I don't know how long it took, but Shang Yinhe finally managed to get an understanding of the situation in most countries and the relationship between countries.

After thinking about it, Shang Yinhe plucked up the courage and began to try this game.

However, knowledge is knowledge and application is application. No one dares to say that just understanding theoretical knowledge can make thoughtful and perfect practical operations.

The same is true for Shang Yinhe.

His first game was a miserable one.

At the beginning of the game, there is a fixed event happening: [United Nations General Assembly]. It is described as "discussing the cooperation of various countries in sending troops to exterminate the remaining animal and plant habitats in the world."

Since Shang Yinhe was born in China, he tentatively used his existing political points to give China some leverage at the United Nations General Assembly.

Therefore, it is logical that in the subsequent global collaborative war to eradicate animal and plant nests, China became the global leader and successfully led everyone to complete the end of the Third World War.

After the war, under the auspices of China, some small countries were restored on the spot, and some small countries' territories were assigned to other countries, creating a gluttonous feast of interest division.

The situation at this time still seemed to be in a state of glory.

However, immediately after, the situation took a turn for the worse.

The Bald Eagle Federation, which was not satisfied with having its world hegemony taken away, and the Furry Bear Country, which was greatly damaged by the new Lingshi technology làngcháo, actually joined hands to start a boycott of China; and the entire European Union also stood with the Bald Eagle Federation. that side.

At this stage, Shang Yinhe's political points are no longer enough. In this game, the Bald Eagle Federation's hostility to China seems to have become a fixed event. No matter how he saves and loads files, this event will eventually happen.

Shang Yinhe could only watch in stunned silence as China slowly became the enemy of the world.

Since then, there has been a lot of smoke. Although there is no open war, the water in the international political arena has become more chaotic and turbid. Countless people fish in troubled waters. The scientific and technological revolution in the extraordinary era has brought about violent economic turmoil, which will happen at every turn. A gunshot incident.

Shang Yinhe could only hold on to his pitiful political points, make up for it here and there; read and save files desperately, and finally managed to suppress the occurrence of greater chaos.

But he is powerless against the overall chaotic world.

"Six months of gaming is over."

"This progress is completed and settlement has begun."

"Level of world unity: 22%"

"Future development efficiency: D grade"

"Potential for future destruction: Advanced"

"The overall evaluation grade of this game: D grade"

"The passing conditions for the B-level evaluation have not been met, please start again."

Shang Yinhe was a little frustrated.

It took him so long to learn so much information between countries, but he ended up with such a tragic ending.

How did things develop to this point?

It's obvious that he didn't do anything wrong?

Shang Yinhe cheered up, clicked the [Restart] button, and entered the next game, determined to try it out again.

After trying it several times, Shang Yinhe finally realized that in a multinational political system, the most important word in politics is "balance."

In the first round of the game, China took the lead. China was not the world's well-deserved strongest country. If Qiang Xing stands up and takes away the honor that does not belong to him, he will be counterattacked by the crown on his head.

My ancestors told me to make a fortune silently, and they really did not deceive me.

So, this time, Shang Yinhe changed his opening routine.

He tried to get the Bald Eagle Federation and China to work together to lead the eradication of animal and plant nests.

This opening made the subsequent process much smoother.

After the Bald Eagle Federation and the Chinese State joined forces, they formed a force powerful enough to suppress the world. The rest of the political forces can only surrender humbly under the alliance between the two of them.

As long as Shang Yinhe strives to maintain the balance between the Bald Eagle Federation and China in the following process, and ensure that no particularly major changes occur in other major countries, he can ensure that the game will indeed have a strong and powerful ruling voice in the end.

And this voice comes from the United Nations government with the Bald Eagle Federation and China as the core.

"Six months of gaming is over."

"This progress is completed and settlement has begun."

"Level of world unity: 42%"

"Future Development Efficiency: Grade C"

"Probability of future destruction: Intermediate"

"The overall evaluation grade of this game: B grade"

"It meets the conditions for passing the B-level evaluation. Do you want to choose this progress as the final progress?"

"Please note that after the final progress is confirmed, the game world is closed, the level is completed, and world settlement begins."

This rating is not very high, indicating that there is still a lot of room for improvement.

But where else can be improved? How should I get started?

As an ordinary person who has never personally been involved in politics before, let alone played a political game at the national level, Shang Yinhe has no interest in this game.

It feels a bit difficult to get started.

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