"...No," Solomon Solomon paused, and finally replied, "Don't worry, father, I won't."

After staying as the chairman of Eric Meiyi for so long, Solomon certainly had his own methods. However, the family meeting reached a consensus, almost all the alliance betrayed, and his father stood opposite him.

Under such a background, even if he had some means, he would be self-destructive if he used them, and it would probably bring him death.

"Don't worry, about your future," his father said, his tone comforting, "We can discuss it in detail at that time and find a good place for you."

"Thank you, father. Goodbye." Solomon forced a smile and hung up the phone.

"Cousin," Andrew Atwood, who was sitting on the sofa, looked at him with more compassion on his face, "Are you okay?"

"Of course, of course, I'm very good," Solomon muttered to himself, as if he was brainwashing himself or hypnotizing himself. "Saving for the family is something I am happy to do..."

However, in Solomon's heart, he still echoed his father's words: "Our branch has gained a lot of benefits from this incident, and it is actually not a loss."

On the surface, my father’s words don’t sound like much, but when translated, this sentence is equivalent to saying:

"I gave up on you. I sold you for a good price. I exchanged you for the interests of the branch. I won't lose money this time."

Haha, "I sold you for a good price"...

In a large family like the Atwood family, the relationship between father and son is more of a natural bond of interest than a family relationship. If it's a little more confusing, the same father will often have seven or eight sons and daughters, including sons-in-law, illegitimate sons, and illegitimate daughters, and the number may be double digits; if it's not so chaotic, there will be at least three or four sons and daughters. Conventional moral ethics are completely ineffective for a family like theirs.

But Solomon originally thought he and his father were different. He still remembers that his father used to look at him with gratified eyes and tell him that "you are my pride."

However, the facts proved everything, he was no different from his father's other children, and the so-called family relationship between father and son was essentially a better-disguised bond of interests.

His father, without even informing him in advance, sold him for a good price at the family meeting.

Not, have, tell, know, him;

One, one, good, price, money!

Solomon pressed the table so hard that veins popped out in his hands.

Andrew, who was sitting on the sofa opposite, noticed this scene and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows in surprise. The pity in his expression became deeper: "Cousin, you have to stay calm."

"Calm down," Solomon Atwood actually laughed when his mind was temporarily unbalanced. "You want me to stay calm in the face of such a situation?"

The continuous bad news had already made Solomon angry. He has almost always had an elegant and easy-going mask. He used to be furious in front of the reporter. He suppressed different angers with force and managed to control his temper.

However, the betrayal of allies one after another, the betrayal of the last family, and even the betrayal of his most trusted father, and even the pity on the look of cousin Andrew in front of him, further stimulated Solomon.

The mask on Solomon's face finally shattered.

Andrew narrowed his eyes, almost deliberately stimulating Solomon's emotions: "Cousin, if you don't stay calm at this time, what else can you do? - Ha, you can't do anything."

"Stop it," Solomon laughed, a little bit crazy, "Do you think that by pushing me out as a scapegoat, you can pretend that nothing has happened and continue to enjoy your life?!"

"Why not?" Andrew asked with a smile.

"Go ahead and dream about your shit!" Solomon Atwood even used swear words - he hasn't used swear words for a long time since he took the position of chairman of Eric Meiyi Group, " Just watch, watch!"

Solomon is not only saying these words to Andrew, but also to his family, and even more to his allies and friends, those so-called "friends" who used to play golf, enjoy cigars, taste red wine and beauties with him. Talk to "loved ones".

"The things brought by Jiuqu will use a crazy gesture to sweep away all of you," when the word "this group of people" is mentioned. Solomon Atwood pointed his hand fiercely at Andrew's nose, "Clean everything!"

"Cousin," Andrew didn't care at all about Solomon's nonsense. His expression showed a kind of forgiveness unique to a winner for a loser. "Your condition is not right. Do you need to see a doctor?"

"What did I do wrong?" Solomon Atwood laughed and shook his head. "I didn't do anything wrong. Alliance selection, strategic layout, work rhythm, I really didn't do anything wrong."

"And the only thing I did wrong -" Solomon's smile turned ferocious, "is that Jiuqu posted a video!"

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