Official Immortal

Vol 5 Chapter 4:

The concierge of the dormitory in Hengshan District is a distant relative of the Deputy Minister of the District Committee’s Propaganda and Education Department. It hasn’t been long since he’s been here, but he can nag, and the old man smiles very kindly. It is said that Chen Taizhong can’t complain about such people. , But he really can’t control his anger: This is the early morning of the first day of the new year, will you die if you don’t find something for me?

But he doesn't care about it: the dormitory of the Science and Technology Commission, a single tube building, is on fire!

He was awakened by the phone when he was sleeping soundly at two o’clock in the morning. In fact, he does not require much sleep, and he is generally not easily annoyed. However, except today, Wu Yan and Zhong Yunqiu have both returned to their hometown for New Year’s Eve. I also said that I can sleep well, so when I answer the phone, I will inevitably feel a little bit of getting out of bed. However, after listening to the content of the phone, that bit of getting out of bed instantly turned into the anger of Tian Tian, ​​and now the fire is out of control. No, the fire truck can't get in yet!

In the single dormitory buildings of the Science and Technology Commission, many people live there, in a small single room, one family, but it is undeniable that there are indeed single employees living in it. It is New Year’s Eve now, most of them The single employees all ran back to their parents’ house for the New Year, and the family also returned to their hometown for the New Year. In the busy tube building in the past, nearly half of the rooms were empty. The fire started in a certain empty room. Analysis, it should be, the glass in that room was blown by firecrackers, only scattered confetti flew in and landed on the bed. The cannons were set off on New Year’s Eve, and there was a lot of excitement. Then there were fewer and fewer people. Everyone went to rest. The second day of Bi Jing was the first day of the Lunar New Year. The fire in this room was supposed to be smoldering on the bed until it became an open flame at about 1:40, but at that time, the entire Phoenix City was afraid. Few people are still firing the cannons, but to the ground, no one is in this room, so the fire is getting bigger and bigger. After the flames short-circuit the wires, the tragedy finally takes place. Within an instant, all the rooms on the third floor of the tube building Sparks started, and the tragedy that followed, there is no need to talk about it. The tube building was originally in disrepair for a long time, and the aging wires were exposed everywhere. In addition, the people who lived inside piled up the clutter in a short time. Inside, the fire became uncontrollable. Of course, someone must have caught fire at this time, so he immediately called the fire alarm. The fire truck on holidays is very competent and rushed over with the fastest speed. However, it is very regrettable. The problem is that there are too many illegal buildings near the tube tower. This is normal. The Science and Technology Commission was too poor in the past, so it built a small number of facade houses to collect rent. Some people randomly found bricks, cement and asbestos tiles. He built a small house and lived in when he was connected to the electricity. There is no need for water and water. If you need to go to the tube building to solve the problem, it all stems from the word "poor", which everyone can understand, but Unfortunately, these messy buildings block the fire exits—the so-called fire exits. As the name suggests, they are passages for fire trucks to drive in. Is it such a coincidence that things happen in the world? In my conscience, there are indeed, and there are not many of them. Maybe the firefighters have to take charge of this small building, a private hotel or something, and the fines are justified, but they can also emphasize the importance of fire escapes. necessary,

However, this is the place of the public, and it is also the poorest of the Science and Technology Commission. Even if someone murmured at the unit with the Ding Dang chaos, and screamed for the poor with a bitter face, and resolutely refused to dismantle it, it would be a mess, so the fire engine was here, but it was here. The water gun pressure of the car was not enough, and the fire extinguishing work was carried out stumblingly. When Chen Taizhong arrived, the fire started to reduce and rescue things, but no matter how you rescued it, the property loss can be imagined. In this winter, Chen Taizhong will see Looking at the trembling staff and family members of the Science and Technology Commission, don’t mention this trouble in my heart, just take a look at the surrounding area except Li Jian, the other leaders have not arrived yet, so I can’t talk about responsibilities for a while, "Director Li, Open the two meeting rooms of the office building first, and don't let everyone freeze." Wen Hai and Qiu Zhaohui also arrived while they were talking. Xi Manli, Liang Zhigang and Sun Xiaojin came a little later. Teng Jianhua and Qu Zhijian never showed up Director Yiteng to return to Jinwu's hometown. Director Qu took his wife and children to Hainan for a trip. "What should I do next?" Seeing that the fire was gradually contained, Liang Zhigang looked sideways at Chen Taizhong. He ignored Wen Hai, who was not far from him, without any borders. There was no way. The matter this time was too big and under heavy pressure. It’s easy for everyone to forget who the head of the unit is. However, direct government officials have no boundaries to find the actual person in charge. Fire prevention and theft prevention during the Spring Festival has always been the focus of government work. Winter weather is dry and windy. It is easy to cause a fire and cause serious personnel and property losses. Moreover, if there is a big fire, the leaders must be concerned and questioned. Who doesn't want to spend the New Year easily?

"How do I know?" Chen Taizhong spread his hands with a wry smile, "I'm not familiar with this kind of thing, I haven't encountered it."

Seeing what you are saying, it seems like someone encounters this awkward incident every day, Wen Hai heard a cough, "Who should be on duty tonight? I remember...Teng Jianhua, right?"

"Teng Jianhua changed with me," Qiu Chaohui said calmly, saying that the watch you have arranged is too bad. Teng Jianhua spends three days in Jinwu every Spring Festival. Last year, he was a place ( Section) Chief, it’s the New Year’s 30 class. This year, at any rate, nine leaders can be arranged. As a result, Director Teng’s New Year’s 30 class again, "So today is your class?" Wen Hai asked calmly. Who wants Qiu Zhaohui not to buy his account at all, "I stayed at the work unit until 12:30. It was a stomach problem. I checked when I left, and Lao Jiang can testify to me... Besides, this is the dormitory area. Is it my responsibility?"

"Okay, stop arguing." Chen Taizhong waved his hand and interrupted the two of them, saying that he didn't blame Qiu Chaohui at all that it was fake, but Wen Hai put on the head of the chief in front of everyone. Let him be displeased, "Now is not the time to pursue the responsibility, let's settle our employees first," he said while turning his head to look at Xi Manli, "The director, you are in charge of the labor union, this, you have to do this. Worry more, Director Li and Secretary Sun will help you, how about "If you have any requirements, please one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one One by one, one by one, one by one, "Come on business," the old Li Jian was in charge of the service company and office affairs, and the cooperation was justified. Sun Xiaojin is the disciplinary inspection secretary, and he must check the cause of the fire. Summarizing the experience and teachings, "I have no objection, it's just a person, where you can celebrate the New Year", Xi Manli is so happy, but everyone knows that she is divorced, "The problem is that you have to pay for them. "Got it to me.

Chen Taizhong looked around and pointed at Qiu Zhaohui with his hand, "Lao Qiu, this money is out of your mouth. Now that you have changed shifts with Teng Jianhua, you should take responsibility to ensure that you meet everyone's requirements." "So many illegal buildings are basically caused by historical reasons," Director Qiu muttered dissatisfiedly. In fact, since he hit him, his anger has not been small, even after thinking about it. Feng did not leave until 2:30 in the morning, and rushed over at 2:30, no one would feel comfortable in my heart. I changed shifts with other people in the first year and 30th year. I can't do good people these days?

Of course, complaints are complaints, and things that should be done are still to be done. In fact, he also knows very well that this is called spending money to buy peace. Director Chen wants him to pay, which means that things should be controlled within a certain range. His statement is also very resolute, "Money is easy to say, but the account has been sealed, and now I can only put out 20,000 to 30,000, who can lend me a little? After the long vacation is over, I will pay it back... I will call the IOU"

"Let’s go to Heli Auto Parts City to borrow some when it’s dawn," Chen Taizhong answered immediately. Of course, he wouldn’t be so young that he would pay for the auction. "If Mr. Ma has any problems, let him call me." Then put them in New Oriental first, "Xi Manli is also a woman who dared to be the master at a critical time. "Tomorrow morning I will go to buy clothes and bedding and other daily necessities. It's the New Year... Don't let everyone be frozen and hungry. The New Oriental Hotel is not far from the Science and Technology Commission. The hotels in Huxi are not too high grade, but fortunately they are newly built. At present, there are only a few households with more than 30 people affected by the disaster, which means that a dozen rooms are enough. .

"But the TV and the refrigerator are also burning," while the victim murmured softly, "Director Chen, this money..."

"Natural disasters, what can I do about this?" Chen Taizhong snorted, and said to his heart that if you hadn't made the wiring messy when you stole electricity before, would you like to burn it like this? Thinking of this, he recognized Qiu Chaohui’s self-defense for a while, and it was true that it was caused by historical reasons, and he made his own mind. Of course, if you think so, Director Chen is not willing to weaken his reputation as "loving the people as children". At the moment, the key is to calm the situation and say, "Well, when the spring starts, find a name in the individual and subsidize you appropriately." There are still people talking, and then Sun Xiaojin quits, "Director Chen is good to talk, you guys too Can’t it? You still live alone and enjoy individual benefits. What about those who live outside the unit? Not only are there no benefits, it is impossible to be supervised by such a fire. You have to speak a little conscience?"

Although this is reasonable, it is a bit harsh to say it at the scene of the fire, but the secretary is not only a leader, but also a participant in the reform, so no one dared to reply, but someone secretly murmured: Humph, what kind of discipline inspection The secretary is basically the dog raised by Director Chen. What else can he do besides fawning on the leader?

Chapter 1484 took the opportunity to make trouble, but Qiu Zhaohui strongly agreed with Sun Xiaojin’s rules, and also said something Chen Taizhong didn’t want to say, "Secretary Sun said it’s true, the fire is burning like this. No responsibility? Don’t say you didn’t wake up in time. What is going on with the messy lines in the corridor, you don’t know in your heart?”

Of course, in everyone’s opinion, Director Qiu is eager to dismiss this, or he still wants to drag Wen Hai in to accompany him. However, in the presence of so many leaders, no one dares to speak out, and the Chen family is secretly pleased. As a result, his pressure was relieved a lot, and the wicked person was done by someone else, and he still "loved the people like a child". So at about 3:30 in the morning, the emergency plan was finalized. Chen Taizhong took advantage of everyone's attention and gently Pat Sun Xiaojin on the shoulder, "Secretary Sun is really piercing, and he hits the point when he speaks."

"This is too loyal, you are too easy to talk, and they are used to their problems." Sun Xiaojin replied in a low voice, with a sneer at the corners of his mouth. "No matter you suffer a big loss, you just need to work hard at the Science and Technology Commission and you won't be able to make it. ?"

"A year ago, the Science and Technology Commission’s replacement index rose to as high as 20,000. There is still a price but no market... Even if you don’t pay them a penny, they don’t dare to mess around. Who doesn’t want this, you can just talk about the job. When we paid for the welfare, we didn’t see them too much money.” This statement was so true that even Chen Taizhong felt it was too much when he heard it. However, he could not deny the existence of guest rules because of his personal feelings. In fact, besides, the other secretary’s point is to make him get away better. He can’t express any objections to this. The buddy really lacks the way of thinking of the previous person, without their anecdotes about treating the subordinates as nothing. Stone hearted! Chen Taizhong analyzes his mentality very seriously. I used to regard people who are inferior to me as ants. Nowadays, the world has increased, but my heart is softened. I shouldn't. Of course, no matter how much Chen Taizhong thinks, there is one He cannot ignore the facts. Secretary Sun’s defense of his mentality is really a lesson from the sun and the moon. The most important point in the officialdom is that the position determines everything. People are on his side. Of course he is very clear about how to express his attitude. Now that the camp is clear, you must not stretch out your hand indiscriminately to hurt the same trench, so he smiled and nodded, "It is necessary to show that it is necessary to make Secretary Sun a villain, haha.

"There is always someone to be a wicked person," Sun Xiaojin looked at him and smiled meaningfully. "When I came to the Science and Technology Commission, I planned to be a wicked person. This is still too loyal to your request. You say no. ?"

Everyone was busy until four o'clock in the morning. Xi Manli had knocked on the door of the New Oriental Hotel. When she booked the room, she didn't have enough money. She reported the name of the Science and Technology Commission to sign the bill. Knowing that the current science and technology committee is booming, but I still dare not call the shots, and I hurriedly contacted my own leadership. This chaos is really needless to mention. "However, all this is just the beginning. When it's dawn, although it is New Year's Day Some people still go to work. In the afternoon in the building, Phoenix Daily and Phoenix TV received news from the fire department that the Science and Technology Commission was on fire. They rushed in and wanted to make a visit. The receptionist must be Li Jian. Director Li handled the matter. , It’s a familiar road, one is worth five per person

lll "An old heart of the Union City shopping card, "The fire is not big, the dormitory is on fire, and it is not the office area. The leaders of Kou Dian are more careful, and it appears immediately, and there is nothing worth reporting." reporters looked from a distance Looking at the darkened tube building and the broken glass, they exchanged glances with each other. If the fire is still small, how can it be big?

But everyone knows the current market situation of the Science and Technology Commission. Not to mention that it is not once or twice to take red envelopes from here. It is not easy to provoke that the building is too loyal, and the reception is good. It is really impossible to say this. , However, everyone is here, just being coaxed away by a sentence, doesn’t it seem appropriate? Several reporters hesitated for a while, and finally it was the chief of the TV station. "Director Li, we want to make a special topic on fire prevention and theft during the Spring Festival, and there is no other meaning... Let’s not make the film. Tell us about the loss, will it succeed?"

"Oh, this is an individual employee, let's not disclose it privately." Li Jian smiled, and the harmless expression of humans and animals made people feel very kind, "If the office building catches fire...Bah. Look at my mouth, It’s not very convenient to explain to you anyway." "Actually, Director Li, you can think so." The reporter of Subo Daily persuaded him, but it’s hard to say what the purpose was. "This kind of dangerous house has been in disrepair for a long time and there are too many hidden dangers. We Can I appeal to you in the media?"

That’s right, but the leadership of the Science and Technology Commission held an on-site meeting to unify the understanding. This cover must be covered. Although it is a dormitory building, it is always not good to spread out. The positive image of the Science and Technology Commission cannot be destroyed. Therefore, Li Although the director always had a smile on his face and spoke tactfully, he resolutely refused to answer the request of the respondent. To be honest, this kind of reception task is suitable for Li Jian to do. Now it is inevitable for other leaders of the Science and Technology Committee. A bit of leadership or a touch of arrogance, those few did not insist on what they were doing when they saw the attitude of others, they turned around with the card in their pockets, and when they came to the door, the hostess of the TV station whispered. In one sentence, "This, Director Li is a bit too sensitive? The dormitory building is on fire, and no single person is involved. "Hehe, that's the case for the cadres of the agency." The daily newspaper's expression was unpleasant. The words are also a bit confusing, "If this kind of thing is made up of, it will inevitably involve the hats on their heads and the seats under their buttocks. So if they are courageous, they are courageous. When they are timid, they are courageous. Small as a mouse, "This guy has a demeanor of the world. He takes the money in person and arranges other people's problems. But it's not that he has opinions on Li Jian or the Science and Technology Commission. Many reporters have this problem, especially the big ones. You have to run the material on the first day of the Lunar New Year, and the material is not very cooperative, and who will not be convinced by it, right?

"Isn't it?" The hostess was a little surprised. She didn't know too little about officialdom, but most of them were superficial and could not accept what her peers said, "Isn't the Science and Technology Commission very strong now? And... …Chen Taizhong is still sitting here, isn’t it?"

"It's just that they are so prosperous, should they be low-key", the one who looks at the problem is more comprehensive, and deliberately literally cleans up the host who is still a beautiful woman in front of him. "They are jealous, not an individual." This is really not the case. I was wrong. On the afternoon of the second day of the second day, when Chen Taizhong went to Zhang Yao's home for New Year's greetings, Secretary Zhang mentioned the matter. He went to Duan Weihua's house for dinner at noon on the third day. Mayor Duan also asked, "I heard that your Science and Technology Commission was on fire? Do not?"

Chen Taizhong was surprised when he heard it, "Serious is not serious, at least there were no casualties, but "Why do you all know?" The fire is really not too big, ""Does for the people belong to the Ministry of Education?" "Duan Weihua smiled and raised his chin at his younger brother. "He helped to press down on the media, or at least it should be reported on TV, "You are too loyal and you disrespect for the people?"

"That's that." Chen Taizhong hurriedly offered Duan a cup for the people. Minister Duan shook his head with a smile after he finished drinking in the cup. "Who else knows what you said?"

Chen Taizhong hesitated for a moment, and then smiled bitterly, "It's chapter, I always think things that are not big, how can they spread so quickly?"

Duan Weihua was grinning and picking up vegetables. Hearing this, the chopsticks in his hand were slightly stagnant, and he glanced at him again. After a daze, he continued his hand movements. In the fourth grade, Chen Taizhong was taking turns and sitting in the office. Well, Teng Jianhua opened the door and came in, "Director Chen, I want to explain to you"..."Come back? Sit down", Chen Taizhong raised his hand to close the "Minesweeping" game on the computer, and waved his hand with a smile. "There is nothing to explain. You are on duty for two consecutive New Year's Eve. This shift is a problem. Besides, when will you go home if you don't go home during the New Year?"

"But I heard that I am going to be punished?" Teng Jianhua sat down This doesn't make sense, I changed with Lao Qiu, and...Is the dormitory that caught the fire? "

"Punishing you, who said this?" Chen Taizhong's brows frowned, and he felt that something was wrong. "Why didn't I hear it? No, "Doesn't it mean the city?" "

"I don’t want me to say it," Director Teng is true, and he refused directly. "It’s not the meaning of the city, it seems to be the meaning of Director Wen. It’s said that Mayor Qiao also agreed... Being punished, ""Playing the piano indiscriminately", Chen Taizhong snorted, think about it, think about it, Wen Hai probably doesn't have the courage. I plan to punish people without going through? Finding death is not the way to find death, so he did not take these words to heart, but Teng Jianhua refused to confess the source, which made him quite unhappy, but when he thinks about being driven to the left and right by Tai Lian, It was also bitterly clenched and not letting go, and my heart began to balance a little, "Lao Teng, you are thinking about it. When I met Mayor Qiao yesterday, I didn't hear him say that Lao Teng is the same for you, one on the left, "It seems, another "It’s said, yes, it’s also a deputy. Don’t believe these chaotic things. "However, the development of things went beyond Chen Taizhong’s expectations. On the first day of the sixth day of the sixth day of work, everyone was still celebrating each other's old age with joy, Wen Hai I found him mysteriously, "Too loyal, the influence of this fire is quite bad. Mayor Qiao meant that he wanted Lao Qiu and Lao Teng to write a review.

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