Number of People

Chapter 991: Mobilization before the war

  Chapter 991 Self-character scroll pre-war mobilization

  When You Shiren came to the top of the city, Feng Ziying was checking the condition of the newly built bastion.

The newly built bastion is in a semi-arc shape, protruding like steamed buns. This kind of bastion made of bricks and cement is actually stronger than the city wall, and it is basically difficult for ordinary city crash cars to cause too much damage to it. Big damage was done.

  The only thing that might pose a threat is the artillery, but according to Feng Ziying's knowledge, at least in the five departments of Neikalkha, the use of artillery is still at a very low level.

   There may be, but there will be no more than 20, and it is doubtful whether they will be transported thousands of miles from the grassland to break the wall and enter the interior to exert their siege power.

  In Feng Ziying's view, with that energy, it would be better to spend more time building some auxiliary siege weapons such as ladder siege vehicles.

  If there is no artillery and rely solely on crowds to attack the city, the power of the bastion can be maximized. This is also Feng Ziying's greatest confidence.

The newly built bastions on the Qian'an city wall are probably less than 20 feet apart. Such a short distance is enough to maximize the cross-fire power of the bastion. In addition, a low wall was built outside the city wall, making the The gunfire soldiers can rely on this low wall to exert the greatest shooting power in the first wave of attacks.

   Morale is available, Feng Ziying is quite satisfied with Zuo Liangyu's performance.

   This kid almost accompanied him to each department and post. Stimulated by the Mongol invasion of their homes and the high post-war rewards, the soldiers were full of emotions and enthusiasm at this time.

Of course, this is before the war. Once the war starts, the surrounding partners may be killed or injured, blood and stumps will soon make their enthusiasm fade away. At that time, it will be the real test of the ability of the leading officers of the various ministries, posts and teams. ability.

  Feng Ziying hopes that through this battle, a group of outstanding officers will emerge, which will be the foundation for shaping the new army in the future.

"Brother, don't worry, these soldiers have gone through several rounds of our hard training, let alone the mechanical memory and physiological reactions you mentioned, it seems that this is really the case. Sometimes the more stupid people, after hard work After the training, almost as soon as he issued an order, he could aim and shoot with the gun without any hesitation, let him move forward, and he would move forward according to the slogan..."

  Zuo Liangyu admired her big brother so much.

He also trained soldiers when he was in the Bashan Camp. He trained the second part of the Bashan Battalion with one hand and one foot. The time is much longer than this group of people, but in terms of shooting accuracy and coping ability, they are stronger than this group. Helping the people, but in terms of discipline and obedience, this group of people is much stronger than the old soldiers brought out by themselves.

   This also forced him to strengthen the discipline training of his old soldiers in training, otherwise how would you lead this group of new Ding Minzhuang?

"The memory set formed by countless times of training will make them subconsciously follow the orders. This is the advantage of collective combat. When countless cavalry swarms, if ordinary soldiers have not undergone this intensive training, they will die in an instant. After this kind of training, he can at least keep shooting for two or three rounds, and in these two or three rounds, as long as he inflicts damage on the enemy, the blood of the enemy will ignite their courage. The metamorphosis of..."

  Feng Ziying's words convinced Hou Chengzu who was following him deeply.

Although his 1,500-man sailor battalion was also trained according to what Shen Yourong got from Feng Ziying and combined with the characteristics of water combat, the self-generated firecrackers allowed them to shoot faster than ordinary firecrackers, but the biggest The only shortcoming is that they, like the new army of firecrackers, have never really been on the battlefield, have never tasted the taste of success and failure, and have never experienced the baptism of blood and casualties.

  The battle they will face this time may cause the sailors to suffer unimaginable cruelty, but Hou Chengzu knows very well that only after going through this battle can they truly transform into soldiers.

   "So the elder brother thinks that this kind of close-range shooting in the low wall can help them grow and transform quickly?" Zuo Liangyu's trust in Feng Ziying can be said to be beyond the charts.

   "It's about the same. This kind of flat-range shooting can give full play to the power of concentrated shooting, and feel the taste of war at close range. Maybe it only takes one day for them to ignore life and death and grow into qualified soldiers."

  Feng Ziying responded calmly.

   "Brother Huaiyu, how does your sailor battalion plan to intervene in this war?" Feng Ziying turned her head and asked.

   "But listen to your lord's orders." At this time, Hou Chengzu also bowed his hands to obey the orders.

"Well, there is a department in Kunshan that uses self-generated firecrackers. Adding your 1,500 or 2,000 self-generated firecrackers is enough for the Mongols to taste the taste of firecrackers. You will take turns as emergency preparations in advance. Team, it mainly depends on how much offensive strength the Mongols will invest at one time. We will decide according to the situation, but in the later stage, I guess there will be loopholes where you will be on the top. Master You will collect it for us. Three thousand civilians, but I am afraid that these civilians can only help to clean up the battlefield and treat the wounded. They are powerless and may even cause some chaos,..."

  The gentry who poured into Qian'an City brought many family servants, which caused the population of Qian'an City to increase dramatically.

   Fortunately, You Shiren and Feng Ziying discussed the countermeasures before, and all the houses in the county were unconditionally expropriated, and all the affluent houses were vacated for the temporary shelter of these people who entered the city.

  The best of these people were organized by unconditional requisition and used as backup civilians once the war started.

   "Don't worry, my lord. If someone dares to cause chaos, my people don't know anyone, and they only obey orders." Hou Chengzu responded.

   "It's not like there will be chaos, but I'm afraid some people will shout and yell and affect the morale of the army." Feng Ziying waved his hand.

Wu Yaoqing also arranged a few secrets for himself here, keeping an eye on the movement in Qian'an City at any time, there are also characters in the Youshi Ren Yamen who are posted in various parts of the city, secretly monitoring public opinion, this magistrate is still quite tactful .

  Several people looked along the city wall and discussed while meeting You Shiren.

   After exchanging pleasantries, You Shiren also became more enthusiastic towards Feng Ziying.

In any case, the 1,500 more sailors made You Shiren feel more at ease. After all, this is a new army using firecrackers, and You Shiren's worries before have gradually dissipated. As long as the battle in Qian'an City can be ensured, The vitality of the entire Qian'an County can be preserved, and nothing else is a problem.

  Busia Mara stood under the steps of the city wall and looked at a few men who came down. The young man among them had a graceful demeanor, and the incomparable demeanor in his gestures made everyone's eyes subconsciously fall on him.

After walking down the stairs, Feng Ziying saw Busia Mara in armor standing on the edge of the city wall, looking at him with a complicated expression, and hurriedly greeted him: "Busia Mara, when did you arrive? Woolen cloth?"

"Dergler is with the warriors of our tribe, so I'm the only one here." Busia Mara restrained her thoughts, imitated the etiquette of Han generals, and said with a fist: "This time I will be by your side. , so that I can help coordinate the adults and the three thousand soldiers in our clan."

"Then I will trouble you." Feng Ziying didn't care, "Then I'll introduce you too. You know Kunshan. This one is Mr. You, the magistrate of Qian'an County, and this one is Hou Chengzu, the guard of the Denglai Naval Battalion. Master Hou,..., this heroine is Busia Mara, Yehebu of Haixi. Yang Gu is his brother."

Feng Ziying's introduction made Busia Mara feel very comfortable. Her compliments to Ye Hebu and her brother's compliments in her words made her complexion brighten. Although this guy clearly wanted to use Ye Hebu, But at least people's attitude is still very good.

  You Shiren and Hou Chengzu's eyes fell on this tall and strong woman.

This is almost a head taller than an ordinary woman. Among the few men here, except for Feng Ziying who is slightly shorter than her, everyone else is also half a head shorter, with slightly sunken eye sockets and oily black pupils. Like a sharpened nose and cheekbones, the jet-black long hair was casually tied into a bun and fell behind his head. His left hand held a helmet with an animal pattern covering his face. He looked heroic and extraordinary. eye-catching.

Plus her shoulders are decorated with beast rings, her chest is covered with black shiny leather armor, she is half covered by a gray-white armor scarf, her waist is round and her buttocks are round, especially her slender thighs are full of strength, and the armored battle all the way to her knees The boots, and the scimitar with a simple and strange shape slanted across her waist, made this woman like a female leopard full of danger and temptation, waiting to choose someone to eat.

"I have met you, my lords." People respected me a foot, and I respected others. Busia Mara still gave a very polite salute, which surprised several people, even Feng Ziying. In his impression, Busia Mara But not so good-tempered.

  After a few people returned the salute, Busia Mara looked at Hou Chengzu, "The ship in the Funingyang River is the Denglai Navy brought by Mr. Hou?"

  Hou Chengzu was taken aback for a moment and then nodded: "Exactly, we landed from Funing."

   "No wonder." Busia Mara nodded, but said nothing.

Feng Ziying is also used to this woman's weird temper, so she doesn't care, "Busia Mara, you Yehe warriors will temporarily stay at Rabbit's Ear Mountain, and together with the Jizhen Army from Shanhaiguan, if you can confirm that the Mongols are going along the Qinglong River From the west, you need to march to the east of the Qinglong River and the west of the Yanhe camp, and gather for orders."

   "What if the Mongols went southeast from the Qinglong River?" Busia Mara asked back.

"That's easy. We are safe in Qian'an. If they want to attack Lulong directly, we will have more choices. But I don't think Zhuoli Ketuhunbatulu and Zai Sai are not that stupid." Feng Ziying smiled lightly.

  (end of this chapter)

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