As mentioned before, this Mr. Mobro is not an authentic Santantria local.

He was indeed born in the village of Mobro in Santantria and is a local, but by chance, he entered a pretty good university in Northern Europe in his youth and began his study abroad career.

After graduating from college, Mobro spent some time in the Nordic region, changing jobs twice. At this time, a mutation broke out in Hohenschwangau Castle, and Santantria coincidentally had an entrance to the White Mist dungeon.

At that time, the "Santantria Travel Extraordinary Package" was very popular internationally, which included the entire process of traveling to Santantria, communicating with local gangs, and challenging the White Mist dungeon. As a person born in Santantria, Mobro purchased a copy of this package not long ago and returned to the country of his birth.

"I'm really sorry, there isn't much information about this person," Nie Zhibo reluctantly apologized to Shang Yinhe on the phone, "Time is very tight, and that's all we can find now."

"It's okay," Shang Yinhe flipped through the detailed information about Mobro sent by Nie Zhibo and replied, "In the past, this person was just a very small person, so it is understandable that there is not much information."

"When he was in college, his grades were very poor at the beginning, but later his grades were very good," Nie Zhibo helped analyze on the phone. "He should be able to catch up with his grades in just a few years. He should be a smart and intelligent person." They are hard-working and look for people who can learn skills.”

"He doesn't use social software very much. He has always been cautious in his speech on the Internet. He doesn't have much tendency to take sides. He doesn't seem to have any special hobbies. He doesn't smoke or drink much. He rarely buys anything. He never I don’t spend a lot of money, I am very rational financially, I had a girlfriend but she broke up with her, and I don’t usually get close to girls.” On the other end of the phone, Nie Zhibo flipped through the profile in his hand and couldn’t help but squint. Narrowing his eyes, he commented, "If this kind of person is not a saint, he is just a careerist."

"In this world," Shang Yinhe laughed dumbly, "How can there be so many saints?"

"Then you think he is a careerist?" Nie Zhibo raised his eyebrows.

"It's hard to say," Shang Yinhe thought for a while and replied, "From the information, we can't tell how much he loves his motherland. We can't tell whether he is a political speculator or a passionate patriotic young man. , or a combination of the two... In short, it is estimated that I still need to communicate with him in person before I can have some feelings."

"Pay attention to safety," Nie Zhibo warned on the other end of the phone, "and pay attention to propriety."

"Thank you, sorry for the trouble," Shang Yinhe said, "I'll be careful."

"It's no trouble, that's right," Nie Zhibo's voice still sounded a little worried, "If you need any support, feel free to call us."

"Okay, I'll go check it out first," Shang Yinhe smiled slightly, "Don't worry, I know you are standing behind me. This is just an informal and unofficial casual chat, nothing more."

After hanging up the phone, Shang Yinhe browsed the information in his hand again.

Those brief text records in the [World Storm] game, those historical stories that may only be mentioned briefly in future history books, or even not mentioned at all, are indescribable in the real world. The combination of vertical and horizontal, intrigues. Even though we know the general trend of history, we only rely on those brief records and cannot understand the specific details at all.

Take Mobro, for example. Shang Yinhe knew that this person would cause a series of big things. He knew that this person was a very courageous fool who happened to catch up with the trend of the times, but what kind of person was he? ? What terms of cooperation will he propose? Shang Yinhe knows nothing about these.

If you just look at the information in front of you, you can see that he does not smoke, do not drink, does not approach women, restrains his desires, has a long-term vision, and is passionate and patriotic.

This description really reminds me of the Nazi leader...

Compared with Roosevelt, who had extramarital affairs, was a chain smoker, and drank every day, compared with Churchill, who smoked opium and acted wantonly in his private life, Hitler during World War II did not smoke, was not addicted to alcohol, did not approach women, and only ate vegetarian food. Moreover, he is a decorated war hero. From a personal moral point of view, he really looks like a saint.

Duke Zhou was afraid of the day of rumors, but Wang Mang was humble and did not usurp the time.

What kind of person is Mr. Mobro, who is destined to stir up troubles on the world stage?

Let him go and see it in person.


To Shang Yinhe's surprise, Mr. Mobro, who was born in Santantria and studied in Northern Europe, actually knew Chinese.

As soon as they met, Mobro took the initiative to greet you in Chinese with some Beijing accent: "Hello, Mr. Shang, I have long admired you!"

Just the four words "I have admired the name for a long time" have a special Chinese flavor, which is not something ordinary foreigners can do.

Shang Yinhe was shocked by the Chinese language that came to him.

[World Storm] There are only a few lines of brief text records in the game, but it does not explain what kind of person this Mr. Mobluo is, nor does it say that he can actually speak Chinese.

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