Official Immortal

Vol 5 Chapter 1493: -4

The first thousand four hundred and ninety-three chapters of reception

When the car arrived in Subo, it was just after four o’clock in the afternoon. Chen Taizhong and Zhang Yaodong asked for leave. They first called the Provincial Investment Company and made an appointment to go to work tomorrow. Then there are visitors from all over the world. Nest in Phoenix, some favors should indeed move a bit.

His first visit must be the Water Resources Department. There are not only his personal acquaintances, but also small hydropower cooperation projects. Unfortunately, he came at an untimely time. Director Zhang Guojun reported to the deputy governor Sha Pengcheng. The deputy secretary Wang Haobo was there.

"Being a secretary in this bureau is indeed relatively leisurely," Chen Taizhong opened his mouth when he saw him in the office, joking, "Secretary Wang, do you regret not arguing for the deputy director?"

"What regrets?" Wang Haobo replied with a smile, "How much appetite I have to eat, how much food I have now, you are also a coincidence, I just came back at noon today, go to check the rural network reconstruction project."

"Wang Ting, you go down, I guess you will be in charge of the reception of the deputy mayor, right?" Chen Taizhong is not very familiar with this reception level. When he wants to come, a deputy of the city must have a corresponding level of leadership to receive the reception. The director of the Water Resources Bureau receives , The level is a bit low.

"The mayor will take care of the retreat. If it is pragmatic, no one wants to bear the responsibility?" Wang Haobo seemed to be a bit sad, "Furthermore, the relationship between Zhenglin Water Resources Bureau and the mayor in charge is not very ironic. ..."

Through Wang Haobo’s explanation, Chen Taizhong knows what the reception is. Generally speaking, it is based on the principle of the same level. It is said that when the deputy hall goes down, it should be the deputy mayor’s reception. Of course, it depends on whether the deputy hall is. People in power-if it's an assistant office like an assistant inspector, you can't complain without the mayor in charge.

Of course, if you are really an assistant inspector, you will basically be a retreat. The general deputy mayor will probably also give face to face-people messing around in the officialdom, this promotion is mutual, multiple There is one more way for friends, one less enemy and one wall. Who dares to say that they are assistant inspectors for a lifetime?

These are all from the perspective of the public and the rules. However, what really determines the reception level is often the situation that Secretary Wang said: the issue of local face size and distance.

As a director, the deputy office above will come to inspect and get the person in charge. The mayor will prove that he has face and the city attaches great importance to it. If he cannot be invited, it will prove that the person is very common in the local area. The deputy mayor is unwilling to give face.

However, if the deputy mayor does not give face, it will occasionally lead to some situations. For example, at the moment, Wang Haobo grunted grimly, "Since he has a disagreement with the work of the Water Conservancy Bureau, he is working on the forestry and rural network reconstruction project. Money, just wait for a while and then call it, our Water Resources Department will not print money, there is always a time when the money is loose and the money is tight, is it easy for me to go down in the Great New Year? ?"

Of course, they are in charge. The mayor does not sell Secretary Wang’s face, he must have his own ideas. Chen Taizhong thought of one of them, "Will Zhang Guojun agree?" Maybe they can rely on the boss of the Water Resources Department, so it is natural not to kill Secretary Wang. .

"I am in charge of the supervision of the rural power network transformation project. At this point, Director Zhang is still quite supportive of me," Wang Haobo had thought of this earlier. "If he supports me, how can this work be carried out?"

As an official, you can’t be powerless for a day. Chen Taizhong understands this, and Secretary Wang seems to want to be true, but this mentality is normal after thinking about it. The deputy secretary in the bureau does not sound like that. Secretary Wang's sensitive string was struck.

However, if he should be persuaded, he still has to persuade, "There is also a problem of measure? If the mayor in charge is in a hurry and forcing the director of the Water Resources Bureau to ask for money, isn't he wrong?"

"Don't worry, I have a sense of measure," Wang Haobo glanced at him strangely, then explained with a smile, "I can be considered a supporter of the water conservancy system, Lao Liu thanked me for not having time..."

Dare to say that there is also a saying in this. It is normal for the mayor in charge to not give face to the director, but the deputy office really has to care about it. It is also troublesome. According to this example, Director Liu of the Water Resources Bureau can not wait for the funding, so he can only go to the deputy mayor in charge.

If the deputy mayor ordered him to run the money, it is appropriate to get down. That is the skill of the director of water conservancy. You see that your mayor doesn't have to pay for it. I want to get down.

It is conceivable that the money in the hall will not be given too much. This is not to embarrass Director Liu, but to put eye drops on the deputy mayor. Humph, let’s go to a deputy hall, and you don’t even show up— Not appropriate?

However, if the deputy mayor comes to the hall to run money by himself, you can imagine what is waiting for him. You can't see the person who sent it to the door. Now he rushes over. What do you think you are not guilty of?

From a certain point of view, Wang Haobo's caressing approach can also be regarded as maintaining the prestige of the Water Conservancy Department-people's faults are all used to them, and we are not used to their faults! So, this can be regarded as an act for the local water conservancy bureau. Does it mean that a dog is better than others in the provincial government? That's what it means.

Everything is afraid of the word "serious". Secretary Wang must be serious. That is the matter. If he is not serious, it does not matter. Strictly speaking, he is not embarrassed. The last time he went to Phoenix, he did not see Wang Rong, the deputy mayor in charge. , But it was understandable that Mayor Wang met in the province.

In fact, Wang Haobo was able to take this opportunity to do it because of two indispensable reasons. One is that his relationship with Zhang Guojun is acceptable, and Director Zhang will not interfere with his prestige in the hall.

The second one is that the transformation of rural power is no better than party-mass construction or administrative functions. It is a costly project. Not only does it cost money, it also costs a lot of money. For this kind of thing, you deputy mayor. Missing means an improper attitude. Isn't it normal that the project has been slightly affected?

Wang Haobo knows that Chen Taizhong is young. Although he is not small at the moment, he has experienced too little after all. There are many twists and turns in the circle without knowing it. It is necessary to slowly explain the key points. Of course, this is the two of them. The relationship is there, and Secretary Wang is not so boring when it is changed to others.

"Sure enough, there are no trivial matters in officialdom. The leaders are so particular about receiving them," Chen Taizhong heard with emotion. In fact, he has a better understanding of the relevant rules, but he did not systematically and put himself in the consideration of this matter, and now Wang Haobo With a pointer, he suddenly became clear, "However, if Zhenglin City finds Sha Pengcheng, the Water Resources Department will not be able to handle it, right?"

"If I can't handle this, I won't carry it. There are other projects. If they don't believe me, they will all go to Governor Sha, or Zhang Guojun doesn't need to be the director of the department. Governor Sha will have no boundaries and authority. "Wang Haobo smiled disapprovingly, "I know you are worried about me, but it's okay. They want to admit their mistakes and there are many workarounds... Okay, let's not talk about this, let's eat together?"

"It's okay to eat, but I'm here with Secretary Zhang this time," Chen Taizhong smiled bitterly. "It's the one that comes on call. In case there is a greeting halfway through the meal, don't blame me for picking up."

"Put the picks and puffs, this kind of thing is common," Wang Haobo wouldn't care about this. Who hasn't encountered such a thing at the dinner table? What he cares about is something else, "You can do it too loyally, walking so close to Zhang Yaodong, tusk, it's really promising."

There are also particular things to accompany guests at dinner. Chen Taizhong thought about how many days he would have to stay in Subo this time, but he was not anxious to invite others. He called Han Zhong to accompany him, and Gao Yunfeng.

Han Zhong’s news was not so well-informed. At the beginning of the banquet, he actually asked Chen Taizhong, "Taizhong, I heard the fifth child tell me, did you pinch Lin Haichao?"

Ten of Han Tian’s news came from the iron hand. It is normal for Han Zhong to know it, and Gao Yunfeng also became energetic when he heard it, "Lin Haichao, isn't that our Tiannanfu?"

Therefore, Chen Taizhong explained the process one or two. Of course, what he said must be an abridged version. You can't tell the things that are planted, but the other party has to say things that are too deceitful, "...Fortunately, they are actually true. There are contraband..."

Those three were dumbfounded, and Gao Yunfeng sighed for a long time, "Too loyal to your life, it's really colorful, tut, it's so interesting, but that drug... is a bit exaggerated, you must have an insider, right? ?"

"Is there any insider, I won't tell you," Chen Taizhong smiled and shook his head, saying that this is a good excuse. Well, I will use this excuse to fool people in the future. Could anyone force me to name the insider? Even if you say... can't I push it on the "missing" dog face?

Wang Haobo was secretly surprised when he heard it, and he hesitated before saying, "Too loyal, there are people behind Lin Haichao, there are people in the province and in the central government, and you should be careful when you go to Zhangzhou in the future."

"Hehe, what's so terrible?" Han Zhong chased his mouth unconvincedly. He was not as good as Lin Haichao if he was compared with money, but with other factors, he didn't bother him in his heart. People, most of them also have a scent of grassy dragons and snakes, "He just closed the door in Zhangzhou and called the king. In Subo, he will let me see?"

In short, the three were quite surprised by the confrontation between Chen Taizhong and Lin Haichao. Of course, since the incident was born in Phoenix, no one was surprised by the result, so everyone casually talked about the exhibition history of the Haichao Group in recent years.

In Tiannan, Lin Haichao is also considered a legendary figure, everyone here knows a little, and since the identities of a few people are not very ambiguous, speaking of this person, the truth is better than anecdotes.

The first thousand and four hundred and ninety-four chapters

The money Lin Haichao started with was not the right way. It seemed to be earned through gambling. Later, he bought a small mine, and then bought three mines partly through bank loans and partly through forcible arbitration, and gradually developed.

His luck was very good. He caught up with the explosion of the coal industry in the early 1990s, and his wealth quickly accumulated to tens of millions, making him one of the few rich people in Tiannan Province.

Among those who started their business in the same period, Lin Haichao was able to persist until the end and became a rich man in Tiannan Province. There was an experience worth mentioning. It was when his career reached a certain stage, Zhangzhou’s small coal mines had successive accidents. Either a gas explosion or a water seepage collapsed, and the mine bosses were bitten with blood by the greedy officials.

Lin Haichao pondered it and found an irregular rule, that is, the upper limit of safe production in small coal mines is five years, so according to his own analysis, he gradually sold the four coal mines under his name and changed it. Coal preparation and coking.

He was able to sell his coal mine resolutely at the peak of the coal industry based on the silly laws, and he had to say that he had a bit of courage and a frustrated taste in it.

Although he sold coal mines very expensively, and related equipment and mining equipment were also sold at high prices, some people quietly laughed at him behind them, saying that Lin was too timid and sold the coal at such a good price. There is really no foresight—— Isn't it just a few people who died, you Lin Haichao can't afford to pay that point?

According to his conscience, Lin Haichao can really afford to lose that little money. The money the officials squeezed from him must be less than the profit of coal, but he can't afford to pay for the troubles. He has already seen what happened to his colleagues.

Let’s not talk about the big leaders. Those who are small section chiefs and section members dare to make up their minds, and go to the mine where the accident happened every other way. It’s common to eat and pick up cards. The key is to have the mine owner to accompany you. To consume-if you don't accompany you, you won't give me face and look down on me!

If you look down on me, I will order you to stop production, stop you for ten to twenty days a month, toss you day and night, and I still don't believe you are not afraid.

In the early stages of reform and opening up, during the transition from a planned economy to a market economy, this kind of chaos was too common. Although it was slightly regulated later, it was not an exaggeration at the time.

Lin Haichao doesn't like trouble. I think someone in Lin is also the owner of tens of thousands of accounts every day. How can there be so much idle time to play with your little ass? I can't dig coal and I can do something else.

However, what happened in the world was just such a coincidence. Not long after he sold four mines, three mines had accidents one after another, and seven people died.

The most amazing thing is the fourth mine. Ten months after his shot, 37 lives disappeared. Although Zhangzhou reported to the province that two people were dead, who didn’t think of the locals. clear?

Lin Haichao is a lucky person. This is the evaluation of the locals. However, with the decline in the coal market and the fall in prices, everyone has discovered that the surname Lin sold mines and sold the price to the highest point, and then think of it soon After the four mines one after another caused trouble to the mine owner, everyone had to admire-what is the skill? This is the skill.

The coal is not good, but the coke is acceptable. Lin Haichao is one step ahead. It was originally the coal preparation plant that bought coal in cash with the coal mine. Now it’s fine. Since it is on credit, it is better to give credit to outsiders. Mr. Lin, everyone is from his own hometown. Mr. Lin has lost a lot of money from selling mines a while ago. He is trustworthy!

After coal preparation, it is coking. Although the investment in fixed assets of this coking plant is not low, if you really want to build the plant, the bulk of it is still in working capital—the coke is not booming.

Because of the money in hand and everyone’s approval, the bank chased the rise but not the fall. Lin Haichao easily survived the funding difficulties, and his strong financing ability led him to dare to make bold moves when selling. Regarding the credit of others.

For this reason, he suffered a small loss, but at the same time he also attached to a leader of the capital, the son wanted to make money, but he had no funds on hand, and at the same time, he did not want to raise funds for the sake of the old man’s voice, but On the contrary, he still looks down on small transactions, and thinks that it is troublesome one by one-who can credit me with 20,000 tons of first-class coke?

Coke production is also pyramid-shaped. Small soil coke factories are everywhere, and there are fewer and fewer upper-grade coke. Low-grade coke is the most difficult to sell. First-grade coke is not only expensive, but also not worrying about sales. If it is special-grade coke, there are people Come rushing to ask for it.

Twenty thousand tons is not a small amount, and it is also a first-class coke, nearly ten million yuan, who is holding the credit to him? But Lin Haichao dared. He possessed all the advantages of the group of people who got rich since the reform and opening up-bold, careful, black-handed and daring to make a desperate move.

He spotted the forces behind this person, and said to his heart that your family’s foundation is impossible to swallow my coke and would not accept it. The big deal is that I will recover the money at the cost price and lose millions of profits, which is considered to be clear. A person is not a loss.

Who thinks that his temper is right on the other side's temper? That person is trying to save trouble. Come on, the profit of this Haichao coke factory is 60% of me. In the future, I will help introduce customers to your sales. .

I have to say that this person's appetite is a little bit bigger, but dry stocks will account for 60% of the profits, but now it is a buyer's market, people dare to say that, this is giving Lin Haichao a way to survive and a way of healthy development.

Of course, the lion opens its mouth wide above, and there are ways to deal with it below. If you make some tricks on the account, add one more cost, Lin Haichao is not a loss, especially this young man is delicate and expensive, not only the dirty air pollution in Zhangzhou It's serious, and I don't want people to know that he is tricking this stuff, so it is rare to come to Zhangzhou once or twice a year-anyway, it's just for stocks.

Ya actually sent an accountant in Zhangzhou. The accountant is his middle school classmate. It’s okay to say something reliable, but you can’t say professional quality. I don’t even know what to do, how can I look at other people’s accounts? Ledger?

The accountant also complained that Zhangzhou was dirty, so he stayed in Subo for a long time, and occasionally went to a "microservice private visit", more often in Subo or Beijing, waiting for the other party to report. After a long time, he was unexpectedly caught by Lin. The tide has pulled into the water.

Conscience said that this is not a betrayal. Just by introducing the relationship and occasionally dunning the debts, the son's annual income is close to 10 million, should he be content?

Later, Renjia felt that Lin Haichao was a good person, and greeted him from the bank's credit port. From this point of view, Haichao Group is a well-known enterprise, and more loans are not a big deal, right?

After going back and forth like this, Lin Haichao got up. After he got up, he met more people in Zhangzhou's realm. Taking advantage of the poor coal market, he bought a few big mines, and the safety production standards were also improved. The group's several mines are not afraid of people looking at it casually. The province's random inspections in Zhangzhou are all must-sees in private mines-he is the best, so this has become more and more popular.

What needs to be emphasized is that the son’s stock is only in the coke business, but he has no interest in mines or anything. Coal is not very prosperous these years, and it’s dangerous. It’s boring if he can’t make much money to provoke him*, he just introduced Some younger brothers cooperated with him, but the appetite of the younger brothers is much worse than that of the older brother.

When Lin Haichao took the railway transportation of Zhangzhou coal in his hands, he was finally out of control. The entire Zhangzhou no longer could pose a substantial threat to him. The secretary of the Zhangzhou Municipal Party Committee is his buddy. The mayor's son followed his daughter-in-law in a partnership business.

This guy lives better than me. Chen Taizhong was a little envious, but the more he knew, the more he felt that Lin Haichao had nothing to fear, "That's it?"

"Everyone knows this, and...80% of the trains from Zhangzhou to Shazhou in the neighboring province are bought by Haichao Group. If you don't need it, you can transport it for others," Han Zhong replied.

Yo, this is amazing. Chen Taizhong was taken aback. He wouldn't be surprised if he said that the auto transport, shipping and even air transport Haichao Group is capable of doing business, but the railway is a monopoly, and it can only be opened where the tracks are laid. Trains, and that railway line is state-owned. Even if the large factories and mines have their own railways, they only run from the factory to the station.

As for Lin Haichao's train to make money by railway, it is quite remarkable, and it still leads to the sandbar. It can be seen that the sandbar has also been dealt with by the Haichao Group. This is definitely not something that can be achieved by the railway system alone.

Seeing him looking thoughtful, Wang Haobo added, "You can't underestimate him if you are too loyal. In fact, what you can't see is terrible. No one knows how many people are involved in the interests of Haichao Group."

"Hehe," Chen Taizhong laughed disdainfully, saying that no matter how awesome he was, he had to subdue me obediently. The buddy could clean him once, but he could clean him a second time, but before he could continue talking, the phone rang. .

The caller was Zhang Yaodong, "Xiao Chen, be at the Golden Lotus Hotel, Room 1."

The Golden Lotus is a famous hotel in Subo, and this hotel is eight floors high, but all of them are catering and no other service items. The seventh floor is the office area of ​​the hotel.

It is precisely because of the single nature of the service that there are no police inspections in this hotel. It has become a banner of the Subo restaurant industry. From the morning tea at 5 in the morning to the midnight snack at 4 in the morning, basically It's spinning round the clock.

It was this kind of occasion that was not too eye-catching at the moment, so Secretary Zhang set up the banquet here, and Chen Taizhong stood up with a wry smile, "Everyone, I'm sorry, the leader is calling, this... I can only regret it."

"Taizhong, you are really a crow's mouth," Wang Haobo smiled and said nothing, but when he was leaving, Chen Taizhong heard Gao Yunfeng asking, "Which leader do you talk about Taizhong?"

"We are the big boss of Phoenix City," Chen Taizhong replied, hurriedly leaving, but wondering in his heart, it's half past seven, Zhang Yaodong asked me to eat, what did he mean?

The first thousand and ninety-five chapters were kidnapped again

Zhang Yaodong asked Chen Taizhong to come out for a simple reason. He invited Xu Shaohui and his son to come out for dinner. In this case, only Chen Taizhong was more suitable to accompany him.

Governor Xu has been struggling with affairs recently and told him that he was going to be busy until late, so he should change the time. If there was no such thing as Ning Jianzhong, Secretary Zhang would not dare to make another appointment, but the relationship was getting closer now. Hearing that the other party didn't use the excuse of having a meal to shirk, he said that this shirk was not very firm.

So he persisted for a while, and Xu Shaohui didn't shirk anymore, so everyone set it at this hour, this private room.

It is said that the best private room in Xinhehua is on the eighth floor on the top floor, with a separate elevator to reach it, but Governor Xu thinks it is too obtrusive, so he urges it. It was said that it would be nice to find any floor, and the result was set on the fourth floor.

The Chinese New Year is over, Subo’s street is full of traffic, and now it’s food again. Chen Taizhong drove Santana left and right, and finally arrived at the golden lotus on time. Who thought Zhang Yaodong had arrived first, and he was in the elevator with him. I came face to face.

"A breath of alcohol... halfway through?" Secretary Zhang smiled and nodded at him, his attitude turned out to be rare and affectionate, "Wait a moment to talk to Xiao Xu, remember what I said yesterday."

"Don't worry," Chen Taizhong nodded, with a solemn expression on his face, and a little bit of dissatisfaction driven by his psychology. Even though I am young, I am a deputy at any rate. How can I control my mouth? Isn't it because you are afraid that I will leak your arrangements in advance and cause Xu Shaohui's dissatisfaction?

In fact, he was really wrong. Waiting for Xu Shaohui and his son to arrive one after another. After the wine and food came up and knocked out the waiter, he drank two casually. Secretary Zhang first opened the trump card, "I told Taizhong, he also hoped. Chunliang can go to the Science and Technology Commission to help him, do you think Governor Xu?"

Ok? Is this wrong? With a smile on Chen Taizhong's face, he was taken aback, didn't you plan to mention it again in a while? Why is it so early now that Governor Xu is angry about it?

Xu Shaohui really knows why Zhang Yaodong said that. The other party was committed to this matter. This time it dragged Chen Taizhong over and said that the following work was done. Secondly, he played a favor card: I know your son has a good relationship with Chen Taizhong. .

This is not the first time Xiao Zhang expressed this, but Pin Conscience said that Governor Xu really didn't like this arrangement. He could understand Zhang Yaodong's eagerness to get close to himself, but he really didn't want to arrange his son to Phoenix.

His old Pan could not let his son leave him. But this is not an important matter, his reason has nothing to do with it, he just doesn't want to get too close to Zhang Yaodong.

The topic that opened Zhang Yaodong's Phoenix is ​​very strong, and only said that if the ball kid is placed in Phoenix, he himself will be easily influenced by Zhang Yaodong. This reason makes him have to think carefully.

It is pure nonsense to say that Secretary Zhang dared to make things difficult for Xu Chunliang and threatened Governor Xu. There is no such thing as a prefecture-level city party secretary.

Yes, when he put his child in Fenghuang, the Xu family was worried about each other's variables. There was a sky high and the emperor was far away. He didn't want the child to become bad, and he didn't want his child to be bad, and he didn't want to be passive at work, so he didn't want to agree to it.

In short, the general reason made Xu Shaohui not want his son to go to Phoenix. Although the Phoenix Science and Technology Commission is a typical example-the so-called gilding is the best, but unfortunately it cannot be called absolute insurance.

Zhang Yaodong may not be able to guess all of Xu Shaohui's thoughts, but he can figure out the other party's mood to some extent, but Governor Xu's caution, in the eyes of Secretary Zhang, it is called Shengfen.

Of course, when he made suggestions this time, he was not so casual. He simply brought Chen Taizhong over directly without boundaries. Xu Shaohui knew what he meant. People said that, and the attitude is also honest. If you refuse to say this, it will be a bit chilling to my heart.

In most cases, leaders are unwilling to take the initiative to attack the enthusiasm of subordinates, but Xu Shaohui is also a little unhappy about Zhang Yaodong's entanglement so much. Do you have to say that I can't do well with you?

Of course, this was a bit unspeakable, plus Chen Taizhong was actually there, Governor Xu hesitated at the beginning: Xiao Chen wouldn't be very happy in my rash opposition.

Governor Xu’s reaction was in the midst of Zhang Yaodong’s calculations. He pulled Chen Taizhong to come here for the purpose of bringing such an army into force, which is not very suitable at the moment.

But to be honest, Secretary Zhang is still aggrieved. This is the best place for gilding of the Phoenix Science and Technology Commission. If you want money, you must be famous. Had it not been for the son of Governor Shaohui, I would not have been so on the pole and begging for someone to come down and gild.

Of course, to say that he was completely thinking about Xu Shaohui or Xu Chunliang, that's nonsense. What he was thinking about worrying about Governor Xu is really not bad: Xiao Xu came to the Phoenix Science and Technology Commission, and I communicated with Governor Xu. There are more opportunities, and there are some things that are inconvenient to find Governor Xu, so you can let Xiao Xu speak.

Hearing Xu Shaohui's statement, Zhang Xiaodong was still acceptable to the result, so he smiled and nodded, ‘Well, when the account number is 30. The dormitory building of the Phoenix Science and Technology Commission caught fire after setting off fireworks. Xiao Chen thinks this is an opportunity to rectify some historical issues. ’

Why do I think this is an opportunity? Chen Taizhong was a little bit dumbfounded, even if he was the municipal party committee? I mean that the dormitory building is in disrepair for a long time, and it is planned to be rebuilt. Uh, this, it seems that it really means to rectify the problems left over from history?

These guys, all of them are unambiguous. Chen's impression of Zhang Shuixian is strong before, plus teleport at most. Now he can hear Zhang Shuixian deliberately expressing certain errors through ambiguity. The content, it seems that I calculated that La Xu Chunliang came to the Science and Technology Commission, and I seemed to admire it in my heart. The language art of the leaders is really not covered.

In a word, Zhang Xiaodong’s words like this gave Xu Shaohui a wrong impression, and he was also in front of Mr. Chen without losing his identity as secretary of the municipal party committee: Xiao Chen, you told me to rebuild the dormitory, and Governor Xu should understand it as something else. I can't help it, right?

Xu Shaohui understood it in his ears. Zhang Xiaodong saw that Chen Taizhong’s cards were easy to use, so he added a little weight, and his heart became a little uncomfortable: I said that I should wait, you are here. Are you addicted to forced confession?

He didn't believe that Chen Taizhong would take his son to the Science and Technology Commission with great pains. Does Xiao Chen rely on Mengyi to do such things to please me? To please both ends of this kind of thing, it is too late.

Governor Xu knows very well that the friendship between his son and Xiao Chen is purely because of the **** looking at mung beans! Because of the right eye, Xiao Chen didn't even think about walking in with him, but he made things difficult for the Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission. It's not completely out of the common heart!

Of course, Chen Taizhong later found a bit of work in Fenghuang Fei Chunliang, but it was not only to feel that he fired a shot at Cai Li, but also because the two had similar tempers. If Xiao Chen wants to please himself through Chunliang, I will introduce A few lives can’t be done, how simple is it?

Fortunately, Zhang Xiaodong did this and wanted to get close to me. Xu Shaohui admitted that this was within his tolerance, so he smiled and nodded. I randomly changed the topic, ‘Xiaodong, the report on the development of the Enlarged Tourist Zone by Tongshan is very good. In this regard, I think Phoenix has potential to be tapped in the whole province. ’

"This depends on the support of the Tourism Bureau and the Forestry Department." Zhang Xiaodong laughed as soon as he heard it, "I count on our local support. Funding is a problem. There are so many places to spend money now. ’

He said that he didn't want to buy it, but it was normal. Governor Xu was promoted to secretary immediately. Since you are no longer in charge of the Tourism Bureau, why should I take other vice governors too seriously?

Of course Xu Shaohui also knew that the other party showed loyalty to him through these slightly frivolous words, so he smiled slightly, ‘Director Nie of the Tourism Bureau is still a good person, I’ll say hello to you when I turn back. The country is now making great efforts in infrastructure construction. With the help of this east wind, we can consider upgrading the supporting facilities in the tourist area. ’

Understand, Zhang Xiaodong understands. Director Nie, who dares to be in the tourism bureau of the provinces of Calgary, has also caught up with Governor Xu's line, so Lao Xu didn't forget to say hello when he was about to leave: Don't let the Tongshan tourist area stop halfway.

The first thousand four hundred and ninety-six chapters, a murder caused by a horn

Chen Taizhong felt that this meal was really tasteless, and apart from the fact that the current chapter secretary's language skills were not low, there was nothing else to gain.

Xu Chunliang's honesty was a bit surprising, and he felt that his father and Zhang Xiaodong were ‘adults’, and he actually pulled Chen Taizhong to whisper on the side, artificially lowering the table into two groups.

Chen Taizhong did not have his awareness, Xu Chunliang would think so, probably because he was under the protection of his family since he was a child, and he has been looking up at his father, thinking of himself as a child, but who is Chen? He wants to admit that Zhang Xiaodong and Xu Shaohui are higher than him, but if he says that he is not even qualified to interrupt, then he refuses to agree.

As a result, when Governor Xu and Secretary Zhang spoke softly, Director Chen occasionally interjected a word or two. This situation was immediately revealed by the two leaders.

Zhang Xiaodong felt a little unhappy in his heart. He said that the main hall was talking to the vice-province, and your deputy was talking indiscriminately. The truth is not big or small, but after another thought, he was relieved. Xiao Chen has always been like this. The courage of this boy is not a day or two. Forget it, I don't have general knowledge with him.

Xu Shaohui thought about something else. Seeing Chen Taizhong’s performance, he remembered the good boy next to his own family. He sighed slightly. The child coming out of the greenhouse does not have to be beaten out of the wild like Xiao Chen, Zhang Fa Yes, but it lacks a bit of the spirit that young people should have.

No wonder Chen Taizhong was able to catch up with Mongolian art so quickly, even if Chunliang had a similar opportunity. I'm afraid that there is no such courage. Well-behaved behavior is a necessary quality for mixed officialdom. However, in some cases, it is easier to vote for the leader's favor.

This meal didn't take much time, and the scene was over in about fifty minutes. Zhang Xiaodong walked into the parking lot, and after hesitating, he raised his hand at Chen Taizhong. ‘Let’s take your vacation, go free, haha! ’

What else can I do? After a short period of time, he drank twice. Chen Taizhong murmured, and he drew out his mobile phone and quickly dialed Han Zhong, only to learn that the previous table of wine and he left 15 minutes later and he broke up——! They were all people who came for Director Chen, the subject and the guest were gone, everyone stayed for a period of time, and if they were to maintain each other’s face, they would disappear.

It's not nine o'clock, where should I go for some activities? He wants to contact Wang Qibin, think about it, and forget it. Although he has helped Minister Wang a lot, the age of his family is there. If we contact you so late, it’s a bit of a lack of respect—it doesn’t matter if you don’t have enough respect, but at the same time, it’s not a stable performance?

This time, is it really not suitable to find anyone? Chen Taizhong pondered for a long time and felt that the only thing he could find was Na Pali. After thinking about it, let it go. If the chief wants to take the opportunity to entertain himself in the villa, wouldn't he have to talk about Tang Liping again?

He was hesitating when he heard a horn sound in the back. It was true that his car was blocking other people's lane. People honked the horn to remind him, and the ignition would start in a moment.

It is said that he blocked the way of others, and they should destroy him faster. This is just as it should be. He shouldn't be angry, but the person who honked the horn did a bit too much. To anyone, a long honking horn is particularly rude.

Chen Taizhong came back to his senses. The gear and the refueling clutch were about to be activated. Who would think that the horns at the back were still ringing, and couldn't help being furious for a while, rolling down the car window and roaring, "What's wrong? ’

The car behind was also the same, and the girl who was driving was around 20 years old. She was waiting for the front with an impatient look. Hearing Chen Taizhong cursing, he was also furious. Probe yelled,-what did you say? There is no mother's offspring! ’

To insult your parents, this is really vicious. Chen Taizhong could hear the fire, and turned the key to put it out. I pushed the car door and walked down. It was two steps before the other car. I had to poke my hand to pull the car door. Who wanted to open the back door, a young man pushed the door down, across the car door, and looked up as a slap fan came ,'Who is your kid scolding? ’

How can Chen Taizhong let him hit? As soon as he lifted his knee, he kicked the car door heavily, and the car door bounced back immediately, squeezing the man in the middle, and the painful man yelled ‘Oh’, miserable.

At this time, the woman on the co-pilot also walked down and shouted angrily, ‘Stop, who are you? Why is it so savage? ’

‘Really looking for death,’ Chen Taizhong snorted. He knew the strength of his kick. This man might not have broken his sternum and leg bones after taking such a clip, but he definitely couldn't bear it. He said that since he had taken advantage of it, then forget it, so he turned to his car. Go.

Who thought he hadn't walked two steps, there was a noisy footsteps behind him, a few people rushed over menacingly, turned around and saw, yes, three or four Chinese characters jumped on the Jinbei van behind him. He was still yelling, ‘Asshole, stop for me! ’‘Boy, you are looking for death! ’

The female driver who was driving saw that there were too many people, she opened the door and got out of the car, and shouted, ‘Catch this **** and beat him to death. I will be responsible for the death! ’

court death! Chen Taizhong was really upset this time. Two steps passed, two Chinese characters flew with a bow and two punches. When the girl saw that the momentum was wrong, the cat's waist wanted to get into the car. How could Chen Taizhong let her run? He grabbed her by the collar and pulled the person out, slapped her neck, and slapped her hands.

Damn, who are you scaring? Chen Taizhong snorted coldly. Before the NPC and CPPCC, everyone had their tails caught in their lives. Whose power did you dare to say such crazy words? Saying that he can't raise his hand is another slap in the face. ‘I make your mouth cheap! ’

‘Stop, police! ’A stern shout came from behind, ‘put your hands on top of your head, otherwise I will shoot! ’

You're ready to shoot, Chen Taizhong snorted coldly, and punched the girl in the belly again, "Dare to scold my parents?" I'm so tired and crooked! ’

As a Plague God who often deals with the police, he knows the shooting procedure very well. Before hitting someone, you have to shoot to the sky. You haven't fired the first shot, so why should I be afraid of your second shot?

Of course, if the woman in front of him has a big identity, the police dare to shoot at him directly. He is not afraid, let alone using Xianli, even without Xianli, the general 64 small guns will not be harmful to him, on the contrary, he can take some crimes from the other party, so as to better dress himself as an innocent person. .

Anyway, he gave the other person a punch regardless, and after that, the woman took his punch and immediately turned to the sea and threw up. He had the heart to come to his feet, and he was indeed a little hesitant—the shoes were dirty. What to do?

At this moment, someone shouted again. "Director Chen, a misunderstanding, it is a misunderstanding!-He looked up, but found that Duan Tianya got off another bus and ran over desperately," Stop everyone, stop! ‘

'misunderstanding? Humph. Chen Taizhong snorted heavily and turned to look at the policeman about to shoot. Suddenly it was discovered that although the other party was wearing plain clothes, he was actually an acquaintance—yes, it was really a policeman, police inspector Yang Ming.

"Director Yang?" He couldn't believe his eyes at all. "Are you not the head of the local authority. Dazheng Yue came to Subo to shoot?"

He and Yang Ming have met several times in Beijing, but everyone basically has no friendship at all. He doesn't even know which province and city this person is the director of. The only thing he remembers is that this person seems to be looking for the entertainment industry. people. So that the daughter of the leader can turn her book into a movie.

Director Yang just opened the 64 insurance in his hand. He was stunned when he heard Duan Tianya's shout, and then he heard someone call out his position. He looked at the other person in surprise, frowned, and hesitated to ask,'Ke Director Chen of Commission? ’

For this young deputy director, Yang Ming remembers to be clear. At the very least, the Nangong Mao Mao who bothered him was very polite to Chen Taizhong. Of course, Director Yang asked himself, if he had nothing to ask for Nangong Mao Mao, he could treat this kind of senior. It’s not a fake to help, but Director Chen has a very wide path in the capital, which he must admit,

"Who is this woman? It's really a young tutor." Chen Taizhong snorted, and said to his heart that this is not the daughter of that leader? But, what are they doing to the south of the sky?

‘Uncle Yang, handcuff him. The woman finally straightened up, her body was already vomiting messy, and the vomit was still full of alcohol.

‘ I am not handcuffed. Director Yang explained with a bitter expression, turned his head to look at Chen Taizhong, his face was frosty. ‘I said Director Chen, you’re a big man, what's your name to a little girl? ’

Huh, do you turn your face and deny people? Chen Taizhong was taken aback. A faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, ‘haha, that’s okay, I won’t tell the girl the truth. It's great to call you Chief Yang. Is the gun license in your hand issued by the police department? ’

As the chief of the police of a prefecture-level city, it is normal to have a gun, but this gun license is very particular. Police officers used guns, and the unit that issued the gun certificate was the provincial police department or the police department. Among them, the provincial department issued it, and it was only used in the province at most. Yang Ming brought the gun to Tiannan, which is considered illegal.

Of course Yang Ming knew what the other party was referring to, but he really didn't have the courage to say back-it was issued by the police department.' He could only put the gun in his pocket angrily, and asked coldly,'Your science committee, Are you qualified to supervise the police? ‘

‘Then I will find someone qualified to take care of you. Chen Taizhong snorted coldly, took out the phone and went through the address book. You, whose surname is Yang, are really shameless.

‘Director Chen, Director Chen, calm down and calm down! Duan Tianya hurriedly put his hands together in a row, and then glanced at Yang Ming, ‘Yang Ju gives face, let’s slowly say, OK? ’

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