Zhang Zhenzhen instantly thought of many things through these words: "Most extraordinary people will have such troubles, right?"

"Yeah," her roommate said, "When we got together recently, we often discussed this issue, and everyone was confused."

"gather together?"

"Yes, do you want to join us?" Her roommate introduced, "This is a small, informal club where everyone helps each other, shares their problems, and promotes the development of extraordinary abilities. I just joined not long ago. , I already like it there.”

"Sounds very interesting." Zhang Zhenzhen's eyes lit up.

"It's very interesting," her roommate laughed, "I was also introduced to it - this club does not recruit people openly, they are all recruited through people. It is a kind of friends and relatives club."

"Wow." Zhang Zhenzhen became even more interested.

"Our slogan is," Seeing Zhang Zhenzhen's interest, her roommate became happy, and she introduced enthusiastically, "'As long as you are a transcendent, we are half brothers!'"

"This slogan seems very familiar..." Something seemed to flash in Zhang Zhenzhen's mind. She seemed, seemed, maybe, to have heard her mother say something similar recently.

"It's just a joke," the roommate waved his hand and said with a smile, "This meme was very popular on the Internet before, didn't you know?"

"Really?" Zhang Zhenzhen scratched her head and couldn't remember what that burst of light was.

She gave up thinking and asked her roommate out of curiosity: "So, can I join this club?"

"Of course!" her roommate said with a smile, "We welcome all extraordinary people, we are all brothers and sisters."


"Brothers, sisters!"

While Zhang Zhenzhen was having a conversation with her roommate, in the Bald Eagle Federation across the sea, the term "brothers and sisters" was also being mentioned.

However, unlike the secretive private discussions in China, here on the other side of the sea, the conversation was public and public - it was a large-scale speech.

This is the playground of the Federal Extraordinary Academy. This large playground, which can accommodate thousands of people, is now packed with students in school uniforms and people from the outside world. They are of different ages and identities. The only thing they have in common is their common identity of being extraordinary.

And a handsome young man was standing on the rostrum in the playground of the Federal Extraordinary Academy, holding a big loudspeaker and roaring to the people gathered in the audience:

"Brothers, sisters!"

"We are being treated unfairly!"

“As extraordinary beings, we obviously have more outstanding abilities and we should have a brighter future—yet, we are treated as aliens and beware, but we are discriminated against by society!”

The young speaker on the stage waved his hands enthusiastically:

"We made a huge contribution in the Third World War. We fought at the forefront of the battlefield, risking our lives to fight against those ferocious evolved animals and plants, and to protect the ordinary people in the rear."

"But what did we gain?"

"What we gain is a narrower future - many extraordinary people who were recruited by the state police directly lost their original jobs, but could not find a suitable job at all afterwards."

The speaker on the stage pointed to the people in the audience one by one:

"Uncle Winter lost his right hand in the Third World War, but he only received a meager pension from the government and was completely unable to protect his life for the rest of his life;"

"Student Slater lost his job because he responded to the country's call. But now, he can't find a suitable job at all. Some units even directly stated that they would not accept extraordinary people, and some units implicitly stated this during the interview. Discriminating against extraordinary people;”

"And Vincent, Jerry, David... This is the dilemma that most of us are facing and will face soon!"

The young speaker withdrew his hand and held the speaker with both hands:

"What we gain is society's vigilance - whether you are taking a train, a plane, or a boat, all means of transportation list extraordinary people as key targets for surveillance, and there are even some areas that directly indicate that extraordinary people are not allowed to enter! "

“‘Extraordinary people are not allowed to enter’!”

"The whole society regards us as aliens, and the whole society is rejecting us!"

The speaker on the stage raised his right hand high, and there was a black bracelet on his right hand.

"Look at the surveillance bracelets on your hands!"

He roared: "Everything about you, including your extraordinary abilities, physical conditions, behavioral records, even whether you have a cold and where you have been today, are all under government surveillance!"

This monitoring bracelet is said to have been originally invented in China, and then quickly became popular all over the world.

In most countries, extraordinary people are forced to wear this kind of monitoring bracelet and upload their ability data, physical condition and other data to the Internet in real time.

Compared with the mediocre reaction of extraordinary people in China to this black bracelet, in some countries, this kind of surveillance bracelet has aroused a lot of disgust. The vast majority of extraordinary beings have no favorable impression of this kind of forcibly worn bracelet.

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