

Both of these two cities are inevitable. Regardless of victory or defeat, the Mongols still have the strength to continue to deepen. Luanzhou and Changli are both options, but Luanzhou has a higher probability because Luanzhou is not far from the Luan River. , Changli is slightly biased.

If you want the Mongols not to attack Luanzhou or Changli, you have to let the Mongols suffer enough in the battle between Qian'an and Lulong, especially Lulong, and feel that it is not worthwhile to take the risk of attacking Luanzhou and Changli. Only when they are big can they give up and choose other goals.

   "My lord, your idea is too idealistic. Will the Mongols follow our baton? Once the Mongols don't follow our ideas, Changli and Luanzhou will be in danger of being destroyed!"

   Luo always couldn't help shaking his head.

"Yes, it is indeed possible, and the possibility is not small." Feng Ziying nodded, "I have also reported to Fu Zun that I hope that the people of Changli and Luanzhou will move to Leting or the mountains, but this cannot be done, and even It's going to be worse."

  The three of them were silent.

"The transfer of hundreds of thousands of people is not as simple as imagined, and it will be freezing in October. With so many people eating and drinking, how can they survive in the wilderness? The Mongols' cavalry mobility is far better than ours. Their scouts and sentries can easily find the target, and then the army will surround them. Unless everyone completely abandons everything now and flees to the south or north into Shanhaiguan, but how much food and drink can they bring? Shanhaiguan can't accommodate them at all. With no more than so many people, this situation is worse than leaning on the city and defending, even much worse!"

Everyone understands this truth, but if you want to escape to Qian'an or Lulong City, that's fine, but Luanzhou and Changli will continue to go south and east if the Mongols don't turn west as everyone thought. If they attack Luanzhou and Changli, they may face a disaster.

   This is a dilemma.

Either flee south into the river, but this is a long way to escape. Facing the pursuit of the Mongols, the local government is simply unable to resist. People who flee in winter and die from cold streets and diseases may not be able to escape. Much less than a fight to the death.

   Either defend the city desperately and fight to the death.

"Brother Yiguan, Hushan, Kunshan, I have no choice in this battle. As a co-prefect of Yongping Mansion, I can't just leave after only half a year, and I don't think that Mongolia, which has not experienced a real war for many years How powerful the cavalry can be under the leadership of a young Lindan Battelle,..."

"But internal and external Khalkha..." Luo Yiguan's words were interrupted by Feng Ziying: "So what about Neiwai Khalkha? They followed Lindan Batur in order to get a bargain, instead of using their own people's lives for Lindan Batur. To add luster,…”

Feng Ziying's words are not unreasonable. Luo Yiguan, Huang Degong, and Zuo Liangyu are also very familiar with the conflicts of interests of various ministries on the grassland. Internal and external Khalkha are only forced by the situation or for the sake of profit. It is a joke to say that they are dedicated to serving Lin Dan Batur. up.

"But my lord, you have to be clear that ants kill elephants more often, not to mention that the Mongols are not ants. Since they broke through the customs and fought such a big battle, they must have something to gain before they can give an explanation to the people below, no Maybe he backed down because of a little loss, neither profit nor face allowed,..." Huang Degong said in a deep voice.

"So we have to give them a head-on blow. In Qian'an City, we have to make their heads bleed, and in Lulong City, we have to make them suffer from pain. Only in this way can we dispel their ambitions in Yongping Mansion. As for the others, I will I can’t control much anymore, it’s up to man to make things up to God, I’m done with my heart, what can I say, isn’t it? We’ll do our best, and that’s enough.”

The sentence "It's up to man to make things happen, it's up to God to make things happen. My heart is exhausted, what can I say?" moved the three of them. Luo Yiguan exchanged glances with Huang Degong and Zuo Liangyu, and at the same time clasped their fists in a salute, "I would like to listen to your lord's orders." !"

Finally, the blood and courage of these three people were aroused, but Feng Ziying knew that this was far from enough, this kind of courage and passion was only for a while, when he was really discovering and facing an enemy that was several times his own, there was even another way to choose At times, their determination and courage fade quickly, and they must be encouraged on a substantive level in order for them to persevere.

  They are different from the gentry and common people who can choose. To help them tie this boat, we must let them see the hope of victory.

   "I also asked my father and Mr. Chai, the deputy general of Shanhaiguan, to send a letter, asking him to assign a team to hide in Tuer Mountain, and his son, if Qian'an and Lu Long are in a hurry, ask him to lead the team to help."

  Feng Ziying's words lifted Luo Yiguan and Huang Zuo's spirits, but Luo Yiguan was a little puzzled: "Master Chai is stationed in Shanhaiguan, even the commander-in-chief cannot easily mobilize his troops..."

The guard of Shanhaiguan is Chai Guozhu, the deputy commander-in-chief of Ji Town, and one of the powerful generals transferred by Feng Tang from Ganzhou. Because Shanhaiguan's status is too important, Feng Tang's personal order must be ordered, even the commander-in-chief of Ji Town, You Shigong, can't Mobilize every soldier in Shanhaiguan.

"Brother Yiguan, the four of you know about this matter. His son Chai Shixiu knew me well when he was in Ganzhou. The last time I went to Shanhaiguan to meet Lord Chai, I took my father's letter with me. Although Lord Chai Some hesitated, but under my pleadings, I still agreed that Brother Weishi would lead a battalion of troops to garrison Rabbit Ear Mountain, and the camera moved."

Feng Ziying lowered her voice, her expression was serious and mysterious. Luo Yiguan and the others understood it. It is estimated that the governor, in order to ensure the life of the only son, used his power to ask Chai Guozhu to support Yongping at the last moment, although this is somewhat selfish. Suspicion, but it is undoubtedly the biggest good news for several people.

  Tuer Mountain is more than ten miles west of Funing. It is a good place for Tibetan soldiers. If you go west to reinforce Lulong, you can arrive in only one or two hours, which can be called a life-saving straw.

  (end of this chapter)

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