Speaking of which, even in China, there are many extraordinary people who are disgusted with wearing bracelets, let alone the Bald Eagle Federation, which pays more attention to personal privacy.

The black bracelet is like a dazzling symbol, strongly distinguishing extraordinary people from ordinary people.

Under the noon sun, the young speaker with his right hand raised high seemed to be emitting a dazzling light. He shouted loudly:

"Brothers and sisters! Is this a life with no right to privacy something we should bear?"

He raised his voice and answered himself: "No, it shouldn't be!"

He was so excited that his voice broke.

Inspired by this excitement, the crowd in the audience shouted loudly: "No! It shouldn't be!"

The young speaker on the stage raised his right hand with the surveillance bracelet high, and used his extraordinary ability to destroy it directly in front of everyone.

The burning flame surrounded his arm, and almost instantly, it turned the monitoring bracelet into a blackened ring, and finally turned into ashes and disappeared with the wind.

That bracelet that symbolized confinement and surveillance, that bracelet that contained a lot of technological content, actually seemed so fragile in the face of extraordinary abilities.

Then, the flames in the palm soared into the sky.

From a distance, the young speaker holding up his flaming right hand looks like the Statue of Liberty standing on the coastline, holding high the torch symbolizing freedom.

"Brothers, sisters!"

"There is no right that can be won without struggle!"

The young speaker loudly shouted:

"We want democracy, we want equality, we want freedom!"

"Nation, equality, freedom!"

The crowd in the audience roared in agreement.

All kinds of extraordinary abilities burst out one after another at that moment, destroying the surveillance bracelets originally worn on people's hands.

Some used wind blades to cut it into pieces, some broke it with bare hands, some used ice picks to freeze it, and some extraordinary people whose abilities were not destructive chose to pick it off directly and smash it violently. Fell to the ground.

Suddenly, the crisp sounds of destruction sounded one after another, and they actually merged into a harmonious symphony.

"Freedom!" the young speaker shouted at the top of his lungs.

"Freedom!" The crowd in the audience echoed with all their strength.

The sound of shouting spread in circles, starting to spread outward from the Bald Eagle Federal Extraordinary Academy...


Chapter 239 528 Incident

Just like icebergs on the sea level. Only a small head was exposed. Don't go deep into the water to see the whole thing. You won't understand. Iceberg, grand.

This speech, which took place at the Federal Extraordinary Academy, eventually turned into a massive parade.

Under the leadership of the organizer, students of all ages wearing the uniforms of the Extraordinary Academy, as well as Extraordinaries who were also listening to the speech, and members of the Extraordinary Mutual Aid Association, waved flags, shouted slogans, and planned to circle around Take a long walk around New York City.

At this time, not many people paid attention to the parade, and not many people could predict the subsequent development.

After all, it all seemed pretty normal at first.

When has there been no parade in the Federation? The crowds and themes of the parade are also filled with all kinds of strange content. It's just that this time the parade changed from themes of homosexuality, racial discrimination, employment, etc., to the theme of extraordinary people's rights, that's all.

And in this march, the demands of the extraordinary people are also in line with universal values. The so-called democracy, equality, and freedom, from the slogans, sound quite in line with the values ​​of modern people.

The federal citizens who were used to seeing parades didn't take it seriously at all.

Even the organizers of these speeches, parades and other activities did not think of doing anything overly exciting at first.

At this moment, the power of the country still seems so indestructible. People recognize the existence of the country, and people recognize the arrangements of the country. However, the power of extraordinary beings, which is still very weak, must only seek its own rights and interests reasonably and legally within the structure and rules of the country.

Accidents happen when everything seems normal.

When people are in a group, it is extremely easy to be infected by the fanatical and unconscious atmosphere. The previous speeches made people excited and the slogans they shouted made people crazy. But this huge parade can easily give people in it the illusion of expansion.

Historically, conflicts between demonstrators and the police and citizens often occurred. If those in conflict were allowed to face the police alone, they would definitely be rational and cautious. But if those who were involved in the conflict were exposed to a fanatical atmosphere and then faced the police and the people, their courage seemed to increase.

This is why many demonstrations with fierce demands are always difficult to avoid conflicts. After all, the more fierce the demands, the more fanatical the atmosphere, and the easier it is for the marchers to lose their minds.

However, those marchers who had conflicts in history were basically bare-handed, and there were almost no people holding guns. In other words, if you hold a gun while marching, do you want to cause trouble? Do you want to cause trouble, or do you want to cause trouble?

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