Official Immortal

Vol 5 Chapter 6:

Chen Taizhong was quite dissatisfied with Wen Hai’s suggestion, but the importance of the so-called pre-conference ventilation is here. Even if he is no longer satisfied, he has to wait for the other party to give an explanation, and then make a decision, "Impossible? Is it Qiao Shi? Didn’t he know that only the dormitory was burned, and there were no casualties?"

In fact, what he wanted to ask was "Why Qiao Xiaoshu only told you but didn't tell me?" However, although he is not afraid to ask directly in front of Wenhai, if he really wants to do so, it seems that he is a little bit level. Not enough, so I changed my question.

"He all knows." When Director Wen heard this, he was quite suspicious of what he meant by doing bad things, and he was busy defending himself. To investigate Qiu Zhaohui's responsibility, Teng Jianhua must be added."

This statement couldn’t be more obvious, Director Chen, I’m wrong with Mr. Wen and Mr. Qiu, but I don’t have any grudges with Director Teng. This is really not my idea. Offend one more person-I am sick. ?

Qiao Xiaoshu, are you... trying to find it uncomfortable? Chen Taizhong's eyes stared when he heard it, but the next moment his brows wrinkled again. No, this matter will not be that simple. There are articles in it.

He just expressed his dissatisfaction with Qiao Xiaoshu by beating on the provincial construction company a year ago. Even if Mayor Qiao does not live or die, it is impossible for him to look for abuse. "Mayor Joe didn't say why he must be held accountable?"

"I asked too, he won't tell me," Wen Hai explained. At this point, I couldn't help complaining bitterly. Do you think I am you, dare you to hold Mayor Qiao and keep asking? I asked sideways. If people don't explain, I don't have the guts to ask again.

"This is strange," Chen Taizhong frowned. He thought about it. He always felt that the matter was a bit weird, but he couldn't tell what was wrong. "Mayor Qiao said anything?"

"He said..." Director Wen hesitated and finally sighed. "He said, if you really don't understand this suggestion, you can go to him and ask."

It was very difficult to spread this sentence. Wen Hai wanted to say it a long time ago, but he was afraid. Chen Taizhong thought that he was blinded by Qiao Xiaoshu's power, so he could only wait for the other party to ask him before answering—the director was right. Director Chen’s fear is really not a day’s cold.

Sure enough, there was an article, and the young deputy director heard it right away. Qiao Xiaoshu was not afraid that I would find him, which means that this guy has cards to play, and it is not aimless.

"Then I'll make a call. Just ask." Chen Taizhong took out his mobile phone and began to dial. You, whose surname is Qiao, took out the test paper. I must have the courage to make a fuss, but when dialing, he suddenly felt a little bit It's not right. Why didn't this guy talk to me at the beginning, but to Wenhai? Who has the final say in the Science and Technology Commission, how could he not know?

However, when he thought of this, the "shoot" button had already been pressed. Chen was not a repentant person, and now in front of Wen Hai, he could only wait for the call to be connected.

The phone was connected without ringing twice. Mayor Qiao took the call from the secretary and exchanged unsatisfactory greetings before repliing, "Your Science and Technology Commission’s fire... Secretary Yaodong takes it seriously. I can’t tell you for a while, so let’s go, Xiao Chen, in the afternoon you come to the municipal government and the mansion, let’s meet and talk."

Take Zhang Yaodong to scare me? After hanging up the phone, a sneer appeared at the corner of Chen Taizhong's mouth. Do you think I didn't worship Zhang Yaodong for the New Year? When I saw me at that time, Secretary Zhang didn't say who must be held accountable.

Anyway, things in this world have always been about being serious. If Chen wanted to ask for an explanation, he would definitely not give up halfway. So when he went to work in the afternoon, he came to the municipal and government offices.

At the beginning of the Chinese New Year, Mayor Qiao Xiaoshu was very busy. It was not fake but really busy. Chen Taizhong waited for more than an hour and made two calls before urging Mayor Qiao back. As soon as Qiao Xiaoshu appeared, he said to him. "Xiao Chen, wait a minute, their business is simple."

Looking at the four or five masters who were waiting for the leader to meet him, Xiao Chen couldn't help smiling secretly.

After half an hour, it was finally his turn. After entering the door, Qiao Xiaoshu first asked about the resettlement of the disaster-stricken employees, and then got a rough idea of ​​the loss.

Chen Taizhong is not afraid to talk about these situations, nor does he want to hide it from the other party. If Mayor Qiao really wants to understand the situation of the Science and Technology Commission, there are many ways, so it is not necessary to cover the cover of the deputy mayor in charge, but there is nothing to let himself. Be passive.

"One hundred twenty thousand?" Qiao Xiaoshu pondered for a moment, and then asked again, "What you said does not include the personal property losses of the employees and their families?"

"This can't be counted on the unit's head, right?" Chen Taizhong replied frankly. First Zhang Zhihui and then Sun Xiaojin thought that he was too easy to talk. Then, he had to work hard to become "difficult to talk". "One of them The employee named Song Renzhe bought a new computer and home theater, and got insurance. The insurance company will settle the claim."

This case sounds like nothing to do with what he said about the disaster, but in fact, he has already shown that this is the employee’s private property, and other employees are not insured, and it has nothing to do with the unit—if it is public property, they too Don't have the right to get insurance by yourself?

"That's what I said, but isn't that building a fixed asset of the Science and Technology Commission?" Mayor Qiao didn't know what was going on today. It seemed that he had to be true. "The public house where ordinary people live hurts people. The Housing Authority is also going to lose money."

"There were no casualties, and we will find some suitable reasons and make appropriate compensation to them," Chen Taizhong replied lightly, but he was already slightly annoyed in his heart. The situation I mentioned is not the same as the example you gave. It's the same thing, "It's just a little loss of property, and we are already actively dealing with it."

"Secretary Yaodong attaches great importance to this matter," Qiao Xiaoshu hesitated, and finally sighed and laughed bitterly. "He stated that fire prevention and theft prevention during the Spring Festival is the focus of the year, and there is a major disaster now, so we must consider investigating the main leaders. Your responsibility is too loyal. Anyway, it’s none of your business. I want Qiu Zhaohui and Teng Jianhua to write an inspection and I’m also protecting them, don’t you know?"

"Account for the responsibility of... the main leaders?" Chen Taizhong frowned when he heard them. Both of them were government and government staff, veteran hands on words. He heard something bad from these words, "It is not the responsibility of the relevant leaders. ?"

"Yes, it seems that you also understand," Qiao Xiaoshu nodded calmly, "What Secretary Zhang meant, I haven't told Wen Hai yet, but I guess he has already guessed a little."

Wen Hai is going to be unlucky? Chen Taizhong's eyes turned straight when he heard it, my buddy... Is he able to move again? Hey, this 21-year-old is on the right track and has no academic qualifications yet-well, the burden is very heavy and the pressure is very heavy.

Wait a minute, something is wrong. He asked himself to calm down as much as possible, pondering for a moment, and couldn't help muttering in a low voice, "Strange, I didn't hear him say that when he paid the New Year greetings to Secretary Zhang."

How could he tell you? Qiao Xiaoshu sneered in his heart. In fact, by observing the corners of the other's eyes and eyebrows, he had guessed what the young deputy director was thinking about. It is no wonder that a seat appeared-who hasn't been motivated yet?

But obviously, Xiao Chen is talking about dreams. Could you please wake up. The deputy office that you mentioned only this time last year, you want to be right this year, is there any mistake?

In this way, things are obvious. If Zhang Yaodong wants to replace Wen Hai, if the candidate is not Chen Taizhong, he will never say hello to Xiao Chen in advance. Chen's ability to toss around is well-known. If I want to do something, I definitely don't want to see any changes.

Of course, whether to change or not to change that is two different things, but Qiao Xiaoshu vaguely guessed that since Zhang Yaodong made a fuss about this kind of big or small thing, there must be a purpose behind it, and the Science and Technology Commission is now booming. The secretary wants to control the Science and Technology Commission more conveniently, and it is normal for another confidant to be the leader of the Science and Technology Commission.

Speaking of which, there is still no one behind Wenhai. Although the Science and Technology Committee has Chen Taizhong as a solid master, but the servant and Xiao Chen still can’t deal with each other. At the beginning, the two fights. Now Xiaowen is well-behaved. Because I can't offend this person, not that the relationship between the two is so good that others are afraid of it.

All in all, Zhang Yaodong expressed serious concern about the fire in the Science and Technology Commission, and certainly not without reason. In this case, Qiao Xiaoshu can only try to punish two deputy directors in exchange for quality, and see if he can keep it. Wen Hai.

The relationship between Mayor Qiao and Director Wen is okay, but it's not so good that the person will die. It's just that the two cooperate well in work now, and Wen Hai's weakness is exactly what the deputy mayor in charge welcomes. To change Zhang Yaodong’s confidant, let’s not talk about the interference in the well-organized work division, but just say that Mayor Qiao will have a lot of headaches thinking about this person’s background.

"Secretary Zhang won't tell you, there must be some reason not to tell you," Qiao Xiaoshu smiled and shook his head in the face of Chen Taizhong's softly muttering, "Would you like to go back and ask Secretary Zhang?"

"Mayor Qiao, you said that must be the case. What am I asking?" Chen Taizhong replied with a smile. The reaction was quite satisfactory, but he had already made up his mind. Secretary Bai must help implement this news. However, what you meant by Secretary Zhang just now... didn't you want to hold the responsible leader accountable?"

Chapter 1486: The Chicken and the Duck Talk

Hearing Chen Taizhong's question, Qiao Xiaoshu glanced at him with weird eyes, as if he was wondering about his IQ, "Since the responsible leader is to be held accountable, can the person in charge still run away?"

"It's only possible to pursue the responsible person alone. There is absolutely no possibility to only pursue the leader. Too loyal, you have been in the third class anyway, don't you even know this?"

"But... if you want to investigate, it's enough to investigate Qiu Zhaohui." In this case, Chen Taizhong can't hold back. Mayor Qiao has pulled out the banner of Secretary Zhang. Before the specific situation is clear, he is really There is no reason to save Qiu Zhaohui.

So he can only retreat for the time being, and save one and count as one, "This has nothing to do with Teng Jianhua? Mayor Qiao, you may not know that Director Teng is in the second New Year’s 30 class this year... …There is a problem with this class."

"He can respond if he has opinions. Changing shifts in private is always not a good reason," Qiao Xiaoshu sneered. "Isn't there such a sentence, "I am a brick of the revolution, where I need to move." Everyone does what they want. Should the organization work be carried out?"

If you sing a high profile with me again, be careful that I turn your face, Chen Taizhong's face sinks before he can talk. Who wants Mayor Qiao to change his conversation, "If there are more deputies, the pressure on Wen Hai will be easier?"

"I think it's good to punish Wen Hai. He arranges the wrong shift first," Chen Taizhong snorted coldly. "If Teng Jianhua deserves punishment, he deserves more punishment."

"Let’s do it, too loyal, I’ll just ask you one sentence, I know that Wen Hai is not pleasing to your eyes," Qiao Xiaoshu listened to his stubborn opinion, and didn’t simply make any hints. "Do you think this leader of the Science and Technology Commission is Wen Hai keeps doing it better, or is it better to call a stranger from outside to do better?"

"Stranger?" Chen Taizhong was stunned. Why was it a stranger?

Do you really think you can do it? Qiao Xiaoshu snorted disdainfully, but there was a kind smile on his face, "The dormitory building is on fire, and Secretary Zhang has to hold the responsible leader responsible. Too loyal, don't you think...this is interesting?"

Ok? Chen Taizhong was stunned when he heard it. His brains had been spent on speculating about Qiao Xiaoshu's mind. After hearing this sentence, he could not remember it. Dare you really think Zhang Yaodong is going to take the sea?

Aha, this possibility is indeed a little bit. If his head didn’t get into the horns, it would still turn very fast, so he understood in an instant: Wenhai is about to move, and it’s not me who improves. Zhang Yaodong won't tell me--maybe he's still watching me.

It is precisely because of this that Secretary Zhang expressed concern about the fire when I went to pay New Year’s greetings in the second year of the junior high school but didn’t say anything else. This is also a blow to me. Beware and beware. The wind must blow , Otherwise, once I know it, I will definitely feel unhappy. When people do this, they are implying the meaning. Whether I can understand it or not is my question.

Knowing this, other causes and effects, there is no need to think about it. Zhang Yaodong wanted to move Wen Hai, and Qiao Xiaoshu wanted to protect him but had no guts. He simply punished two people more and spread the responsibilities, which relieved Wen Hai’s pressure.

"Ahem," Mayor Joe's cough finally caused someone to wake up from contemplation, followed by a long sigh, "Oh, if this is the case, I have nothing to say... as you say, I should give it to him What is the punishment for the two?"

"I haven't figured this out yet. Let's review it at this year's work mobilization meeting of the Science and Technology Commission." Qiao Xiaoshu saw that the boy's hair was a little smoother, and he didn't want to push him too much. "Maybe Secretary Zhang will attend the meeting. , See what he means."

"Then I will also express my opinion. For their punishment, what I can accept... is at most verbal warnings," Chen Taizhong said with a frown. "To get this out, I have to report to the higher-level organization-for example, the Provincial Branch No matter what the Provincial Science and Technology Commission, I will go to the Ministry of Science and Technology."

After he knew it was Zhang Yaodong’s intention, he couldn’t fight it, but he couldn’t tolerate others making a fuss about this matter. In fact, Wen Hai didn’t bother to care about whether he was alive or dead, but since Secretary Zhang expressed his importance, he also Can't help but give face to the secretary of the municipal party committee.

Of course, he finally surrendered Wen Hai, and it was inevitable that he would have to fight for a new director. It was really meaningless, but this little concern did not allow him to sit and watch Qiu Zhaohui and Teng Jianhua receive party discipline or say Administrative sanctions and verbal warnings are nothing.

According to conscience, this fire is not only a big or small thing, but most of the time it should belong to the scope of "small". Zhang Yaodong would use this to trick Wenhai away. It is enough. If he dares to give those two deputy positions again-even if it is He would never agree to a "warning punishment" or something like one of them.

If you do that, you undoubtedly want to show to other agencies and departments that the Science and Technology Commission can be deceived. The Science and Technology Commission is my site for Chen. Whose face do you count?

So Chen Taizhong is not afraid to express his position. Of course, everyone knows that the boss of Mongolia is his backer, but this time he does not plan to use the boss of Mongolia. The relationship between the Provincial Science and Technology Commission has been straightened out, and Guan Zhengshi’s leadership is a foregone conclusion. Besides, the Ministry of Science and Technology Don’t you still have Kim Sang-sil and Anguk? Phoenix wants to give typical eye drops to the Ministry of Science and Technology. I am afraid that these two people will not feel comfortable, right?

"You shouldn't tell me these things," Qiao Xiaoshu didn't have any temper at his tough remarks. He could only smile bitterly. Who wanted him to be unable to suppress this unruly fellow? Renbi is really angry, "Do you think I would like to see people from the Science and Technology Commission be punished? After all, this is what I am in charge of."

I know that you are reluctant to have the tacit understanding and sleazy you reached with Wen Hai. Chen Taizhong snorted inwardly, but Mayor Qiao’s explanation is quite in place: You don’t like being slapped in the face. Do I like it?

"Then I will go back and blow a blow with them, Mayor Xiaoshu, do you have any other instructions?" Chen Taizhong took out his phone to check the time. Yes, the two talked for 20 minutes, no wonder he was in the last row. It.

"No, these are actually past things. Focus on the future and don't be caught by this little thing," Qiao Xiaoshu gave him an encouraging smile.

However, as soon as he went out, Mayor Qiao’s face sank, followed by a long sigh, and muttered softly in his mouth, "Well, this guy would rather protect the two deputy posts than Wenhai. Tsk, it’s really amazing. headache."

Chen Taizhong did not say that he did not protect Wenhai, but Qiao Xiaoshu heard what he said clearly, and for a moment he was a little bit big again: in case Zhang Yaodong sends an incongruous guy to the main post, Ke It's going to be lively again now.

That night, it was Chen Taizhong’s turn to rest in the Hengshan dormitory area. Of course, he had to tell Wu Yan about the situation, and he didn’t forget to sigh. "You said that your boss doesn’t know what mentality it is. Is it safer?"

"This is a good thing, because the text is not right for you," Secretary Wu of course wants to help his boss. "You should look at it this way. Since Secretary Yaodong may transfer people from outside systems, the next step will definitely be Increase support for the Science and Technology Commission, don't you like watching the Science and Technology Commission grow in your hands?"

"The problem is that the Science and Technology Commission is pretty good now, right?" Chen Taizhong sneered at her statement, "Zhang Yaodong did this, didn't he want to use the science and technology commission to get some people to gild? To pick peaches?"

"But you have to consider..." Having said that, Secretary Wu paused and took a look at the study room. The light there was still on, so I couldn't say to lower his voice. "Meng Yi is going to leave. After he leaves, Secretary Zhang will still Will you support you and the Science and Technology Commission in this way?"

"You're right, then I shouldn't ask someone with a master's name to be the boss, right?" Chen Taizhong snorted and gritted his teeth. "Hmph, whoever dares to come to the Science and Technology Commission, I will make him vomit blood. "

"Tsk," Wu Yan sighed, and finally fell silent. The little man in front of him was really too strong and overbearing. If you continue to argue, you may have to fight, "Forget it, let's not talk about this..."

However, due to this theory with Secretary Bai, Chen Taizhong has strengthened his confidence: do not protect Wenhai, but must protect Qiu Zhaohui and Teng Jianhua, from now on, buddies will want to win people's hearts!

Early the next morning, Chen Taizhong came to the Science and Technology Committee. After the "reconciliation meeting", he grabbed Qiu Zhaohui, who was about to leave, and said, "Lao Qiu, let me tell you something..."

"Huh, do you want me to write about the inspection?" Director Qiu's news is also very well-informed. Of course, he will definitely not be in a good mood for such rumors. "If you think I should write, then I will write. , But Wen Hai and I will have a break sooner or later!"

Dare to love, Qiu Zhaohui believes that this is Wen Hai taking the opportunity to attack his prestige, which shows that there are too many inexplicable things in this world.

I have gradually been unable to talk to these people! Suddenly, Chen Taizhong felt a little sad, but at the same time he was not at all complacent: the circle of communication and vision were different, and the realm was different.

Of course, he wouldn’t explain so much to Qiu For some people, knowing too much is not a good thing. However, Lao Qiu is really hardened. I can't get used to the problem, I have to beat this guy.

So, his face sank, and he said coldly, "Don't say so much, Lao Qiu, I will only tell you one thing, if you can trust me, you will write this check, and you won't suffer. You can't believe me...then it's up to you."

"Why can't I believe you?" Qiu Zhaohui sighed. He has a bad temper, but he can only recognize Xiao Chen, who has a temper hundreds of times worse than himself. "But...Teng Jianhua doesn't need to write a check. Right?"

"You guys are loyal." Chen Taizhong heard that he was still willing to help Director Teng speak in this situation, and his mood improved for a while, so he smiled and shook his head, "He must also write."

Seeing Director Qiu’s face getting darker, his mood finally improved. He laughed loudly and laughed for a long time. He couldn’t help but lower his voice to reveal a little, “Don’t worry, I will not let you be People use it to make a fuss, Wenhai’s troubles are much greater than you two. Now you two have to correct your attitude first, understand?"

Qiu Zhaohui was stunned at that moment, and it took him a long time to look at him, "So, you are in the next big game?"

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