Number one cannon fodder

Chapter 20 Chivalrous Tenderness (1/2)

As soon as Su Xueyun regained consciousness, she took a deep breath, gritted her teeth and maintained her sleepy posture without moving her brows. With the experience of the previous life, she did not dare to act casually this time, lest she would reveal something when she had just put it on and did not understand the situation.

The headache was much lighter than in the previous life, but it still caused her to sweat a lot. She listened carefully and found that there was no sound in the room. It seemed that she was the only one there. She hesitated for a moment but did not open her eyes. She directly accepted the memory that hit her mind and planned to understand the situation as soon as possible.

This time it's a drama about being treated as a "sister" by a sweetheart, a woman who has lived in pain all her life, a cannon fodder ignored by everyone! There were too many sad and sad emotions in her memory. Su Xueyun was suddenly surrounded by such emotions. Tears kept flowing from the corners of her eyes to the pillow. Her childhood sweetheart and sincerity could not compare to someone else's "true love".

"I will keep my promise to marry her, but I will always only have you in my heart."

Such a touching sentence, but it's a pity that it was not said to the original owner. The original owner was just the cannon fodder who was given the position of the original wife, and even this position was not really obtained in the end. When they became a loving couple praised by the world, who would still remember her fiancée who was far away in the grassland?

Su Xueyun slowly opened her eyes, letting her tears flow freely, venting her resentment. After a long time, she calmed down and stood up to look at the original owner's room. It can be seen that the princess of the original owner is still very favored. In her previous life, she was dressed as a Namu clock. She knew the things on the grassland very well. At a glance, she could recognize that many of the furnishings in the house were treasures.

There was nothing uncomfortable about her body, so she got up and walked to the mirror and sat down. She turned her face sideways to the mirror, raised her chin, and looked at it carefully. Hmm... Although the original owner didn't need to work outside in the wind and sun, he still got a little tanned over the years, which can be considered a healthy wheat color. With her big eyes, tall nose, and rosy red lips, she is indeed the most beautiful woman in the grasslands. She has a flamboyant and gorgeous feeling, and it is impossible to stand in a crowd without being noticed. If the skin is whitened, it would not be an exaggeration to call it stunning. Now this beautiful shell belongs to her.

Su Xueyun touched her eyes that were red from crying, and smiled in the mirror. She finally felt like an eighteen-year-old girl for once, and no longer had to pretend to be an elder with the royal airs. It seemed that praying to the gods for blessings was still very useful. Well, I must develop the habit of praying every day in the future. I hope I can always dress like a little girl!

She stood up and stretched her muscles, then found a piece of plain blue clothes and changed into them. Her red eyes looked very pitiful. She clicked on the mirror and smiled at the portrait inside: "Huazheng, I will fulfill your wish. In this world, Mongolia and the Song Dynasty will never go to war!"

She straightened her clothes, turned around and walked out of the tent. The moment she stepped out of the door, the relaxed smile on her face disappeared instantly, replaced by the uneasy sadness between her eyebrows and the uneasy longing in her eyes.

Guo Jing, hero Guo, has served the country and the people, and is respected by so many people! Mrs. Guo Huang Rong is resourceful and resourceful, advancing and retreating together with her husband. She is a hero among women who does her duty. Who knew there was an abandoned prairie princess among them? A word of hatred between the country and the family justified Guo Jing's betrayal, but who still remembers that when Guo Jing went to Peach Blossom Island to propose marriage, Temujin had not revealed his intention to attack the Song Dynasty. Was there any national or family hatred between them at that time? !

As long as you become successful and famous, all the black spots can be washed away. Guo Jing became the golden sword consort, but he went to the Central Plains to fall in love with Huang Rong, and even openly went to Peach Blossom Island to propose marriage. Is it still worthy of praise? How many people praised him for his righteousness when he said he was willing to marry Hua Zheng to keep his promise? Who noticed that he kept chasing Huang Rong, didn't even smile at Hua Zheng, and had no plans to get married? He was so lucky after being dragged around until Temujin showed his ambition and attacked the Song Dynasty, which made the Guoyu family hate him. Everyone said that he did the right thing by leaving Huazheng! He also had a good mother who committed suicide in public in order to cut off his relationship with Mongolia. He could finally abandon Hua Zheng with confidence and fly together with Huang Rong!

He kept saying that he regarded Hua Zheng as his sister and was forced to become the Golden Sword Consort, but wasn't he a good man who was upright and not afraid of death? Shouldn't we justly refuse to be the consort? Even if it was difficult to refuse at the time, did he seriously say not to be this consort so long afterward? Did he make it clear to Huazheng and his good brother Torre that he really didn't want to marry Huazheng? Have you ever thought of a way to cancel your engagement? Where is his integrity?

Since he didn't seriously cancel the engagement, don't say he was forced to do anything. In fact, what he did was to completely forget about Hua Zheng, learn magical skills with Huang Rong's help, and propose marriage to Huang Rong without any burden. It wasn't until Torre came to the door with Hua Zheng, and it wasn't until Torre scolded him for not keeping his promise and severing all ties with him that he said in front of everyone that he would marry Hua Zheng, but Huang Rong would always be the only one in his heart. Is this giving alms to beggars? ! How patriotic can he cover up his ruthlessness towards Hua Zheng?

In short, Su Xueyun looked down on such a person. He didn't mention his name but only his deeds. He was definitely a big innocent white lotus. It's a pity that his name is too loud. Someone just used a sentence of national hatred and family hatred to smooth over his betrayal of Hua Zheng. But everything has a cause and effect. Su Xueyun knew very well that when Hua Zheng was cheated on and betrayed, Tie Mu Zhen is still fighting with Da Jin. There is absolutely no national justice between her and Guo Jing. She was just taken over as her fiancé by someone who regarded her as a sister. She waited happily to get married but only waited until her fiancé fell in love with her. Just someone else. Now that Su Xueyun has become Hua Zheng, she must get back this justice!

Su Xueyun walked outside Aunt Guo's tent and called softly, "Aunt Guo, are you at home?"

"Hey, here!" A cheerful voice came from inside, and a woman with simple clothes and a kind face opened the curtain and came out, smiling, "Princess, why are you here..." Aunt Guo saw her appearance clearly, and immediately He asked anxiously, "Princess, what's wrong? Come on, come in and sit down, tell me what grievances you have suffered."

Su Xueyun looked at the concern on Aunt Guo's face, and there was no wave in her heart. It was the person who believed that the original owner was her daughter-in-law, and committed suicide to cut off all ties between Guo Jing and the grassland at the last moment. She protected their mother and son and raised Guo Jing. The righteousness and love between the unmarried couple were all broken. Were there no other ways to solve the problem at the time? Yes, it is said that Hua Zheng could not let Genghis Khan force them to death even if he fought to the death, but even if the crisis was resolved, those kindnesses still had to be repaid, so Aunt Guo was cruel to herself, and Guo Jing would no longer have to worry about these kindnesses and friendships. .

Aunt Guo said it right at the time, if others fail us, we no longer need to appreciate others' kindness. One sentence wipes out all the past. I wonder why they don’t apply this principle to Yang Kang? Aunt Guo has a motherly heart towards Guo Jing and is loyal to the Central Plains, but she has probably forgotten the original owner...

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Su Xueyun forced a smile, lowered her head and entered the tent, sitting on the side nervously twirling her fingers. Aunt Guo kept asking, and after a while, Su Xueyun said with some worry, "Auntie, do you have any... any news about A Jing?"

Aunt Guo was stunned, looked at her eyes red from crying and sighed, "Princess, I don't have any news about Jing'er here. I don't know how he is. I know you miss Jing'er, but he went to the Central Plains this time. It’s business, he won’t come back so soon, don’t worry, I’ve told him to come back as soon as the business is done.”

The expectation in Su Xueyun's eyes slowly turned into disappointment, and she looked at the ground blankly. Her whole body was filled with an unbearable feeling of sadness. Aunt Guo patted her hand and advised: "Princess, don't be sad, Jing'er will be back soon. You will be married by then, and there will still be a long time to come."

Su Xueyun murmured blankly: "Is it possible? Will he stay here forever? He went to the Central Plains, his hometown, and met many people. Will he already have a girl he likes? Yes. Don’t you want to stay in your hometown and never come back?”

"How could it be? Princess, you are overthinking, Jing'er will not do such a heartbreaking thing!" Aunt Guo said decisively, and then promised, "Don't worry, even if Jing'er really brings another girl back, , I will never recognize you, I only recognize you as my daughter-in-law!"

Su Xueyun tugged at the corner of her mouth, nodded slightly, and smiled sheepishly: "I miss Ajing too much. I have been thinking about it all day long. Ajing values ​​friendship so much and will not let me down. Auntie, don't laugh at me. It was only after I heard a few words from a businessman that A Jing and a girl Huang were inseparable and extremely close in the Central Plains that I felt uncomfortable. "

Aunt Guo said in surprise: "Has the businessman met Jing'er? Did he say whether Jing'er is doing well? It's the first time Jing'er has traveled far in his life. I'm worried day and night, fearing that he will suffer hardship outside. Princess, Where is the merchant? I also want to ask."

Su Xueyun lowered her eyes and shook her head, "I heard that A Jing liked someone else, and I felt very sad. I didn't ask where the businessman had gone. But I had already asked about A Jing's situation before. He got Miss Huang in the Central Plains. With his help, he learned martial arts from his master and lived a good life. It is said that Miss Huang is very powerful in the arena of the Central Plains and will definitely be able to take good care of A Jing. "

Now Aunt Guo couldn't get around Miss Huang. After listening to what she said, she felt that it was eighty percent true. She secretly cursed Guo Jing for doing something stupid. She also felt that someone could help Guo Jing to suffer less. She didn't know how to be grateful at the moment. Miss Huang still rejects Miss Huang. However, a smile appeared on her face, and she took Su Xueyun's hand and said: "It seems that Miss Huang may be Jing'er's benefactor. Jing'er going with her should just be walking around in the world. Princess, don't think too much about it." "I'll ask Jing'er for you when he comes back after a while. It must be okay."

Su Xueyun smiled bitterly, "But I can't wait any longer, aunt, I want to go to the Central Plains to find Guo Jing. I heard that Miss Huang is extremely beautiful. If she is really A Jing's benefactor, she may have feelings for him over time. I don't dare to do this Wait at home, I’m going to find him!”

"Looking for... looking for him?"

Su Xueyun nodded heavily, with a look of determination on her face, "Yes, I will go with Torre, and we can help with whatever Ajing wants to do. Auntie, do you want to go with me?"

Aunt Guo swallowed her words of persuasion, and her heart was shaken badly. She hadn't gone back to the Central Plains for more than ten years. After all, it was her roots. Her son was there, and her husband's revenge was not yet there. Report...

Seeing her hesitation, Su Xueyun stood up and left, "Ma'am, please think about it first. I'll go find Torre's things to prepare for the trip, and then I'll borrow two skilled escorts from Father Khan."

"Oh... OK." Aunt Guo looked dazed, apparently lost in some memories.

Su Xueyun didn't stay any longer, turned around and walked out of the tent. Looking at the green grass and blue sky in front of her, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. When Hua Zheng was happily preparing to marry her beloved, Huang Rong disappeared. Guo Jing asked Aunt Guo what he should do. What did Aunt Guo say at that time? She said that the Great Khan was kind and righteous, and Huang Rongding was also lovable. It was a dilemma. Then Guo Jing made up his mind that if Huang Rong appeared alive, he would keep his promise and marry Hua Zheng. If Huang Rong never appeared again, he would never marry again.

Oh, what a good person who never marries. Who among the mother and son has ever considered Hua Zheng’s feelings? If you really had no intention of marrying her, why did you agree in the first place? Who can really force him to marry the princess? Genghis Khan would not do such a shameful thing. They decide on their own whether to marry or not, but they refuse to break off the engagement. Isn't it because they don't want to be accused of breaking their promise?

She had already understood after traveling through several lifetimes that there were no pure good guys or bad guys in the world. Guo Jing was a hero, loyal to the emperor, patriotic, and valuing love and righteousness. He was an absolutely good person to Huang Rong and her relatives and friends. Su Xueyun also admitted this. But to Huazheng, Guo Jing was absolutely bad. Ever since he had Huang Rong, he had never considered Huazheng's feelings. This childhood sweetheart relationship had no trace in his heart.

Su Xueyun found someone to ask about Torre's whereabouts, and then slowly walked over. Hua Zheng's wish is not complicated and can be considered kind compared to Na Mu Zhong. She hopes that Du Shi will lose his support and can no longer be a domineering bully; she hopes that Guo Jing and Huang Rong will not be able to reconcile their love and sweetness; she hopes that her father and brother will stay away from cruel killings; she hopes that she can meet someone who truly loves her and get married and have children; she hopes that she can live a long and safe life...

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