He probably understood that his handling of the new technology of the Extraordinary Era was inappropriate, and he also handled the details of many countries inappropriately, and even the route choices of some major countries were also very inappropriate.


What should be done specifically? he does not know.

Is there any better route? he does not know.

He knows nothing.

"Just play casually for now," Iida on the shoulder noticed his hesitation and suggested: "Anyway, the process of saving and loading the game world will not affect reality, just use it as a practice."

I don't know if it was Shang Yinhe's illusion, but he always felt that there was a little expectation in Iida's voice when she said this.

But what can Iida hope for?

"The big devil can definitely do it," Iida patted his ears and encouraged, "Absolutely!"

Not to be outdone, Little Cloak lay down and rubbed Shang Yinhe's face.

Shang Yinhe smiled helplessly, touching this with his left hand and that with his right.

——You have so high expectations for me?

——But, am I... not an ordinary person?

Looking at the world map in front of him, Shang Yinhe was stunned for a while before finally deciding to follow Iida's suggestion.

He began to improvise in various ways and tried various routes.

This game has a very high degree of freedom.

However, at the same time, the political situation of the entire world is intertwined. Every choice made by Shang Yinhe will have a profound impact on the future and cause a series of chain reactions.

Anyway, time in the game world is completely static. In this static time, Shang Yinhe tried various ways to clear the level and experienced various changes in the pattern.

He slowly discovered that some events were completely probabilistic and could be eliminated by archiving and loading.

For example, in a certain game, Shang Yinhe played an incident in which the current Bald Eagle president was assassinated. After this incident, the international relations between the Bald Eagle Federation and China underwent great changes; certain sects and organizations that promoted terrorism, as well as the regions where they were born, began to change and become more dynamic in an instant.

The situation in the entire world suddenly changed from stable and peaceful to tense and imminent conflict.

However, after Shang Yinhe read the file once, the assassination of the president turned into an attempted assassination of the president. The attempted assassination of the President of the Bald Eagle Federation simply disappeared without causing much trouble at all.

However, on the contrary, there are some events that are destined to happen by pre-existing cause and effect.

For example, if Shang Yinhe did not handle the impact of Lingshi's new energy technology on the Mao Xiong Country in the early stage, then in the later stage, the Mao Xiong Country, a five-member United Nations country with extremely declining economy but the second largest military strength in the world, would There will definitely be trouble.

At this point, no matter how Shang Yinhe loads and saves files, it can only change the time and pattern of Mao Xiongguo causing trouble, but it cannot change the fact that he caused trouble.

In addition, the game itself has some major events, such as the clearing of animal and plant nests at the beginning, and the early outbreaks of spiritual stone new energy and extraordinary new technology. These events will have a huge impact on the entire world situation. . Every time something like this happens, Shang Yinhe has to pause his research and operate with caution.

In the process of trying, most of Shang Yinhe's improvisations will lead to a relatively tragic ending, but there are also some particularly interesting routes and some particularly good endings. .

Among them, the most interesting route with the highest score is called "red làngcháo" by Shang Yinhe.

In that game, Shang Yinhe did not pay too much attention to the political and economic struggles between various major powers. Instead, he directly accumulated enough political points in the early stage and pointed out the characteristics of the world-wide "red làngcháo" route. .

The description of this route feature contains the following words:

"The characteristics of this route have great contagious power. Once pointed out, it will produce subversive changes in the world pattern."

"Please choose carefully."

The price of the "red làngcháo" route is also very high. Its first stage of talent points requires 20 political points. The subsequent stages of talent points not only cost extremely high prices, but also require talent points with route characteristics of countries such as the Bear Country, China, and Gaul. As a prerequisite for unlocking.

After that, the red làngcháo began to sweep across the Siberian ice fields and the beacon towers of the Great Wall, destroying all the old classes with an unstoppable gesture.

The sound of the Internationale once again floated under the blue sky, and the ghost once again crawled out of the darkness.

The slogan of the red làngcháo is really too tempting, and the aftermath of the Third World War, the warning of "The Extraordinary Era: Eye of the Distant World", and most importantly, the complete outbreak of the new technology of the Extraordinary Era, the làngcháo, gave this "red làngcháo" làngcháo” with huge room for development.

Ever since the sudden change in the white mist, wars have shaken up the original strata. Among them, the upper class has the power of self-protection, while the lower class does not have much to lose financially. Among them, the most serious losses are those of the middle class who cannot move up or down.

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