"Hello," with surprise, Shang Yinhe reached out and shook Mobro's hand, and then couldn't help but add a compliment, "Your Chinese is very proficient."

"Thank you for the compliment. I have been practicing hard for a long time," Mobro said with a smile, "I hope my Chinese is quite authentic."

"Very authentic," Shang Yinhe praised. "Your Chinese is the most fluent among the foreigners I have ever met."

"I personally think," Mobro invited Shang Yinhe to sit down on the sofa, "If you want to live a good life in Africa, then Chinese is a language that you must learn - even in my personal opinion, Chinese is more powerful than English. important."

The meeting place they finally chose was a small private villa in Santantria. The location was relatively remote and the sound insulation was very good. Shang Yinhe unfolded the [Mini Map] to take a look and found that Mr. Mobro was quite sincere and did not arrange too many guards.

In addition, in the perception of the ability to [release evolutionary factors], the evolutionary factors surrounding Mobulo are stable, thick, and deeply accumulated - he is obviously an extraordinary warrior, and his supernatural power can be ranked at least as high as Top ten in the world.

Just from such an encounter, Shang Yinhe instantly understood why Mr. Mobro could play such an important role in the future of [World Storm].

I taught myself Chinese in advance and have learned this difficult-to-learn language to such an extent; I have strong abilities and deep accumulation, and I can see that I exercise regularly; my background and experience are very special. As a native of Africa, I can naturally I gained the support of the African people, studied abroad, saw the world, experienced the world, and understood the reality of the world.

People always say that troubled times create heroes, but it is precisely such heroes who can seize the opportunity of troubled times. Even if there are no troubled times, people with such character and preparation will show up sooner or later.

"Really," Shang Yinhe raised his eyebrows slightly, without showing his evaluation, "It sounds like you highly value Chinese?"

"Please don't doubt the authenticity of this sentence," Mobro said in an unabashed way, flattering China. "China has always been Africa's best friend. He has great influence in Africa." Infrastructure construction has brought us countless job opportunities and a better future. Learning the Chinese language is really important for Africans."

"Thank you for the compliment." Shang Yinhe was stunned for a moment and couldn't find the words to reply. Finally, he replied in a very official tone, "China has always been very willing to cooperate with the African people for win-win results and create a better future together. s future."

Therefore, in the following time, Shang Yinhe and Mobro cordially and friendly reviewed the history of Sino-African cooperation. During this process, Mr. Mobro highly appreciated the good friendship between China and Africa and condemned the inappropriate attitude of some countries towards Africa.

Finally, the two people looked forward to the bright future of Sino-Filipino cooperation and had full, friendly and candid communication on some details of the cooperation.

The above is the official rhetoric to the outside world.

But in reality?

After the discussion, Shang Yinhe immediately rejected all Mobro's arrangements and quickly returned to the military camp of the international coalition army.

"It's finally over." After returning to being alone, Shang Yinhe couldn't help but rub his forehead, "He is really a talent..."

Chapter 229 Opening Ceremony

Huaguo, northwest, Yongliang City base.

"Yinhe?" Nie Zhibo raised his head from the table in shock and looked at this guy who shouldn't be here, "Why did you come so directly?"

"I think," Shang Yinhe straightened his military uniform and touched his sleeves in a comforting manner, "some things are better discussed in person."

"Spatial ability users are really good, they can run around anytime and anywhere," Nie Zhibo muttered a little enviously, "It won't delay your business, right?"

"It's okay. The military strategy meeting scheduled for the near future has been completed. Everything is going according to plan and going very smoothly." Shang Yinhe waved his hand, "My adjutant will help me block most of the things. And if there is any If there is anything urgent, he and Zhu Jiamu will inform me, and they can rush there very quickly."

"That's good," Nie Zhibo stood up from behind the table, "How was the discussion?"

"It's not bad," Shang Yinhe replied, "Let's go, let's report together, and then please help me supplement the information."

"Okay," Nie Zhibo agreed.

They found a special small conference room with excellent sound insulation, quickly dialed the confidential line, and contacted several big shots.

Shang Yinhe made a report on the situation truthfully, trying not to involve his own emotions in the process.

"In general, Mobro hopes that China can give him certain support in terms of military and extraordinary power, and hopes to share extraordinary intelligence to a certain extent," Shang Yinhe said, "What is given is Africa resources, investment rights in some minerals and railways, and future cooperation tendencies, etc. I personally think this request is very measured and reasonable."

However, no matter what it is, the person doing it is often more important than the thing itself. In a mixed place like Santantria in Africa, there are so many newly emerging gangs. Why invest specifically in Mobro?

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