"Everyone is equal..." Shang Yinhe couldn't help but be startled.

From a purely scientific perspective, no biological knowledge can support the concept of equality for all. Everyone's DNA is different, everyone's personality is different, and everyone is born unequal.

However, it is this fictional concept that composes the magnificent history of mankind.

In fact, the entire existence of human society is structured under these metaphysical fictional concepts. Country, enterprise, government, finance, currency, and even freedom, contract, integrity... all these concepts are the fictitious products of human imagination.

Without these fictional products, there would be no such prosperous modern society.

Galaxy previously commented that Mobro is an idealist. And he does have the persistence and belief unique to an idealist. Basically, people who have done great things in modern history are more or less idealists. A pure political speculator will basically not be able to go very far.

"This is a spiritual thing," Mobro said. "We need to have a common belief, a good atmosphere, and a humanistic spirit rooted within the Ax Gang."

"Of course, there is also the material aspect," he continued. "After all, people cannot live by their spirit alone. They still need to eat, sleep, and live a normal life."

"The atmosphere in Santantria is very bad now. There are no people engaged in production anymore." Mobro stared at the white paper in front of him and frowned slightly. "I hope to improve the production system of Santantria." To combine well with the extraordinary, I will make some attempts..."

"At the same time, I also hope to leave a good ascending channel," he no longer looked at Shang Yinhe, but immersed himself in his own thoughts, saying almost to himself, "Every ordinary extraordinary person can pass through A person who progresses through the ascending channel and becomes a stronger person..."

"And this," Mobro raised his head and looked at Shang Yinhe, "will require cooperation with China."

"This will be a very difficult road." Staring at the people in front of him, Shang Yinhe said, "There has never been such a country of extraordinary people in history, and there has never been a system and society suitable for extraordinary people in history. What do you want?" You will encounter a lot of difficulties in what you do.”

"But someone has to do it," Mobro laughed. "In the long run, I am making a journey for all mankind; in the short run, I won't go to Santantria in such a horrible state. Who else will care? Are we counting on those extraordinary warriors who come here specifically to show off their power and enjoy life? Or are we counting on those foreigners with bad intentions who just hope that Santantria will be as chaotic as possible?"

Shang Yinhe smiled helplessly. His words seemed to partly scold Hua Guo.

He shrugged and finally promised: "Okay, we will give you the support you deserve."


Chapter 231 Prelude

More than two months have passed since Jiuqu released the first video of "The Age of Extraordinary", that is, the White Mist copy with more diverse ways to pass the level and more precise corresponding extraordinary attributes. As time goes by, the number of extraordinary people in the world is also increasing rapidly.

For some well-known reasons, various countries have kept the number of extraordinary people in their own countries secret to a certain extent. However, as the mastermind behind the Extraordinary Era, Shang Yinhe still has some methods to estimate the number of extraordinary people in the world.

He has a skill called [Dungeon Feedback], which is an auxiliary skill of [Long Live Anchor]. It can roughly push back the number of people who have cleared the White Mist Dungeon through the number of anchor points gained. Judging from the massive number of anchor points fed back, the number of extraordinary people in the entire world has now reached tens of millions.

Even though this number is inconspicuous in the entire world, the voices of all the extraordinary beings combined together are a force that can influence the world.

"The existence of the Extraordinary Academy," Shang Yinhe said with a smile as he sorted out the lesson plans in his hand, "actually intensifies an atmosphere of change."

"Why do you say that?" After hearing this, Mu Shiming raised his eyebrows in confusion.

The two of them are currently in the teacher's office of Yongliang Chaoren Academy in China.

As a distinguished professor at Yongliang Academy of Extraordinaries, and as one of the most powerful extraordinary persons recognized around the world, Shang Yinhe was invited by the management of Yongliang Academy of Extraordinaries to give a demonstration open class.

Teaching and educating people is a very pleasant thing. Shang Yinhe happily agreed and took a day off from the frontline battlefield to sneak back to class. Anyway, as a space system user, he can ignore transportation costs. of time.

However, Shang Yinhe seemed to have slipped back a little early, as there was still more than half a day before the open class. Shang Yinhe, who had already prepared the lesson plan and was bored, started chatting with his assistant for this course - of course his old partner Mu Shiming, who was also from the space department.

They started talking about the war on the front line in Africa (Shang Yinhe said: "With me in charge, of course everything will go well, anyway, just push them one by one"), and ended up talking about Yongliang Extraordinary Academy, which has been in school for a week.

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