Number of People

Chapter 990: Zizijuan I want to become famous! (Third update!)

  Chapter 990 I want to become famous! (Third update!)

  Feng Ziying was already in Qian'an City when she received Chai Ke's letter.

   Putting down the letter, he sighed.

  Chai Ke was quite benevolent enough, and sent a letter to remind himself, while Zhang Jingqiu only asked You Shigong to give him a message, and he had to judge the situation by himself. If it was impossible, he could give up Yongping.

   To put it lightly, if I give up, I am afraid that I will have to take the blame and resign, and it will take at least three to five years before I can talk about recovery.

   It seems that three to five years is not long, and I am only in my twenties, but with such a stain, the future career path will be much more difficult and dangerous.

  The Ministry of War has no control over the affairs of the local people, and Feng Ziying does not need to report to the Ministry of War her various affairs in Yongping Mansion.

In a word, to win this battle, everything is easy to say, even if there are some overreaches, you can find a way to make up for it, but if you lose this battle, you will either die on the spot, or you will be dismissed from office. good result.

   "Brother, whose letter is it from?" Zuo Liangyu asked curiously seeing Feng Ziying's expression was not very good-looking.

"Master Chai, Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of War." Feng Ziying had nothing to hide from Zuo Liangyu's question, "He is not very optimistic about our ability to defend Yongping. He wants us to see according to the situation. If the Mongols are powerful, we can withdraw first. The problem is Kunshan, do we still have a way out now?"

  Zuo Liangyu didn't make a sound for a while.

   Zuo Liangyu didn’t quite agree with Feng Ziying’s request to stick to Qian’an, but now that Feng Ziying is in charge of Qian’an in person, there is nothing to say.

   People are not afraid of jade wares from rich and noble families, so why should I be afraid of earthen pots from poor people like myself? On this point, Zuo Liangyu had to admire Feng Ziying.

   "Do you still feel uneasy?" Feng Ziying saw the worry in Zuo Liangyu's heart.

"Brother, I am not afraid of death. I have never been afraid after eating this bowl of rice. We have dealt with the five divisions of Neikalkha, and now the Uqiyet division led by Zhuoli Ketuhunbatulu is the leader of the five divisions of Chaohua. The number one tribe in the tribe, but Zhuoli Ketuhongbatulu is a bit old, and his energy is not good. Zaisai of the Hongjila tribe is gradually replacing his uncle Zhuoli Ketuhong Baturu. In terms of strength, Hongjila The Department can mobilize 15,000 elite cavalry, which is considered the most powerful of the five Chaohua Departments, and the rest of the departments generally only have 10,000 cavalry."

  Zuo Liangyu has also been in Liaodong for several years, and is no stranger to the grassland tribes.

  The five internal and external Khalkha tribes, Horqin people, Haixi Jurchen tribes, Jianzhou Jurchen, and Chahar people are all players on the grassland, and they will inevitably have to deal with them, so they naturally understand.

   "These Mongols are stronger than the Horqin people. At least they haven't been servile to the Eastern captives yet. Unlike the Horqin people, they almost jumped at Nurha's bare feet and surrendered themselves."

Feng Ziying heard what Zuo Liangyu said was interesting, she shook her head with a smile, "I don't blame these people, Nurhachi really hurt the Hercynian tribes and Horqin people in the battle of Nine tribes. The survival of their own tribe, when the Great Zhou becomes stronger, they will naturally come back. Like the previous Ming Dynasty, they will also be willing to reset Nuergandusi or Wuliangha Sanwei, but the premise is that you want The fist is hard enough."

"So big brother, our battle will hurt the five parts of Neikalkha. Before they want to fall to Donglu in the future, they have to think clearly whether it is worth it or not, and whether the gain will outweigh the loss." Zuo Liangyu showed a stern look on his face, "Just for this, I have to let the tribes of Neikalka and Horqin people have a good taste of our new army of firecrackers."

  Feng Ziying was very happy about Zuo Liangyu's arrogance, which showed that the other party was full of confidence, which was at least better than timidity.

   "Kunshan, it's good if you have this confidence. To be honest, I still hope that the Jizhen Army can teach these Mongols a lesson inside and outside the border wall, although I know this hope is very small."

Feng Ziying has received the news that the three battalions of Yanhe Camp, Taiping Camp, and Jianchang Camp have been assembled and assembled on the front line of Taiping Camp and Jianchang Camp, while Taitou Camp and Shimen Camp have also joined forces and started to fight at Jielingkou and Jianhanling. The front line moves and prepares for the Mongol invasion.

But the problem is that the posture of facing the battle is a bit weird. This group has concentrated its strength, but there is an empty space in the middle. Your group should camp in the middle Liujiakou and Taolinkou. Why do you have to go west or east? , Doesn't this show that there is no confidence to stop the Mongolian army?

Zuo Liangyu was silent for a while, and finally said: "Brother, before we came, the Governor said not to place any hope on Ji Town, Ji Town has difficulties in Ji Town, and the orders from the Ministry of War are all sent directly to Lord You, even He's not good at interfering, so..."

   This is not in compliance with the regulations, but it is also a reality. Facing the Mongolian army going south, if you still stick to the order to go through the Jiliao Governor's Mansion in Liaoyang first, there is no time at all, so the Ministry of War can only direct the command.

"I know, I understand, and Brother You also made it clear to me, so I never had too much hope for them." Feng Ziying said lightly: "At first I only hoped that they could at least stop it, but now it seems , Jizhen is not even willing to do this kind of scene work."

  The two were talking, and went to see a few people walking up from the city wall.


   "Speak." Entering the wartime state, Feng Ziying also began to show the temperament of a general.

   "The sailor battalion of the Denglai Navy Fleet has arrived in Funing, and now they have come to contact you." The person who came up to report was a chief under Zuo Liangyu's command.

"Oh? So soon?" Feng Ziying was both surprised and delighted. He had received a letter from Shen Yourong before, and roughly agreed on a time, but he didn't expect that the other party would arrive so soon, and they all arrived in Funing. Funing also needs two days, right? "Get him up quickly."

  I saw a young military general running up the steps of the city wall, and when he saw Feng Ziying, he clasped his fists and saluted: "The last general, Hou Chengzu, a sailor guard of the Denglai Navy, has seen Master Feng."

   "Master Hou Chengzu? Is it the Lord of Longquan?" Feng Ziying also turned serious when he heard the young general's self-reported name, and clasped his fists in return.

  The young general was taken aback for a moment, then nodded: "Don't dare, it's Chengzu."

   "Brother Huaiyu, you don't have to be polite. Mr. Shen highly praised Brother Huaiyu in his letter. I have heard about Brother Huaiyu's name for a long time."

  Feng Ziying knew Hou Chengzu, because in his previous life, his father Hou Jigao was versatile. He was not only a famous anti-Japanese general, but also a famous calligrapher. He was also very accomplished in geography and political theory.

His writings "Examination of the Military System of Zhejiang Province" and "Japanese Customs" are extremely famous, especially "Japanese Customs", which Feng Ziying has read several times, writing about the current Japanese geographical environment, politics, scenery, economics and culture, etc. It is extremely profound and meticulous, and it is an important material for studying Japan's national conditions and people's conditions.

"Master Feng is too famous, Huaiyu can't afford such praise." Hou Chengzu was also a little excited, Feng Ziying's reputation was too great, he had heard about it when he was still in Songjiang Guard, and was later recruited by Shen Yourong to join the Denglai Navy Fleet as a garrison , Shen Yourong asked him to lead the sailor battalion to help in the battle.

Originally, they were going to disembark and land at Yuguan Port, but Hou Chengzu knew the situation in Beizhi, so he sent some boats with shallower drafts to go up the Yanghe River and disembark at Funing, which saved some time, but now The main ships also stopped at Yuguan Port.

"Brother Huaiyu, you are welcome. If you don't see anyone, you are two years older than me. Just call me Ziying. I will call you Brother Huaiyu." Feng Ziying talked with Hou Chengzu openly, very enthusiastically, and let Hou Chengzu Excited, "Since your lord says so, how dare Huaiyu not obey?"

"Okay, let me introduce you, Brother Huaiyu. This is my brother, Zuo Liangyu, whose name is Kunshan. You can call him Kunshan. He is the general of the Second Division of the Bashan Battalion of the Liaodong Army. Colleagues also came to reinforce our Yongping, and also trained thousands of people for our Yongping Prefecture,..."

  The three saluted for a while and greeted each other.

  Zuo Liangyu did not expect that the Denglai Navy would send out a sailor battalion, and they would arrive so quickly, before the troops from Shanhaiguan and Yehe’s troops.

   While discussing, someone came to report again.

  Feng Ziying asked, but it was the news sent back by the scouts.

   "A total of more than 50,000 people from the various tribes of Neikalkha and the Horqin people have crossed the Qinglong River and arrived at Sanchakou to assemble..."

  Feng Ziying told the news to the two of them, her heart was full of enthusiasm, and it was finally coming, more than she expected.

   Soon a subordinate sent a map, and Feng Ziying simply unfolded it on the city wall, showing them the location of the Sanchakou.

  Sanchakou is located on the east bank of the Qinglong River, only one day away from the side wall. If you go down the Qinglong River, you will find the famous pass Taolinkou, and to the west is Lengkou.

   "It seems that the Mongols may break through from the Taolinkou area?" Hou Chengzu frowned, "I don't know how many troops Jizhen has on this line?"

  Feng Ziying and Zuo Liangyu smiled wryly at each other, "I'm afraid there are only a small group of scout troops, and the main force is hundreds of miles away."

   "Then what should I do?" Hou Chengzu was taken aback, he didn't know what was going on here.

   "Brother Huaiyu, please be safe and don't be impatient. When I introduce the situation here to you, you will know how we will fight this battle."

Feng Ziying introduced the current difficulties and layout of Ji Town, as well as the current layout of Yongping Mansion. Hou Chengzu's face changed when he heard it, and he said in a deep voice after a long time: "I didn't expect the situation to be so bad, but this is exactly what I am doing. Waiting for the warriors to make meritorious deeds."

Feng Ziying was taken aback, but Zuo Liangyu was very excited and shared the same feeling, and couldn't help but said: "Brother Huaiyu's words are exactly what I want. In this big battle, my younger brother wants to use this city of Qian'an to establish his prestige and let the Mongols understand. , I can’t be insulted to the Great Zhou, even a few thousand strong people can still make their heads bleed and return home in defeat!”

  Hou Chengzu also laughed loudly: "The meaning of Kunshan is exactly what I want, and I just want to use this battle to make me famous!"

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  (end of this chapter)

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