People praised his methods behind his back, lamented his youth, and said that he was worthy of being a hero born from a young age.

"Although this guy is young, his skills are really powerful!"

"A master of strategy and a genius in large-scale command."

"There are indeed geniuses in the world. Now I finally understand what it means to be gifted by nature and what it means to be born with knowledge."

After that, Shang Yinhe simply formed an elite bayonet team for those evolved animals and plants that had evolved to a certain extent.

He led the team himself and killed three of the most powerful thorn-headed creatures in one day. The huge strength and quick efficiency almost shocked everyone speechless.

After that, the bayonet team without Shang Yinhe's leadership also achieved very good results. They targeted and eliminated those evolved animals and plants that might cause trouble to the army, clearing a major obstacle in this battle.

On one side is the bayonet squad's single-handed killing of elite animals and plants;

On one side is the upright suppression of ordinary animals and plants by the armies of various countries.

With a two-pronged approach, the originally seemingly complicated situation became clearer in an instant.

When everything has become a settled rule, leaders are idle.

What Shang Yinhe has to do now is to make some detailed adjustments according to the war situation and host the video conference of the coalition forces from various countries every night, that's all.

That's why he had free time to do things and think about things that were more important to the entire world.

"This progress is a little faster than I expected," Shang Yinhe casually flipped through the battle report summary - which was the information compiled by his adjutant according to his requirements - and commented, "Maybe we can meet at the end of the month. The end of this African eradication campaign.”

"Will it be over by the end of this month? I originally estimated that it would be at least until the end of next month." His adjutant blinked, a little surprised. "So, by the end of this month, this damn third world will be over." The war is finally over?"

Shang Yinhe was stunned for a moment and did not answer.

——The end of this war is the end of everything?

——No, the end of this war actually means that something more is about to begin.

Refugees returning from the Middle East and Africa, the Ax Gang of Santantria, extraordinary mutual aid societies all over the world, the privileged class that has lagged behind in the times, the number of extraordinary beings that have begun to increase dramatically...

All these things come together, the rain is about to come and the wind is everywhere.

Chapter 238 Harmony’s Symphony

"Zhenzhen, why did you choose to be a student at Yongliang Chaoren Academy?" One night, Zhang Zhenzhen's roommate asked Zhang Zhenzhen curiously, "Aren't you a soldier who fought on the front lines of the Third World War? I heard that you You can directly choose to be a teacher."

"Being a teacher is not as easy as being a student," Zhang Zhenzhen smiled and touched Hai Dongqing on her shoulder. "Being a teacher is so tiring. You have to prepare lesson plans and deal with students. There is not much time for self-improvement."

"In comparison, being a student is much easier," Hai Dongqing rubbed Zhang Zhenzhen's cheek in turn, showing intimacy in the interaction between one person and one person. "All I have to think about is studying and improving myself. It couldn't be simpler. .”

"That's true," her roommate stared at Hai Dongqing on Zhang Zhenzhen's shoulder with envy, "and you, the first batch of applicants who took the white exam, basically have a good future, so you don't need to worry too much. "

Speaking of which, her roommate couldn't help but secretly asked: "By the way, Zhenzhen, have you already joined the China Extraordinary Affairs Bureau?"

"I'm still in the inspection period," Zhang Zhenzhen answered honestly, "but my mother has already entered the Bureau of Extraordinary Affairs and started working."

"It's great." Her roommate was even more envious. "Now the threshold for the Supernormal Affairs Bureau of China is higher and it is more difficult to get into... I hope I can successfully enter and work after graduation."

"Why do you have to keep an eye on the China Extraordinary Affairs Bureau?" Zhang Zhenzhen asked curiously, "Don't you have a job?"

Her roommate had graduated from college three years ago. Before entering the Extraordinary Academy, she was a relatively successful young white-collar worker. This time she took a long leave from her employer to study at the academy.

"I used to have a job, but..." Her roommate obviously hesitated before saying hesitantly, "We are all extraordinary people now, do we still do those ordinary white-collar jobs...?"

Zhang Zhenzhen was stunned by this question.

Before passing the first white exam, she was preparing for the postgraduate entrance exam, and her mother was in semi-retirement, so neither of them had to think about this issue.

But for those ordinary people who originally lived an ordinary life and did ordinary jobs, after seeing a wider world and experiencing a more exciting life, they are really willing to go back and endure those ordinary, ordinary things. A boring, normal life?

"I'm a little unwilling to do ordinary work," her roommate said with a slight complaint, "but if we don't do ordinary work, it seems that there are not many good places where we can use our extraordinary abilities... That is, the Bureau of Extraordinary Affairs is the best direction.”

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