In Santantria, the number of extraordinary people is also very different from the number of ordinary people, but the numerical comparison is completely different. In this case, the original class divisions become fragmented and unworkable, and an alternative has to be found, right?

"Strength is the most intuitive and appropriate way to distinguish the class of extraordinary beings," Mobro told Shang Yinhe, "but the current class distinction in Santantria is too naked."

As a rare person in Santantria who has been abroad and studied abroad and has a broad vision, Mobro often cannot find a negotiator who can keep up with his thinking.

When he was exploring the path of reform at home, he often felt confused. At this time, Shang Yinhe, who often appeared in front of Mobro because of the need for China's docking negotiations, became his most suitable person to talk to.

"The class divisions in modern society always have a veil of gentleness," Mobro said, "but in Santantria, the exploitation and oppression of the weak extraordinary ones by the powerful extraordinary ones is really too blatant. It's a very unstable situation."

Mobro's views are always very to the point, and his perspective on issues is also very unique. When talking to him, even Shang Yinhe, who has now experienced [the world's turmoil], will often feel that he has gained something.

"That's right," Shang Yinhe agreed, "When I look at Santantria now, I feel like this place is a bomb. If dissatisfaction and hatred continue to brew, sooner or later it will turn into a bloody feud like the Palestinian-Israeli war. "

"The great man of your Chinese country once said that wherever there is oppression, there is resistance." Mobro's fingers unconsciously crossed the table. "I need to use the power of resistance to get up, and I need to relieve this pressure." oppression and exploitation."

"It's hard to grasp the scale of this," Shang Yinhe raised his eyebrows, "What exactly do you plan to do?"

"I want to start from both the spiritual and material aspects." Mobro said while sorting out his thoughts.

“There are mainly three types of people in Santantria now, one is the locals, the other is the soldiers stationed from other countries, and the other is those who can’t get along in other countries and come to Santantria. "They are outsiders," Mobro pulled out a piece of paper and began to write and draw, "but no matter what their original identities were, they now all have a common identity - extraordinary people."

Shang Yinhe turned sideways with interest, feeling like he was witnessing history.

"I want to establish a set of conventions about extraordinary people," Mobro said as expected. "How should extraordinary people treat ordinary people? How should extraordinary people get along with each other? How should extraordinary people be judged? What level should extraordinary people with different expertise in combat, research, and construction have?"

Just like those simple records in [World Storm], Mobro really started talking about the "Extraordinary Covenant". This system, which will create a huge storm in the next half year, only has a rough prototype at this time.

"I have searched for relevant information," Mobro said while memorizing key words. "Since we have only entered the extraordinary era for a short period of time, there are currently seven or eight different sets of standards for extraordinary people in the world. But there has never been a public opinion.”

"To tell the truth," Shang Yinhe couldn't help but comment, "None of the current international ratings of extraordinary beings is particularly reasonable - including within China. Especially in the "Age of Extraordinary" After many copies were released, the abilities of extraordinary people began to diversify, and their uses also began to diversify, and there is currently no reasonable conversion method."

"Yes," Mobro said, "so I want to compile a more convincing classification of the levels of extraordinary beings."

Having said this, he hesitated and added: "And, more importantly... I want to incorporate something metaphysical, pragmatic, but more important into this convention of extraordinary beings."

Mobro was hesitant at first, but as he spoke, he became firmer: "That is, fairness, justice, democracy, etc., those universal values ​​recognized by most people."

"...This will be very difficult," Shang Yinhe looked at Mobro sitting in front. Only at the historical scene can one know the difficult stories behind some choices. "In this kind of chaos that has taken shape in Santantria, The situation, if you insist on these things that are too imaginary, it is likely that you will suffer losses in the early development.”

"But this is also very important." In the process of confiding and talking, Mobro's expression gradually became determined. "What can maintain a company's permanent existence is its corporate culture, and what can maintain a country's permanent existence. It is its national spirit, it is these metaphysical and seemingly very imaginary things that can truly create the soul of the Ax Gang and even Santantria."

"Maybe it will be difficult in the early stage..." Mobro paused and said, "But without these things, there will be no long-term development of the Ax Gang."

"We all know that everyone is equal, and we also know that in fact everyone is unequal," he used a somewhat convoluted sentence to describe his thoughts, "but the fact that everyone is unequal cannot be concealed. The brilliance of the fictional concept of pursuing equality for all cannot obscure the fact that it is this concept that formed the foundation of modern law."

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