Official Immortal

Vol 10 Chapter 3943: Technical factors

If there are too many leaders alarmed by the Sansong company, there is really a reason. People are wealthy and money is not a problem. It is some technical aspects that affect cooperation.

But, but, but, the technical level not only represents the production technology, production management differences, but also the technical level, as well as the marketing method... To put it simply, Noda Jiro made it clear that we think this is a good investment place. , I also have no intention to deny your early investment, but if we make a move, we must have a controlling stake.

Holding holdings, and seeing holding requirements, this year, everyone wants to be the boss-well, this is nothing, anyway, the people at Sansong said, money is not a problem, you are so rich, and if you want to hold a holding, just hold it.

Money is not a problem, the next thing is the problem. Sansong made it clear that since we hold a controlling stake, the managers and middle managers in the factory must be appointed by the party - not necessarily by the party, but they must be appointed or approved.

In fact, Koreans have similar thoughts, but they cover up the same thoughts. They plan to wait for the investment amount to be finalized, and then use this as a condition. In short, they can save money, and Rì himself is a lot easier. This is wealth. It's pressing.

But it’s impossible to expect the company to be taken advantage of. They just don’t lack money, and the small accounts are calculated carefully. Since everyone agrees with the initial investment of Beichong, Xu Ruilin asked, you plan to hold two factories. May I ask you about the plan? How much to invest?

We are going back to study it. It is impossible to give you a number right away. If you must know, I can first say a bottom line. It will definitely exceed 15 million U.S. dollars. Minister Noda answered with a smile. I don’t know if this answer is. Can satisfy you?

Just a bottom line is five million dollars more than the upper limit of Koreans. Director Liu of China Merchants heard this answer, and he secretly breathed a sigh of relief. There is such a saying that the Korean company personnel he brought with him were injured last time. The impact can be greatly reduced, and when others talk about it in the future, he can also express disdain-don't pretend to be forced if you don't have money.

Director Zhuang sat there blankly. He had known the amount of 15 million U.S. dollars a long time ago. If it weren't the case, his dignified provincial bureau of industry and commerce, who had eaten too much to support him, would go to Bei Chonglai?

Xu Ruilin can't pick up too much of a problem with this bottom line. US$15 million is equivalent to more than 126 million yuan. For the two factories of 240 million, the investment is indeed more than half, and They invest in U.S. dollars.

Not to mention that enterprises also have advanced equipment, advanced management experience, and the market.

The bottom line of Section Chief Noda is not casual. He said that the next step is to talk about market regulations. First of all, he requested that farmers who grow ramie must plant under the guidance of a joint venture factory.

That is to say, from the beginning of the selection, it must be included in strict production management. If the product is unqualified, the company will not accept it. Some people do not obey the arrangement and try to be shoddy. If they are trying to be shoddy, they must be psychologically prepared to accept prosecution. .

This requirement made Xu Ruilin a little surprised, but think about it again, it seems that many places have adopted this method in the processing and production of enterprises in the mainland. Starting from the production of raw materials, every link and every process is strictly controlled. .

Cultivating and planting excellent ramie and standardizing production is a good requirement in itself. Mayor Xu thinks so, but at the next moment, another question comes to mind: what about oil shale?

The ramie planting area in Beichong is more active and wider than tobacco. Ramie does not require a high growth environment, and tobacco is much higher, especially for fertility, so even Linyun Township has grown a lot. Ramie.

Even if the oil shale is not afraid of the other party to steal some samples, but to prevent foreigners from surveying the topography and landforms, the National Security Bureau has determined that, and Beichong itself is a point of the third-line construction, and there are some sensitive things. Can you leave it at will? ?

"Your idea, we will actively consider it," Xu Ruilin replied. This is indeed not for him to call the shots. Moreover, it is the initial negotiation. When mutual requests are made, the two sides will go home and close the door to discuss-just like Noda Jiro can't. Make a decision and say how much to invest. Negotiations always require a process.

Understandably, Section Chief Noda expressed his understanding, and then he made another request, that is, underwriting sales. The sales of the products are determined by the party. The Chinese party has the right to make suggestions, but the decision is left with Sansong.

This requirement sounds just to confirm the right. Of course, holding a controlling stake can control sales, but in fact it is not always the case.

For example, in Beichong’s plan, the ramie fiber produced is not only used for weaving, but also supplied to the local people. Some ramie special products are hand-produced-this is also a demand in itself. If it is not supplied to the people, Soil degumming plants are prone to resurgence, and the development of ramie special handmade products was originally a project that the Planning Commission intended to promote.

Even if the ramie cloth is produced, for the Chinese side, there will be some sales that are just as demanded, but at this time, it must be approved by the holding party, which is too prone to problems.

"This may not be a big deal," Xu Ruilin shook his head. Once Sansong has grasped the sales channels, the entire enterprise will be led by the nose, and the sales rights and sales directions of the products are not in his own hands. It is self-defeating martial arts.

Well, Old Xu deserves to be my optimistic. Chen Taizhong sat on the sofa in the corner and nodded secretly. If the first condition is negotiable, he firmly opposes the second condition.

Companies cannot control sales channels, but can only be primary processors, passively following in the footsteps of Party A, and always wandering in the middle and lower reaches, earning a little hard work, which has nothing to do with high profits.

For example, Shi Shuhua's relationship with Chen Taizhong is pretty good, but the cooperation between Scarlett and Bei Chong, District Mayor Chen did not give much thought to him. He also wants to make Bei Chong's own brand, which is Shi The total investment was early to help Bei Chong develop as quickly as possible, and he accepted Bei Chong as Scarlett's pure supplier, allowing him to make high profits.

Therefore, Fang wants to monopolize the sales of products, and he must resolutely oppose it. Beichong’s ramie, selling fabrics is only the first step. When the fabrics sell well, they can be made into clothing or brands. Once agreed, the latter There is no idea.

"This is what we insist, and I hope you will consider it carefully," Noda Jiro replied softly, but the tone was incontrovertible. "We intend to introduce this textile to the country, of course...maybe not all."

Push to the country? Xu Ruilin pursed her lips, feeling a little embarrassed. It's always good to be able to export foreign currency, right? After hesitating, he asked, "What about the price?"

"Of course the price will be higher, but it will not be very high. If the quantity can go up, the profit will be considerable," Ono Jiro did not conceal their marketing positioning. "Primary processed agricultural products should be priced like this. Isn't it?"

"Primary processing?" Xu Ruilin didn't like to hear these four words, because in the small place of Beichong, he didn't know much about foreign companies, and he knew a little bit more about Rì companies, and many of them were rumors of catching the wind.

Therefore, he is very sensitive to the four words of primary processing, thinking of the woods that were cut down in the legend, making chopsticks once and transporting them to Rìben, he can not make a lot of money, but Rìben’s forest is very well protected. Whenever he thinks of this, he always feels a little bit angry.

He raised his hand and rubbed his forehead, frowning and saying, "I don't think this is a simple primary processing, such as a degumming plant, which contains high technical content, and we deal with pollution very well."

After he finished speaking, a technician from Sansong Company raised his hand next to him. After obtaining permission, this person began to speak, “Your chemical degumming method is actually very backward. We use biological degumming more. In view of your We have already adopted a chemical degumming plan, and we can only adopt it. Of course, this does not rule out... we may improve the degumming method in the future."

Biological degumming, Xu Ruilin raised his eyebrows helplessly when he heard this. Since he grabbed the ramie piece, he naturally knew the method of microbial degumming. In view of the serious pollution of the degumming plant, the country is also actively researching this technology.

But it is a pity that China has not fully mastered this technology at present, even if it is laboratory production, it is not particularly perfect, let alone large-scale production-the laboratory that the ramie factory will build next is also the experimental content. One item.

District Mayor Xu felt a little headache. He glanced casually and suddenly found that Chief Chen was raising his hand with a smile, so he smiled and stretched out his hand, "Mayor Chen, please speak."

"I only ask one question," Chen Taizhong sat on the sofa, and when he saw everyone looking sideways, he smiled and asked, "Biological degumming is good, but may I ask... the way to avoid the quality of hemp fiber? Did Sansong find it?"

The expert of Sansong was How could he know that after biological degumming, the quality of hemp fiber would decrease?

rì I have been doing this research on ramie degumming for many years. Not only did we successfully produce the product, but also used it for several years to observe, and then I was sadly discovered that the life of the biologically degummed hemp fiber was longer and the hemp fiber was easy to crack , It is not easy to dye evenly, and it is easy to take off. It is no problem to make ordinary fabrics, but high-grade fabrics cannot be made.

"Is there such a consequence?" Section Chief Noda looked at his expert in surprise. In fact, he knew very well that biological degumming did have such consequences, and Sansong had no intention of changing the degumming method in Beichong. Not too late.

The expert just said so, but he wanted to use the concept of biological degumming to belittle Beichong's degumming method-you degumming, there is no technical difficulty, it is primary processing.

"Is there any such consequences? You know." Chen Taizhong saw him pretending to be on fire. My buddy listened to what your people said privately in the morning. When I don't understand Rì, my ears are still bad?

Thinking of the other party's use of information asymmetry to act so despicably, he would start to ignite, "In fact, our products do not necessarily have to be sold in copies. Now there are already many orders in Europe and America."

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