Number One Player of Time and Space

Chapter 89 Death of Pingye

Jia Shuai's premonition soon became a reality.

A white shadow gradually appeared under the streetlight at the end of the street corner.

It was a wolf with a rare pure white coat. The mane and tail on its neck were as bright as fire, and a cluster of fine red hairs between its eyebrows was like the cinnabar mark on a girl's forehead. It was beautiful and elegant.

But it was such a beautiful creature that made everyone present feel a chill on their backs.

This white wolf is really too big.

The chest-high walls on both sides of the street barely reached the base of its legs. Occasionally, when it raised its head, its slender wolf kiss almost touched the nearly three-meter-high eaves of the street.

"Mutated creature?... No! It's the BOSS-turned-Ciri Alice!"

A player with a quick reaction immediately guessed the identity of the white wolf. It is impossible for ordinary mutant creatures to cause such a terrible sense of oppression to the fantasy players.

Ciri Alice?

Jia Shuai's pupils suddenly shrank.

So that’s it, because the inseparable white puppy “Jike” in the original work led to the BOSS state of Ciri Alice. Was this huge white wolf...

Just then, the white wolf moved.

The strong limbs galloped like the wind, and the distance of more than 100 meters was almost instantaneous. Many players with weak neurological reactions only saw a white shadow, and the huge body full of oppression rushed into the team.

"No! It's coming for Hirano Toda! Protect Hirano quickly!"

There is no need to remind you. From the moment the white wolf rushes over, his quick reflexes have already shot at the player.

However, this giant white wolf is not only fast, but also has low defense. The snow-like white fur almost perfectly blocked all the bullets. Only the powerful impact of a shotgun fired at close range can barely inflict a certain blunt blow on it. harm.

"Damn it! This wolf's defense is too high! Ordinary guns are useless against it! Hurry up and use the automatic rifle fire to suppress it! You are all keeping the cubs!"

Amidst the angry scoldings of several team leaders, several players finally reluctantly took out automatic rifles of various models, and started shooting at the giant wolf in burst or three-shot mode.

We can't blame them for being passive and slow in their work. Weapons like automatic rifles really cost too many points.

Taking F-level ammunition as an example, the certification points for pistol bullets are 5 points, automatic rifle bullets are 10 points, shotgun bullets are 15 points, wheatlin bullets are 50 points, ordinary sniper bullets are 200 points, and special sniper bullets are calculated separately according to the type.

From the data point of view, the certification points of automatic rifle ammunition are not high, not even as good as shotguns, but the rate of fire of the gun cannot be matched - with dozens of rounds of ready-made magazines, the automatic mode can be fired in less than two seconds. Light.

After winning a low-intensity battle, not to mention earning points, losing hundreds of points would be a blessing.

The muzzles of several automatic rifles spit out tongues of fire, and strings of blood burst out from the giant wolf's snow-white hair.

Although the bullets did not penetrate deeply into the flesh and were all stuck in the gaps between the muscles, the ants killed the elephant and hundreds of bullets were fired at it, still causing considerable damage.

White Wolf whimpered in pain, his blood-red eyes glowing fiercely. He suddenly gave up on Hirano Toda, who was protected by many layers of people, and rushed straight towards the nearest player holding an automatic rifle despite the hail of bullets.

"Ah! No--! Help me!"

The player obviously didn't expect that the giant wolf would suddenly change its target. In the panic, he even forgot to change weapons. The automatic rifle pulled the trigger to the end and misfired in less than a second. Then the giant wolf tore off most of his shoulder and sprayed The bloody corpse was thrown into the crowd.

"Quick! Is there any tank? Find a way to capture this BOSS!" Someone in the crowd shouted.

Two players with stronger physiques hurriedly took out their shields and weapons and rushed forward, shouting and screaming around the giant wolf that was still chasing the automatic rifle player, trying to attract the opponent's attention.

However, the fantasy world is not a game after all. Just say "Sun Thief A" and the monster will act like it has eaten a piece of brain. It will leave the easy-to-gnaw crispy skin and insist on fighting with a fully armed iron can.

A qualified main tank always rushes to the front line of the battle, relying on various skills and body to block the attack and action routes of monsters, creating opportunities for teammates to safely output, and it is by no means ridiculous to rely on things that are not at all The so-called "ridicule" of existence.

The giant white wolf didn't even look at the two clowns swirling around it. It once again knocked down another automatic rifle player under gunfire, and bit the opponent's head with its bloody mouth like chewing jelly beans. It has to be shredded.

Two people died in the blink of an eye, and the remaining players with automatic rifles almost all subconsciously put their guns back. They did not want to become the next target of this terrifying giant wolf.

Without the effective fire suppression of the automatic rifle, the giant white wolf acted without any scruples. It rushed left and right in the crowd, killing and injuring several players one after another, leaving only a dozen marks on its body that were not deep or shallow. Skin trauma. UU reading www.uukanshu. net

"Is this the true strength of the final boss in this illusion..."

Looking at the ferocious beast not far away that was covered in blood but ignored the players around him, Jia Shuai felt that his hands holding the gun were shaking violently uncontrollably.

Only now did he realize how lucky he was to encounter "Dead Rising" in his first fantasy world.


Half of the flying corpse fell from the sky at Jia Shuai's feet, and warm blood splashed all over his head and face, immediately pulling him back from his dazed state.

At this time, seven or eight fragmented corpses were lying at the feet of the giant white wolf. The remaining players were frightened and kept retreating with pale faces. No one dared to step forward.


A sudden gunshot came from behind, and a small blood flower exploded above the giant white wolf's eye.

It’s Hirano Toda!

At some point this fat man picked up an automatic rifle dropped by the dead player, and fired a well-timed shot at the moment when the giant white wolf relaxed its vigilance.

However, even though Hirano Toda is a shooting genius, the automatic rifle he picked up temporarily was still too unfamiliar to him. Even if he adjusted it based on intuition, it was still a little bit wrong after all, and the bullet failed to hit the giant white wolf. Its eyes only hit its brow bone.


The white shadow was like the wind. Before Hirano Toda even had time to pull the trigger, a wolf claw as big as a bowl had already torn open his soft chest.

"Saya-kun...I wonder if you're home yet..."

With the last bit of longing, Hirano Toda's head hung heavily, and his old-fashioned black-rimmed glasses slipped from the bridge of his nose, leaving countless fine cracks on the hard ground.

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