Official Immortal

Vol 10 Chapter 3944: No worries about selling

"Ordering intentions in Europe and America?" Noda Jiro blinked his eyes and looked at Chen Taizhong in amazement. "District Chief Chen, I am very willing to respect anything you say, seems like your production line has not been fully completed."

"If you don't answer my question, I won't answer your question again. Respect is mutual," District Mayor Chen leaned against the back of the sofa, took out a cigarette, and spoke lazily." Chief Xu, you continue."

You don’t want to sell it anymore, how can you continue to talk about it? Xu Ruilin could also understand, but what he was puzzled was how could District Chief Chen know that biological degumming would cause the quality of hemp fiber to decrease?

It has to be said that in the research of ramie biological degumming, the domestic is lagging behind, and the country is still studying how to stably realize microbial degumming from the laboratory. The biological degumming of ramie cloth has already been produced in small batches. And found some problems from it.

But the country has not progressed to this point. District Mayor Xu thinks that he knows a lot about ramie. Now he suddenly hears Mayor Chen say this, he has to look at Section Chief Noda, "Mr. Noda, please answer directly. Does biological degumming have the problems mentioned by District Chief Chen?"

"I'm not very familiar with technical matters," Noda Jiro first smiled apologetically, and then turned his head down, his face sank. It's really faster than turning a book. "Inuyang-kun, haven't you heard the master Question?"

The technician named Kenyang was immediately dumbfounded. The company knew a lot about the defect of biological degumming, but basically it was in the R&D or after-sales department. They never made a public statement about this defect.

Even within the company, most insiders would not elaborate. When it comes to this issue, more people would say, "Oh, those little troubles are really annoying."

That is to say, today in the degumming plant, when several technicians evaluated the degumming process, some people ridiculed the backwardness of chemical degumming, which is far worse than biological degumming. This one sneered, "If you don’t understand, don’t talk nonsense, biological degumming is not So stable."

After speaking, he realized that he had said a little too much, and quickly glanced around with vigilance. Fortunately, no one was there. The closest to them was the arrogant young man who refused to stop the air defense. Ten meters later, the arrogant guy was looking around with a cigarette in his mouth.

He didn't believe that the other party could hear him. More likely, that guy couldn't even speak a word, so he explained to others in a low voice that biological degumming had such defects.

He did this, of course, not to spread science to Chen Taizhong. In fact, his original intention was to warn the young guys of the company that you should try not to mention this technology before the middle team. If people think it is good, we should invest in this, then it will be troublesome.

Of course, others can't mention it, he can mention it, because he knows how to handle it, but he never dreamed that because he personally and patiently popularized related common sense, he was taken back by Chen with a slap.

How can it be like this? This person with the surname Dog **** is really dumbfounded. He did not expect that China also knows the drawbacks of biological degumming. After discovering the problem, Fang did not publicize it, but said that we have mastered this technology.

They don't expect China to buy this technology-because this technology will greatly increase production costs. In their view, China would rather suffer high pollution than waste money on such technology, so they don't want to help.

Seriously, China is also studying such a technology. If you don’t give a reminder, you may learn something from it in the future. If you don’t learn it, you can consider buying it cheaply. Of course, they won’t expose their shortcomings.

So when he heard this question, he hesitated and then hesitated, and finally asked suspiciously, "I don't know what problems your biological degumming has encountered, we may be able to propose solutions."

"Of course we encountered a problem," Xu Ruilin didn't take this set. Although he was elegant, he was definitely not old-fashioned. He just asked quietly, "What we want to know is: Your side is in the process of biological degumming. Have you mastered a way not to reduce quality?"

"This..." Inuyang is also considered a quick-witted person. At first he ate sap, but now he reacted. After a short pause, he retorted confidently, "We can't guarantee that the quality of every parameter will not decrease."

"I think you have already given me the answer." Xu Ruilin was also determined. Hearing his sighs, he stopped entangled with him, but turned back to look at Ono Jiro, "Section Ono, if If you insist on the second condition, I think it’s impossible for us to talk about it. I’m really sorry."

"Since it's a business, bargaining is commonplace, please don't worry and say no," Section Chief Ono cast aside his lip, "may I know which orders you got from Europe and America?"

"This question makes me a little embarrassed." Xu Ruilin spread his hands and resolutely refused the other party's request. What's the joke? Everyone in an industry, my customers let you know?

"I'm just curious," Section Chief Noda smiled, something unclear in his smile.

Xu Ruilin was only waiting to continue to refuse. Unexpectedly, Director Zhuang coughed slightly, so he had to raise his hand slowly. Director Liu, who presided over this, immediately smiled and said, "Director Zhuang, please give instructions."

"Well, I think so, what intentions Bei Chong has, you can roughly say it," Director Zhuang said slowly, "If there is a real event, it is also a very important bargaining chip in cooperation."

This is very beautiful. It seems to be partial to one side. In fact, there is no clear statement at all, and it will not offend anyone. Even the most picky Chen Taizhong cannot openly express dissatisfaction.

Director Zhuang asked this to fight for the initiative in cooperation for Bei Chong. As for Bei Chong's words, it is not rare to invest in enterprises-it is just a bargaining method. Who will take it seriously?

Xu Ruilin glanced at him lightly, then turned to look at Chen Taizhong who was sitting on the sofa, "District Chief Chen, what instructions do you have?"

This request is really too slapped, but Chief Xu doesn’t care. Director Zhuang’s instructions at the degumming factory in the morning made him very shameless. He was not present at the time, but it was heard that someone wanted to suspend the air defense on September 18 Jǐng reported for the exercise to make way for Rì's own inspection, and was immediately dissatisfied.

If you change a cadre, even if you feel dissatisfied, you will not show it. Compared with Director Zhuang’s remarks, District Mayor Chen’s words at the time were much less like what a leader should say-so passionate, how can you be a leader? ?

However, the people of Beichong have always been going straight, and there is something out of place in the literati's son of District Mayor Xu. He even turned off the executive deputy, and just wants to serve Beichong well in his lifetime. What is terrible? Moreover, Director Zhuang belonged to the Provincial Administration of Industry and Commerce, and he couldn't reach him even if he wanted enough, so he just didn't sell face.

Zhuang Bifan only felt hot on his face, but he was helpless, he could only curse in his heart, what kind of place is this Beichong, individual leaders are not like leaders, and cadres are not like cadres.

Seeing Xu Ruilin doing this, Chen Taizhong secretly smiled, but his face was full of depression, frowning, "Tsk, this is a commercial secret, Director Zhuang."

"Roughly... it's okay to talk about it roughly," Director Zhuang answered directly, "You can bring the copy of the letter of intent, and black out the black areas. The original English version is more convincing. We have a translation."

"Tsk, that's it," Chen Taizhong slapped his mouth and glanced at Wang Yuanyuan who was sitting at the corner of the table. "Xiao Wang, have you translated it all?"

"Both English and French have been translated, and have to wait a while," Director Wang replied softly with drooping eyes, not looking at everyone present.

"Come here," District Chief Chen instructed lightly, "Don't take those with a small language."

Wang Yuanyuan stood up and walked away. The room was full of silence for a while. Two interpreters in rì were talking in a very low voice. More people are you looking at me and I looking at you, even Director Zhuang and Liu Director, there is also a deep surprise in his eyes-no, besides Britain, France and Italy, there are also purchases from countries with small languages?

When did Beichong's ramie cloth become so popular?

In such an atmosphere, everyone waited silently. Some of them took out cigarettes and smoked, some went to the bathroom to fill the water, some whispered to each other, and others looked at District Chief Chen suspiciously.

Xu Ruilin has also heard a little about the Paris Fashion Festival. However, the later sales of the ramie project are basically attributed to the planning committee and industry and commerce. Liu Haifang is the new deputy district mayor and is a woman. He is not easy to ask Too much.

So he can only look at District Chief Chen suspiciously, saying that we really have so many orders?

About ten minutes later Yuanyuan and another woman walked in, holding a thick copy of the material in her hand, "We only made five copies, thinking that everyone can't wait, so I brought them here first. Sent."

Five copies of the materials, one for Director Zhuang, one for Director Liu, one for the mayor, one for the mayor, one for the Sansong Company-so many people squeezed to read one.

District Mayor Xu himself had no information. He said he could not go to Mayor Chen, poked his head, and was stunned after only one glance: This seems to have nothing to do with the contract or purchase intention.

That's right, what Wang Yuanyuan brought was not a contract or something, but some newspapers and magazines in Europe, all of which were introductions or comments on ramie clothing at the Paris Fashion Festival, with quite a few illustrations.

These newspapers and magazines are not limited to Paris, but also in Italy, the United States and other places-for well-known reasons, the British are not keen to report on the Paris Fashion Festival, but even so, there are also two British newspapers.

These newspapers and magazines are all faxed, and the effect is really not good, especially after copying, but there is no doubt that it will not be a fake.

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