Official Immortal

Vol 10 Chapter 4106: Come back later

Chen Taizhong thought for a long time before he realized what was the meaning behind this sentence. He stared at Director Li in a daze, "You mean, in the future, our community will be the community of Linhe?"

"Isn't it?" Director Li gave him a blank glance. "This neighborhood with a plot ratio of less than two is still in Linhe. You can think about it... how popular it will be in the future."

No wonder, Chen Taizhong understood why the Personnel Department would be willing to spend such a large capital to develop this community.

Once the river in front of the door is full of water, the whole environment will be turned upside down-the house price of 4,000 per square meter is really not expensive. Now the community in Chaotian and Linhu has sold for 5,000 or 6,000. Will anyone buy it? It's hard to say, but there is such a market.

"However, is our position a bit remote?" District Chief Chen asked tentatively.

"This is for quietness, my Boss Chen," Director Li was about to choke silently, "The price of Linhu community is high, but it's too noisy, isn't it? Those who really enjoy life, like our quietness. Linhe community."

"Linhu community...too noisy?" District Mayor Chen said he didn't understand it, which was completely contrary to what he knew. "It's not by the lake? It's not by the road or railway."

"My mother-in-law's family is in a community in Linhu. I took care of the children a while ago. I lived in her house for a while. I really couldn't bear it." Director Li waved his hand hurriedly. Well, you know..."

"Come on, smoke," Chen Taizhong drew out a giant panda and handed it to the other party. "You say the point."

"I'm engaged in writing work, I often sleep in the middle of the night...good smoke," Director Li looked at the cigarette holder and sighed with emotion, then took another sip, "But I went to bed at two o'clock. I have to wake up at five."

"Nima, there is a vocalist by the lake," he said, his face was full of laughter, he even said dirty words, "there are also morning exercises, if you say that you do morning exercises, the sound of the horn is good. It’s big, you can hear it through the window, and it’s much noisier than the highway."

"It's a bit of a lack of ethics," District Chief Chen nodded, righteously accusing this behavior.

"But this lake is where people hang their voices," Director Li frowned, and sighed helplessly. "Doesn't we have to be by the lake for morning exercises? This scenery is not for us alone."

Therefore, Linhe community is better. Chen Taizhong understands it in his heart. He is also a little proud to think that the office in Beichong can be set up here. Now it is one million acres. When the water system around the city is built, two million one The mu is not necessarily sold.

In particular, although the land required by Beichong is only 70 acres—well, 66.8 acres, but such land is not small enough to build a community. Now Chaotian urban area has a large plot and a price. Talent is expensive because developers can develop in a unified way.

So, the three acres of land, let’s put it aside for now, Chen Taizhong made up his mind and decided not to care about the gains and losses of this city and a pond, but he did not show it-the water system around the city sounds good, who knows you Is it true or false?

I watched a circle around, and an hour passed. District Mayor Chen made a calm face and did not express his position. Of course, Mayor Bai, Director Meng, and President Ma would not make a statement, but President Ma quietly expressed his opinion beside Mayor Chen. Long, there is an office here...the location is a bit short, and it can't attract customers."

Ma Yuanyuan is the boss of Beichong Hotel. She considers the problem from the perspective of management. This angle cannot be a standard, but it is always a factor. This is why the District Mayor Chen wants to bring her to him. He should listen to the opinions and suggestions of all parties. This is not a small investment.

"This project... feels like a tasteless one," Bai Fengming said with a frown. He is not a candidate to run an office. He just has experience in urban construction, so he contributes his own experience. "If it is done, it will definitely be available for Chaotian. It’s getting more expensive day by day, but...there is too much capital. In my opinion, Asada is likely to have more suitable land for investment."

District Mayor Bai deserves to be involved in urban construction. He can even predict that Chaotian's land will continue to rise, but whether this piece of land is worth the investment so much in the district is indeed a problem.

Of course, he also has the common problem of small local officials, and his vision is limited. At least he does not know that this piece of land has already been included in the water system around the city. He added, "If there is no obvious good news, we can do more Let’s go to a few houses, we will have money...they are all scarce resources, why do we have to leave others alone?"

Meng Zhixin was silent. He knew in his heart that District Mayor Chen deliberately let him take charge of this office. Mayor Bai and Chief Ma were only here to give opinions and suggestions, so others could talk casually, but he could not.

But after hearing both of them objected, he softly suggested, "Xuan Mi Canal seems to be one of the microcirculations of the water system around the city."

"The water system around the city..." Bai Fengming repeated it softly, and then stopped talking. As a native of Yangzhou, he was not particularly familiar with the water system around the city, but he was involved in urban construction, so he knew a little bit about it.

The concept of the Chaotian water system around the city was proposed in the late 1980s, but the cost of doing this was too high, and it has always been on paper planning. When it can be done, only God knows.

So he is not quite clear about the details of this water system, but Meng Zhixin, because he is the director of the Planning Commission, has carefully studied this area and knows that this small river ditch is still one of the microcirculations.

"It's said to be about to do it soon," Chen Taizhong nodded. Lao Meng actually knew this. It was a bit beyond his expectation. He was a little annoyed for a while. Why didn't you tell me before you came?

But after another thought, he knew what Meng Zhixin was avoiding. He said that if Bai Fengming and Ma Yuanyuan weren't very optimistic about this place, he would not be able to squeeze your words out.

How is this supposed to be counted? District Mayor Bai sighed inwardly, but he wouldn't fail to open his eyes to stop Mayor Chen, so he smiled, "I didn't expect to say that. Since there is the concept of the water system around the city, this place is wonderful. ."

"Microcirculation, the landscape may not be so good," Meng Zhixin saw that his own words worked, but instead pointed out some possible problems.

"The personnel hall is built here. It must be indispensable." Ma Yuanyuan heard that there is still a concept of landscape here, and his attitude immediately turned 180 degrees. "Chor Meng didn't say anything in advance, which made me even think about it. ."

"It's just a concept. I don't know when I can get it." Meng Zhixin smiled and then glanced at Chen Taizhong. "Chaotian's plan is still the clearest for the leadership."

"I don't know very well," Chen Taizhong smiled and shook his head. He said that he would have to ask Kang Xiaoan when he looked back. If the water system around the city can be launched in two or three years, Lao Kang himself would have introduced a pretty good job.

In the evening, the local power company hosted a banquet for District Chief Chen and his party. The personnel in the personnel department originally wanted to fight, but the biggest leader on the scene was Liu Kangmei. District Mayor Chen had a good relationship with the director of the local power company Kang, but the personnel in the personnel department could not compete. .

So Mr. Li and Mr. Chen also followed to the Huahai Hotel to entertain guests.

Even at the level of the provincial government, serving people sincerely or not, drinking is an important indicator, so the meal did not end until half past six to eight thirty. Mayor Chen is considered to be able to drink, but director Zhao from the local government And Director Li of the Personnel Department can also drink it.

In particular, the boss Chen Barong, who was eight feet tall and eight feet waist, was really worthy of his weight. He drank more than two catties of liquor. There was nothing wrong with him, and he had to pull District Chief Chen to sing.

Singing is not what Chen Taizhong likes. He asked what kind of entertainment Huahai has, and everyone finally decided to go bowling.

To the surprise of District Chief Chen, the few people who came with him, although they were all cadres from Bei Chong, all played well in bowling. Ma Yuanyuan was a little bit poorer, but it was mainly related to her drinking a lot of alcohol.

There seems to be no bowling alley in Beichong? Chen Taizhong was sitting there, drinking beer while feeling casually: Before I came to Beichong, these guys didn't know how to work locally.

After making up for all of them, Ma Yuanyuan walked over from the fairway and picked up the juice on the table to drink, "District chief, in our hotel, is there a bowling alley too?"

"Is there not in the district?" District Mayor Chen asked casually.

"No," Ma Yuanyuan shook her head, "This fairway is very expensive, I didn't dare to think about it before."

Seeing you play so well, it's really... Chen Taizhong said her intentionally, and think about it again, everyone followed his leader to play, if he picks up accusations from time to time, it is not conducive to uniting the masses, so he waved his hand~ Let's talk about it later. "

"Let's talk about it later" in the leader's mouth is also very intriguing. Sometimes it means disagreement, sometimes it takes a while to say it, and sometimes it means it's inappropriate to say it right now.

District Chief Chen said this, but it was because Ma Yuanyuan’s suggestion was too sloppy. The fairways are not cheap. If you are having fun, you just ask to build a bowling alley—then you go to Disney, Bei Chong. The family is not enough for you to shake.

President Ma actually wanted to go to the bowling alley for a long time, but he never dared to say it-for Bei Chong, this thing is really a bit extravagant. This time he brought it up through the opportunity of playing bowling, and he could not imagine such a vague answer. .

She thought about it for a moment, and she felt that the answer was nothing strange. She didn't come up with a plan, so she could count on the leader to agree?

The good thing is that the boss didn't say anything to death. This is the opportunity to ask for instructions in the future. With the district chief's temper, if he really doesn't want to let him go, he probably rejected it in one go.

Everyone played until ten o'clock, and a few people walked in from outside the door. It was Kang Xiaoan who started the game. He smiled and said hello to Chen Taizhong, "How is the fairway, right?"

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