Number of People

Chapter 981: Preparing for the battle (1)

  Chapter 981 Self-written scroll preparation (1)

"In addition, when I returned to Beijing, I also reported to the two officials of the Ministry of War that Yongping Mansion may be facing a crisis. It's just that Jizhen has limited troops and it is difficult to defend Yongping. But if Yongping is destroyed , then in the future, the refugees will surely turn their backs on the capital, and the two adults are also very worried."

   What Feng Ziying said is true.

  He told Zhang Jingqiu and Chai Ke in detail that Yongping Mansion was not peaceful. If the Mongols plundered, it would definitely cause a large number of refugees in the entire Yongping Mansion.

  These refugees have no means of living, so they can only go west and south, and the possibility of going west to the capital to escape to survive is the greatest, which will definitely bring huge pressure to the social security of the capital city.

  Zhang Jingqiu and Chai Ke also understood that what Feng Ziying said was true.

  The Mongol invasion to the south 20 years ago produced nearly a million refugees in Yongping, Hejian and Shuntianfu, causing the entire capital to be in chaos.

  It took the imperial court three or four years to slowly repatriate these refugees, or settle down on the spot, and partially enrich the frontier defense, costing no less than three million taels of silver.

However, Zhang Jingqiu and Chai Ke were helpless when Feng Ziying asked for help. The Jizhen army must protect Shuntian Mansion first. This is a principle that no one can change. , others are tolerable.

   "I then asked the two adults whether it is possible to ask the Denglai Navy fleet to land from Yuguan for support."

  Feng Ziying's words surprised Luo Yiguan, Huang Degong, and Zuo Liangyu. What does this naval fleet landing support mean? Can those crew and sailors still go ashore and fight the Mongols? Isn't that sending you to death?

Looking at the expressions of the three people, Feng Ziying knew that these people didn't know much about the formation of the Denglai Navy Fleet. Zhou’s other naval divisions are different, they are completely formed according to the regulations of Xiyi, although the current scale is not large, and the ships are still seriously insufficient, but the sailor model of its crew has already been established first,…”

"The naval fleet has 1,500 sailors. On the one hand, they serve as reserve sailors, and at the same time, they also serve as the main armed force for boarding battles. They are all equipped with self-generating guns. Currently, the Denglai naval fleet has more than 30 ships of all sizes. , Each ship is equipped with sailors ranging from 30 to 80 depending on the size."

   This was actually researched by Feng Ziying and Shen Yourong at that time.

  Since Wang Ziteng has always wanted to hold the entire Denglai army in his hands, the Denglai navy fleet has no military force except for the naval guns on the ships.

   Therefore, under Feng Ziying's suggestion, a sailor team should be formed, equipped with firecrackers, and preferably self-generating firecrackers, so that the sailors can maximize their power in the narrow range of ships.

This suggestion was firmly supported by Shen Yourong, so even when Wang Ziteng spared no effort to form the Denglai Army, Shen Yourong gritted his teeth and formed this sailor team named after the reserve crew. Over there, half-buy and half-credit slowly make up for it, and I still owe Zhuang Ji tens of thousands of taels of silver.

"My lord, do you mean that this sailor team equipped with self-produced firecrackers can also land and help us?" Huang Degong and Zuo Liangyu were overjoyed. Having such a new force can undoubtedly greatly boost morale and can Launch raids at critical moments.

"Of course, otherwise, I would spare no effort to guarantee the Denglai Navy to get the self-generated firearms in advance to guarantee their training. If there is no benefit to get, then what is the point of me doing this?" Feng Ziying spread her hands: "The Ministry of War also There is no objection, but I just gave Denglai an idea to act cheaply, now that Prince Tengnan is going to Huguang, Mr. Shen can make the decision alone, and naturally he will not sit idly by and ignore the crisis in Yongping."

Luo Yiguan and the others also vaguely knew that Admiral Shen Yourong of the Denglai Navy had an unusual relationship with the Feng family. It was said that Shen Yourong's admiral of the Navy was recommended by the Feng family. In this way, it is still possible to send a navy team to help out. .

   Of course, a sailor team of more than a thousand people may not be able to exert such a strong combat effectiveness even if it is equipped with self-generating firecrackers.

When these sailors have a board battle with the enemy on the ship, the line-up bombardment may be somewhat powerful, but no matter how big the ship is, the board battle is nothing more than a hundred people. If it is really on the land battlefield, it will be a battle at every turn. A duel with hundreds to thousands of people is not the same.

   But in any case, something is better than nothing. A team of more than 1,000 people still has some momentum. The three of them still hope that the battalion in Shanhaiguan can play a role at the critical moment.

   It should be said that Feng Ziying's two backers made everyone, including Luo Yiguan and Huang Degong, very excited.

  When they realized that they had been **** with the defense of Yongping Mansion, the anxiety and irritability had been bothering the three of them.

Zuo Liangyu is even better. After all, she has an unusual relationship with Feng Ziying, but Luo Yiguan and Huang Degong also met Feng Ziying for the first time. Although they have become more and more familiar with each other during this period of time, this is a war after all, and they have to play with their heads. No one dares to be careless about work.

  Feng Ziying was defeated, at most she was in the midst of her official career, but with the help of her father and her teacher, she could recover after being out of work for a few years at most, as long as she survived.

But the few of them lost this battle. Not only will they not do well with the Feng family, but they are also very likely to be blamed. The Ministry of War and the Metropolitan Procuratorate will definitely investigate the responsibility. Whether Feng Ziying is willing to bear it alone.

Now that there are these two backup players, and Feng Ziying also promised that once the approximate time of the Mongol invasion is determined, the policy of fortifying the walls and clearing the wilderness will be launched immediately. The villages of Ning, Lulong, Luanzhou, and Changli were not allowed to keep people or belongings, and the Mongols must not be allowed to grab food, grass, and goods.

  This forced the Mongols not to stay in Yongping Prefecture for a long time, either to attack the county seat, or to transfer troops to other directions.

  According to this approach, the Mongols will feel deeply malicious as soon as they enter Yongping Mansion, and if they get nothing, they may have to think about how to deal with it.

Luo Yiguan, Huang Degong and others admired Feng Ziying's courage and skill, as well as the magistrate Zhu Zhiren's obedience to him. It is impossible for a senior member of the fourth rank to play with you with his own head and black hat.

  Feng Ziying also observed the changes in the mood of the three people. Obviously, with the assistance of the Shanhaiguan Cavalry Battalion and the Denglai Sailor Team, the confidence of the three people has greatly increased.


The construction of the bastion in Qian'an was earlier than that of Lulong, and Qian'an County was not as good as Lulong. The intensive construction of the bastion showed its power. According to Feng Ziying's estimation, Qian'an was going to give the Mongolian soldiers a head-on blow. No cost was spared, so the construction of the bastions on several walls cost a lot of money.

Regardless of the external double wall, such a lower external wall can give full play to the power of the firecracker salvo, and at the same time block the aggressiveness of the enemy's siege equipment. A city wall had to be stopped, and it was difficult for siege vehicles to attack the city directly, and the ladder could not be directly built on the battlements if it was not lengthened.

Seeing the convoys and horses entering the city one after another, Feng Ziying stood on the top of the wall, turned her head and asked, "Your Excellency, those who have recently entered the county must be carefully inspected. The Mongols are about to invade the south. It is hard to say which of these people will Will not hide their secret work,..."

Accompanying Feng Ziying was You Shiren, the county magistrate of Qian’an. He was a Jinshi in the second year of Yonglong’s reign and served as the county magistrate for three years in Qian’an. According to the usual practice, if he performed well, he might be promoted. Maybe when he was transferred to a promotion, he encountered a Mongol invasion that he hadn't seen in decades.

To be honest, You Shiren has a good reputation for integrity and hard work, but Qian'an is located in the gap between the army and the land, and it is indeed difficult, especially since local officials have never been allowed to enter the area under the jurisdiction of Ji Town, and the lack of public security is also a problem for Qian'an. Ann's big problem.

  However, Feng Ziying observed You Shiren's attitude. Although he was worried about the Mongol invasion, he did not show much timidity, which reassured him a lot.

"Don't worry, my lord. The magistrate has specifically ordered Mr. Sun, the county magistrate, to inspect all the gentry and common people who enter the county. If they are not registered, they must indicate their origin and be protected by the master." You Shiren glanced at Feng Ziying, still very serious replied.

  His perception of Feng Ziying is also very complicated.

   One subject later than myself, but now he has become his boss. Of course, he is a second-class Jinshi and returned to the library to select a good scholar, which is incomparable to the third-class Jinshi appointed by Youshi.

  But this young Mr. Feng was promoted to the Imperial Academy by the emperor, which is a bit too eye-catching.

   "Very good, Mr. You is more considerate." Feng Ziying nodded with satisfaction, and asked casually, "Master You is from Huguang?"

"The lower official is from Jiayu, but later he moved to Jiangxia with his parents." Seeing Feng Ziying asking about his native place, although You Shiren was a little impatient, he was a senior official after all, even if he was ten years younger than him, he still had to pay attention to official rules .

   "Huguang has outstanding people, so I really want to visit the Yellow Crane Tower and Wudang Mountain if I have the opportunity." Feng Ziying was not without emotion, "Officials and teachers often mention it, Master Chai also often shows off,..."

  You Shiren frowned slightly, and observed the other party carefully. He thought the other party was showing off, but it didn't look like it after careful observation. Maybe he really admired Huguang Shanshui, which made him feel a lot better.

  Guan Yingzhen and Chai Ke are both the leaders of their Huguang scholars. You Shiren naturally knows that You Shiren has visited Chai Ke's place. Even if the relationship is not particularly close, it can be regarded as some friendship.

  (end of this chapter)

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