Number One Player of Time and Space

Chapter 90: 1 Kill in 10 Moves

The third day of the dead body virus outbreak.

When Luo Jie got up in the morning, he found that Rei Miyamoto, who was supposed to be sick, had gotten up earlier than him and was cooking a large pot of curry alone in the kitchen.

"Good morning, Rei."

"Huh? Nightmare, good morning!"

After a night's rest, Miyamoto Rei's complexion was obviously much better than yesterday. From the way she walked, she almost didn't look like someone who had injured her leg.

"Is your leg okay?"

"Well, I don't know why it healed so quickly, but it's nothing serious. You just can't use acceleration too much."

"Speed ​​up?" Luo Jie was stunned.

"That's it……"

Miyamoto Rei walked out from behind the console, took a deep breath, and made a slightly bent posture with her legs similar to starting.

Suddenly, her figure turned into a stream of light and rushed forward. Its speed was so fast that even Luo Jie, who had 400 points of spiritual attributes, could barely see an afterimage.

Due to the suddenness of the incident, Luo Jie subconsciously raised his hand to block it, and then felt a pair of big elastic balls bump into his hand.


Miyamoto Rei screamed and suddenly took half a step back, hugging her arms tightly to her chest, with an expression of shame and anger on her face.

But she couldn't blame Luo Jie. After all, she didn't say hello first. The other party just raised his hand reflexively, which couldn't be considered intentional.

Well, probably...if you don't count those few gentle squeezes at the end.


Luo Jie gave a thumbs up and showed a textbook eight-and-a-half-eye smile.

Well, don't get me wrong, he's talking about superpowers.

Miyamoto Rei's pretty face turned red from holding back. She wanted to say something but didn't know where to start. Her towering breasts swayed slightly due to her rapid breathing, causing a seductive wave.

Fortunately, Luo Jie quickly spoke again to break the awkward atmosphere, folded his arms and pinched his chin, and said with interest: "Is this your superpower?"

"Superpower?" Rei Miyamoto was startled. It was obvious that she didn't know what happened to her body. "I was just using spear skills to stab the dead body. I thought about going faster, faster, and then suddenly... It’s getting faster…”

"Well, it's really fast."

Luo Jie nodded. Miyamoto Rei's strangeness reminded him of a sword technique in a certain domestic movie - one kill in ten steps.

Within ten steps, everyone in the enemy country will be wiped out.

With the speed that Rei Miyamoto showed just now, if he suddenly attacks within ten steps, even with his reaction speed that is almost four times that of an ordinary person, he may not be able to dodge the opponent's blow.

In particular, Miyamoto Rei is good at weapons such as spears, and the actual attack distance can be far more than ten steps.

If the thermal weapon bonus is not taken into account, Miyamoto Rei's strength is already comparable to that of a few first-level elite players.

"Oh? Do you want to eat curry this morning?"

I don't know if she smelled the aroma of breakfast, but Marikawa Shizuka didn't sleep in, which was rare. She wore a hip-length white shirt with two dazzling white legs underneath, and walked into the kitchen sleepily.

"Hey, Teacher Shizuka, can't you pay attention to how you dress before going out?" Rei Miyamoto reminded helplessly.

"What's wrong with my outfit?" Marikawa Shizuka opened her arms and looked down. Suddenly she realized something, lifted up the hem of her shirt, and said proudly: "Look, I'm wearing shorts underneath today!"

Miyamoto Rei breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that she was wearing something underneath...

Bridge beans sack! Why does that sentence just now sound a bit thoughtful and scary?

Not long after, the dancers and others got up and walked out of the room one after another, and came to the dining room to start having breakfast.

"It's actually curry? I used to have a roommate who was an international student from Tianzhu. He couldn't get used to the school food, so he cooked curry in the dormitory and invited us to eat it together. We ate it quite fresh at first, and then we ate it every day. I vomited. From then on, I swore that even if I starved to death, I would never eat another bite of curry..."

The atmosphere at the dinner table was a bit dull. Except for Ross, who couldn't keep his mouth shut, almost no one spoke, and everyone looked heavy-minded.

Apparently they had seen the two latest red system warnings, and already knew about the death and BOSS transformation of the two plot characters, Shirley Alice and Hirano Toda.

"Shut up! Eat!"

Safi glared at Ross who was still chattering. The idiot immediately became frustrated. He looked at the yellow curry sauce in front of him with a grimace, then he took a spoonful and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Huh? It smells so good!"

While Miyamoto Rei and Marikawa Shizuka went to serve rice, Luo Jie quietly launched the [USS micro-unmanned reconnaissance aircraft] and pulled the dancers and others into the communication channel.

Ross: "Huh? I can actually speak?"

[Rose has been banned by the administrator Nightmare for one hour]

Dancer: "..."

Safi: "o( ̄▽ ̄)dlike."

Boxer: "+1."

"Have you all seen those two reminders? Let me know what you think." Luo Jie was the first to speak.

"It's reasonable, but it's unexpected." The boxer's summary was concise and concise.

Reasonable refers to the BOSS transformation of Ciri Alice. Due to the high difficulty of finding, high difficulty of protecting, and high UU reading points coefficient, this loli was completely abandoned by all the player teams. It was inevitable that she would be the first BOSS without any self-protection ability.

And the BOSS transformation of Hirano Toda was a bit pitfall. This fat otaku is not a weak student who is powerless. As long as he is given a gun, even the NPC's No. 1 Saeko Busujima may not dare to confront him head-on. With the protection of several teams of illusion players, even if he encounters more than a thousand zombies, he can at least retreat unscathed.

Then, combined with the BOSS transformation time of these two NPC characters, I am afraid the only explanation is that Hirano Toda's protection team accidentally encountered the BOSS transformation of Ciri Alice.

If so, it is definitely a big bad news for Luo Jie and others.

"Then... are we going to Minami Rika's villa next?" Safi's tone was full of deep concern and worry.

Almost everyone knows that the place where Ciri Alice appears is near Minami Rika's villa. If they continue with the original itinerary plan, they will almost certainly encounter a battle with Ciri Alice in the form of a boss.

What's more, there is now another boss-like Hirano Toda.

For a small team like them with limited combat power, it is simply a situation of no return.

"Actually... I want to go and see."

Seeing that the others looked stunned and seemed to want to dissuade him, Luo Jie quickly interrupted them and said in the communication channel: "The system prompt only states that the boss-like plot NPC has the ability to perceive other plot NPCs, but the perception range is not specified... If the perception range is large enough, then even if we deliberately avoid it, it will find us sooner or later."

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