Number one cannon fodder

Chapter 19: Cleaning Up the Imperial Concubine End

"Hello! You actually rebelled together while I was unconscious? Come here, arrest them all!" Shunzhi was stimulated one after another. In addition to anger, he felt more panicked and lost all his composure.

Several important ministers looked livid and looked at Shunzhi in disbelief, "Why did the emperor say this? The emperor was unconscious. It was Prince Xiang who calmed the ministers and suppressed the matter. Otherwise, the country would not be the country, so why did Prince Xiang do anything wrong?" "

"Rebellion! Boguoer! You formed a party to win over these people for personal gain, just to usurp the throne. Don't think that I don't know your thoughts. When Wu Yunzhu chose me, how could you not hate me? You would kindly help me appease me. Courtier? It’s the most ridiculous thing in the world!”

Everyone gasped immediately. Even if everyone knew that Dong E was the sister-in-law you stole, you couldn't tell her! ! So why did you go to such great lengths to cover it up in the first place? The ministers looked at the many palace people around them. It was impossible not to spread this word. They couldn't silence everyone, right? Even their ministers cannot keep silent.

Everyone looked at Bogor in unison, and saw Bogor with his head lowered, and his hands hanging at his sides clenched into fists, as if he was about to explode at any time. But within a moment, Bogor spoke calmly and calmly, "The emperor has just woken up, and it is inevitable that he will be unconscious. It is better to wait until the emperor wakes up and then come back to discuss matters in the court. However, the assassination cannot be delayed. Please tell me what happened in Prince An's palace that day? Was Prince An the assassin? Was the imperial concubine involved in this matter?"

When Shunzhi heard him mention Yue Le and Wu Yunzhu, he immediately thought of the cuckold on his head, pointed at Boguoer and yelled, "You just came to mock me today and watch my jokes, right? You clearly know that Wu Yunzhu, that bitch, is not the same as Yue Le." You don't know, but you didn't tell me anything. You just want me to be kept in the dark and betrayed by their adulterous wives! Do you want to take power? Wu Liangfu! Decree that Prince Xiang and others will form a clique for personal gain and remove the title of prince. , imprisoned in the Zongren Mansion.”

Bogor's face turned cold, and he stood up straight and stared at Shunzhi expressionlessly. The other ministers realized what Shunzhi said and suddenly started making noises. An old minister was so angry that he blew his beard and stared, "I think how wise the late emperor was and how brave the regent was, but today the emperor is deceived by the enchantress and cannot distinguish between right and wrong. Our Qing Dynasty is about to perish! I feel sorry for the late emperor and my ancestors." Zong…”

Sony, Obai and others were also fed up with Hunjun's behavior, and took the opportunity to say: "Prince Xiang is devoted to the country, please think twice before acting, and Dong E's family is a disaster, please Your Majesty execute Dong E's family."

"You..." Shunzhi felt for a moment that he had been betrayed by everyone. These were all his ministers, and now they actually resisted him for Boguoer. Isn't this a rebellion? He has never felt as clearly as now that he has no confidants. Yue Le, who he once trusted so much, dares to cuckold him. Who is he, the emperor?

Shunzhi was in a state of confusion, and the injured back of his head started to hurt again. He picked up the medicine bowl and threw it to the ground, "Get out! Get out of here!"

Bogor narrowed his eyes, turned around and strode away. The other ministers looked at each other and quickly retreated. The emperor had just scolded them for treason and wanted to arrest them. If they didn't leave now, it would be difficult to get out of jail if they were really caught.

After walking for a while, Bogor stopped and looked back at Qianqing Palace, his eyes full of worry, then he shook his head, sighed, and turned around to leave.

Seeing him like this, several ministers sighed in low voices.

"It's hard for Prince Xiang. He is so devoted to serving the country but he is so doubted. Your Majesty... Well, what should I do if this continues? Just now, the Emperor didn't mention the assassination at all. Do you want to protect Dong E's family?"

"We were entrusted by the late emperor to assist the new emperor in developing the Qing Dynasty. We are ashamed of the late emperor..."

"No! We can't continue like this! How many things have happened since the emperor took charge? Moreover, the emperor is indifferent to the queen mother and is extremely cold. Instead, he allows the evil concubine to murder the concubine and the prince. It is really not the behavior of a wise king."

"Yeah, ridiculous..."

The low voices of discussion seemed to be blown away by the wind at any time, but the meaning behind the words was firmly engraved in the hearts of several ministers. Aobai had the most violent temper and blurted out that it would be better to let Bogor become the emperor. As soon as he said this, he could be regarded as expressing the feelings of several people. They looked at each other and understood each other.

That night, Prince Xiang's Mansion was brightly lit, with more than a dozen carriages parked at the back door. In Bogor's study, Sony and other ministers sincerely requested Bogor to lead everyone to clear the emperor's side and not to let Shunzhi destroy the ancestral foundation.

Boguoer naturally refused sternly, "I am also a descendant of the Aisin Gioro family. I should do whatever I can for the Qing Dynasty. When my brother recovers from his illness, I will help him. You don't need to say anything more."

Everyone tried to persuade them again and again, but Bogor did not relent at all. Finally, he ordered them to leave and walked away.

Everyone went back to discuss and think deeply, and came again the next night to ask for persuasion, but Bogor still calmly refused.

On the third day, news suddenly came from the palace that Shunzhi went to Tianlao to see Yue Le when he was still well. He even stabbed Yue Le with a sword and ordered the Ministry of Punishment to give Yue Le a severe punishment. This was Shunzhi venting his anger. Although it made people feel a little chilling, they didn't think much about it. After all, Yue Le and Dong E's family were closely connected and hurt the emperor, so they deserved it.

But no one expected that after Yue Le was tortured, he confessed all the secrets he knew, including the Queen Mother's murder of Boguoer, Shunzhi's murder of Dorgon and other major secrets!

The ministers were no longer neutral, and rushed to Prince Xiang's Mansion to persuade Bogor. This time, after Bogor listened to them listing Shunzhi's countless crimes, he remained silent for a long time, and finally knelt down to pray to Changsheng. God bowed three times and agreed to their request with tears in his eyes.

Su Xueyun has been staying behind closed doors for a while, and it is not appropriate for her to come forward at this time. Although I know that my son is putting on a show recently, this show has to be done. Almost every emperor who has ascended the throne will experience such a show. Even if everyone knows that it is an act, it will be written down in history as a touching deed of a heroic figure. However, Bogor had been with her as the movie queen for so long, and his acting skills could be mistaken for real. She saw that many ministers did not realize that Bogor had any intention to usurp the throne. This was good, and the imperial power in the future would be more stable.

Boguoer had already received a lot of help from the army before he went to the battlefield. In addition, he had been operating in Beijing for so long, so he didn't encounter much obstacles at all. Now only Wu Liangfu and Su Mahui are desperately trying to stop them, but it's a pity that it's of no use. .

Shunzhi looked at Bogor who walked through the door with a gloomy expression. Bogor didn't wait for him to say anything before ordering him to be taken to the Yongshou Palace to rest. In fact, Shunzhi and the Queen Mother were all grounded and surrounded.

Boguoer ascended the throne, named Shunzhi Prince Shun, and moved into Dorgon's former residence. Xiaozhuang moved into Ci'an Palace and still respected her as the Queen Mother. Su Xueyun naturally moved into Cining Palace and became the beautiful Queen Mother! Boguoer was busy establishing his prestige and controlling the imperial power. Su Xueyun was also busy reorganizing the harem and starting to choose a queen for Boguoer.

While sifting through the information of the ladies, Su Xueyun suddenly thought of the Dong E family and asked casually, "How is the Dong E family? Is she still being held in the prison?"

Wu Lan thought for a moment and replied: "Master, Dong E's family has been sentenced to death. Qiu Hou will be beheaded."

"Death penalty?" Su Xueyun narrowed her eyes. Na Muzhong's wish was to make life worse than death for them. How could they die so simply? Life was going so smoothly that I almost forgot about important tasks. She was thinking about how to arrange Dong E's family, and suddenly smiled after a moment.

A few days later, a death row prisoner was locked up in the prison instead of Wu Yunzhu, and another sick death row prisoner was locked up in Prince Shun's Mansion instead of Fulin. The real Wu Yunzhu and Fulin were escorted to Horqin and handed over to Meng Guqing. Su Xueyun believed that Meng Guqing would definitely make them live a colorful life and gain a good understanding of life!

After choosing the queen, Su Xueyun went to Ci'an Palace to visit Xiaozhuang, who was seriously ill. Boguoer once proposed to reprimand Xiaozhuang for his crimes, but Su Xueyun felt that it was the most painful thing for Xiaozhuang to sit in the position of the Queen Mother but not control the power, and this would also make people praise Boguoer for his kindness. . Now Xiaozhuang is surrounded by people arranged by Su Xueyun, and no one will listen to Xiaozhuang's orders. Their only task is to take good care of Xiaozhuang so that she can't die even if she wants to.

Xiaozhuang was very excited when he saw Su Xueyun, and his eyes were full of hatred, "You finally succeeded! What did you do to Fulin? The Ai family wants to see Fulin!"

Su Xueyun was standing not far from the bed, but Xiaozhuang tried his best to hit her but couldn't reach her. She admired Xiaozhuang's helpless look for a while and said with a faint smile: "You said... if you sent the death What will happen if you kill Bogor? If I lose my beloved son and become sick, what will you do to me?"

Xiaozhuang stared at her, "Humph! Everyone knows that Boguoer usurped the throne and murdered his brother. You, mother and son, will be despised for the rest of your lives!"

Su Xueyun shook her head with a smile, "Fu Lin is ignorant and ignorant, and Boguoer served the country and the people. How could the world cast aside a wise king? On the contrary, the murder of Dorgon and Boguoer by your mother and son was widely spread. I think this time it will be remembered forever.”

There were only two of them in the room. Su Xueyun looked at her and slowly told everything that happened to Namuzhong like a story. Seeing Xiaozhuang's horrified expression, Su Xueyun smiled slightly, "You guessed it right, Na Wooden Bell is back for revenge, and this has just begun.”

"You!" Xiaozhuang was so excited that he fainted as soon as he rolled his eyes. When he woke up, he was paralyzed by a stroke, his eyes were slanted and his mouth was crooked. He was truly worse off than dead.

Fulin and Wu Yunzhu, who were far away in Horqin, were not much better than her. Meng Guqing asked them to be husband and wife and act as slaves of the tribe responsible for the dirtiest and worst work. If you are disobedient, you will be punished with a whip. If you are annoyed by the noise, you will be given dumb medicine. Fulin and Wu Yunzhu were afraid of being beaten. They did not dare to resist Meng Guqing and did not have the heart to commit suicide. They could only blame each other. They were speechless and punched and kicked each other every time something went wrong. Wu Yunzhu was beaten until his face was disfigured, and Fulin was beaten until he was lame... In the past, he ignored ethics for true love. The pair who don't care about the world continue to torture each other.

In the dead of night, the two of them share the same bed and have strange dreams. Shunzhi thought of Meng Guqing who had treated him sincerely, and Wu Yunzhu thought of Boguoer who had held her in the palm of his hand. Unfortunately... they could never understand other people's sincerity.

One day Su Xueyun saw Na Muzhong in her dream. Na Muzhong was dressed in a fiery red horse riding outfit with a hearty smile on her face. She thanked Su Xueyun gratefully, and went to reincarnation with relief after dispelling her resentment.

Su Xueyun knew that she had completed her mission in this life, and she could live according to her own wishes in the rest of her life. She first helped Boguoer stabilize the harem, protect every child born, and not allow shady tricks to occur in the harem. After the two legitimate sons of the queen turned ten, she left the palace incognito and traveled all over the country, acting as the emperor among the people. With his eyes and ears, Boguoer solved countless deceptions.

Bogor was deeply influenced by her. He treated his children first as a father and secondly as a monarch. The queen's eldest son was made the prince by him at the age of fifteen, and he remained the prince for twenty years, which did not affect the relationship between father and son. When he abdicated and handed over power to the prince, Su Xueyun's life span also came to an end.

Su Xueyun was lying on the bed, watching her secret guard leader recognize the prince as his master, and said with some difficulty: "Back then... when your father ascended the throne... Queen Mother gave him half of the secret guards, and now... you are going to ascend the throne. , Madam Huang Ma will give this half to you. Remember... to be a wise king and benefit the people."

The prince took a deep breath to prevent himself from crying. He met Su Xueyun's eyes and solemnly promised: "My grandson, please remember this. Don't worry, Madam Huang."

Su Xueyun nodded slightly, held Boguoer's hand and saw the many descendants in this life one by one. She closed her eyes with a smile and left this world peacefully.

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