Official Immortal

Vol 5 Chapter 6:

The first thousand and ninety-five chapters were kidnapped again

Zhang Yaodong asked Chen Taizhong to come out for a simple reason. He invited Xu Shaohui and his son to come out for dinner. In this case, only Chen Taizhong was more suitable to accompany him.

Governor Xu has been struggling with affairs recently and told him that he was going to be busy until late, so he should change the time. If it hadn't been for Ning Jianzhong's stuff, Secretary Zhang would not dare to make another appointment, but the relationship was getting closer now. Hearing that the other party didn't use the excuse of "have a meal" to shirk, he said that this shirk was not very firm.

So he insisted for a while, and Xu Shaohui didn't shirk any more, so everyone decided to stay at this o'clock, this private room.

It is said that the best private room of Golden Lotus is on the eighth floor on the top floor, and there is a direct elevator to it. However, Governor Xu thought it was too obtrusive, so he specifically reminded him that it would be best to find any floor. In the end, it was set on the fourth floor.

The Chinese New Year is over, Subo’s street is full of traffic, and now it’s food again. Chen Taizhong drove Santana left and right, and finally arrived at the golden lotus on time. Who thought Zhang Yaodong had already arrived first, and he was in the elevator with him. There was a face to face.

"A scent of alcohol... halfway through?" Zhang Shuji nodded at him with a smile, his attitude turned out to be rare and affectionate, "Wait a moment to talk to Xiao Xu, remember what I said yesterday."

"Don't worry," Chen Taizhong nodded, with a solemn face, but a slight dissatisfaction in his heart. Although I am young, I'm a deputy at any rate. How can I control my mouth? Isn't it because you are afraid that I will leak your arrangements in advance and cause Xu Shaohui's dissatisfaction?

In fact, he was really wrong, waiting for Xu Chunliang and Xu Shaohui's father and son to arrive one after another. After the wine and food came up to dismiss the waiter, he casually drank two cups, and Secretary Zhang opened his trump card, "I said to Taizhong. Yes, he also hopes that Chunliang can go to the Science and Technology Commission to help him, Governor Xu, do you think?"

Ok? Is this wrong? Chen Taizhong was smiling, but he was taken aback. Didn't you plan to mention it again later? Why did you propose it so early now that Governor Xu is angry about it?

However, Xu Shaohui knew why Zhang Yaodong would say that. The other party's heart made it happen, and this time it dragged Chen Taizhong over. On the one hand, it means that the following work is in place, and on the other hand, it is also playing a favor card: I know you. The son has a good relationship with Chen Taizhong.

This is not the first time Xiao Zhang has expressed this. However, according to his conscience, Governor Xu really doesn’t like this arrangement. He can understand Zhang Yaodong’s eagerness to get close to himself, but he really doesn’t want to arrange for his son. Phoenix goes.

His wife was reluctant. The child left, but it was not a matter of importance. His reason had nothing to do with it. He just didn't want to get too close to Zhang Yaodong.

Leaving aside Zhang Yaodong’s strong topic in Fenghuang, he was more likely to be swayed by Zhang Yaodong if he put the child in Fenghuang. For this reason, he had to consider this matter carefully—yes, there was no relationship between the two. Near this point.

Of course, to say that Secretary Zhang dared to threaten Governor Xu by making things difficult for Xu Chunliang, that is pure nonsense. There is no such silly prefecture-level city party committee secretary, but what does "moisturize things silently"? Everyone knows this.

Yes, when he put his child in Fenghuang, the father of the Xu family was worried about what would happen. There was the emperor far away from the sky. He didn't want the child to be bad, and he didn't want to be passive at work, so he didn't want to agree to it.——Zhang Yaodong If you are a minister based in Subo, then I promise you it doesn't matter.

Isn’t there such a sentence? "No feelings are not necessarily true heroes, how pitiful is not a husband", if innocence can't stand the temptation, not only is it easy to be used by others-for example, there is something ups and downs underneath, but at the same time, he, a dad, will also become passive. There is no doubt about this.

In short, for various reasons, Xu Shaohui does not want his son to go to Phoenix. Although the Phoenix Science and Technology Commission is a typical example in the ministry-the so-called gilding is the best. Unfortunately, it cannot be called absolute insurance. Understand that with a pure temperament, I am afraid it is inappropriate to go the officialdom path.

Zhang Yaodong may not be able to guess all of Xu Shaohui’s thoughts, but he can figure out some fear of the other party. However, Governor Xu is cautious. In the eyes of Secretary Zhang, it is called Shengfen. He deeply knows that if you are simply more sympathetic, you are worse off. It was too much, in the eyes of Governor Xu, it was not as trustworthy as Qin Liancheng, so after being declined, he made this suggestion again.

Of course, this time he made a suggestion, he was not so casual. He simply pulled Chen Taizhong over. Xu Shaohui knew what he meant. This is what people said: Governor Xu, this is the second time I have proposed this. I have suggested, and the attitude is very sincere. If you refuse this way, it will chill my heart a bit.

In most cases, leaders are unwilling to take the initiative to attack the enthusiasm of subordinates. However, Xu Shaohui is also a little unhappy about Zhang Yaodong's entanglement in this matter. Do I have to say "No" to you?

Of course, this was a bit unspeakable, plus Chen Taizhong was actually there, Governor Xu hesitated for a while: Xiao Chen is not only a Mongolian artist, but also one of the few official friends of his son. I rashly opposed it, and Xiao Chen would not be very happy.

"Let’s talk about it after the people’s meeting." He was a little hard to refuse, saying that Zhang Yaodong was really trying to achieve his goal. He actually kidnapped my son and Chen Taizhong. "Xiao Chen and Chunliang have a very good relationship. knew."

Governor Xu’s reaction was in the midst of Zhang Yaodong’s calculations. He brought Chen Taizhong to come here for the purpose of bringing such an army, but the timing was not very right. He didn’t know when he could make an appointment with him, so he ordered Chen Taizhong. , Whoever wants to achieve his goal on the first day of coming to Subo.

But to be honest, Secretary Zhang still feels wronged in his heart. This is the Phoenix Science and Technology Commission, the best place for gilding. If you want money, you must be famous. If it weren't for the son of Governor Shaohui, I wouldn't be like this. Please come down and gild.

Of course, to say that he was completely thinking about Xu Shaohui or Xu Chunliang, that's nonsense. What he was thinking about worrying about Governor Xu is really not bad: Xiao Xu came to the Phoenix Science and Technology Commission, and I communicated with Governor Xu. There are more opportunities, and there are some things that are not convenient to find Governor Xu, so you can let Xiao Xu talk.

Hearing Xu Shaohui’s remarks, Zhang Yaodong was still able to accept the result, so he smiled and nodded, "Well, just on the New Year’s Eve, the dormitory building of the Phoenix Science and Technology Commission caught fire because of fireworks and firecrackers. Xiao Chen felt that this was an opportunity. Take this opportunity to rectify some historical issues."

Hey, why do I think this is an opportunity? Chen Taizhong was a little bit dumbfounded, even the secretary of the municipal party committee, you can't talk nonsense, right? I mean that the dormitory building is in disrepair for a long time, and it is going to be demolished and rebuilt... Uh, this, it seems that it really is... a bit of rectifying problems left over from history?

These guys, all of them are unambiguous. Chen's previous impression of Zhang Shuixian is strong, and at most... Teleport, now he can hear Zhang Shuixian deliberately wrongly expressing through vagueness. Some of the content seems to have been calculated by La Xu Chunliang to come to the Science and Technology Commission, which is both funny and admirable in my heart. The language art of the leaders is really not covered.

In short, Zhang Yaodong's words like this gave Xu Shaohui a wrong impression, but he also kept his identity as the secretary of the municipal party committee in front of Chen: Xiao Chen, you told me to rebuild the dormitory, and Governor Xu should understand it as something else. I can't help it, right?

Xu Shaohui understood it in his ears. Zhang Yaodong, seeing that Chen Taizhong’s card is easy to use, he added a little weight, and his heart became a little more uncomfortable: I said that I have to wait, you Are you addicted to the palace?

He didn't believe that Chen Taizhong would take his son to the Science and Technology Commission with great pains, and Xiao Chen, who relied on Mengyi, would still do such things to please me? To please both ends of this kind of thing, it is too late.

Governor Xu knows very well that the friendship between his son and Xiao Chen is purely because the **** looks at mung beans-because of the eye-to-eye, Xiao Chen didn't even think about approaching him at the beginning, and he was in trouble for the Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission. Completely out of public heart.

Of course, Chen Taizhong later found Chunliang a little bit of work in Phoenix, but that was not only to thank him for firing the first shot at Cai Li, but also because the two had similar tempers. If Xiao Chen wants to please himself through Chunliang, then Introduce a few tasks and it's not over, how simple is it?

Fortunately, Zhang Yaodong still wanted to get close to me by doing this. Xu Shaohui admitted that this kind of remark was within his tolerance, so he smiled and nodded, and changed the subject casually, "Yaodong, Tong Shan did the same thing. The report on the development of the large tourist area is very good. In this regard, I think Phoenix has potential to be tapped...the whole province has potential to tap."

"This depends on the support of the Tourism Bureau and the Forestry Department," Zhang Yaodong laughed as he heard it, "I count on our local support. Funding is a problem. There are really too many places to spend money now."

He said that he didn't want to buy it, but it was normal. Governor Xu was promoted to secretary immediately. Since you are no longer in charge of the Tourism Bureau, why should I take other deputy governors too seriously?

Of course Xu Shaohui knew that the other party was showing loyalty to him through this slightly frivolous remark, so he smiled slightly, "Director Nie of the Tourism Bureau is still a good person. I will say hello to you when I look back. Now the country is doing a lot of infrastructure construction. Taking advantage of this shareholder ethos, we can consider upgrading supporting facilities in tourist areas."

Understand, Zhang Yaodong understands, and dare to feel that this is the line of Governor Nie of the Provincial Tourism Bureau, so when Lao Xu was about to leave, he did not forget to say hello: Don't let the Tongshan tourist area give up halfway.

The first thousand four hundred and ninety-six chapters, a murder caused by a horn

Chen Taizhong felt that the meal was really tasteless, and apart from discovering that Zhang Shuai's language art was not low, there was nothing else to gain.

Xu Chunliang was surprisingly honest, and he felt that his father and Zhang Yaodong were "adults," and he actually caused Chen Taizhong to whisper on the side, artificially dividing the table into two groups.

Chen Taizhong didn't have his awareness, Xu Chunliang would think so, probably because he had been under the protection of his family since he was a child, and he has been looking up at his father, thinking of himself as a child, but who is Chen? It is easier for him to admit that Zhang Yaodong and Xu Shaohui are higher than him, but if he is not even qualified to interrupt, then he refuses to agree.

As a result, when Governor Xu and Secretary Zhang spoke softly, Director Chen occasionally interjected a word or two. This situation was immediately discovered by the two leaders.

Zhang Yaodong felt a little unhappy in his heart. He said that the main hall was talking to the vice-province, and your deputy was talking indiscriminately. It was really not big or small, but after thinking about it, he was relieved. Xiao Chen has always been like this. This courageous servant It's not a day or two, forget it, I don't care about him in general.

Xu Shaohui thought about something else. Seeing Chen Taizhong’s performance, he remembered the good boy next to him, and sighed slightly in his heart. The child coming out of this greenhouse is indeed no better than Xiao Chen’s wrestling in the wild. Zhang Fa is there, but it lacks the spirit that young people should have.

No wonder Chen Taizhong was able to catch up with Mongolian art so quickly. Even if Chunliang had a similar opportunity, he would not have such courage. Well-behaved behavior is a necessary quality for officialdom. However, in some cases, it is easier to lead the leadership. So good.

This meal didn't last long, and it was over in about fifty minutes. Zhang Yaodong walked into the parking lot and after hesitating, he raised his hand at Chen Taizhong and said, "Let's take your vacation and go for free activities, ha ha."

What else can I do? After a short time, I drank twice. Chen Taizhong murmured, and he drew out his mobile phone and dialed Han Zhong quickly, only to learn that the previous table of wine had disappeared 15 minutes after he left—all for Director Chen. The people of, the host and the guest are no longer there, and everyone maintains it for a period of time, and it is dissipated if they maintain each other's face.

It's not nine o'clock, where should I go for some activities? He wants to contact Wang Qibin, think about it, and forget it. Although he has helped Minister Wang a lot, the age of the family is there. If you contact him so late, it would be a little bit inadequate-it doesn’t matter if you don’t have enough respect, but it is also not enough. Isn't it a steady performance?

This time, it is really not suitable to find anyone. Chen Taizhong pondered for a long time and felt that the only thing he could find was Na Pali. After thinking about it, let's forget it, in case the director wants to take the opportunity to stay in the small villa. Don’t you have to talk about Tang Liping or something to entertain yourself?

He was hesitating. He heard a horn blast behind him, but his car was blocking other people's driveway. People honked the horn to remind him, and the ignition started in a moment.

It is said that he blocked the way of others, and people urged him to drive quickly. This is just as it should be. He shouldn't be angry, but the one who honked the horn did a bit too much. Yes, a long honking horn is extremely rude to anyone.

Chen Taizhong came back to his senses. He was about to start the gear and the clutch. Who would think that the horn at the back was still ringing. He couldn't help being furious for a while. He rolled down the car window probe and roared, "What's wrong? "

The car behind was also a Superman. The girl who drove was a girl of about 20 years old. She was looking at the front with an impatient face. When she heard Chen Taizhong cursing someone, she was also furious and cursed, "What did you say? No mother's offspring!"

Insulting his parents, these words were really vicious. Chen Taizhong became irritated. He turned the key and turned it off, pushed the car door and walked down. When he came to the other car in two steps, he had to poke his hand to pull the car door. Thinking about opening the back door of the car, a young man pushed the door down, and across the door, he slapped his hand and slapped him over, "Who do you curse, kid?"

Where is Chen Taizhong willing to let him hit? As soon as he lifted his knees, he kicked the car door heavily, and the car door bounced back immediately, squeezing the man in the middle, and the pain caused the man to yell "Oh", which was very sad.

At this time, the woman in the co-pilot also walked down and shouted angrily, "Stop, who are you? Why are you so savage?"

"It's really looking for death," Chen Taizhong snorted. He knew the strength of his feet. This man might not fracture his sternum and leg bones after taking such a clip, but he would definitely not be able to bear it. That's it, so he turned and walked to his car.

Who thought he hadn't walked two steps, there was a rush of footsteps behind him, a few people rushed over menacingly, and turned around to see, it was three or four guys who jumped from the Jinbei van behind, with their mouths Still yelling, "Asshole, stop for me!" "Boy, you're going to die!"

Seeing that there were too many people, the female driver opened the door and got out of the car, shouting straight, "Catch this **** and beat it to death. I will be responsible for the death!"

court death! Chen Taizhong was really annoyed this time. He jumped over two steps and flew two men with a bow left and right. When the girl saw that the momentum was wrong, the cat's waist wanted to get into the car. How could Chen Taizhong let her run? He grabbed her by the collar and pulled the person out, turning around the collar, raising his hand and slapped her.

Another person rushed over and was kicked away by Chen Taizhong. The girl in front of her reacted. She grabbed his face with her hands and kicked her feet indiscriminately. She gnashed her teeth and cursed, "Bad son, Dare to hit me? You are dead!"

Damn, who are you scaring? Chen Taizhong snorted coldly. Before the two sessions, everyone had their tails in their hands. Whose power did you dare to say such crazy words? Saying that he couldn't raise his hand, he slapped heavily, "I make your mouth cheap!"

"Stop, police!" A stern shout came from behind, "Put your hands on top of your head, otherwise I will shoot!"

You're ready to shoot, Chen Taizhong snorted coldly, and punched the girl in the belly again, "Dare to scold my parents? I'm so bored!"

As a plague who often deals with the police, he knows the shooting procedure very well. You have to shoot to the sky before hitting someone. Why should I be afraid of your second shot before you have fired the first shot?

Of course, if the woman in front of him has a big identity, if the police dare to shoot at him directly, he will not be afraid, let alone use Xianli, even without Xianli, the ordinary June 4th smashing guns will also be against him. It's not a harm, but it can take the other party's certain crimes, so as to better pretend to be innocent.

Anyway, he punched the opponent without hesitating, and after that, the woman took his punch and immediately turned to the sea and vomited. He had the intention to come forward again, but he was a little hesitant-dirty What should I do if I lost leather shoes?

At this moment, someone yelled again, "Director Chen, misunderstanding, it's a misunderstanding!" He looked up, only to find Duan Tianya got off another bus and ran over desperately, "Stop everyone, stop. !"

"Misunderstanding? Humph," Chen Taizhong snorted heavily and turned to look at the policeman who was about to shoot. Suddenly, although the other party was wearing plain clothes, he was actually an acquaintance—yes, it was a police officer, first-level police inspector Yang Ming.

"Director Yang?" He couldn't believe his eyes at all, "Are you not the chief of the local authority, Dazheng to Subo to shoot?"

He and Yang Ming have met several times in Beijing, but everyone basically has no friendship at all. He doesn't even know which province and city this person is the director of. The only thing he remembers is that this person seems to be looking for an entertainment circle. People, so that the daughter of the leader can make the book she wrote into a movie.

Director Yang just opened the June 4th insurance in his hand and was taken aback when he heard Duan Tianya's shout, and then heard someone call out his position, looked at him in surprise, frowned, and hesitated to ask." Director Chen of the Science and Technology Commission?"

For this young deputy director, Yang Ming remembers to be clear. At the very least, the Nangong Mao Mao, who bothered him so hard, was very polite to Chen Taizhong. Of course, Director Yang asked himself, if he had nothing to ask for Nangong Mao Mao, he could treat this kind of thing. The high-level helpers are not fake, but Director Chen has a very wide path in the capital, which he must admit.

"Who is this woman? It's really a young tutor," Chen Taizhong snorted, thinking that this is not the daughter of that leader, right? However, what did they come to Tiannan to do?

"Uncle Yang, handcuff him up," the woman finally straightened up, her body was already vomiting horribly from left to right, and the vomit was still full of alcohol.

"Xiao Yun, I don't have handcuffs," Director Yang explained with a bitter expression, turning his head to look at Chen Taizhong, with a frosty face, "I said Director Chen, you are a big and big person, what's your name for a little girl? " Do you not recognize people? Chen Taizhong was taken aback for a moment, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, "Hehe, that's okay, I don't call the girl true, it's good to call you... Director Yang, may I ask if the gun certificate in your hand was issued by the police department? ?"

As the chief of the police of a prefecture-level city, it is normal to have a gun, but this gun license is exquisite. Police officers use guns. The unit issuing the gun license is the provincial police department or the police department, which issued by the provincial department, At most, it was only used in the province. Yang Ming brought the gun to Tiannan, which was considered illegal.

Of course Yang Ming knew what the other party was referring to, but he really didn't have the courage to say "it was issued by the police department". He could only put the gun in his pocket angrily, and asked coldly, "Your Science Committee, Are you qualified to supervise the police?"

"Then I will find someone who is qualified to take care of you," Chen Taizhong snorted coldly, and went to the address book when he took out his phone. You, whose surname is Yang, really don't want your face.

"Director Chen, Director Chen, calm down," Duan Tianya hurriedly folded his hands together, and then glanced at Yang Ming, "Yang Ju gives face, let's slowly say... OK?"

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