Official Immortal

Vol 10 Chapter 4107: Irrelevant water system

"Blind play, I'm not very good at it either, I feel pretty good," Chen Taizhong stood up, smiled and shook hands with Kang Xiaoan, "Chairman Kang came back so late. This work attitude is really worth learning from."

"I went to serve the people," Mr. Kang replied with a smile, then glanced at the crowd again, and nodded slightly at Director Li and Mr. Chen, "If you continue to play, I just came to see you."

"Don't tell me, I have something to ask Mr. Kang," Chen Taizhong also turned his head and glanced, "Lao Meng, come with me... Fengming and Mr. Ma, you have fun."

He wanted to greet Meng Zhixin because of the fact that the Chaotian office was going to be built for Meng Zhixin, and it was also because Lao Meng knew that the Jomi Canal belonged to the water system around the city. With such an expert around him, it was convenient to speak. .

Several people took the elevator upstairs and entered Mr. Kang's office. As soon as the door diagonally opened, the tall woman Chen Taizhong had seen before came out and entered the room to pour tea for everyone.

When it was District Chief Chen's turn, he smiled and waved his hand, "No tea, beer, preferably iced."

The woman went to get a beer in the refrigerator in the corner of the house. Chen Taizhong handed Kang Xiaoan a cigarette, took out another one, and threw the rest to Meng Zhixin.

"This season, that is, you still drink cold beer," Kang Xiaoan smiled, touched a lighter from the coffee table and lit a cigarette, "Looking at the place... how do you feel?"

"Not bad, but less than 70 acres for Bei Chong," Chen Taizhong said shyly.

"It's almost enough," Kang Xiaoan replied disapprovingly after taking a puff of cigarette, "You have a lot of advantage."

Otherwise, the location is different, the vision is different, and the access of a few acres of land is not worth mentioning in his mouth. Chen Taizhong just used this to ask, "Does the Xunmi Canal belong to the water system around the city?"

"There... yeah," Kang Xiaoan was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and nodded. He originally came out of zhèngfǔ and had a lot of dealings with the locality. Although the water system around the city was done by zhèngfǔ in Chaotian City, it was so big. He is also very clear about planning, "Look, the business I introduced to you is not bad."

Chen Taizhong hesitated and asked again, "Can construction of this water system be started in the near future?"

"Ah, I don't understand this," Kang Xiaoan shook his head, glanced sideways at him, and asked in a deep voice, "Why do you ask?"

"I heard from the Director of the Office of the Personnel Department that construction may start soon," Chen Taizhong felt faintly that he might have asked a rather stupid question.

"Ha," Kang Xiaoan laughed when he heard him say this, and he didn't stop after a smile, but laughed endlessly.

"If you have something to say," District Chief Chen was a little annoyed by the smile. "Laughing constantly, what do you mean?"

Kang Xiaoan slowly suppressed his smile and glanced at Meng Zhixin intentionally or unintentionally. Chen Taizhong saw it and understood what it meant, so he said faintly, "Not an outsider."

Meng Zhixin was about to stand up. He hesitated and sank again when he heard the district chief's words.

"The water system around the city really needs to be done right away. It is estimated that it will give you 50 acres. You should laugh," Kang Xiaoan replied with a smile, "I don't know if Chaotian is going to do it right away, but that Xiao Li didn't tell you. truth."

"Then what's the truth?" Chen Taizhong asked in a deep voice, feeling a little annoyed in his heart. He said that the people in the personnel hall were too much of a gadget. First, they were short and short, and then they took the concept of the water system around the city to mislead people. Deceive people too much.

"He definitely can't tell you the truth," Kang Xiaoan seemed to see his anger and laughed again. "The truth is, Lao Li in the Personnel Department is about to be fifty-eight...understand?"

"Hey, that's the case," Chen Taizhong nodded suddenly after listening. The cadre in the main hall was fifty-eight years old...the possibility of going to the second line is very great, anyway, it can't make it to sixty.

Director Li is about to go down, and the resources in his hand should be dealt with. He left this piece of land for his successor. People may not read him well. It would be better to benefit the staff in the hall and gain a reputation.

This is the assault spending money. Bei Chong is lucky enough to pick up such a leak. As for Director Li, he certainly wouldn't dare to tell the truth, so using the water system around the city to fool people is no way.

At this point, Chen Taizhong understood why everyone didn't care much about missing three acres of land-such a big leak, if you picked it up, what else could you not be satisfied with?

Now that Mr. Kang said that, he would express his gratitude, "It is still Mr. Kang that he is a friend, and he is thinking of me for good things."

"Actually... I just matched it up," Kang Xiaoan raised his hand and drank a sip of tea. Seeing District Chief Chen getting up with beer, he ordered, "Give me two bottles of wine, don't ice it."

In fact, Mr. Kang still speaks relatively straightforwardly, and the next moment he said, "I can talk about this matter. It has a lot to do with the quality of your Beichong District zhèngfǔ... Old Li. Thin-skinned, afraid of people saying that if the developer went to discuss this with him and let the land out to engage in commercial housing development, he would not agree to it. There is suspicion."

"That is, when we got the land, we just wanted to set up an office," Chen Taizhong nodded. He is not very familiar with Li Ping, the Director of Personnel, but 58-year-old cadres should pay attention to how they eat. This is normal-- Among the twenty-eight-year-old cadres, there are few who are too important to eat.

"So this is a win-win situation," Kang Xiaoan smiled and sighed, "Too loyal, I'm helping you so much, do you mean it... The water system around the city can't determine the time, it must be almost here, this place is too All right."

"I'll give you a 10% rebate?" Chen Taizhong looked at him and asked thoughtfully.

"Don't talk to me," Kang Xiaoan glared at him irritably, "100% I am not interested...Let's find three to five billion yuan. My Haizhou Power Plant's capital chain has always been hanging."

"You didn't have a good talk with Prince?" Chen Taizhong glanced at him. Catherine was still very interested in selling equipment with advances.

"Prince will not exceed 2 billion," Kang Xiaoan shook his head. "The power plant has to invest 1 billion. Isn't it still six to seven billion?"

"Don't cry poor," Chen Taizhong was happy when he heard it, but he didn't believe it. Kang Xiaoan didn't find a penny himself. "Your current funding gap, which is three to five billion yuan, is to coax you?"

"To tell you the truth, the real difference is two billion," Mr. Kang spread his hands. "In the province and the city, the maximum is two billion. I worked hard to find a small two billion... too loyal. It’s not easy for me to find two billion personally.

"That's the truth, money is too hard to find," Chen Taizhong nodded. Lao Kang is only relying on the province's support and the power plant's project to find such a sum of money. Otherwise, he will be exhausted and he will not be able to find a second. One billion-It is estimated that most of it is bank loans.

"Originally, I got 800 million with China Construction Bank." Sure enough, Kang always used loans, but the loans didn't always go smoothly. He said distressedly, "As a result, it was affected by the person who fell at the beginning of the year."

"Fell down at the beginning of the year... the one in the capital?" Chen Taizhong pondered for a moment, and faintly thought of someone. He originally wanted to name someone. Considering Meng Zhixin's presence, such a major event...

"Isn't it the problem?" Kang Xiaoan smiled bitterly, spreading his hands, "No disaster."

"That count, I'll find you some money," Chen Taizhong shook his head. Since Lao Kang is so beautiful, he doesn't mind helping the other party. "Are you going to take a loan or buy a share?"

"How much?" Kang Xiaoan must first finalize this. "If the money is too little, I am afraid that it is difficult to talk about shares. For this power plant, I have not considered minority shareholders at present... Only when there is no way out, I will consider this step and save money. Directional distribution of equity."

"I haven't talked about it. How much do I know?" Chen Taizhong waved his hand. Even if he agreed, he wouldn't go to find money right away. If you don't do such a big job at Haizhou Power Plant for three to five years, how can it be done?

The funding bottleneck should be at the end of the second year or the beginning of the third year. As long as the Haizhou Power Plant's Unit 1 starts to generate electricity and runs stably, the power plant can borrow it back no matter how bad it is.

So for him, this matter is not in a hurry, but the amount of money can be promised, "At least five hundred million... a small tens of acres of land, in exchange for five hundred million, Mr. Kang, I am also enough buddy Right?"

"Taizhong, your righteousness, Tiannan has spread it all over," Kang Xiaoan smiled and stretched out his thumb, "Domestic funds or foreign funds?"

"No talk, where do I know?" Chen Taizhong spread his hands. "I will help you with a friend. The domestic...the domestic guys are dark. Look for them abroad. The interest will not be low."

"Foreign countries, as long as more than 500 million yuan, you can buy shares," Kang Xiaoan nodded, and said simply, it can be seen that this is not his temporary decision, but the province already has such a consensus.

"Lao Kang, this is the energy industry and the people's livelihood resources," Chen Taizhong was taken aback. Putting down the beer in his hand, he looked at him incredulously, "Let foreign investors buy shares?"

"You are the old You are a shareholding but not a holding company," Kang Xiaoan smiled disapprovingly, with a little helplessness in his smile, "One poor and two white people still want to develop without benefiting others. What invests in you?"

"If foreign capital can buy shares... it's much easier to talk about," Chen Taizhong blinked, wondering what he was thinking.

"How long can you reply to me?" Kang Xiaoan looked a little impatient.

Chen Taizhong took out another cigarette and lit it, thinking about it, and then said, "Within half a year."

"Don't tell me, Taizhong, District Chief Taizhong, Brother Taizhong...We don't bring such a play," Kang Xiaoan heard it, and was a little bit dumbfounded, "Where can I go in half a year, two months, two months?"

"I have too much business in Beichong, I can't be too busy," Chen Taizhong replied.

"Your Beichong stall..." Kang Xiaoan slapped his mouth and said helplessly, "You can't be too busy, so what can I do to say directly, mine is a 1.8 million kilowatt power plant."

"I, Bei Chong, also have 180,000 old folks," Chen Taizhong glanced at him...

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